بالفيديو: النصرة تنشر "من سيدفع الثمن 2" بعنوان " لبنان الهيبة المزعومة"

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نشرت "جبهة النصرة" فيديو جديد "من سيدفع الثمن 2 ،تحت عنوان " لبنان.. الهيبة المزعومة"، يتهم الحكومة اللبنانية "بتمييع المفاوضات بل وعرقلتها متذرعين بما يسمى "هيبة الدولة" .

ويبدأ الفيديو بالتكلم عن "معاناة اهل السنة في لبنان وسوريا نتيجة سياسة ممنهجة لاخفائهم وتهميشهم في السجون"، مؤكدين ان "حزب ايران هو رأس حربة هذا المشروع".

ويتهم "حزب ايران" بانه "يقاتل اهل السنة في الداخل السوري وينفذ خطط استهداف النازحين السوريين في لبنان والاعتداء عليهم ويفشل كل مساعي التفاوض لاطلاق الجنود المخطوفين".

وأظهر الفيديو، مشاهد من عمليات تبادل كانت قد أجريت بين من وصفهم بـ"المجاهدين" وعدد من الدول في الآونة الأخيرة، بينها التبادل بين حركة طالبان والولايات الأميركية المتحدة، وعملية تبادل راهبات معلولا، في اشارة الى أن "حكومات أكبر من لبنان استجابت لمطالب "المجاهدين" والتي كانت تتمثل باخراج المحتجزين في سجونهم أو فك أسر آخرين، مقابل الافراج عن ضباطهم وجنودهم الأسرى لديهم".

كما اظهر الفيديو "بعض المواقف المتناقضة لحزب ايران تجاه التفاوض ومقايضة الاسرى"، ومشاهد تظهر "الجيش اللبناني يعتدي على النازحين السوريين".

هذا وقد ظهر في الفيديو العسكري على البزال يناشد أهالي العسكريين المخطوفين "بقطع كافة الطرقات وتحديداً طريق ضهر البيدر ولا يتراجعوا الا بعد تلقي اتصال منه يبشرهم بعودته، للضغط على الدولة اللبنانية، التي بحسب قوله رفضت التفاوض ولجأت الى الحسم العسكري، مطالبا ايضا بالدخول على مجلس النواب وتكسيره".

واعلن عن تهديد من "جبهة النصرة" بأن "اي خطوة عسكرية يقوم بها الجيش اللبناني، لن يسلم أي من العسكريين لديها"، مؤكداً أن "الجبهة لن تمس أي عسكري طالما يواصل أهالي العسكريين تصعيدهم"، وقال:" نفذوا ما تطلبه الجبهة لكي نعود لاهالينا".

وناشد البزال اللبنانيين بعدم التعرض للاجئين السوريين، أو المواطنين السوريين، "والا سيدفع العسكريون المحتجزون لدى جبهة النصرة الثمن".

وكانت "جبهة النصرة" قد نشرت اول الشهر الحالي فيديو بعنوان: "من سيدفع الثمن"؟ مدته 27 دقيقة، يظهر فيه 9 من عسكريي الجيش وقوى الأمن المخطوفين يرفضون دفع ثمن تدخل "حزب الله" في سوريا، فضلا عن تحذير "النصرة" أهل السنة في لبنان من دفع ثمن تورطهم بحرب في صف الجيش اللبناني ضد مقاتليهم".

التعليقات 34
Thumb _mowaten_ 14:32 ,2014 أيلول 27

hahahah you're so funny!

Thumb ex-fpm 15:00 ,2014 أيلول 27

HA is insisting it swaps the Nusra fighters it has allegedly captured with the soldiers. Nusra is refusing to engage HA in this matter and wants to deal with the lebanese government. Anyway, this is what I have been reading on news media.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:07 ,2014 أيلول 27

what was that terrorist? more whining!!? hahahaha

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:11 ,2014 أيلول 27

hahahaha!!!!! you're so fascinating and hilarious!!! i wish we could meet so i could marry you!

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:13 ,2014 أيلول 27

hope your neck is less sensitive than terrorist's, would be a shame to snap it on our first honeymoon night

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:22 ,2014 أيلول 27

btw, why are they whining and blaming hezbollah for the failure of talks? since they said they were halting the negotiations?

Thumb geha 15:28 ,2014 أيلول 27

all that hizbushaitan and assad want is quite simple: force the battle on Lebanon so that we loose our army.
All they care about is to disrupt our country completely.
otherwise, why did they open a corridor into Lebanon instead of to the East?

Thumb smarty 16:00 ,2014 أيلول 27

A very clever question. It does make sense. so what should the Lebanese Armed Forces do?

Thumb Chupachups 15:33 ,2014 أيلول 27

EVERYONE just shut the Hell up...and suck on a chupachup.

Thumb Chupachups 15:39 ,2014 أيلول 27

I've pretty much stopped reading all your comments because you keep accusing each other like idiots.

Thumb ado.australia 18:20 ,2014 أيلول 27


Thumb _mowaten_ 16:00 ,2014 أيلول 27

i'm so heartbroken. the sectarian scumbag wont date me!

Thumb smarty 16:03 ,2014 أيلول 27

There's a Morse code on the recording, the red dot blinks in a weird fashion.

Thumb smarty 16:04 ,2014 أيلول 27

*when the hostage speaks.

Thumb thefool 16:17 ,2014 أيلول 27

You're so out of touch with reality. Not even worth trying.

Thumb joebustani 16:18 ,2014 أيلول 27

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain, suffering, death, and enormous destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its supporters wherever they may be.

