مسلحون يخرجون نوح زعيتر من المستشفى بعد إصابته خلال عملية دهم

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أصيب المطلوب الخطير نوح زعيتر خلال عملية دهم للجيش في بعلبك الجمعة، لكن مسلحين تمكنوا من إخراجه من المستشفى.

وأفادت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" عن إصابة زعيتر " في رجيله، اثناء مداهمة للجيش بالقرب من منزله في التل الابيض".

وقالت الوكالة أنه "نقل الى "مستشفى الريان" في بعلبك وسط حراسة امنية للجيش وانتشار مسلح لآل زعيتر في محيط المستشفى".

ولاحقا أفادت إذاعة "صوت لبنان 93.3" أن "مسلحين من آل زعيتر تمكنوا من اخراج المطلوب نوح زعيتر من مستشفى الريان بعد أن نقل اليها".

وكانت قد أفادت أكثر من قناة أن زعيتر "تمكن من الهروب".

ونقلت الـ"MTV" عن زعيتر قوله "لم اصب بأي طلق ناري خلال عمليات الدهم التي تنفذها قوى الجيش".

ويعتبر نوح زعيتر من بين ابرز مزارعي المخدرات والمتاجرين بها وأبرز مطلوب من قبل الدولة بتهم عدة.

وتشمل هذه التهم تجارة المخدرات وتهريبها، وسرقة السيارات، والارهاب، وتجارة السلاح، وترويج عملات مزورة، وخطف وحجز حرية، كذلك هو مطلوب من الانتربول.

وليست المرة الأولى التي يتمكن فيها زعيتر من الهرب من القوى الأمنية على مدى سنوات.

التعليقات 31
Thumb EagleDawn 17:39 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

Dear Army Intelligence: Why was this criminal not put under military guard while in hospital after being shot? Btw, any news on the color of the "Yellow" KIA that was used by HA to assassinate Minister Shatah?

Thumb cedars2 18:48 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

That yellow Kia came from outer space.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:03 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

i dont know where the came KIA came from, but your accusations come out of nowhere.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:04 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

who is head of the justice ministry? who heads the ISF? who heads the government? ask them who killed Shatah, after all it's their job to find out isnt it?

Thumb liberty 20:06 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

Being a sectarian does not have to be subtle anymore. Each and all the posts mowaten the fake mentioned are headed by a Sunni. In other words he is blaming the Sunnis for not arresting the HA terrorists who assassinated all M14 politicians!

Thumb ex-fpm 11:14 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

وأفاد مصدر امني "النهار" ان زعيتر تمكن من الهرب بعد ان تم ادخاله الى مستشفى الريان في بعلبك لفترة بسيطة للمعالجة وسط انتشار مسلح لافراد عشيرته من ال زعيتر في المنطقة.
يذكر ان زعيتر من اشهر المطلوبين على الاطلاق، وهو تاجر من الطراز الرفيع لحشيشة الكيف، ويتميز عن غيره من التجار بانه اكثر صراحة ولا يشعر بالخجل من الترويج لما يقوم به.
يعيش زعيتر في قرية في قضاء بعلبك تسمى الكنيسة، لا يقطنها الا ال زعيتر وهي معروفة بمملكة "نوح" بحيث الدخول والخروج منها بحاجة الى اذن من رجال زعيتر.
ويعرف عنه انه يساعد ابناء قريته وعشيرته، ويؤمن اقساط المدارس والجامعات لغير الميسورين منهم، كما ان اغلبهم مصدر رزقهم من العمل معه.
But Hezbullah is not aware of this "Kingdom" at all.... lol.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:19 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

sectarianism is in the eye of the beholder liberty. each of the post mentioned is m14, they hold the key positions and should be the ones you ask for answers if you want to know who killed shatah. but it doesnt seem like they care very much to find out.
could they be afraid to discover their extremist friends did it?

Thumb liberty 19:50 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

Would it make you happy if naharnet reported :" A known Shia drug lord who lives in Baalbeck and is a member of Hezbollah; wanted on more than 500 arrest warrants some of which include planting explosives and murdering troops was shot and arrested today".

Thumb ex-fpm 17:55 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

lol, the zoiater gunmen were escorted by HA no doubt to free their kingpin. What a banana republic

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 18:17 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

so far you have made 4 comments on this article alone and non of them were an opinion but rather an attack on other posters.

Missing peace 18:29 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

where do you see "implicit" other than in your stupid empty mind?

do you understand the word at least?

Missing peace 18:38 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

oh! i thought you were commenting the article! but i forgot your job is just to comment people and spend your pity life attacking them as for commenting an article you do not have the intelligence for that... poor pussycat....

but anonyme got a point = if the army were guarding so tightly this criminal then how can gunmen free him that easily if not helped? LOL

Thumb cedars2 18:49 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

Lol... In Lebanon we have to always be careful we dont step on the wrong toe.

