8 قتلى لحزب الله في معركة جرد بريتال و"النصرة" تبث شريطا يظهر اقتحام مركزه "ثأرا للاجئين في عرسال"
Read this story in Englishتبين أن حزب الله صدّ الأحد هجوما من جبهة "النصرة" على عشرة مراكز له ولم يخسر إلا موقع "عين ساعة" في جرد بريتال لأكثر من ساعة وتمكن في المقابل من إفشال الهجوم على مراكز أخرى وخسر ثمانية أرواح، في حين تقول جبهة "النصرة" أنها هاجمت نقطة له وقتلت أحد عشر عنصرا.
وبثت الجبهة شريطا بعد ظهر الإثنين يظهر صورا لاقتحام مقاتليها مركز الحزب في ما أسمته "غزوة الثأر لإخواننا اللاجئين الذين أحرقت خيمهم في عرسال".
وتقصد الجبهة بذلك إحتراق مخيمات اللاجئين في عرسال منذ أسبوعين خلال مداهمات للجيش أوقف فيها العديد من المطلوبين. وفيما اتهم الجيش أحد المسلحين بافتعال الحريق عند هربه من المخيم، تصر "النصرة" وناشطون سوريون على أنه هو الفاعل.
وتبدو في الشريط شاحنات عسكرية محملة باشخاص تم تمويههم حتى لا يتم التعرف عليهم، ثم صور لرجال باللباس العسكري مدججين بالذخيرة يسيرون في طريق ترابي اسفل تلة، وتمت التقاط صورهم من الخلف.
ثم شوهد المسلحون يسيرون صعودا بين صخور وتلال، في ما اسماه تعليق في اسفل الشريط "تسلل الاخوة المجاهدين مستعينين بالله الى نقطة الحزب الايراني"، الى حين وصولهم الى خيمة تحيط بها براميل ومتاريس، وبدا بداخلها سرير وفناجين قهوة بلاستيكية وكتاب "زاد المريدين" الديني.
وسط صيحات المسلحين وهتافات "الله أكبر"، يتجولون في ما قالوا أنه مركز الحزب الذي تظهر فيه دشم من الرمل مزنرة بالبراميل، ومياه للشرب بجانب فرشة للنوم.
ولم تهدأ أصوات الرصاص خلال هذه الجولة في إشارة إلى استمرار المعارك. كما تظهر بعض الجثث يدعون أنها لمقاتلي الحزب.
كذلك احترق معدات وخيم في المركز كما يصور الشريط المذكور إلى جانب جثث مضرجة بالدماء.
وفي نهاية الشريط، يظهر المسلحون وهم ينقلون اسلحة الى شاحنة صغيرة، ويقول التعليق "المجاهدون يجمعون ما رزقهم الله من غنائم".
وذكرت النصرة ان بين "الغنائم" قاعدة صواريخ اميركية الصنع من نوع "تاو" وعشرات الصواريخ وعدد من الرشاشات وكمية كبيرة من الذخائر.
وينتهي الشريط بتصوير بلدة بريتال والقول أن "المجاهدين أصبحوا على مشارفها".
في المقابل بثت قناة "المنار" تقريرا مساء الإثنين من موقع عين ساعة قائلة أن الهجوم عليه "يعود لموقعه الإستراتيجي كونه يشرف على مساحات واسعة من البقاع".
وأجرت القناة في خطوة نادرة مقابلة مع مقاتل في الموقع، وقال "منطقة عين ساعة فيها كر وفرّ ودائما ما يأتون إلى هنا ويحصل القتال ونحن لهم بالمرصاد".
وجال مراسل القناة في منطقة الإشتباكات حيث كان "بعض الشاش المعقم الذي تركه المسلحون نتيجة كثرة الإصابات في صفوفهم (..) وتبينت آثار الدماء وأغراضهم على امتداد مسافة 100 متر".
ولم يخف المراسل أنه "ارتقى للمقاومة عدد من الشهداء والجرحى".
