واشنطن: تصريحات الراعي الأخيرة "متهورة" وزيارته ستكون "راعوية بأكملها"

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استغرب مسؤول أميركي بارز تصريحات البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة الراعي "المتعلقة بالإنتفاضة الشعبية في سوريا وموقفه من سلاح حزب الله"، معربا عن استياءه الشديد، واصفا التصريحات بالـ"غير مبررة والمتهورة"، متوقعا في الوقت عينه أن تكون "زيارة الراعي في أول الشهر المقبل الى الولايات المتحدة راعوية بأكملها"، على ما نقل مراسل الصحيفة في واشنطن.

وقال المسؤول الأميريكي في حواره مع "النهار": تصريحات الراعي تضر بسمعته وبمنصبه"، منتقدا إشارات الراعي الى أن "الانتفاضة السورية ستؤدي الى سيطرة التيار الاسلامي السنّي المتطرف على سوريا".

وعليه، رأى أن "هذه الادعاءات تمثل الدعاية النافرة للنظام السوري"، موضحا أن "أي مراقب للاوضاع السورية يدرك أن المشهد السوري يختلف عن هذه النظرة المبسطة وغير الواقعية".

وأضاف: "إن تصريحات الراعي حول سلاح "حزب الله" وربط تخلي الحزب عن سلاحه بعد حل مشكلة اللاجئين الفلسطينيين هي بمثابة "مباركة" منه لبقاء السلاح في يد الحزب الى أمد مفتوح"، على ما ذكرت الصحيفة.

وشدد المسؤول على ضرورة أن "يدرك الراعي ما يدركه الكثيرون في لبنان وخارجه من أن سلاح حزب الله لا علاقة له بالدفاع عن لبنان، وأنه امتداد للنفوذ الايراني"، معتبرا ودائما حسب الـ"نهار" أن "الطريقة التي تحدث فيها عن السنّة تبين أنه لم يبالِ باغتيال رئيس الوزراء السابق رفيق الحريري".

كما افترض المسؤول أن "تكون زيارة الراعي للولايات المتحدة في أول الشهر المقبل "راعوية بكاملها"، في اشارة ضمنية الى أن المسؤولين الاميركيين قد لا يلتقونه.

وذكرت الصحيفة عينها أنه "من المتوقع أن تشهد بكركي بعد عودة البطريرك لقاءات عدة من أجل فتح باب النقاش حول تداعيات المواقف الباريسية".

وكان الراعي قد أعلن خلال زيارته فرنسا أنه "اذا تغير الحكم في سوريا، وجاء حكم للسنة، فانهم سيتحالفون مع اخوانهم السنة في لبنان، مما سيؤدي الى تأزم الوضع الى أسوأ بين الشيعة والسنة".

وقال :"اذا تأزم الوضع في سوريا أكثر مما هو عليه ووصلنا الى حكم أشد من الحكم الحالي، كحكم الاخوان المسلمين، فان المسيحيين هناك هم الذين سيدفعون الثمن، سواء أكان قتلاً ام تهجيراً وها هي صورة العراق أمام أعيننا".

كما صرح الراعي في موقف لافت له بمقابلة مع قناة "العربية"، أن "سلاح حزب الله مرتبط بشؤون عديدة، وهذا ما قلناه للسلطة في فرنسا، فالكل يقول لماذا يحمل "حزب الله" سلاحاً، وأجبنا أن الأسرة الدولية لم تضغط على إسرائيل للخروج من الأراضي اللبنانية، وطالما هناك أراضٍ لبنانية محتلة فـ"حزب الله" سيستمر في القول إنَّه يريد أن يحمل السلاح دفاعاً عن أرضه، فماذا نقول له حينذاك؟ ليس معك حق؟ .

وأضاف: أيضاً هناك فلسطينيون على الأراضي اللبنانية يملكون سلاحا ويريدون حق العودة، و"حزب الله" يريد أن يساعدهم على العودة إلى أراضيهم ، ويجب أن يضغط المجتمع الدولي على إسرائيل لإعادتهم إلى أراضيهم وعندها نقول لـ"حزب الله" سلم سلاحك فلا حاجة لك به منذ الآن.

التعليقات 38
Default-user-icon reaper (ضيف) 10:56 ,2011 أيلول 11

Pope John Paul II we need you and your fearless, uncompromising stands against the enemies of freedom and democracy.

