جعجع لنصرالله: الا يعتبر التدخل في سوريا ومقاطعة جلسات انتخاب رئيس خطرا على لبنان

Read this story in English W460

علق رئيس حزب الوقات اللبنانية سمير جعجع على الخطاب الذي القاه الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله امس الثلاثاء، سائلا اياه ما اذا كان التدخل في سوريا يشكل خطرا على لبنان برأيه كما الحال مع التحالف الدولي، وداعيا الى مشاركة نوابه في جلسات انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية ان كان "يريد فعلا دولة قوية".

وتوجه جعجع الأربعء بمجموعة من الاسئلة الى نصر الله، وقال "سيّد حسن، لو كانت إيران عضواً مشاركاً في التحالف الدولي لضرب الإرهاب، وكلّنا نعرف أنّها كانت ترغبُ في ذلك ( لو قبِلت أميركا التساهلَ معها في الملف النووي)، فهل كُنتَ استمرّيتَ بموقفِك " المبدئي" الرافض للتحالف الدولي؟

وسأل جعجع "طبعا سيّد حسن، أميركا تبحث عن مصالحِها. ولكن إذا جرى تقاطعُ مصالحَ في مكانٍ ما بيننا وبين أميركا، هل نرفُضُه؟

وأضاف جعجع "إذا قام المسلّحون بهجوم جديد على الجيش في جرود عرسال، ألا يجدرُ بالحكومةِ اللبنانية طلبَ المساعدة عبر الجوِّ من التحالفِ الدولي؟ وسأل "ألا يُحسَب خيانةً وتواطؤاً عدمُ طلبِ المساعدة؟"

وتعليقا على ما لفت اليه نصر الله من ان "هناك مخاطرَ على لبنانَ إذا دخل هذا التحالف"، سأل جعجع "ألا يشكّل التدخّل في سوريا خطرا على لبنان أيضاً؟

وتابع "سيّد حسن، لو كنتَ فعلاً تريدُ بناءَ دولةٍ قوية، ألم يكن الأجدى بك أنْ تدعوَ نوّابَكَ للتوجّهِ الى المجلسِ النيابيِّ وانتخابِ رئيسٍ لتكونَ هذه الدولةُ فعلاً قويّة؟"

وكان نصر الله أعلن في خطابه عن رفضه للتحالف الدولي بقيادة اميركا سواء ضد "داعش" أو ضد النظام السوري، معتبرا ان الولايات المتحدة غير مؤهلة أخلاقيا لقيادة حرب على الارهاب.

وقال""موقفنا مبدئي لا يتغير من ساحة الى اخرى ولا نوافق ان يكون لبنان جزء من تحالف تقوده أميركا"، مؤكدا أن ان "ليس من مصلحة لبنان ان يكون جزء من هذا التحالف".

وأمس الثلاثاء، وجهت واشنطن ضربات عسكرية لجهاديي تنظيم "داعش" في سوريا، بمشاركة خمس دول في المنطقة وهي الاردن والبحرين وقطر والسعودية والامارات العربية المتحدة.

كما توجه رئيس حزب القوات الى رئيس تكتل التغيير والاصلاح متسائلا : "قل لنا ماذا تنتظر يا جنرال؟ لماذا تستمرُّ في مقاطعتِك لانتخابات رئاسة الجمهورية؟ ماذا تنتظرُ للإفراج عن موقع الرئاسة؟

ودعا جعجع عون الى "اعطاءه سببا واحدا مقنعا" لمقاطعته الاستحقاق الرئاسي، قائلا " لبنان يغرق أكثر فأكثر في الفوضى واللامبالاة والمقاطعة واللامسؤولية والعتمة".

و امس الثلاثاء تم ارجاء الجلسة الـ13 لانتخاب رئيس الى 9 تشرين الأول وذلك لفقدان النصاب كما في كل الجلسات السابقة، فيما لا تزال البلاد في حالة شغور رئاسي منذ 25 أيار.