بالعودة إلى تفاصيل المعركة كشفت قناة الـ"LBCI" بعد ظهر الإثنين أن ما حصل هو "هجوم شامل دام لمدة خمس ساعات تقريبا شّن على 10 مراكز لحزب الله في الجرود من عين ساعة إلى يونين".
وكانت الإشتباكات "على محورين الأول بريتال - حام والثاني يونين - نحلة".
ونقلت القناة عن مصادر حزب الله تأكيدها أن "الهجوم لم ينجح والنقاط على طول الطريق هي تحت سيطرته".
استعملت في المعركة مختلف أنواع الأسلحة "حيث قام الحزب برمي كل النقاط بالمدفعية". وكشفت القناة أن "التلال تحتاج للوصول إليها بنقاط وعرة والمعركة كانت عنيفة جدا وإيصال التعزيزات من بريتال إلى حام اتخذت أكثر من ساعة لاستعادة مركز عين ساعة واستكمال المعركة على محاور أخرى".
وأراد المسلحون "أن يفتحوا ممرا بين جرود عرسال والزبداني التي ما زال فيها هناك مجموعات مسلحة".
هذا ونقل مراسل القناة الذي كان واقفا في مركز "عين ساعة" عن "شباب حزب الله" أن "القناصين (النصرة) ينشطون بقوة من تلة إلى تلة وأي هدف متحرك كان تحت مرماهم".
إلى ذلك نعت مواقع مقربة من الحزب ثمانية "شهداء ارتقوا أثناء قيامهم بواجبهم المقدس" في جرود بريتال وهم: حمزة عاقصة، محمد عبدو رباح، محمد قاسم القلموني، فؤاد مرتضى، ماهر زعيتر، احمد حسين صالح، نزار طرّاف، عمار عساف.
وبالفعل شيع "حزب الله" عند الخامسة والنصف عصر الإثنين، في بعلبك، طراف ومرتضى اللذين قضيا الأحد.
وقبيل انطلاق موكب التشييع من حسينية الإمام الخميني إلى مدافن الشهداء، ألقى وزير الصناعة الدكتور حسين الحاج حسن كلمة قال فيها: "دماؤنا اليوم قد وفرت على لبنان الكثير من الدماء بفعل الإرهابيين، ودماء شهدائنا التي زرعت في الأرض حمت وتحمي لبنان من خطر التكفيريين، والغد سيكون مشرقا بدماء الشهداء الذين نقدمهم قرابين اليوم".
كذلك شيعت بلدات أخرى مقاتلين آخرين إلا أن عمار عساف لم يشيع بعد.
وفيما لم يعرف تماما عدد قتلى المسلحين قال مصدر عسكري رفيع لـ"MTV" أنه "سقط عشرة عناصر لحزب الله في الهجوم". ونقلت القناة عينها عن مصادر حزب الله قولها انه "سقط 16 إرهابيا من النصرة وداعش تم سحب 8 جثث منها".
يذكر أن قناة "المنار" أقرت مساء الأحد أن "المجاهدين (مجاهدو الحزب) كبدوا المسلحين عشرات القتلى والجرحى في عين ساعة وتمكنوا من دحرهم إلى خارج حدود السلسلة الشرقية".
وفي 20 أيلول الفائت فجر انتحاري يقود دراجة نارية نفسه قرب حاجز لحزب الله في بلدة الخريبة البقاعية. وفيما قالت معلومات أنه اسفر عن مقتل 3 عناصر من الحزب، لم تقر أي جهة رسمية أو من الحزب بسقوط قتلى.
وحصلت خلال الاشهر الاخيرة مواجهات عدة محدودة في جرود منطقة بريتال-بعلبك بين حزب الله ومجموعات من المعارضة المسلحة في الجانب السوري. ويتواجد الحزب في نقاط عسكرية عدة في مناطق جردية على الحدود يصعب الوصول اليها.
أما على طول السلسلة ولناحية جرود عرسال تحصل أيضا اشتباكات بين الجيشين اللبناني والسوري وبين هؤلاء المسلحين.

