نديم الجميل بذكرى بشير: موقف الراعي وسليمان من السلاح يشجع البقية على حمله
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رأى عضو كتلة "الكتائب اللبنانية" النائب نديم الجميل أن أنه عندما يسمح "فخامة الرئيس (ميشال سليمان) وغبطة البطريرك (بشارة الراعي) لفئة بحمل السلاح فعندما يشرعان للغير وخصوصا المسيحيين بحمل السلاح مثلهم مثل غيرهم".
وقال الجميل في ذكرى استشهاد رئيس الجمهورية الأسبق بشير الجميل:"لا نقبل أن يحكمنا أحد بقوة السلاح ويدعي أنه يدافع عن الأرض" موجها ما سماه بـ"النداء الأخير" للرجوع عن هذه المواقف "كي لا يورطونا في حروب دمرت البلاد ويعيدونا إلى البداية".
وأضاف:"موقفهما من سلاح حزب الله لا يغير الواقع أنه سلاح غير شرعي واستعمل ويستعمل كل يوم في الداخل لترهيب اللبنانيين وفرض ايديولوجيته عليهم".
وشدد على أنه "كما رفضنا في السابق السلاح الغريب غير الشرعي سنرفض السلاح القريب غير الشرعي" جزم أنه "سنبقى أوفياء لتضحيات الشهداء ومتمسكين بأرضنا وثقافتها وبلبنان الحر المستقل عن أنظمة السلاح والظلم".
واحدث الجميل عن الشأن السوري فقال أنه "لا يمكن أن تستزلم الدولة لنظام الأسد الذي ارتكب أبشع المجازر بحق شعبنا، لا يمكن لهذا النظام أن يحمي أحدا وعليه أن يرحل".
وذكر أن "المسيحية قامت على الشهادة والتضحية ولو المسيحيون الأوائل خافوا من الحكام لما كان هناك مسيحيين في سوريا أو غيرهم كي نخاف عليهم".
وتابع:"هناك اليوم فرصة حقيقية لمصالحة حقيقية بين الشعبين السوري واللبناني بشير حلم بلبنان الدولة وليس العبد المأمور والمطلوب اليوم أن نحقق هذا الحلم".

Khali yi7mol sle7 la la7o. alla yir7am bayyo, ken rijel bil fi3il mish bas bil 7aki

hahahaha shab you are hillarious.
why don't your filthy zionist militia try to come back to lebanon and try to set up him as a president.
maybe gemayel and lady gaga manage to collect some 10 followers to help your filthy militia

Bravo!! The kind of thinking and speaking we need.
What a breath of fresh air instead of Nassy, Raad, Qasem, and Aoun.

“I am issuing a final call to them to retract their stances so that they don’t drag us back to the time of Syrian hegemony and into wars that have destroyed the country,”
excuse me?
let's put aside the fact that he forgot the zionist invansion during that time.
of course, it's not politicaly opportune to speak about that when your family colaborated with them. but ok, let's put that aside.

There is no Lebanese community your father did not massacre. The only people the mass murderer Bashir Gemael did not fight was the Israelis who made the little Hitler "president". Do you want the Lebanese to turn to arms to fight Israel or fight for Israel? You and the Right wing Fascist militia days are long gone.

what took u soooooo long?
look at saado he waited too long, where is he right now????

Longing to carry some Muslim heads in your hands like your bloodthirsty father, huh? Times have changed kid. In the next civil war, so-called party leader like you will be caught and put in a cage during the first day.

As a Christian, I am ashamed to hear this man threaten violence against the Patriarch.
Why do they refer to Bashir as a former President? He was President Elect and the Mosad took him out after his trip to Saudi Arabia and few days after he said he will build the strongest army in the Middle East!
Yes, Hizballah's arms are illegitimate but carrying having weapons on the other side will not solve this problem. Only solution is full withdrawal of Israelis from all occupied Lebanese territories and then merging the weapons and experience with the central Lebanese Army. Civil wars will take us no where.... I know, I was part of it back in the 70's

He is Far Right..................and far away from any achievement...
His statement is related, to certain extent, to his fight with his cousin .....
I don't think there is a need for further comments and analysis

jabal amel please emigrate to your country iran and leave us lebanese alone!

Forget about all these ghosts, dead or alive.... B Gemayel, a Gemayel, aoun, jumblat, nasrallah , hariri brought or will only bring death and despair.... Dump this filth in the trash can of history and let's build a new modern progressive Lebanon as a beacon to the Arab world... Ps: what about the 150 thousand victims of the war?

enough is enough. either hezbollah disarms..... or the others groups will be forced to arm themselves.

Old man... Not funny!
Young Nadim is more his mother than father. No amount of tough talk will change that.
Marc, I agree with every word.

in the name of the father the son & the holly spirit
2allah yer7amak ya sheykh bashir
NAdim you are not bashir
a wise man would do his best to prevent war
but if situations continue like this we will see new bashirs in the future

i see filthy zionist information war department got aroused by the potential traitor in lebanon.
jerk off, losers

jabal amel, please cool it and just watch and learn, going back to Iran will do you a lot of good and it will bring you back to your roots and traditions, keep those traditions for you and yours we do not need them in lebanon! we do not want terrorist like your folk around us! so please understand we are different to your folks and wish to remain different forever!