Thumb cedars2 18:54 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

No one's attacking the LAF roar they did their job and brought him in. Who protects this drug lord from baalbeck is another issue. Must be very demoralizing for the men who brought him in to see him let go after they risked their lives to get him.

Missing peace 18:55 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

you prove you are stupid by not even seeing every post of yours is just to belittle and attack others...
not one post commenting any article... not one argument to support your empty claims, never... just assumptions, hearsays, rumors... see how empty you are? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

Missing peace 19:01 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

glad to see you do not deny what i said... and prove me right....

Missing peace 19:04 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

how can the army go against hezbollah without splitting? that is why the army cannot act against them and have to follow their will!

and M8ers pretending to support the army , just a bunch of hypocrites....

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:06 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

if we dont bother proving him wrong then we're proving him right... interesting logic peace!
i can't blame you though, i guess that's the only way you could ever prove yourself right: just bore people to death with random BS, and consider you're proven right when they dont care enough to answer.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:08 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

"just assumptions, hearsays, rumors" >>> exactly what your daily accusations are made of by the way.

Missing peace 19:13 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

"just assumptions, hearsays, rumors" >>> exactly what your daily accusations are made of by the way.

oh and 3aw 3aw = i do not accuse without facts unlike your pussy friend... but you will always deny the truth that embarasses you...

Missing peace 19:18 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

no pussy cat you are not and never defended the army...

if you ever did you would ask hezbollah to give its arms to it to reinforce it and prove you believe in Lebanon whose gvt should be the ONLY armed force to decide of peace or war...

but by supporting a foreign militia you clearly prove you want the army to stay weak so that hezbolla stays strong.

it proves you DO NOT defend the LAF, rather you PRETEND to do so like all hezbi lovers who do not believe in the state of Lebanon as the only decider of peace or war... but prefer a foreign militia to decide of the fate of Lebanon!

Missing imagine_1979 19:21 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

Dear flame and Roar,
In a country the army is the servent of the people, it must insure security, protects borders, raids big crimina u know... so when the army fails it should be pointed at, this is not undermining but what norml regular citizen would do.
normaly if citizen acknowledge accountability most of our politician would not still be in place.
but du to some retlded mind like u, that put idols and saint we cannot critizes when simething goes wrong; really what are u expecting us to say; good job for or armed forces, he was in the hospital surrounded and he managed to escape, how many wounded during the escape?? How many shots??
And for those like southern; yes the area is militarly controled by hezbollah so notml to expect suppsion on hezbos greeting the escape, no?...
Now magnificant roar please come back to us with ur great tolerance, modernism, democratic views... I wonder what u learn in astralia...
Yalla chupachups guys...

Missing imagine_1979 19:25 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

Sory for typo, i'm on the road but i couldnot pass this great debate on who love the army more, and i cannot but stop to express my gratitude to magnificant roar for sharing hie valuabe knowledge with us...
Thaks man, chupachups

Missing peace 19:29 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

oh but the roar if you were sooooo intelligent as you pretend then you should see the difference between criticizing and undermining....

when an institution fails at something it is the right of any Citizen to criticize... we are not in syria where criticizing is a crime... only in the dictatorships you praise criticizing is synonym to undermining.... but i guess the subtlety is too difficult for you to grasp....

Missing imagine_1979 19:40 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

No man never webt to australia but if ur pleased to believe so..
So u question them if they fail in duty, but papers, journals say when the security forces failed, abuse of force, corruption u know they do talk when things go wrong, they donnot stop and say: army guys are saint, we should always back the army, even when wrong... No magnificant roar...
Plus this debate is nonsence bc the army acts upon orders, if they have let armed man enter the hospital and take the guy it is probably bc they where ordered to, don't u think so...
So if we take the debate on why our army was ordered not to intervene th would be more fructfull talk no?....
Anw when u come back we'll do the cult of the army (as long as they don't to much close to hezbos interset aka samer hanna ,it was a mistake hezbos thought it was a bird, francois el hajj ,isreql killed him as wissam eid wissam el hassan u know also from our armed forces...

Thumb liberty 20:29 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

rofl! and they will come on and tell you this is an unusual situation and not representative of HA and HA had nothing to do with it. Baalbeck is a HA military barracks, checkpoints at every village in and out, artillery positions, training camps, etc. What happened by the way to the RPG fight between the zoiaters and the other clan in Baalbeck, was anybody arrested?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:44 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

tex- All without a single shot being fired. Is this a joke? what a banana republic.

Default-user-icon Nassterror (ضيف) 21:05 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

Ashraf el Nass!

Thumb EagleDawn 23:44 ,2014 تشرين الأول 10

just like the armed VIP escort convoy they gave to Ali and Rifaat Eid.

Thumb ex-fpm 11:15 ,2014 تشرين الأول 11

the only thing i see is your continued obsession of iceman, loser!

Default-user-icon Johnd503 (ضيف) 08:10 ,2014 تشرين الأول 17

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