HA positions destroyed in brital

it looks like Nusra in the video had all the time in the world to even take a nap, wake up, collect HA abandoned weapons, and leave.

"Martyrs have ascended while doing their sacred line of duty in the outskirts of Brital.”
Poignant, Moving, and Timeless
but Sad.... very Sad....

come on terrorist.... we might not agree with HA. they might have strayed and brought havoc to Lebanon. But we cannot be happy for their deaths.

bless anyone person, entity, brigade, organization or country that inflicts pain, suffering, death, and destruction upon the sectarian terrorist iranian militia and its supporters wherever they maybe.

The answer to your question is a simple No. The Islamic Republic of Iran only entrusts the resistance to safeguard the lebanese borders and nobody else. Lebanon is an extension of the the Islamic Republic and its security is a matter of national security for Iran.

gabby. Don't agree. We should never rejoice for the death of people we dont agree with.

Lebanon first
Again I fully agree with you and I think those criticizing or wishing more dead are so narrow minded and cannot see the situation clearly. Time will show but in the mean time may these brave Lebanese who died repulsing Is and Nusra's attacks, rest in peace and my sincere condolences to their families and friends

mr. coolmec watch the following link of the burial ceremony of hezbollah terrorists and listen to what they chant, see what pictures they are raising, see if you can find a lebanese flag then come back and tell me they are lebanese and they are defending us.

Geagea's media Naharnet, continues to hide the death toll of the takfiris.

Indeed, if Naharnet is too corrupt to give the number, then I will.
Atleast 74 Takfiris got massacred overnight. Most of them were Nusra though

and you sectarians call the terrorists who blew up the U.S Marines compound "Mujahideen".

We call them heroes, because the target was not full of Civilians, but full of CIA agents. Try harder texi

An invading army such as US military, are and will always be legitimate targets. Aslong as civilians are not targeted, you forgot to mention the TWA Flight 847 incident, there was around 140 passengars onboard, and all of the civilians were freed, only 1 American Navy Seal soldier got executed.

Hizbullah is also an invading 'army' (invading Syria). I agree with you Mystic, that makes them a legitimate target.

You forget, that the Iranian embassy attack wasen't successful, it hit civilians walking outside instead.
If you read about the American embassy incident, you will find out that i am right about them being CIA.
If Hezb really wanted to kill random civilians, they could've done it already.
But no, they are not like your beloved takfiris, it is against their faith to kill innocents.

They were invited in, by the Syrian government & it's people. So i do not see your point?

Naharnet said several dozens (your number is 7 dozens + 4).
The more the merrier on both sides, as long as they leave the LAF and the true Lebanese alone.

HA were invited by the syrian government and its people you say? lol. What government and what people. You mean the people, the same people that HA is now killing in Syria.. so your hezb respects the wishes of the syrian people and accepts their invitation but it does not accept the will of the lebanese people by seeking their approval before venturing into syria? Great logic indeed. And who is HA to accept invitations to go fight in other countries? Is it an independent State from the Lebanese state? What if HA gets invited tomorrow to go fight in Colombia, will it also go? Pathetic bunch of sectarians

As long as these extremists are exterminating each other, then they are doing us a favor: today is a good day as we got rid from both of those terrorists.

sadly this reminds me of the self made videos of when the islamic resistance in south lebanon used to attack the positions of the sla in the1990s, same jihadi slogans same ideology similar results

I hope that Ibrahim Al Amine and Talal Salman don't level the same rabid criticism of unpreparedness and incompetence on the leaders of the hezb that they leveled on the lebanese army comand after the battle of Arsal.

veritas1, your so called facts doesn't add up. The Argentian President, stood up a few days ago, and said to world that the Lebanese Resistance, wasen't part in the Argentina plot, and actually America was behind the terrorism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyShGogzIn4 her own words.

Mystic, you lied. nowhere in that speech does the president of argentine say what you claimed she said.

in the video you can see the nusra gunmen voluntarily leaving after packing the weapons they gained from hezbollah including american made tow missiles.

hezbollah were also beaten back and retreated from عسال الورد بسوريا towards brital.

galaxy, have you been diagnosed with learning disability? It sounds like it. It seems you're a war hero who knows exactly what happened because you were there to confirm it all.

anyone who Condon the filth terrorists acts is a terrorist himself
anyone that is happy that the integrity of our land is attacked is a traitor
god bless anyone who defends the 10452 against what the us , UN , and KSA and turkey wich brand these filth as terrorists

watch the following link of the burial ceremony of hezbollah terrorists and listen to what they chant, see what pictures they are raising, see if you can find a lebanese flag then come back and tell me they are lebanese and they are defending us.