التعليقات 64
Thumb EagleDawn 16:32 ,2014 أيلول 24

Dr. Geagea: you are talking to a man who has no shame or principles. It is useless! He is opposed to the anti ISIS coalition because it did not seek the Syrian government's approval while he sends his militia to Syria without seeking Lebanon's government/people approval. I know many have questioned his double standards but one has to keep emphasizing the hypocrisy of this man. Have this man put his money where his mouth is by first handing over his illegal weapons to the LAF if he so much cares about the LAF and its image. Pure filth

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:20 ,2014 أيلول 24

rethorical questions by djadja, who's struggling to remain as irrelevant and detached from reality as possible.

if you want to play this game then tell us if you would support bombing Saudi to rid it of terrorists? After all, that's where the main funding and support to terrorism come from.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:32 ,2014 أيلول 24

“We know that Iran wanted to be part of the coalition, but complications in the negotiations over its nuclear program hindered it,” he added after holding talks with National Liberal Party leader Dory Shamoun.

Oh yea djadja! right on spot daktor as always!! except.. uuh.. that's BS.. damn! he almost felt like he had an idea of what's going on and all..

"PARIS - Diplomats from around the world sought a global strategy to fight Islamic State of Iraq and Syria extremists Monday, while Iran ruled out working with any international coalition and rejected American requests for cooperation against the militants."


Thumb _mowaten_ 18:37 ,2014 أيلول 24

source or buzz off. tired of discussing with your imagination.

Thumb nickjames 18:50 ,2014 أيلول 24

Mowaten, in this article you refer to, it says:
"Neither Iran nor Syria, which together share most of Iraq's borders, was invited to the international conference in Paris. The gathering opened as a pair of French reconnaissance jets took off over Iraqi skies."

They were not invited from the start. Iran claims they were privately invited, which is propaganda. Why would the US want to work privately with Iran? "U.S. officials opposed France's attempt to invite Iran, a Shiite nation, to the conference in Paris."

These quotes are from your article.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:57 ,2014 أيلول 24

yes, and?

not being invited to the conference in paris does not mean they were not asked to cooperate privately.

and more importantly, it does not mean "Iran wanted to be part of the coalition" as the doctor on crack claimed.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:05 ,2014 أيلول 24

(^above comment was for nickjames)

as for you anonyme: LOL exactly what i expected from you.

your first article is dated June 14th 2014, which is month before anyone even started talking about this coalition. IRRELEVANT to the topic at hand.

your second, which i had already read, has NO SOURCES :) the whole article is based on "sources in Tehran say".
always fascinating to see how you fall for propaganda that claims to quote anonymous sources, who luckily "just happen to know what" Khamenei would have secretly told Soleimani. how convenient, heh? :)

Thumb nickjames 19:06 ,2014 أيلول 24

Mowaten, if you really believe Iran was privately invited you're just blinded by your Hezbo bias. What's the point of being invited "privately"? Explain. Why can't they just cooperate publicly? Aren't the nuclear talks public? People are hearing all about it. So why do they have to cooperate privately about ISIS? The answer is they don't. Iran is trying to look tough by saying it never wanted to be part of the coalition, when really they did, and they're so pissed that they make up this story about declining private invites.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:18 ,2014 أيلول 24

nickjames you're diverting the conversation from the point. the point is, nothing (besides sourceless BBC propaganda) indicates that iran wanted to be part of it.
the only official declarations clearly REJECT being part of it.

what you and djadja are doing is attributing an alleged intention to them, and then criticizing them for it. can you see how this is detached from reality? it's a monologue where you answer want you pretend they said.

now that this is clear, two more points:
first, i didnt say they were invited privately, i said it's not impossible. (="not being invited to the conference in paris does not mean they were not asked to cooperate privately")

and second, they did ask iran's help in afghanistan, and they did so privately to not publicly lose face. it took years for them to admit it.

Thumb nickjames 19:31 ,2014 أيلول 24

Their cooperation in Afghanistan has nothing to do with what's going on today. Iran did not recognise the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan, that is why they cooperated with the US, not to mention the Taliban are a radical Wahabi organisation who could attack Iran. Today, Iran is defending Assad, while the US is defending the opposition. They're supporting opposing sides. The US doesn't need Iran's cooperation because they got enough from the Arabs (or are they pretending?)

