مسلحون يخطفون شخصين من عرسال كرد على خطف "داعش" لجندي
Read this story in Englishأقدم مسلحون الاثنين على خطف مواطنين اثنين من عرسال الحدودية، ردا على خطف الجندي علي زيد المصري على يد "داعش" في المعارك التي حصلت في البلدة.
وقالت قناة "الجديد" ان "مسلحين من آل المصري خطفوا عبدالله البريدي وحسين الفليطي من عرسال، ويربطون مصيرهما بمصير الجندي المخطوف علي زيد المصري".
اثر ذلك أوقف الجيش شخصين من آل المصري، لكن سرعان ما تم الافراج عنهما بعد ان تبين ان لا علاقة لهما بعملية الخطف هذه
وقالت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام، أن حسين ومحمد المصري لبنانيان كانا موقوفين لدى الجيش على خلفية خطف شخصين في عرسال.
ومازالت المجموعات الارهابية التي اقتحمت عرسال واشتبكت مع الجيش شهر اب الفائت تحتجز عسكريين ليها، مطالبة بحسب تقارير بلائحة من الشورط على رأسها الافراج عن مساجين في رومية وفدية.
وأقدم تنظيم "داعش" المتطرف منذ ايام على قتل الجنديين علي السيد وعباس مدلج، وسط حالة غضب سادت الشارع اثر شيوع الخبر.
well said blabla and its a true story
with terrorists and especially salafi wahabi and da3ichi ones the only language they understand is the sword , they have it on their flag
amazing a sword near a qoran versus ??!!!!
for every laf soldier killed 100000syrians should be killed and another 100000 sent back to Syria or the gulf countries
religion is like a pair of shoes find one that fits for you but do not make me wear your shoes (George carlin)
I want all the cultures of all lands be blown about my house as freely as possible but I refuse to be blown off my feet by any ( mahatma Ghandi)
so any sect that wants to rule by himself is a terrorist sect
god bless democracy
No Karim it is our fault for allowing masses of refugees into Lebanon; for not arming our army properly; the LAF also has a big responsibility in what happened as if it lacks proper material and training is because millions of USD are being spent on commissions and huge compensation and benefits for the officers.
"Another version says that the release of the Soviet hostages was the result of extensive diplomatic negotiations with the spiritual leader of Hezbollah, Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, who appealed to King Hussein of Jordan, and the leaders of Libya and Iran, to use their influence on the kidnappers.[17]"
You should have copied the full reference paragraph...
FT you have no indication whatsoever that mustqbal forbid the army of intervening; but at some point a decision was taken by politicians and military staff to fight a battle in arsal with all the consequences or to go through negotiation. Fighting a battle in arsal had a great cost to all lebanese: civilian and military human loss when our army is very poorly equipped. Remember the heavy human cost the LAF sustained in Nahr el Bared.
You need to be wiser and stop spreading partisan hate on extremely difficult issues the country is going through. An attitude as yours spreads hate and suspicion among lebanese on baseless grounds. Interrogate mustqabal followers and they would be unanimously with the LAF and against nusra and IS