نشر صور تظهر قتل "داعش" لجندي آخر من الجيش
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تناقلت مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي عصر السبت صورا لجندي آخر من الجيش قتل على يد تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية.
وبعد نشر صور ذبح الجندي على عدة صفحات موالية لـ"داعش" على "توتير" معلنين أن اسمه عباس مدلج، قال قيادي في التنظيم الارهابي لوكالة أنباء الأناضول "أعدمنا جندي اخر من الجيش وهو عباس مدلج لمحاولته الهرب".
وعلى حساب يديره أبو عمر اللناني وهو من أنصار "داعش" والذي يضع صورة لزعيم التنظيم أبو بكر البغدادي، نشرت تغريدات تقول "فلتعلم الدولة اللبنانية بان اسود الخلافة قادمون ان شاء الله تعالى بالذبح واننا ماضون على سنة نبينا جئناكم بالذبحاحفاد ابي مصعب الزرقاوي وجنود اميرنا الكرار ابي بكر البغدادي وتلاميذ ابي محمد العدناني يثارون لاخوانهم في لبنان".
و نشرت على صفحته عدة صور مروعة يظهر فيها رجل مقنع بلباس اسود وهو يمسك برأس مقطوعة لشاب فوق جثة مضرجة بدمائها. وفي الخلفية يظهر شخص اخر يحمل راية تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" المتطرف.
واعلن الجيش انه يحقق في صحة الصور التي وزعت. إذ قال مصدر عسكري لبناني طالبا عدم الكشف عن اسمه ان "الجيش تلقى الصور الا انه لم يتحقق منها بعد".
ومنذ عشرة أيام نشر هذا التنظيم الارهابي صورا للرقيب علي السيد الذي أعدمته وشيع في بلدة فنيدق العكارية.
لاحقا، أصدر ما يسمى "بالدولة الاسلامية- ولاي دمشق- منطقة القلمون" بيانا أعلن فيه مقتل الجندي ملدج. وقال البيان على صفحته عبر "تويتر" "بتاريخ اليوم وبطريقة خبيثة حاول الجندي اللبناني عباس مدلج الهرب من سجنه بعد أن حاول اطلاق النار على اخواتنا من جنود الدولة تمكنا والله الحمد من السيطرة على الموقف، وكان مصير هذا الرافضي الذبح".
وبعد شيوع خبر مقتل ملدج، قطعت الطرقات في البقاع والضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت احتجاجا.
و قطع أهالي العسكريين المخطوفين من أبناء عكار الطريق الرئيسية التي تربط حلبا بالكويخات عند مفترق بلدة الخريبة، مطالبين الحكومة "بتسريع الخطى لانهاء هذا الملف الذي تطال معاناته عائلات عسكريين من مختلف المناطق اللبنانية".
ويأتي خبر الاعدام هذا بعد ساعات على خروج الوفد القطري من جرود عرسال التي كان وصلها أمس الجمعة واجتمع بممثلين عن جبهة "النصرة" في القلمون، وسط معلومات أن الوفد تسلم من المجموعات الخاطفة لائحة شروط من بينها الافراج عن 400 سجين من رومية، وفدية قدرها خمسة ملايين دولار مقابل العسكريين المحتجزين.
ولا يزال نحو ثلاثين جنديا وعنصر درك محتجزين لدى "داعش" و "النصرة" بعد اسرهم خلال معارك دامية وقعت في الثاني من آب.

RIP Medlej, and may the terrorists who beheaded you burn in hell forever.

I really cant understand how there are people voting thumbs down for your comment karim

Its pretty simple - they are FSA-Nusra-ISIS sympathizers and begin to salivate when their beloved terrorists inflicting harm on our civilians and soldiers.