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:42 ,2014 أيلول 24

Posted links to Iran's offer to join coalition couple days ago, here are some more links - again - just to refute the shrills spreading disinformation on this site:




Thumb lebnanfirst 20:35 ,2014 أيلول 24

One more link for good measure:


Thumb _mowaten_ 10:24 ,2014 أيلول 25

lebnanfirst: your 4 articles are all repetitions of one same claim made by reuters. as with anonyme's propaganda, it's all based on "anonymous sources".

isn't it amazing how much you can get "anonymous sources" to say?

Thumb nickjames 18:23 ,2014 أيلول 25

Just a question, who controlled the airport that Karami flew out of? Who placed the bomb in his helicopter? Even if Geagea is Karami's murderer... Hezbollah killed Hariri, another prime minister (only he wasn't PM at the time because he quit), they killed Wissam Eid, a police investigator, Wissam al-Hassan, the intelligence chief who arrested Samaha. Then your idol blackmails Hariri by saying he can provide him "political security" if he becomes president. In other words, he knows who's behind the killings of M14 leaders and can just tell them to stop. He's an accomplice to murder

Thumb ex-fpm 16:38 ,2014 أيلول 24

خرج الواعظ من عزلته الاراديّة- الجبريّة، ليتلو علينا المواعظ حول الحرص على هيبة الجيش وكرامته. وهل يعقل أن يصدّق بعض اللبنانيين هذه الغيرة على المؤسسة العسكريّة؟ إنّ من يغار على المؤسسة العسكريّة لا يقوّض قراراتها الاستراتيجيّة في الحرب والسّلم، ولا يفرض عليها مواجهات عجز هو نفسه عن القيام بها. بأقلّ تعديل من يغار على المؤسسة العسكريّة يسلّمها كلّ عناصر قوّته العسكريّة والسياسيّة.

عسكريًّا، فليسلّمها ترسانته التي يدّعي بامتلاكها، من صواريخ وطائرات استطلاع وغيرها من الأسلحة الخفيفة والمتوسطة المدى، فيستطيع الجيش عندها بسط سيادته، وتطبيق كلّ قوانين الدولة اللبنانية على كامل أراضيها.

سياسيّا، فليفرج عن كلّ الملفات العالقة من المجلس النيابي، الى التعطيل الحكومي، ولا سيّما انتخابات رئاسة الجمهوريّة، فتستعيد الدولة اللبنانيّة كلّ قوّتها، وتنصرف إلى تأمين شؤون المواطنين.

Default-user-icon Sebouh80 (ضيف) 16:53 ,2014 أيلول 24

Greetings to all the viewers.

I kindly urge all the viewers at this site who have great respects towards Dr. Geagea to read this enlightening piece of article that further clarifies everything one needs to know about ISIS. It comes under the title " “Going After” the Islamic State. Guess Who is Behind the Caliphate Project? by Michel Chossudovsky at Globalresearch.ca. Kind reagrds to all. www.globalresearch.ca/going-after-the-islamic-state/5401439

Thumb galaxy 17:49 ,2014 أيلول 24

nice article written by a russian hungry professor in mental illness.

Default-user-icon Sebouh80 (ضيف) 08:09 ,2014 أيلول 25

Sir for your information the professor is Canadian not Russian, so please correct your information.

Thumb thepatriot 23:14 ,2014 أيلول 24

Hahaha... like our friend mowaten... fan of chudovsky's conspiracy theories... hahahaha.. his web site is a parody! You cannot b serious!

Default-user-icon Sebouh80 (ضيف) 09:16 ,2014 أيلول 25

Thank you Sir,

For next time I will make sure to get my sources from the mainstream Saudi or American funded news articles that will probably earn me some credibility coming from this site.

Thumb thepatriot 12:14 ,2014 أيلول 25

Sebouh... are you Raëlian?

Thumb thepatriot 12:28 ,2014 أيلول 25

@ Sebouh Chossudovsky made it on the top 10 list of Canada's nuttiest professors..

