"تحذير" استخباراتي غربي من عمليات "داعشية" في الشمال

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وجهت أجهزة استخباراتية غربية تحذيراً الى لبنان، مفاده ان جماعات ارهابية تستعد لتنفيذ عمليات امنية وهجمات مسلحة في طرابلس والشمال واستهداف الجيش اللبناني.

فقد نقلت صحيفة "الاخبار"، الخميس عن مصادر ديبلوماسية اوروبية ان اجهزة استخباراتية غربية حصلت على معلومات تقول ان هناك مجموعات مرتبطة بتنظيم "داعش" في طرابلس تستعد لتنفيذ عمليات أمنية في الشمال.

وأوضحت ان الامر يقوم على استعداد هذه الجماعات لتنفيذ هجمات مسلحة مع احتمال محاولتها الاستيلاء على مناطق حدودية.

كذلك، نقلت "الاخبار" عن مصادر امنية لبنانية تأكيدها ورود هذه المعلومات الا انها قللت من احتمال صحة ما ذكر عن توجه المسلحين إلى الاستيلاء على مناطق محددة.

وكشفت المصادر ان المعطيات بشأن نشاط المجموعات المسلّحة التي تضم عناصر لبنانية وسورية تشير إلى وجود مخطط لمهاجمة ثكن للجيش اللبناني.

يُذكر انه برزت في الآونة الاخيرة كتابات في طرابلس وعلى جدران الكنائس ضد المسيحيين وكتابات مؤيدة للتنظيم الارهابي "داعش".

ووفق المعلومات الصحافية، فإن مجموعة بارزة يقودها الشاب اسامة منصور في باب التبانة اتهمت انها بايعت تنظيم "داعش" وجبهة "النصرة"، الا أن المجموعة نفت ذلك بحسب تقرير صحفي.



التعليقات 13
Thumb Elemental 08:59 ,2014 تشرين الأول 02

All jihadists must be destroyed.

Missing cedars 14:18 ,2014 تشرين الأول 02

Put hizbollah in charge of the borders since their arms will always be pointed at Israel, and they do not agree with westerners destroying Isis positions.

Thumb thefool 23:13 ,2014 تشرين الأول 02

American Jet Fighters absolutely need to bomb ISIS on the Syrian border to support our Lebanese National Army against these bunch of well trained mercenaries!

God bless our troups!

Thumb kanaandian 01:51 ,2014 تشرين الأول 03

i wonder who the nahr-terrorist on here gave you a thumbs down.
agreed, all jihadists must be destroyed- as well as their mothers.

Default-user-icon ZZZzz rahbani (ضيف) 11:26 ,2014 تشرين الأول 02

Lemme guess, it's an alakhbar scoop.. yup there it is a scoop as solid as a scoop of ice cream in the on a hot day in July. ? Who coulda guessed alakhbar being western intelligence's favorite go to secret repots whisperer lol lol lollipops

Default-user-icon 007 (ضيف) 12:01 ,2014 تشرين الأول 02

Back in 2012 the same news organization reported about western intelligence warnings that alqa3ida was ploting terrorist attacks in the north, turns out their alqa3ida terrorists was michel samaha and their western intelligence source was syrian mukhabarat.

Default-user-icon obsever (ضيف) 16:56 ,2014 تشرين الأول 02

also al akhbar, hezballah and m8 medias and leaders tried to blame the same terrorists who bombed dahieh for the bombings of the two tripoli mosques turns out it was bashar assad's mukhabarat again trying to create shiite-sunni strife.

Thumb beiruti 15:52 ,2014 تشرين الأول 02

First al-Akhbar is a Hezbollah mouthpiece and so it spouts the Hezbollah propaganda of the day.
Hezbollah's agenda is, in light of its reduced numbers in Lebanon as fighters are out in the region fighting Iran's wars, to build alliances with Lebanese outside of the Shia community. They can't go Sunni, so they are going to Jumblatt and they now are scaring the Christians so that the Christians will jump to take Hezbollah arms and become a militant ally to Hezbollah, thus adding to the militia's strategic depth in Lebanon.

Thumb beiruti 15:55 ,2014 تشرين الأول 02

This has bad consequences for Lebanon because while it is easy to arm people, it is difficult to demobilize. Hezbollah may be seeking allies against the Dae3g in Syria today, but its long range plan is to dominate the Sunni in Lebanon with an armed Christian ally. This takes Lebanon backwards to the 1970-80's of sectarian civil wars. It is the abyss.

Hezbollah has as much strategic long term planning as Netanyahu. Both sacrifice the future for the present and are thus burning their bridges to the future.

Thumb beiruti 15:57 ,2014 تشرين الأول 02

Yes there is Dae3g in Tripoli, Akaar and in Arsal. But to get from Arsal to Akaar to Tripoli, there are many impediments, even among the Sunni of Akkaar. The threat is not real, it is manufactured to serve this other agenda that Hezbollah has for its own short term security, but which agenda harms the nation.

Thumb justin 16:10 ,2014 تشرين الأول 02

The Free Sunni Brigade of HA was and is part of the plan

Default-user-icon 'Nuff said! (ضيف) 17:54 ,2014 تشرين الأول 02

Michel Samaha

Thumb beiruti 16:52 ,2014 تشرين الأول 02

FT, you are one the best at disinformation, you know. You must have taught the editors at al Akhbar how to do it. Did I say that there were impediments to Tripoli going up I. Sectarian flames? Of course not. We all know about the problems between the Alawi and Sunni in Tripoli. The impediment is in making a logistical linking of territory from Arsal to Akkar and then to Tripoli where ISIS is seeking an outlet to the sea. But we all know that ISIS's opportunity for that breakthrough existed 6 weeks ago, but the window of opportunity has since closed. You know that too, FT, but still the need to dissiminate for the sake of defending your blessed ally, Hezbollah and Nasrallah (PBUM)