Thumb ado.australia 18:21 ,2014 أيلول 27


Default-user-icon ultra.ado.australia (ضيف) 20:17 ,2014 أيلول 27

well said ado

Missing humble 16:21 ,2014 أيلول 27

We don't need Da3ech to create The division between the Lebanese. Thanks to HA and its illegal weapons...we are already divided. Today the MOFA of Bahrein labelled HA as the Da3ech of Lebanon....the USA and Europe have already labelled them as terrorist....their soecialty: terrorize Lebanese people and destroy institutions to create their own state (guess which one?).
Christians should leave Aoun. He is helping them solely for his personal interest.

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:24 ,2014 أيلول 27

Hezbullah refuses to rescue the hostages until it gets some appreciation.

Thumb ado.australia 18:26 ,2014 أيلول 27

Poor Al Nusra and ISIS... they only want the best for their Lebanese captives. They are being forced to invade lebanon and behead lebanese! You idiots that support these people are a sad excuse for life! Your freedom to speak and write crap on the net would result in your beheading or crucifixion if the groups your defending, had their way!

Thumb joebustani 18:27 ,2014 أيلول 27

shia terrorist filth

Default-user-icon shia-leabanese-iranian (ضيف) 21:33 ,2014 أيلول 27

are the sunnis in Iraq members of ISIL, is that why your terrorist Maliki, HA, and Iran been massacring them for the last 18 years? Answer the question loser

Missing greatpierro 19:43 ,2014 أيلول 27

Can we trust Nosra for what they say. Can we not expect that they want to create strive among lebanese. I am not pro Hizbollah but do not trust extremist especially when they abduct our soldiers.

Missing helicopter 20:14 ,2014 أيلول 27

1) I do not consider myself an M14, rather a free thinking Lebanese.
But since you consider me an M14, I will answer your Question.
Nusra's words are not gold, if anything they are rotten meat. Same with any Qaeda affiliated group.
As far as what those guys said about HA being the greatest threat to Lebanon, I disagree. Below I list what I consider the threats to Lebanon are (*in order from greatest to lowest).
I think the greatest threat to Lebanon is the fragmentation of the Lebanese along sectarian lines and the crookedness of our politicians. The second greatest threat is any Takfiri minded militant (Nusra, ISIS, Qaeda, and the likes).

Missing helicopter 20:14 ,2014 أيلول 27

2) The third is all foreign armed groups in Lebanon (in temrs of numbers I start with Palestinians inside and outside the camps, then armed Syrians, etc.). The 4th threat is HA (in its armed and political wings), mostly armed wing. 5th is Syria's Baath (Assads specifically), and lastly Israel who will remain an enemy until Palestinians are allowed to go back wherever they and the PLO agree to.

Default-user-icon illiterate-Southern (ضيف) 20:16 ,2014 أيلول 27

very low standard southern, very

Default-user-icon the_roar from dahiyeh (ضيف) 20:18 ,2014 أيلول 27

love ya work bro

Thumb EagleDawn 22:28 ,2014 أيلول 27

another fake account acting all righteous.

Default-user-icon Ty Lemons (ضيف) 00:11 ,2014 أيلول 28

The Arabs (Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis, ISIS, Nusra, Hizbullah, etc.) have fallen victim once again to plots of their Western oppressors--the US (former slave master of Afrikan Muslims) and the EU (former colonial masters that slaughtered and plundered Arab lands). The US and Europe have slaughtered your fathers to build their capitalist democratic empires from looting Arab, African and Asian colonies. Now they return. They want to place their claws around your resources & markets, especially Syria. The West is the Devil. Rasulullah (saw) stated: The cuisine: Arab blood. You are familiar with hadiths predicting harj, fitna, Arab Muslims insulting eachother? The US & Europe (the Devil) has trapped you into doing the worse form of evil: Muslim-on-Muslim bloodshed. You keep looking for the Devil & Yajuj & Majuj while everytime US Congressmen visit Lebanon he brings plans for Arab blood. They want all Arabs back to colonial statuses.

Default-user-icon Ty Lemons (ضيف) 00:19 ,2014 أيلول 28

Brothers donot fall for the tircks of the Americans (former slave-makers of Afrikan Muslims) and the EU (former colonial masters who murdered, plundered and robbed your grandfathers to build Europe up economically). The US fincanced the Syrian rebellion. The US is not a democracy and Arab nations are fooled. The US dumped 10-20 million Afrikan Muslim and Christian slaves into the Atlantic Ocean trying to build this so-called democracy. Stop killing eachother for these DEVILS (Americans and the EU. Salaam

Default-user-icon Ty Lemons (ضيف) 00:30 ,2014 أيلول 28

Brothers. Donot let the American and EU devils trick you into Muslim-on-Muslim killing. When the US Congressmen come to your region they come to shed blood and divide. They dont care about how many Arabs dying--they want Assad, Hizbullah, Iran and all Arabs killing eachother. Beware of these devils. The US (guilty of dumping 10-15 million Afrikan slave into the Atlantic Ocean) and the EU (guilty of plundering, slaughtering and robbing Asians, Arabs and Afrikans in colonial times) are tricking you all.

Thumb thepatriot 11:11 ,2014 أيلول 29

Enough with your stupid comments leb american! Being against Hezb does not mean one is for islamists! Enough with those binary simple minds on this forum! All those against Hezb here, also are against those isil/daech crazies!

Thumb thepatriot 11:13 ,2014 أيلول 29

Enough you too moe7! No christian supports those crazies! Stop this cheap propaganda!