"As overseer of the anti-U.S., anti-globalization website GlobalResearch.ca (see: www.globalresearch.ca), Chossudovsky has manufactured a long list of eyebrow-raising accusations that often read more like wild-eyed conspiracy theories than serious political discourse: the U.S. had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks ("Of course they knew!"); "Washington's New World Order weapons have the ability to trigger climate change"; the U.S. knew in advance about the December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, but kept it to themselves (apparently so they could ride to the rescue of devastated coastal regions); big banking orchestrates the collapse of national economies. Of course, all that talk of banking conspiracies can lead one into some bigoted territory. B'nai Brith Canada complained to the University of Ottawa about anti-Semitic postings on Chossudovsky's site."

Thumb thepatriot 12:28 ,2014 أيلول 25


Thumb ice-man 16:54 ,2014 أيلول 24

Hakim... Hakim... Hakim
Bil Rou7 Bil Damm
Nafdika Ya Hakim
Ya Habib Al Malayeen
Enta W'Basssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Thumb ice-man 16:56 ,2014 أيلول 24

@VascoDaGama: How are you today my Christhian Portuguethe Friend? How is Lithbon today?

Thumb galaxy 17:10 ,2014 أيلول 24

you are the only troll i see

Missing imagine_1979 16:58 ,2014 أيلول 24

There is no syrian army portugal, there is a pro assad millicia, but in portiugal u are too far away to see that, u should invest in some satelite reciever with other chanels than manar/orv/sana....
And don't forget ur chupachupd man..

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:21 ,2014 أيلول 24

hahahaha seems like the sugar from all these lollipops are cluttering your brain cells.

Missing coolmec 02:11 ,2014 أيلول 25

imagine 1979
I think tric portugal should invest in a class called English 101 he needs it badly and I think will do him good

Missing imagine_1979 17:02 ,2014 أيلول 24

Well portugal come to the levant and live with us, or just shut the f.... off about christian of the levant, u keep christian of the levant this and christian of the levant that and u support a shiite millicia engaged in a war in the name of ali/hussein and co. and dragging us into this stone age war...
So enjoy ur stay in portugal, pray for assad as much as u want, but please stop giving us lessons from there

Thumb lebpatriot0007 17:06 ,2014 أيلول 24

Childish arguments by child killer

Thumb lebpatriot0007 17:41 ,2014 أيلول 24

Lol @ RFT flea aka iceman and 40 other fake screen names including the one above. I am sure you're also a cross dresser and a gimp for jihadi cannibals.

Thumb lebnanfirst 20:22 ,2014 أيلول 24

Enlighten us, won't you? If not the constitution the what "law above the law" are you referring to? Example(s) will be welcome, nay mandatory.
We'll accept examples from Australia, no problem.
Unless you are referring to the "law of the jungle", in which case debating you is futile as civilized nations have long since repudiated that as a model for their societies.

Missing .karim-. 17:23 ,2014 أيلول 24

The poodle of Saudi Arabia has spoken once again. Woof woof!

Thumb galaxy 17:37 ,2014 أيلول 24

yes he would have mowaten

Default-user-icon the_roar from dahiyeh (ضيف) 17:39 ,2014 أيلول 24

I love ya work man

Thumb iamymasterscard 18:06 ,2014 أيلول 24

Geagea to Nasrallah: Would You Have Opposed U.S. Strikes against IS Had Iran Been Part of Coalition?

I know Geagea's question is ment to be rhetorical but here's the answer anyway


Thumb saturn 18:10 ,2014 أيلول 24

There is no such thing as IS so why are we even talking about it?

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 18:11 ,2014 أيلول 24

if really the west needs to help Lebanon against da3ech all they need to do is : give the best and most advanced weapons to our LAF and our heroes will take care of the rest
ma heik hakim

Thumb nickjames 18:43 ,2014 أيلول 24

“This is not our business. All peoples in the region have the right to question America's motives,” he added.
-Nasrallah, if it isn't your business, why are you questioning America's motives?

He asked Nasrallah: “Would you have maintained your initial rejection of the international coalition against the IS had Iran been part of it?”
-That's a rhetorical question.

“We see no legitimate excuse to maintain the boycott as Lebanon drowns deeper and deeper in chaos, negligence, irresponsibility, and darkness,” Geagea added.
-Lol it's time to accept that Aoun would rather see this country drown than someone else being elected president.