Very sad, RIP. The
culure of jihad, blood and death of da3esh and ha doesn't fit with the culture of Lebanon so they want it dead.

what goes around will come around, make no mistake isis black dogs cursed ones, one by one they will punish severily and paraded thru Beirut streets and dirt roads where feral and domestic dogs will have their fill. Lebanon is filled with their Syrian relatives, have these criminals satanic worshipers consider that? we have very sharp knives in Lebanon too. end of isis is started. muslimbrother is isis and isis is muslimbrother, the rebels in syria are just factions of muslimbrother or isis fighting each other for power. American stupid to believe rebel are not isis , blind leading blind when it come to isis.

Since the Lebanese government has 400 of them, every time a Lebanese soldier is killed, 5 or more of the bandits should be hanged.

"this is HA plan all along"
this is more strategically dangerous for Hezbollah than Israel directly is. Hezbollah wouldnt setup a situation in which its suicide is a possibility.

I really think it's time that Hezbollah, SAA, and the LAF finally conduct the long awaited operation in the hills of arsal/qalamoun.

رصاص الابتهاج ببري أدخل انطوني العناية الفائقة!

RIP soldier , you did not deserve to die like this from these cold blooded butchers .

"السفير": ظهور حواجز وملثمين في بلدة اللبوة ومعلومات عن عمليات خطف.
"جرس سكوب": دهم بيوت السوريين في منطقة الليلكي وجوارها وإجبارهم على المغادرة فورا.

That is a Lebanese soldier whom you killed; You filthy Islamic criminals. May you rot in hell!

they are not just savages, now they're dead savages. no more mr. nice guy.
@terrorist: remember this, you asked for it.

@anonyme here's your suggestion: kill them all. that's the only way to stop them from beheading people.

RIP, I add my voice to all those above. Every Lebanese soldier life is worth the lives of thousand IS ass holes. Why is our Middle East littered with crazy guys with manure for brains (that includes all Jihadists)

The Lebanese state has failed its army and its people. It is high time that unconditional WAR is declared on these savage terrorists until they are all eradicated and our soldiers and security forces are safely returned. No negotiation, no compromise. Death to these filthy jihadist terrorists and their sponsors.

Rip if it is true. God bless the army. If in fact the negotiation by Qatar with the terrorists reveals freeing those jailed in roumyeh then I would set fire in the cell and let them burn then clean up for space to welcome the terrorists.

we should behead a dozen terrorists in roumieh for each soldier they behead

Muslim religion is the root of all evil, they spread by the power of sword since history. Currently, Shiite and Sunni are feeding each other the same holy poison. Abolish religion in the land of all religions, or the land of all evil.

The ISF cyber unit should locate you and arrest for making public threats with the intent of causing damage and harm to an institution.

The Lebanese government is weak , shaky and is the most uncoordinated self centered government I have seen . Close the border , issue a statement of return of refugees , and complete all execution sentences on phanatics in prisons . While on the other hand hit with a fist of steel all refugee camps , all illegal workers and make life hell for them

if they think that we are going to be afraid from a bunch of dirty , slipper wearing scum . Think again , and if you have any doubt , come over

Obama is a spineless President- I hope he follows through with his coalition. We have seen threats without action in the past. Had he armed the moderate oppostion in the first place none of this crap would happen.

anonyme they are placing unacceptable conditions so giving them what they want is not an option. and if ever we did, it would only be a signal that capturing and executing lebanese soldiers is a good way to get what you want. if they come out happy from this you and i both know they will immediately start planning for more abductions to score more points. the only way is to make them bitterly regret this, place a price so high that even these psychos will never want to try it again.
my suggestion is going after them, and killing hundreds of their fighters for each of our soldier they kill. unleash hell of them and stop only if they release the soldiers. the only deal that can be made is we show mercy if and only if they release the soldiers. if not, we kill them all. i'd also be inclined to use the same methods as them, including cutting their hands off and/or beheading them. we're facing animals here, and no amount of good will or nice words will do.

shift the terror to their side and wipe the smirks of their apish faces.

You sound as bad as terrorists. Why implicate their families? Some of their families may not even know what is going on. Aspar

ISIS members were only born because their mothers screwed pigs.