خمسة قتلى بحادث سير على اوتوستراد الجية
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خمسة قتلى بحادث سير مروّع على اوتوستراد الجية
ادى حادث مروري، بعد ظهر الاحد على المسلك الشرقي لأوتوستراد الجية الى سقوط خمسة قتلى، بينهم ثلاثة من عائلة واحدة.
وأفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" ان الحادث هو نتيجة اصطدام بين سيارة رباعية الدفع من نوع "كيا" لوحتها ديبلوماسية يقودها شخص فرنسي الجنسية، ومعه 3 أشخاص آخرين، وسيارة من نوع "بي أم"، فيها 4 أشخاص من آل فواز من بلدة جويا- قضاء صور، وعاملة أجنبية.
وأدى الحادث إلى مقتل 3 أشخاص من عائلة واحدة، وفرنسي وعاملة أجنبية، إضافة إلى جرح 4 أشخاص.
والقتلى، وفق الوكالة هم ديما ونور فواز والطفل محمد فواز، وسائق ال"كيا" وعاملة أجنبية.
ولفت الصليب الاحمر اللبناني الى ان سبعة فرق من الاسعاف والطوارئ لديه عملت على نقل الضحايا.

For once we are in agreement. The most effective way to prevent such fatal crashes is for us Lebanese to change our collective mind sets and let go of the من بعد حماري ما ينبت حشيش paradigm to one that respects life and safety and practices patience and tolerance.

Agree, but it is not because of the absence of separation lines. Separation lines exist on most of our highways and they are ignored by 90% of the drivers. Most drivers ride over the separation line so they are free to swerve left or right in an instant so they can get home faster where they then drink their coffee and take a nap.
What is absent is lack of respect for laws, just like our politicians have lack of respect for the constitution. Our politicians can never be prosecuted and neither our drivers. We lack Civic Mindedness, love for others, and respect for rule and law.

Agreed 100%.
Perhaps solid concrete separators such as deployed on the road up to the Damascus highway. Even there, many important sections were left out, alas, completing a project fully is something we have yet to master ;-)

BTW, when I inquired as to why the job was not completed, the answer was "we ran out of the Kuwaiti funds"! Care to guess where the rest of the funds were squandered?

I also agree with southern but I assume he meant absence instead of obscene......

you did not turn this sectarian?!!! what's going on?!?! why are you getting along??!?! il 3ma.

2 summers ago I was driving in downtown Beirut, I stopped @ a red light only to enrage the car behind me who went ballistic on me blowing his horn and then he got out of his car and walked towards mine yelling @ me telling me to move it, this is the kinda mentality we have in Lebanon, no respect for our laws, but once we leave Lebanon we respect the host country's laws, go figure, but either way may the victims RIP.

Maybe for the same reason I was voted down 5 times for saying drivers do not respect separation lines and drive wherever they choose (straddling two lanes).
Those that do not like my political views will vote me down even on non-political posts.

i know all the people from the kia car, can you anyone please please please contact me on my twitter @camilo_medina89, i need news or pictures about my family please, thank you all

you get the names of the lebanese family, what about the other car???
the driver AUFRERE ALAIN my father, and a great teacher at the Lycee Verdun of Beyrouth,he dies, my mother AUFRERE PILAR seated behind him, seriously injured,as you can see on the picture... and two friends JEAN PIERRE director of the same Lycee Verdun and his wife MURIELLE both also injured.
Shame on you, the fawas mother driving fast and readig at some message on her phone just kill her babes and my father. Shame on you reporters...