I did not even hear them say the word LEBANON in this video! It was all about some weird religious vengeance. It might as well have been a funeral in iran.

your argument is you have no argument. You simply are sneaking in your hidden agenda by first claiming you don't support hizballah and then wants us to thank this terror party for bringing nusra and isil to lebanon.

lubnani.masi7i Did you see me thank Hizbullah? Claiming I don't support them! Look I'm not even gonna bother answer you because you've already made your mind up. The problem with people like you is that you have a need and an urge to label others as this or that. I don't even live in Lebanon and do you know why? Because I can't live among narrow minded people like you who hold on to their sects above anything else and are brainwashed by all these shitty politicians and "political parties" we have.

lubnani.masihi; this so called "loubnani" used to post under screen name "endless". A HA supporter who pretends he is neutral and cares about lebanon. Don't bother he is full of himself and labels everybody but refuses to be labeled.

eagledawn, who is endless and why would I do that?
I pretend to be neutral? Whatever man. I don't really think I need to reply to your ridiculous comment. I have never labeled anyone including you so I'm not sure why you would come up with such an accusation.

First of all do not ever call them my hezbos again. Honestly don't. They are not my hezbos nor do I share anything with their ideology. The Lebanese army is all I believe in but it is being degraded by our political elite. I hope they get the support that they need and I have all my faith in them and no one else.
You make it sound like I believe any propaganda. Please spare me your elitist and patronising remark. I do not make assumptions about you so don't make any about me.
I am concerned about the situation in Lebanon because of this crazy sectarian feud between Sunnis and Shias that will ultimately destroy us from within. If you're not concerned then good for you.

Sure norma.jean I'm a Houthi. Are you happy now? What a stupid comment
As for you terrorist you're not worth it

anonymetexasusa thank you I really appreciate it and apology accepted.
Many things bother me about what's happening in Lebanon but what worries me the most is that I see no solution to the problem that would spare the country a war. How can you reconcile all the differences and dissolve the hatred that exists between the various communities. We are split and the last time we were the country was ravaged by war for 20 years.
Mustaqbal are the only major moderate Sunni party but like all parties in Lebanon they are not perfect and have just like the rest of them made some mistakes. They should be strengthened against the extremist ideologies that are sprouting across the country.
I hope to God we get spared more heartache and death.

"HA anticipated the actions of these terrorists and that's why they went into Syria."
go sell your merchandise on manar. Also, HA anticipated Israel's reaction in 2006. "Had I known" you're such a retard I would have not replied to your comment.

anonymetexasusa If that happens and Hizbullah gives all its weapons to the LAF that would be an ideal and amazing scenario. I honestly wish that would happen but I'm not sure it will. We can always hope though.

when HA went to Syria ISIL did not even exist. Did HA also anticipate that ISIL will be formed.... lol just lol. Any excuse and monday morning quarterbacking to justify your terrorist organization's actions.

this is reaching Beirut ya (da3ech nousra,....) takfiries

Watch the video ... down down down ..
Best news ever, Hizbola, Liberated his positions without any problem. His success is due to people's support. This show the healthy environment of the Liberation and Honer that they bring us. Great Personalities of honest people working hard to raise of "Ya ALi, Ya Husain, Ya Zainab Ya Cherokee Ya Infiniti .. Depending on the Year 16000-25000 Pay and they will keed the (your) keysinside .. Valet parking near Husaineiat Brital. Ya 7aydar.

Your Blood on your brother is Haram.

Tex, you missed another reason prior to protecting the "shrines"...... #3 was to protect Lebanese living in Syria villages just over the border

These battles are not between warring nations, they are between groups of Islamic extremists. Neither side is fighting for countries, but for sectarian agendas and extremist ideologies. Where is the army? Aren't these lands Lebanese territory? The army should deploy along the borders, along with UNIFIL or some other international force, and stop fighters from entering or leaving Lebanon. What's going on is a disgrace.

rip to the fallen hezbollah soldiers.
good riddance to the islamic terrorists

"they conducted a terrorist attack against our US troops in Saudi Arabia"
note: "our US tropps".. our? thanks for confirming you're not lebanese. now i understand why you're here all day peddling anti-HA propaganda. hope you're well paid.