Default-user-icon Vito (ضيف) 11:26 ,2011 أيلول 11

Once again, Naharmrett quotes An Nahar, the toiletpaper of Fabrikante Marwan Hamade, the embodiment of filth, which quotes a "secretive" US official. Fabrikantes upon fabrikantes upon fabrikantes upon fabrikantes... STOP FOOLING THE IDIOTS THAT FOLLOW YOU. m3alla2in bi 7ibal al hawa

Thumb ado.australia 12:00 ,2011 أيلول 11

What a breath of fresh air, batrakna is... Sometimes the truth may hurt but its still the truth! Sorry mustaqbul movement and their gimps and foreign bosses. The batrak should only be traveling for pastoral visits and he will be preaching to the Lebanese Maronites, those of Ohio state, where the next presidential election might be decided as it was in 2004.

Let's not forget that Cardinal Patriach of Antioch al-Rahi, is also the leader of all Catholics and Maronites in Syria.

Default-user-icon ChristianSyrian (ضيف) 12:18 ,2011 أيلول 11

@Ado: You seem to be an ignorant worm. You speak as if the Batrak belongs only to you and your tribes from zughrta! The Batrak should not make statements that align the church with a criminal regime. Why do the Christians need protection in Syria from a minority regime and fear a majority regime? For your information, we the Christians of Syria existed prior to the Alawi regime of Assad and will continue to exist long after he and his filth are long gone. We don't need sponshorship and protection of anybody. We exist as part of being citizens of Syria. I suggest you shut your big mouth and stop pretending you are defending Christian rights or that you better know what is good for Christians.

Default-user-icon Voyager (ضيف) 12:23 ,2011 أيلول 11

I want to ask the Batrak: After the fall of the Sunni regime of Saddam Hussein and the take over by the Shiites, were the Christian rights in Iraq preserved? The answer is obviously NO. ALl sects were negatively affected in Iraq. To link the future of Moslems or Christians to a specific regime specially a brutal one is a big mistake for a religion whose teachings support the poor and deprived.
I hope this stance does not negatively reflect on the Christians anywhere.

Default-user-icon DeirAlAmar (ضيف) 12:35 ,2011 أيلول 11

I wonder if Iran will now extend an invitation to Al Rahi and whether he will accept it?

Default-user-icon Jack the ripper (ضيف) 13:27 ,2011 أيلول 11

Kiss good bye any Christian survival in Mideast ! He has just killed off any hope! Jabal amel ur chance to wipe out all the Christians in Lebanon for good with ur Iranian friends! Good luck creep!

Thumb shab 14:15 ,2011 أيلول 11

Poor guy, he was threatened and now he fears his life like Jumblat. As I said before,. all clerics sholuld stay ot of politics, specially the fat rat hiding in the hole.
Religion is the reason for Lebanon's sufferings.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:49 ,2011 أيلول 11

monseigneur entered a path he can't continue ,he condemned all the moderate sunnis in one shot, he needs urgently some geopolitic lessons.
N.B. in egypt we were hearing everyday sunni/christians rift, now after the dictator is history, it is only anti zionist rift.....i repeat syria after assad family WILL NOT BE DIVIDED .PERIOD.

Default-user-icon zizo (ضيف) 15:04 ,2011 أيلول 11

what happened to freedom of speech and opinion in the U.S? How sad

Thumb canaanite 15:41 ,2011 أيلول 11

I still hate Michel Aoun more...

Default-user-icon khaleds1@hotmail.com (ضيف) 15:52 ,2011 أيلول 11

This moron should resign

Missing tarator 16:17 ,2011 أيلول 11

Comments such as "This is the freedom of speech and opinion that they believe in" are useless since they say nothing at all. Freedom of speech still means - last time I checked - that one can criticize whomever one wants. So if people want to criticize the speech of P. Rahi, people have the right to do as much, just as he keeps his right to express his opinions freely.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 16:25 ,2011 أيلول 11

thks again rahi for clearing the picture,u make it easy for the majority moderate sunnis.

Default-user-icon CEIZAR (ضيف) 16:30 ,2011 أيلول 11

What about the arms and crime of Israel, is it not in the intrest of USA and Europe, others also have the right and free to hold and use either themselves or others. Dont forget Arms with Shia is an arm to protect the minoreties let that be cristian or jew. Arms of Hizballah is with right people who will resist and defend Lebanon.

Default-user-icon American Lebanese (ضيف) 16:35 ,2011 أيلول 11

Batrak,Moufti,Sheik Should mind there churches Mosque and PRAY that what they do BEST.
Leave politic to the politician

Missing startrip 17:35 ,2011 أيلول 11

Bigdig, please allow me to explain- I can also draw pictures for you.