Thumb nickjames 19:02 ,2014 أيلول 24

So where are Aoun's initiatives to resolve the deadlock? Why won't he propose other candidates? If he really cared about this country he would propose another candidate, instead of blaming Sleiman and Miqati for the Arsal clashes.

Thumb nickjames 22:42 ,2014 أيلول 24

Lol that wasn't even the point Flamer. What I meant that Aoun is wasting his time blaming other politicians instead of offering solutions to the presidential deadlock.

Thumb nickjames 18:59 ,2014 أيلول 24

Roar your argument is so lame, it's the same broken record repeating itself. You get so carried away with this "Geagea is a murderer" slogan that it just clouds your memory of all the other warlords. Berri killed Shi3a and he's been the Speaker since 1992. Hezbollah and Amal, both Shi3a fought each other. Almost every faction had their turn slaughtering Palestinians. Aoun killed Christians (LF are Christian, are they not?), he went after them because they agreed to Ta'ef and blacked out his broadcasts. At the end of the war all of the Christians were against Aoun, that includes Geagea, Lahoud (remember that traitor, and he became our president?), Hobeiqa and Franjieh.

Thumb nickjames 19:19 ,2014 أيلول 24

I forgot Aoun also attacked them because of the ports. Roar, do you know that Aoun was being funded by Saddam? Wasn't he a murderer? Didn't he use chemical weapons against Iran? Didn't he slaughter thousands of Kurds and Shi3a? And this guy helped Aoun, that is until he invaded Kuwait

Thumb Mystic 19:20 ,2014 أيلول 24

“We know that the U.S. is seeking its interests, but what if Lebanon and the U.S. have common interests? Would you still oppose the strikes?” Geagea wondered.

Ofcourse your own personal interests, now reflects the rest of Lebanese society?

Thumb Mystic 19:52 ,2014 أيلول 24

America the mother of ISIS, whom seeks to hit her own child. Why should we take part in that matter? Not to mention the Arab dictatorships that joined the coalition. Think again Canadianmoron

Thumb Mystic 20:06 ,2014 أيلول 24

Wet dreams texi, you seem to get alot of them lately.

Missing imagine_1979 20:17 ,2014 أيلول 24

So when assad released lokmann and the other 500 retarded in 2011 (lokmann now isis leadder in damscus area) he was helping the US.... Interesting mystic... Can u elaborate? After having a chupachups of course....

Default-user-icon Mystic@fulldisclosure.bill.the butcher (ضيف) 20:18 ,2014 أيلول 24

yeah he still has those, Lol.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:47 ,2014 أيلول 24

And the answer is... Drum roll please
There is always another option for enlightened individuals.

Thumb nickjames 19:49 ,2014 أيلول 24

Roar, you're so immature when you argue with people. You just think the world revolves around Aoun and his allies, and people who have opposing views are stupid. Michel Aoun is a demented 80-year-old crook who stole money from the treasury (he even admitted having $15 million in a bank account in France, but it was for "defending his country"), he left all his fighters to die while he holed up in the French embassy for 11 months, then went to live a luxurious lifestyle with the millions he stole. You brag about Geagea being a convict, yet you don't even think had Aoun not been a pansy and left, he would have been convicted for embezzlement? He would have been in the same cell as Geagea. But that's right, he's a pansy and fled, then joined the enemy when he came back because "Hariri didn't offer enough seats"

Thumb nickjames 19:50 ,2014 أيلول 24

Truth is even if Aoun was happy with his seats in M14, Hezbollah would force him to leave them (remember what they did to Jumblatt?). Aoun used Hezbollah to avoid hostilities. He got his seats while he turned a blind eye on Hezbollah. Did you ever realise that after the 7 Ayyar clashes, pretty boy Bassil became the telecoms minister?

Thumb nickjames 19:55 ,2014 أيلول 24

Michel Aoun's agenda since Day One was to become president. That's all he cares about. He doesn't care who he allies with, as long as he gets the most seats in Parliament for boycotting purposes. First he says he's not a candidate, but he won't discuss another candidate; he proposed a "limited constitutional amendment" then on TV he denies proposing one because it'd be a coup against Ta'ef thus he is incapable of proposing amendment even though the current system is futile, but he's a reformist. He spews out a bunch of self-contradictory nonsense just to avoid saying the simple phrase "I want to be handed over the presidency."

