منطاد تجسسي اسرائيلي قبالة ميس الجبل
Read this story in Englishرفع الجيش الاسرائيلي صباح الجمعة، منطادا تجسسيا مزودا بكاميرات فيديو عدة، قبالة بلدة ميس الجبل.
وافادت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام ان هذا التجسس جاء "في ظل تحليق لطائرة استطلاع دون طيار في اجواء الوزاني - الغجر، وصولا الى مرتفعات شبعا وكفرشوبا المحتلتين".
وكانت قد سمعت فجرا، سلسلة انفجارات مصدرها الطرف الغربي لمزارع شبعا المحتلة.
من جهة اخرى،اكدت قيادة الجيش الجمعة ان "طائرة إستطلاع تابعة للعدو خرقت يوم امس الخميس الأجواء اللبنانية من فوق بلدة الناقورة، ونفذت طيراناً دائرياً فوق مناطق الجنوب، اقليم الخروب، بيروت وضواحيها ، ثم غادرت الأجواء من فوق بلدة كفركلا".
واضافت ان "طائرة مماثلة قد خرقت ايضا الأجواء اللبنانية من فوق بلدة رميش، ونفذت طيراناً دائرياً فوق مختلف المناطق الجنوبية، ثم غادرت الأجواء من فوق بلدة علما الشعب".
وفي 6 اذار الفائت أطلقت القوات الاسرائيلية منطادا يحمل آلات تجسس داخل إسرائيل ووجهته نحو الأراضي اللبنانية.
Terrorist Zionist can never sleep at night without spying on its neighbor. Your paranoia will be the end of you.
Unfortunately, so far their paranoia has been the end of many an innocent civilian in Palestine and Lebanon. Being paranoid is one thing; being paranoid with an F-16 is a whole different ball game...
apartheid states are doomed to live in fear and to disappear eventually
Nelson Mandela
your love of takfiris and israelis perfectly confirms what i think of them and you.
Jamais 2 sans 3 Southern ! Hezbollah is just the same.
Worst part is, they are all acting together and benefiting from each other. One cannot exist or justify its existence without the other !
The only ones with anything to gain from ISIL are Iran/HA/Bashar ... no one else gains anything really. This makes this axis stronger which in turn reinforces Israel and the US.
And you morons are falling for it all !
FT :) This is the nuthouse, you're the nut... my detox was staying away from you :) Problem is you and your fellow terrorist lovers are more toxic than ever.
Still blind, naive and sheep I see. With your perpetual belief in fairytales, you keep on digging this country's grave. What you don't see is that you'll also be buried in it !
You guys didn't seem to have any time-off. Is there any human resource crisis at Hezbollah ? Did they suspend your vacations ?
hahah! your guess is always right! I am parked in a gas station right now reading your comments on my phone. You are hilarious flamethrower!
Thank you for admitting you're toxic, along with all your clones :)
You can go back now to spending your days falling for lies, spreading lies, spreading hate and cautioning violence and terrorism. Instead of picking sides in your binary make belief world, wake up to realise that you're being played and look in the third direction : reality !
Alright, who's the wiseass who went to the border and yelled out "Nfikho!" at the Israelis? Stop giving them ideas, people!
The best way to stop these ISraeli moves is for the UNSC to pass a resolution strictly prohibiting any spying on another country. The US can be pressured not to veto the resolution by the other permanent members.
And before ISIS we had another terrorist regime (the Syrian regime). Lebanon is doomed with neighbors like Israel and Syria and now with insiders like HA and Takfiris.