الجيش يصدّ مجددا تسللا لمسلحين سوريين في المصيدة بعد اشتباكات معهم
Read this story in Englishصدّ الجيش الخميس تسللا لمسلحيين سوريين بجرود عرسال بعد اشتباكات معهم، بعد أن تمكن من لهجومين على مركزين تابعين له قبل يوم.
وأفادت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" مساء الخميس أن "الجيش اللبناني صد محاولة تسلل لبعض المسلحين السوريين في منطقة المصيدة في عرسال بعد اشتباكات معهم".
وكان قد تمكن الجيش بعيد منتصف ليل الاربعاء من التصدي لهجومين على مركزين تابعين له في بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية مع سوريا.
وفي بيان صادر عنه، ظهر الخميس، أعلن ان وحدات الجيش المنتشرة في منطقة وادي حميد في عرسال رصدت بعيد منتصف ليل الاربعاء مجموعة إرهابية مسلّحة تحاول التسلل الى أحد المراكز العسكرية.
وقامت قوى الجيش بالتصدي لها واشتبكت معها بالأسلحة المناسبة، ما أجبر العناصر الإرهابية على الانسحاب والفرار باتجاه الجرود.
كذلك، أفاد البيان عن تعرّض مركز تابع للجيش في محلة المصيدة في البلدة عينها لاطلاق نار من داخل مخيم للنازحين السوريين القريب من المركز.
وقد ردّت قوى الجيش على النار بالمثل، وتعمل على تعقب مطلقي النار لتوقيفهم واحالتهم على القضاء المختص.
واثر معركة عرسال بين الجيش والمجموعات المسلحة من "جبهة النصرة" و"داعش"، مطلع شهر آب الفائت تتعرض وحدات الجيش في المناطق اللبنانية لاعتداءات، اذ ان الجماعات الاسلامية تتهم الجيش بالاعتداء على السُنّة وأنه تحت "أمرة حزب الله".
"pursuing the assailants to arrest them and refer them to the judiciary"---- honestly what good is it to send these terrorists to judiciary? LAF should get rid of these killers on the spot as they don't deserve a fair trial!
Last, it is Enough with the syrian encampments keep firing on our soldiers...they should be deported all of them back to their country.
The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to support the resistance with all means possible as it is the only party entrusted to defend Lebanon. The Republic considers Lebanon an extension of itself and will not let it down.
Our National Army needs night goggles, weaponry, they're doing the best they can with what they have, and its fairly impressive.
40 Coalition Countries + Hezbollah + Kurds + Syrian Gov. + Free Syrian Army + ... are all fighting them, and we hear they gain more grounds. Shocking people.
Brave Soldiers make us proud.
The good that it does is that you show the legitimacy of the LAF. You can't beat evil with more evil, because that way evil is sure to win in the end. You beat evil with good.
Besides, these people use their "martyrdom" as a recruiting tool; so capture is stealing a bit of the wind from their sails...
"pursuing the assailants to arrest them and refer them to the judiciary"---- honestly what good is it to send these terrorists to judiciary? LAF should get rid of these killers on the spot as they don't deserve a fair trial!
Last, it is Enough with the syrian encampments keep firing on our soldiers...they should be deported all of them back to their country.
god bless our LAF
politician who refused and are refusing to arm our LAF are traitors and must be judged and hanged
apart from your sectarian rhetoric, funny how Mustaqbal is the only party funding the LAF last of which was the 1 billion USD thru KSA. Did your hizb handover 100 USD worth of weapons to the LAF. The TOW missiles captured from your hizb by Syrian rebels clearly show HA having sophisticated weapons.
nobody was and is seeking your opinion. As far as I am concerned you are a troll. End of Story
not-so-greatpierro: "And so what. Does not mean that m14 or mustaqbal support Sunni extremists."
of course it does. their talking heads constantly attack the army and make subversive allegations against it. not to mention how they systematically prevents the army from doing its job, like they did after the arsal battle, threatening with fitna and sedition if the army tried to stomp nusra/da3esh.
saying facts about mustaqbal is "constant obsession with Eliminating Mustakbal & Hariri in particular" ?
i get it anonyme, you can curse all day about HA, but god forbid anyone says a word about your saudi masters.
also, it's "spilling" not "spelling" the beans, and aoun saying he guarantees his safety is neither.
i will say a word whenever i please, and your depictions of both hezbollah and mustahbal are hilarious. your brain was so brainwashed you're now braindead.
the only "constant reminder" is you, taking this one example to hammer day in and day out the same false idea.
for the millionth time, at the embassy a protester next to hashem salman took a gun out and fired, prompting the embassy guards to fire back in his direction. nothing to do with freedom of speech, and nothing to do with hezbollah.
I bet naharnet is your life Mr. Flamethrower. I live in Austria and every time I read Naharnet I see your posts, at least 10 per article. I wonder what do you do for living?
I am glad flamethrower is on one of his rear breaks so he can post a few comments on a few threads today
another day another dawn another iranian rial as flamethrower and his accounts embark on another marathon day of posting
how stupid and braindead M8ers are:
their logic works by syllogisms:
1. mustaqbal controls akkar and arsal
2. terrorists attack the army there
3. so mustaqbal are with the terrorists
so let's apply their logic to the South:
1. hezbollah controls the South
2. israel attacks the army
3. so hezbollah are with israel!
LOL! this proves one point: that all they say is total propaganda just to scare people and shut down the voice of moderate sunnis like anonyme says
hitler had the same strategy towards the jews....
Each day across Lebanon there are refugees that are detained for belonging to extreme groups, other than the encampments that fire on LAF.
Conclusion, Lebanon can no longer accept such acts, the refugees must go home.....