14 آذار لـ"الوطني الحر": أصبحتم تدعمون الميليشيات وأسقطتم دعمكم للجيش والدولة
Read this story in Englishشجبت قوى "14 آذار" الأربعاء "محاولة فصائل إرهابية قادمة من سوريا الدخول إلى لبنان"، داعية إلى التصدي لها من قبل الجيش اللبناني، ومستغربة كيف أن التيار "الوطني الحر" يدعم "الميليشيات" بدل الدولة على حد قولها.
وقالت الأمانة العامة لـ"14 آذار" في بيان تلاه أمينها العام فارس سعيد إثر اجتماع بالأشرفية الأربعاء أنها تدين "محاولة فصائل إرهابية قادمة من سوريا الدخول إلى لبنان في منطقة البقاع الشمالي، وتعتبرها انتهاكا فاضحا للسيادة الوطنية".
وبحسب الأمانة يستوجب التصدي للإنتهاك "بالقوة نفسها من قبل الجيش اللبناني والسلطات الشرعية اللبنانية، لأن مسؤولية الدفاع عن لبنان تعود حصرا إلى الدولة اللبنانية".
يذكر أن معركة كبيرة انطلقت الأحد إثر هجوم على مركز لحزب الله في عين ساعة بجرد بريتال ومراكز أخرى، الأمر الذي تصدى له الحزب وقال عبر قناة "المنار" أنه "دحر" المسلحين إلى سوريا وقتل العديد منهم. أما "النصرة" فتقول أن قتيلا واحدا سقط لها وأنها نجحت في الهجوم واغتنمت أسلحة عدة.
والأمانة التي استنكرت بداية "دفاع حزب الله عن الحدود"، رد عليها تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" الثلاثاء ساخرا بالقول "إستفاقت بقايا الأمانة لذكرى "14 آذار" المصادَرَة" على هجوم على أبناء لبنان المقاومين (..) فناموا هنيئاً وقريري العين أيها اللبنانيون لأنّ الأمانة العامة على التخوم، والشغور، والثغور متهيبةً لصدّ أيّ هجوم عليكم في قاعكم وقلعتكم وقممكم".
وعلق سعيد الأربعاء قائلا "قلنا في بيان الأمانة العامة"إن الدفاع عن لبنان هو وظيفة موكلة إلى الدولة اللبنانية والجيش اللبناني ولا أحد فوض حزب الله أن يدافع عن لبنان لا شمالا ولا جنوبا".
وإذ دعا "التيار الوطني الحر" إلى أن "يعيد حساباته السياسية" أضاف "هذا التيار يدعي أنه نمى في العام 1989 وأنه دعم الشرعية والجيش اللبناني إنما اليوم أصبح يدعم الميليشيات في لبنان ويسقط دعم الجيش اللبناني ومنطق الدولة".
إلى ذلك رأت الأمانة على لسان سعيد أن اشتباكات جرود بريتال "كذبت الوقائع معادلة أمين عام "حزب
الله" التي أطلقها في 25 أيار 2013 - تحت عنوان "من يريد القتال فليذهب إلى سوريا"
وشرح أن "أي اشتباك بين المجموعات الإرهابية والجيش اللبناني يوحد جميع اللبنانيين خلف جيشهم الوطني، بينما لا يتوفر هذا الإجماع عندما يكون الإشتباك مع "حزب الله".
كذلك رأى سعيد أن "التفجير الذي استهدف دورية اسرائيلية في مزارع شبعا يستدعي التساؤل عن مبرره بعد 8 سنوات من القرار الدولي 1701، والذي التزم به "حزب الله" في مجلس الوزراء، يوم إقراره، ثم ميدانيا بعد صدوره عام 2006".
How about having the army arrest only the couple hoodlums in Tripoli, then we will send them to the Bekaa.
"this shows who is panicking when they see more red fingers than green ones next to their posts .... (:"
Read Michel Aoun's (aka Bijama Boy) comments from 2005 and read his from these past 3+ years, and you'll know who the traitor is.
