مخاوف من "عملية" لتهريب ارهابيي "داعش" و "النصرة" من مستشفى الحريري

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بعد تسريب صور عن وجود ارهابيين من تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" المتطرف وجبهة "النصرة" في مستشفى رفيق الحريري ساد قلق من ان تنفذ خلايا تابعة لهم عملية على المستشفى بغية تهريبهم.

وبعد تسرب الصور شدد الجيش اجراءاته الامنية في محيط المستشفى.

وقالت صحيفة "الجمهورية" أن "الطاقم الطبي والممرضات والعاملين في الطابق الموجود فيه الإرهابيون، خضعوا للتحقيق لمعرفة من سرّب الصورة والخبر، و لمعرفة الهدف من هذا العمل ومن يقف وراءه".

واوضحت "الجمهورية" ان الارهابيين هم من الذين قاتلوا الجيش في معارك عرسال، موضحة انهم "في مستشفى رفيق الحريري لتلقي العلاج بغية استجوابهم لاحقاً".

وعبّر مصدر أمني للصحيفة عنيها عن مخاوفه من أن "تنفّذ خلايا تابعة لداعش أي عملية على المستشفى لمحاولة تهريبهم، ما رفع منسوب اليقظة الامنية، وسيتم نقلهم الى مكان آمن بغية إستجوابهم".

وكانت قناة "الجديد" أكدت امس الثلاثاء أن عدد الموجودين في المستشفى وصل الى 6 اشخاص من داعش والنصرة.

ويحارب لبنان هذا التنظيم "الارهابي" بقوة بعد اشتباكات اندلعت في الثاني من آب الفائت بين الجيش ومجموعات متطرفة اقتحمت عرسال وقتلت 19 عسكرياو خطفت مع 35 عنصرا من قوى الأمن والجيش.

ولم يكتف التنظيم المتطرف بذلك بل اعدم الرقيب علي السيد من بلدة فنيدق العكارية، وأعلن السبت عن مقتل الجندي عباس مدلج أيضا.

التعليقات 16
Default-user-icon Orthodox (ضيف) 09:08 ,2014 أيلول 10

This is not a government we have. They want to abide by Baabda declaration and they receive these animals in our hospitals and we the Lebanese people pay for it

Default-user-icon samy (ضيف) 11:07 ,2014 أيلول 10

He is a retard for sure

Default-user-icon samy (ضيف) 11:09 ,2014 أيلول 10

He is a retard for sure

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:38 ,2014 أيلول 10

you know "terrorist" when you call shias "metweleh" you're neither sounding though and brave (you'd need to say it in front of one for that) nor offending anyone (we know you're just an armchair warrior with an inferiority complex).

what you're doing however, is exposing yourself as a sectarian hater, and making anything you say irrelevant and not credible, because you clearly are biased and blinded by sectarian hatred.

Default-user-icon Motherland (ضيف) 11:42 ,2014 أيلول 10

You're all so retarded and it reflects your ignorance when commenting on other articles. The point of the article is NOT that jihadists were "discovered" at the hospital, but the army is treating the wounded jihadists at RHUH. And as such, after the leak, feared that the hospital would be attacked for the RELEASE. Hence the army surrounded the hospital. PLEEEEEEEEEASE guys stop commenting bullcrap evrywhere especially you flamethrower with all respect to your opinions!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 23:59 ,2014 أيلول 10

Loyalty is to the nation and its people above everything else. Hezbollah is a militia. I suspect that if the government order the army to disarm hezbollah, you will be cheering for the Hizb.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:32 ,2014 أيلول 10

HA and the army work together, against your dear dear scumbags who attack both HA, the army, and the people.
so it's quite ironic that you pretend to be assessing whether esquire's loyalty is more towards HA or towards the LAF, while your's is against both.

Missing coolmec 15:05 ,2014 أيلول 10

why are they at the hospital? kill them let them rot in hell
why are we spending scarce resources on these thugs?

Thumb thepatriot 10:31 ,2014 أيلول 11

FT the propagandist... I think no one here is loyal to isis, Daech, Al Nosra, or any other equivalent crap... the only one that supports them is your friend, boss, and ally: Bashar el Assad!

Missing helicopter 15:11 ,2014 أيلول 10

Must Health care become sectarian too ....... Hospitals for Shias, others for Christians, others for Sunnis (WAKE UP PEOPLE).
Regardless of the hospital, it is the responsibility of those running the facility to notify the State when known enemies of the State are being treated there. If true, management change must be in order.
Still HA must be disarmed.

Thumb eli-g 15:51 ,2014 أيلول 10

need them alive for interrogation, information.

Thumb kanaandian 14:12 ,2014 أيلول 11

as well as waterboarding and skin peeling.

Thumb lebpatriot0007 23:03 ,2014 أيلول 10

terrorist = zionist whose behind was whipped by HA

Thumb nickjames 03:29 ,2014 أيلول 11

bigjohn 11 hours ago 28
I do not know why NAHANET tolerates sectarian hate speech? Also, the picture this "terrorist" is showing is used by racist zionists to show the depiction of Prophet Muhammad. I know very few Sunnis and other Muslims read comments, but isn't NAHARNET English published in Lebanon?

So you accuse someone of being sectarian, then you say how few Muslims read comments, not to mention all your Nazi, Darwinist, anti-Semitic propaganda. Before you complain to Naharnet about using sectarian hate speech, just look in the mirror.

Thumb nickjames 03:32 ,2014 أيلول 11

tolerating* sectarian hate speech

Default-user-icon Torri (ضيف) 11:24 ,2014 أيلول 12

Thus, when the HCG diet info was released today,
I once more sharpened my pencil to take notes. But first,
here is a list of a few of the similarities:.
This type of diet is based on the justification that grapefruit
has a fat-burning enzyme or identical property.