أهالي عسكريي عرسال هددوا بتصعيد تحركاتهم و"اقفال كل لبنان"
Read this story in Englishهدد اهالي العسكريين المخطوفين في بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية مع سوريا بتصعيد تحركاتهم من أجل التحرك الجدّي للافراج عن ذويهم قائلين "توقعوا منا كل شيء".
في اعتصام نفذه الاهالي في بلدة القلمون الشمالية، عصر الاحد، قطعوا خلاله جزءا من اوتوستراد القلمون، حذّر الاهالي من اللجوء الى التصعيد وقطع الطرق في عدد من المناطق وقطع اوتوستراد الشمال من اجل حل الملف والافراج عن العسكريين.
وهاجم الاهالي النواب، مطالبينهم بالوقوف الى جانبهم ومشاركتهم في الاعتصامات، والسعي بشكل "جدي" ليعود اليهم ابنائهم.
وقالوا: "نريد خروج أبنائنا الى الحرية واذا كانت من عقبات أمام التفاوض فليعلن ذلك الى الملء".
وخلال معركة عرسال بين الجيش اللبناني وجماعة "داعش" وتنظيم "جبهة النصرة" الارهابيين مطلع آب الفائت، أسر عناصر من الجيش ومن قوى الامن الداخلي.
وقام داعش بقطع رأس اثنين من الجيش، في حين قامت النصرة بقتل عنصر بالرصاص، وسط مناشدات ومطالبات العسكريين لأهاليهم بالتحرك للافراج عنهم، في حين ان المعلومات الصحافية تفيد بمطالبة الخاطفين بالافراج عن سجناء في رومية لإطلاق سراح العسكريين.
Our hearts go out to the families. Indeed as the saying goes يلّي عّم يأكل العصي مش متل يلّي عّم يعدّها.
Threatening to shut down parts, or all of the country, is not the answer however.
you are right, of course shutting down the country is not the answer but somehow, i hardly think that was the real intent of the families of the soliders. Perhaps one or two of the relatives might have said something of that sort out of frustration and it seems naharnet spin masters turn that into a news story with a dramatic headline instead of telling us about what the families are going through after so many weeks with no solution to the abductions.
Thank you, we are on the same page there.
Unfortunately, I do not believe that either ISIS or Al-Nusra will live up to any agreement and will keep changing their demands. Those entities have no honor.
If the army has the armament and capabilities to take these thugs out, maybe even with the help of US air power, then I'm all for it even at the expense of risking the lives of our courageous LAF soldiers. Would you agree?
If ozzy cityboy lived in lebanon or followed lebanese media other than almanar or otv he wouldn't posting nonsense nor dismiss the families' blame of hezballah they are all over the news channels doing this in person.
sounds like da3esh threatened the families into saying this. we know they have intermediaries they use to transfer messages.
the most likely explanation is that these statements were communicated to them and with orders to repeat them "or else..."
They accused Hizbullah of obstructing the negotiations while holding talks with al-Nusra to free its own captive fighters.
HA is indeed obstructing the negotiations while it negotiates with Nusra and ISIL for its own hostages. HA wants the LAF to go into an unknown battle with ISIL thus making its HA war in Syria legitimate and authorized. HA is a cancerous tumor.
Southern, why are the families of the shia soldiers not joining the peaceful sit-in in downtown beirut? Or they prefer to kidnap sunni civilians from Arsal?
I think most of us can appreciate the jest of your first questions and it's legitimacy @_Southern_.'s response notwithstanding.
What was the point of your second question other than it's blatant sectarian insinuation, even though the abductions you allude to did take place?
calling things as they are is sectarian? Keep burying your head in the sand. You acknowledge these abductions did take place and were based on sectarian reasons. So what is your point? Nothing
My point is, had the shoe been on the other foot, I would expect no difference. Contrary to what you may think, my head is anything but buried in the sand. Berate HA as much as you want and so will I, but comments such as that serve no useful purpose.
The country is on the verge of exploding into a sectarian war, while Hizbullah is playing footsie with ISIS. They pay lip service to supporting the army, then backstab the same people who are protecting their flank. Filthy Iranians!
Southern, glad you stated " .... the families are right ....)
Here is what the families said:
They accused Hizbullah of obstructing the negotiations while holding talks with al-Nusra to free its own captive fighters.
HA can butt out of Syria, butt out of dictating to the Government if and how to negotiate the freeing of the soldiers, or HA can offer to exchange the soldiers for its own fighters. After all this would give a sure sign that they care about the country and about the soldiers.