عبارات جديدة لـ "داعش" على ملحمة وسيارة في طرابلس

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أقدم مجهولون الاربعاء على كتابة عبارة "الدولة الاسلامية قادمة" على جدار ملحمة وسيارة لصاحبها في مدينة طرابلس وعملوا بعدها على كتسيارة صاحبها.

وقالت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام أن "مجهولين أقدموا على كتابة عبارة "الدولة الاسلامية قادمة" على جدار ملحمة لبنان لصاحبها جمال محمد السعيد (لبناني من اصل سوري).

كما كتبوا العبارات ذاتها بحيب الوكالة على سيارته في شارع غاندي في منطقة الميناء في طرابلس.

وليست المرة الاولى التي تتكرر فيها مثل هذه الامور. إذ كتب مجهولون في وقت سابق على كنسية مار الياس في طرابلس عبارة (جئناكم بالذبح يا عباد الصليب)، أضافة الى انتشار صور على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تظهر صلبانا محروقة في المدنية.

واتي ذلك بعد ان أحرق مجهولون علم تنظيم "داعش" المتطرف في الأشرفية منذ أسابيع ما دفع بوزير العدل أشرف ريفي حينها إلى ملاحقتهم لأنهم أساؤوا لشعارات دينية مكتوبة على العلم.

وينتشر هذا التنظيم في جرود عرسال اثر المعارك التي اندلعت هناك مع الجيش الذي يوقف بين الحين والاخر مسلحين او سوريين يناصرون "داعش".

ويسعى لبنان كما باقي دول المنطقة الى الحد من انتشار هذا التنظيم ومحاربة الارهاب وكافحته.


التعليقات 16
Default-user-icon quad (ضيف) 14:38 ,2014 أيلول 10

michel samaha?

Default-user-icon azarieh (ضيف) 15:36 ,2014 أيلول 10

Another Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade type misdirect by faceless Abou Adass clones being used to take credit for Michel Samaha style crimes, many similarly named brigades were used throughout the seventies and eighties to take the blame away for Syrian regime's terrorist acts in Ashrafieh and elsewhere in the Christian free areas.

Default-user-icon bill.the.bigjohn (ضيف) 16:34 ,2014 أيلول 10

Need I remind all that until 2006 Aoun was called an "Israeli paid commentators" by HA, Qawmis, Maradas, Baathists and bigjohn's fellow collaborators with the Syrian Moukhabarat. And need I remind all that since 1975 all those who opposed the PLO and the Syrian invading army were called "Fascists and Israeli paid commentators" by PLO, Western leftist medias, Communists, Islamic Jihad, Qawmis, Maradas, Baathists and bigjohn's similar collaborators with the PLO and the Syrian Moukhabarat.

Default-user-icon bill.the.bigjohn (ضيف) 23:33 ,2014 أيلول 10

Typical Syrian Moukhabarat speech that the Syrians saved the Christians what a joke. From 1975 to mid 1976 Syrian army covertly and overtly fought side by side with the PLO, leftists and Arab nationalist either directly like in the Bekaa's Al Quaa and Akkar's Kobayat or behind the banner of Al Sa3ika like in Damour. Then in mid 1976 they offered Frangieh a deal that he and most of the Lebanese Front accepted. That's a fact only a Syrian Moukhabarat and agents rejects.
Aoun was Zionist number one in the pro Syrian medias from 1989 till 2005 that's not debatable and supported by the archives Moukhabarat guy.

Default-user-icon bill.the.bigjohn12345 (ضيف) 16:41 ,2014 أيلول 10

good one bigjohn yeah the right wing tools you are a prince among left wing lebanese_jnoubis

Default-user-icon oh boy oh boy oh boy (ضيف) 16:43 ,2014 أيلول 10

i am exited to see what's the next ID bigjohn will be using to say the same thing he's used four so far, can't wait

Default-user-icon oh boy oh boy oh boy (ضيف) 23:02 ,2014 أيلول 10

Yes a "leftist" only yes sure for sure you say so

Missing Ghazanfar 17:34 ,2014 أيلول 10

in hindsight embarrassing comments can be read here


Thumb ex-fpm 17:54 ,2014 أيلول 10

interesting to go back and read some of the comments made by the likes of mowaten and ado, etc. regarding the Free (Shia) Sunni Brigade....

_mowaten_ 03 July 2014, 12:41 92
bless the free sunnis of baalbeck in their rightful vengeance against the christian terrorist crusading mercenaries who sent baby killers to Syria!

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:05 ,2014 أيلول 10

at that time those comments were thought to be serious. and my comment was sarcasm.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:10 ,2014 أيلول 10

(the comments of the "free sunnis of baalbeck" were thought to be serious)

Default-user-icon I laugh in your general direction (ضيف) 00:38 ,2014 أيلول 11

A couple of guys on that page that day understood that this was a hoax and typical regime tactic but were shot down by M8 intellectuals.. get it M8 intellectuals, now that's sarcasm!

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:04 ,2014 أيلول 10

yes bigjohn, he is.

Default-user-icon bill.the.bigjohn (ضيف) 23:15 ,2014 أيلول 10

He's one of yours genius, the defacto guy is one of the many different names of the m8 pyromaniac.


Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 05:00 ,2014 أيلول 11

Harriri was given the green light to enter Lebanon a day after the Arsaal incident, ever wondered why FT? All of a sudden Harirri has become the solution. You never miss a chance to slam the m14 coalition and Harriri. Tell me FT who will you be left with if you succeed in destroying this coalition?

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (ضيف) 05:26 ,2014 أيلول 11

Big john your beloved party was as you say divided into three factions, two were so insignificant that they were not even allowed time on air. The third faction which was controlled by mother Syria was the true face of the SSNP. They were directly responsible for 80% of all car bombs in the Christian areas! they were the tools, the eyes and ears of Bashaar in Lebanon, they are responsible for most of the political assassinations of all Syria's political foes in Lebanon. They were the front used to completely destroy Fatah and Yassir Arafaat, sending the Palastinians into exile after the Israeli occupation of Beirut. and you loyal subject of Mother Syria have the audacity to claim that they fought the Syrians. I'm sure Antion Saady in realisation of what has happened to his party is turning over in his grave.