Freedom of speech means you can say what's on your mind without the fear of the government throwing you in prison, torturing you and all the other fun stuff your heroe Assad does to his people who dare ask for minimal rights. Freedom of speech does not mean if you say something stupid that the rest of us have to like it.

Rahi has the right to say he sides with the Assad regime/Hezbollah and Obama has the right to cancel his meeting. Both are free, and the FOS is alive and well.

Sometimes I see moments of wit in you, but occasionally you lay a brown egg!

Missing bazeleur 18:31 ,2011 أيلول 11

really has "khaleds1@hotmail.com " post really gone un-noticedd.

where are our bretheren bel ouwet wel kataeb!!!!!!!!!

Missing reformist 19:16 ,2011 أيلول 11

LOL so funny to read all your comments guy!
Just because the guy woke up and saw the truth. Rather than judging, just state your viewpoint (if you have any). What he says makes perfect sense! You want to put pressure on hezbollah? Do the same on the other side and don't give them reasons to keep their weapons. Clear, straight forward, makes sense... So take it easy guys!
As for the regime in Syria, you are really stupid if you think the regime will disappear... Watch again the interview of Aoun at LBC. A wise man who represents today more than ever the majority of Christians. Sorry for the losers :)

Default-user-icon Christopher Rushlau (ضيف) 20:02 ,2011 أيلول 11

This internet source says: "Feltman angry over Rai’s comments
One assumes this is Feltman talking to nahar"
My reaction to that is, what should Lebanon or anybody be worried about--when you cannot distinguish US leaked statements from Israeli leaked opinions? If the US is as doctrinaire, party-line, as Israel, then it means the US is also as incompetent as Israel.
Isn't that what meets the eye when you read these remarks from this unnamed official? He doesn't seem to know anything about the region. And why did he want to be unnamed? It all looks very weak. So what are you afraid of?

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 21:12 ,2011 أيلول 11

The truth always hurt, I guess when you say the truth for some is translated the other way, what he said is the core of the problem, if you want to remain in the conflict for another 30 years, well go for it, if not LIsten to Lebanese experts on the middle east conflict.

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 21:22 ,2011 أيلول 11

No one killed Christians more than the Americans in Iraq and Yogoslavia, if the American are edicted to the Arab oil, your are blind to the hidden policy for Americans and the west, it is a replica of political slavery and privilage and Anti-Lebanese policy.

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 21:25 ,2011 أيلول 11

Anti-Lebanese policy is the issue in the region, US and Europe. No matter what you say you always wrong and they are right. Lebanese need to be united enable to face the enemies of their nation. Why would you hide the zionist corrupted policy against Lebanon, air violation, and occupation. I guess the priest is real Lebanese andwhat he is trying is to unite Lebanese against the real threat and reform in the region. US and Europe never liked Lebanee and Lebanon and their blind support to Israel is the problem.

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 21:27 ,2011 أيلول 11

He is a good candidate for the next president and I will vote for him, god bless him, he is my sheik, my priest and my rabai.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 21:52 ,2011 أيلول 11

Aligning yourself with the other hiding rat has hurt your reputation. If this is the way to re-claim the Lassa lands that belong to the church then you have lost legitimacy altogether. Media cannot be blamed because this is what they do for living, teach and spread love and be very outspoken when 2300 are massacred even if they are not loyal to the church because something is wrong with this picture.

Missing reformist 22:44 ,2011 أيلول 11

@slash: take it easy man! No personal feelings... Stick to the facts, who has today the biggest christian representation in leb? Did you watch lbc with marcel lately? Even himself admits it? Yeah yeah I know he is threatened by terrorists' weapons...
Open your eyes guys. Argue with content and facts, leave your feelings for your girlfriend or your mum...
We are talking business and serious stuff here. I am open to any argument as long as it is supported by data...

Default-user-icon Good guy (ضيف) 23:04 ,2011 أيلول 11

Very disappointing statements indeed. Has the Hezbollah threat machine gotten to him as well.

Missing startrip 23:10 ,2011 أيلول 11

You must be joking to remove my response to BD explaining the freedom of speech. How ironic!

Missing reformist 00:08 ,2011 أيلول 12

@Good guy : it's good to be good but it's silly to be naive! You have no real argument so all what you can say is : the threat of weapons got to him!
Man! wake up. I know you can be smarter than that. Just make an effort!