Thumb nickjames 20:00 ,2014 أيلول 24

If this man was a politician in America and contradicted himself in the same sentence, he would lose all the support. But it's Lebanon, and people follow leaders blindly, or they follow him because he was a general in the army and don't acknowledge that it was 25 years ago and he's no longer a general.

Thumb nickjames 22:40 ,2014 أيلول 24

Lol you forgot when he also made a Marine hold an umbrella for him too. He's an idiot

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 21:01 ,2014 أيلول 24

our army is one of the best all it needs are sophisticated weapons and whoever interfered in not armying our boys is a traitor and a terrorist

Default-user-icon Aoun (ضيف) 22:35 ,2014 أيلول 24

In your face :

"Michel Aoun's agenda since Day One was to become president. That's all he cares about. He doesn't care who he allies with, as long as he gets the most seats in Parliament for boycotting purposes. First he says he's not a candidate, but he won't discuss another candidate; he proposed a "limited constitutional amendment" then on TV he denies proposing one because it'd be a coup against Ta'ef thus he is incapable of proposing amendment even though the current system is futile, but he's a reformist. He spews out a bunch of self-contradictory nonsense just to avoid saying the simple phrase "I want to be handed over the presidency." " written by Nickjames

Thumb nickjames 22:55 ,2014 أيلول 24

Flamer, first of all I've never said that Aoun was "anti-Sunni." Second, the point about Saddam was that you guys go calling Geagea a murderer, while Aoun was taking arms from a mass murderer.

This part is irrelevant, but since you brought it up I'll add to it: even though Saddam received weapons from America, in 1990 he was their enemy because he invaded Kuwait. Because Syria helped the US in the Gulf War, the US protected their interests in Lebanon i.e to kick out Aoun.

So America armed Iraq, Iraq then armed Aoun, then Iraq invaded Kuwait and cut off funding to Aoun, Syria joined the US coalition against Iraq, then the US let Syria remove Aoun. They let Syria remove Aoun because they made Israel stand down, otherwise Syrian jets would have been shot down by the IAF.

Thumb nickjames 23:45 ,2014 أيلول 24

Mutiny wasn't even the main thing. It was embezzlement. It's well-known he took $15 million from the treasury, he even admitted it. He claimed it was for defending his country, when in reality he was preparing for exile

Default-user-icon limaza (ضيف) 05:42 ,2014 أيلول 25

I am waiting for the moment to hear something more serious , then this useless conversation, demagogue. The truth is, the only reason why Lebanon should oppose the strike, is because of the consequences that it might bring with it. Example is the Turkey, the key ally of US and the company, but because of the same consequences and internal politics at least on paper decided to keep distance from the strike. Second, if you all have noticed, the same countries that have been building the capability of IS , decided to have the lunch full of IS flavour.
Which brings the second answer, there is agenda behind strike and whole IS state. Neo-conservative agenda of the west has IS to play the important role in re-structure of the east. Middle East unfortunately is fighting with its own "mirror".

Thumb Elemental 06:49 ,2014 أيلول 25

Roar really needs to get his NPD in check.

Thumb Elemental 06:51 ,2014 أيلول 25

Grow up.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 15:54 ,2014 أيلول 25

FT- Yes he was exiled but being exiled is a decision you make on your own INSTEAD of standing your ground and fighting. Unless the french arrested him and took him at gunpoint to France and put him under house arrest there for the length of his stay, he OPTED for exile over CONTINUING to fight. Exiled is nothing more than an excuse and a poor one, since none of his soldiers that were still on the battlefield fighting for their country got the same privilege of being exiled to France and living in a mansion. They got to be slaughtered and or taken to Syrian jails, never to be heard from again. Oh and let's not forget to be stabbed in the back by the same "exiled" BUM!

Default-user-icon are you 4 real? (ضيف) 17:21 ,2014 أيلول 25

Safra? Geagea was not even involved in any way whatsoever that was a purely bashir gemayel and fouad abiu nader planed and executed operation. Some of the people involved in the slaughter are now high ranking members of Aoun's iner circle within the FPM, PR and MA are the initials of just two of them I think you can guess who they are.