We just need an ISIS fanatic to blow himself up at an FPM meeting, and all of a sudden we have quorum in Parliament and HA will be isolated.
This comment is not logical. You never admit to be wrong and to review what you don't know and what you think you know. The enemy destroying Lebanon is inside...and you share responsibility in the destruction of the christians.
You must be blind not to see that syria and iran are enemies of Lebanon....not only israel....
MEQ: You wrote in an open letter to President Clinton that "The Syrian regime has made an exact science of human rights violations."1 What do you mean by this?
Aoun: They are very well versed and specialized in the torture of people and in the disrespect of human rights. I consider Damascus to be the anti-Geneva; Geneva is the city of the international standards, Damascus is thus the anti-Geneva. There are about thirty or so ways to torture people: fingernails, fire, and so forth. There are people who were in prison who got out -- they were the lucky ones -- after strong political pressure was applied. They tell of these things and many times carry scars on their body.
A child would know that Aoun is in the camp which wants Lebanon to be an “arena” linked to the Iranian-Syrian axis. Can someone who is up to his ears in a sectarian alliance, the slogan of which is “alliance of minorities,” shift to being equally distant from everyone and to becoming capable of harmonizing among the Lebanese or among those who on one hand want to restore the state and those who desire to exploit the country on another? On this basis, it seems the game which Aoun is playing or the game which someone is making him play, actually hides another game - a game that only alters the nature of the Lebanese system. It’s based on exploiting the basic weakness of he who he calls himself “the general.” This weakness is that Aoun is prepared for anything for the sake of becoming president.
I keep telling that the caporal of rabiyeh is corrupt, agent, liar and mentally ill.
More than that: remember my words "he will be the major destructor of the christians in Lebanon"...
what rubbish... no real lebanese patriot is wishing syrian al qaida (al nusra) defeats hezbollah and then swarms into the bekaa valley! whether you like hezbollah or hate hezbollah... disagree with hezbollah's arms and want only the LAF to defend Lebanon... none wish hezbollah is defeated by al nusra!!! M14 general secretary has embarrassed themselves and the LF is right to ignore this and not comment as all lebanese are sick and tired of the syrian war and syrian refugees! Anyone who sides with the al nusra and isis is against lebanon and the LAF! Elections now please!!!!
M14 want to protect Lebanon from all danger as much as m8 but want the laf to do it and not illegal militia challenging the sovereignty of the lebanese institutions. Thanks to m14 te laf is being financed and equipped to do so.
Agree beyond any question, what logic those ignorants can counter this statement? Legitimate Lebanese army only, which we all arepart off. Nothing else.
@flame. "But now?" Friend it has never been about right now. This call for disarming HA was before they entered Syria and was before they confronted Israel in 2006. What in your opinion makes for the right conditions to disarm? Is not the government and Lebanese majority's call for this to happen for many years and in relative peace sufficient??
Man you are not sure about anything... Lebanese army for all. HIZEBOLA only for fanatics and aoun mafia. Rest of us do not want support or want to be part off.
ur right anony , attacks on the army happened and only true Lebanese stood with their boys except some known traitors that should be hanged
You are promoting either to go back to stone ages or partition.
In both cases these are to destroy the future of christians.
don t worry anonyme, M8ers new propaganda and what they are brainwashed with is that all those against M8 are de facto siding with ISIS... see how stupid they can be.
but yes, great idea that ALL lebanese parties create an armed force as strong as hezbollah to defend Lebanon! it would be in the M8 logic!
but then again, M8 and logic are two different things!
Roar; you should ask naharnet to delete you and your fake accounts that you make everyday. You spend your time 24/7 on naharnet posting under different names, insulting people, and spamming the forum. Can we forget your "lebpatriot", "wolf", and your other fake accounts. You are a loser sectarian who is full of hate and jealousy.