Default-user-icon rafel atassi (ضيف) 05:33 ,2011 أيلول 12

مرة اخرى ، من لا يملك يعطي من لا يستحق.... الى متى؟

حان الوقت الذي يصوم فيه اصحاب العمامات و القلنسوات باختلاف اشكالها و الالوان، عن التدخل فيما حقيقة ليس من امرهم و لا من نطاق اختصاصهم...

صمتك ايها “الراعى الطالح” كان اجدى، لو كنت تسمع او كنت تعقل...

النكبة التي لا ننتظرها، هي تاخر مسيحى الشرق و تقاعسهم عن نداءالحرية بانصاتهم لامثال “الطالح” و انشغالهم بمخاوف و اوهام لا جذور لها الا لاطالة الروح في انظمة ديكتاتورية بعيدة عن كل دين و عن الارباب كلها و عن اسباب رئيسة في تخلفنا.. و كأن مسيحيي الشرق افاقوا صباح ١٦ تشرين الثاني ١٩٧٠ ليجدوا انفسهم فجأة مواطنيين في وطن اسمه سورية....

خوفي بان مسيحيى الشرق اضحوا لاحقيين و تخلوا عن قيادتهم في هذا الشرق، و لربما ايضا عن جزء من مسيحيتهم ،و في نظري ، هذا اقسى و امر من ترك ا

Default-user-icon Nadr Nadr (ضيف) 05:49 ,2011 أيلول 12

Patriarch Al- Rahi is accusing the press and people of being shallow and misquoting him etc. The truth is that Pat. Al-Rahi is himself very shallow in his assessments. People seeking freedom and democracy will triumph over dictatorships and Al-Rahi still have time to retract his positions, else they will be remembered later and he will be sidelined since he stood on the wrong side of history, criminal acts of Assad and torture. Yuck, this sounds bad already. Let's hope that Pat. Al-Rahi will see the light before it is too late.

Missing small.axe 08:23 ,2011 أيلول 12

BigIdiot, obviously you have no concept of what "Freedom of Speech" means.

What do you think happens in Syria and Iran if you speak in public against Assad or Khameni? You are beaten, jailed, and possibly never seen from again. In the US and Europe, you can call the president any name in the book, and you won't spend one day in prison for it. Freedom of Speech doesn't mean you get special treatment or extra privileges for what you say, it means you won't be jailed or punished for voicing your opinion.

Al Rahi is free to speak his mind, and not be punished for it, but if his opinions align him with a murdering dictator, and an Iranian-funded terrorist murdering militia, then don't expect him to have special privileges at the White House.

Can you be any more ignorant?

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 08:56 ,2011 أيلول 12

Blind views regardnig the American Anti-Lebanese people, for years they sit and watch the Syrian regime killing Lebanese Christian nd Musloms they even helped them to invade Baabda. Again telling the truth will hurt many people. I guess AlRahi is a real Lebanese, who want to live in the south on daily bases of Israeli's war plane violation, including their drums of war. Think real and look to the core of the problem, who dumped or deported thousands of Palestinian refugees in the Lebanese land and guess what non of them can go back, even the terrorists or criminals, the govrnment cant deport them back to Israel, while US baby born from Lebanese parents have been deported from US, Christian, Jews or Musloms?

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 11:49 ,2011 أيلول 12

First of all, who is this "senior" US official (US Ambassador's to Lebanon under secretary)?
The murder of hariri is not a sunni isuue. One may criticize the hard line sunnis, al qaida, ikhwan muslimineen etc. that has nothing to do with the murder of hariri and the stl. harir was the PM of lebanon, before being a Muslim, and a sunni.
Al Rai is free to voice his opinion, we call that freedom of speech. We tolerate peoples' opinions and beliefs.

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 12:32 ,2011 أيلول 12

AlRahi is a great Lebanese and he spoke the truth about the core of the problem in the region. Why the Assad must give power to Sunnis if they don't garentees the future of Christians, Shia and all minorities inside Syria. AlRahi concerns about not repeating the same what happened in Iraq and Egypt.
To all of you who think that he is smarter than AlRahi on middle East issues is wrong.

Default-user-icon knight templer AKA xen (ضيف) 14:23 ,2011 أيلول 12

god bless him for he knows what he says more than anyone else

Thumb mrbrain 19:57 ,2011 أيلول 12

You are with "US" or against "US" ...
I like the new unbiased and honest Patriarch

Default-user-icon true (ضيف) 12:39 ,2011 أيلول 13

BROTHERS it is about time for us to tolerate each other. people are always people, they say whatever they want to say, but please let us respect each others point of view...my sole interest is for us to rise to our human dignity and respect and cut the crap we throw at each other in our speeches xxxx