قاسم: لولانا لأنجزت "داعش" إمارتها وأقامت حواجز في جونية وصيدا
Read this story in Englishأعلن حزب الله الجمعة أن معارك جرود بريتال كان هدفها "إنشاء إمارة" عند الحدود البقاعية، الأمر الذي منعه الحزب كما يقول، كاشفا أن هناك تقدما في جرود القلمون بوجه "التكفيريين".
وقال نائب الأمين العام للحزب الشيخ نعيم قاسم خلال حفل تأبيني في مجمع "المجتبى" الجمعة "لبنان دفع أخطار الأزمة السورية بحكمة عقلائه، وبصمود وثبات الجيش اللبناني، وأداء حزب الله وحلفائه، ولولا هذه المواقف الشريفة والشجاعة لانتقلت المعارك إلى داخل لبنان في كل حي ودسكرة ومنطقة".
وخاض الحزب الأحد الفائت معارك عنيفة مع مسلحين أتوا من عسال الورد السورية وسيطروا لفترة قصيرة على موقع له بجرود بريتال لكنه تمكن من طردهم ويخوض حاليا معارك عنيفة في عسال الورد وغيرها.
أضاف قاسم "سأكرر قولا قلناه مرارا لولا حزب الله لأنجزت داعش إمارتها على الحدود الشرقية للبنان، (..) لولا حزب الله لكانت داعش تقيم حواجز في جونية وبيروت وصيدا وفي كل منطقة في لبنان".
وشكر قاسم الله "بأن ذهبنا إلى سوريا وقاتلنا في الوقت المناسب، وكنا حيث يجب أن نكون لنمنع هذا الخطر الكبير ونوقفه عند حدوده الدنيا التي لا يستطيع معها أن يفعل شيئا".
وعن سير المعارك حاليا كشف أنه "نتوسع في التحرير ونوقع الخسائر بالتكفيريين ومن معهم، وهم الآن خارج كل قرى القلمون المجاورة للبقاع، هم في الوديان والجبال مطاردين".
وأبدى ثقته أن المسلحين "لن يتمكنوا إن شاء الله من تأمين ملاذ واحد دافىء في القرى التي خرجوا منها ببركة المجاهدين الذين واجهوهم مع أبطال الجيش السوري".
من جهة أخرى رد قاسم على مطالبة الحزب بالخروج من سوريا التي هي "كالمطالبة بإلغاء المقاومة ضد إسرائيل"، شارح أن "لبنان يصبح مرمى للأعداء على اختلاف مشاربهم، ولقمة سائغة للاحتلالات المتنوعة بأفكارها وآرائها".
وسأل فريق "14 آذار" قائلا "كيف تدافعون عن لبنان إذا كانوا يريدون تجريده من قوته وإمكاناته وقدرته"، معلنا أنه "لن نترك لبنان مكشوفا لا لداعش ولا للنصرة ولا لإسرائيل كرمى لعيون المهزومين الذين يبحثون عن مكانة ودور على حساب الآخرين".
وخلص نائب أمين عام "المقاومة الإسلامية في لبنان" قائلا "هذه المطالب هي أقرب إلى الهرطقة منها إلى المقترحات".
Here we go again and again and again. I don't see ISIS checkpoints anywhere in Lebanon, but have been seeing your terrorist militia's checkpoints everywhere in Lebanon for the last 20 years!.
no, it does not work. These mouthpieces are part of his propaganda team. They don't believe it for one second but they have a strategy directed specifically towards the Christians; it's called scare tactics. Any sane person knows had it not been for this terror group, ISIS or similar groups would have had no interest in Lebanon. They have a problem with HA and its community specifically.
“Thank God we went to Syria and fought at the appropriate time, and we were where we should have been to foil this great danger and rein it in,” he went on to say.
I also say thank God you went to Syria, and I pray to God that you stay in Syria until the whole lot of you get exterminated by the great syrian revolution. I enjoyed the last few videos of your 'heroics' (not) in Qalamoun, keep it up.
Responding to calls in Lebanon that Hizbullah should withdraw from Syria, Qassem said a call is equivalent to “demanding an end to the resistance against Israel.”
Resisting against Israel means resisting in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Bahrain. WHO assigned you on behalf of the Lebanese to resist Israel, The Syrian people, or the Iraqi people, or the Bahraini people.
we are tired. weary of your incessant excuses.
The only reason Hezbollah went to syria was to save its own ass because if Assad fell, their supply lines would have been cut. THAT IS IT.
Stop pretending you care about Lebanon. you only care about your project.
Liberty- the sad reality is the propaganda has been working all along. They have been untouchable and continue to do as they please for over a decade now. Had their stupid propaganda not worked, they would have been sent packing by the people of Lebanon a long time ago. Unfortunately the Lebanese people will bury their head in the sand and believe the most absurd scenarios/stories (some that would insult the intelligence of Forest Gump) because they want to so badly to believe their demigods are so righteous and are incapable of doing wrong.
This evil terrorist and his party of terror have sub zero credibility within any lebanese community except their own. Was he fighting ISIL in Qusayr? Was there ISIL when he went to Syria almost 3 years ago? ISIL is an indirect result of the world's negligence to hold the butchers of Iraq and Syria accountable and a direct result of HA and Assad massacres and crimes.
while at it why does he not also claim that his terrorist militia saved the world from the apocalypse! I despise them
Hizballa and the FPM are the only “people” struck by collective hallucinations.
- They say electrical power is back becsuse they brought the fatmagül sultan. I look in and out, it's dark everywhere!
- They say Daesh was about to impose checkpoint in all the major cities and highways of Lebanon. I look out and see no sign of them anywhere!
Well, they're either gifted and can see and the dark and see invisible people, or they're lying, and lying over again!
keep adding dots to your name! You seem to have a lot of free time lebpatriot/josephani/wolf/roar..... the real ice-man is doing fine and making a lot of money while you spend your life obsessing over him; what a loser LOL
This costumed terrorist has a very over inflated opinion of his worth and a very low opinion of the Lebanese people's valor, toughness and resolve, also an even poorer grasp of our collective history. I suggest he calls the Israelis and Syrians Armies and the Palestinian "Resistance" and their Libyan and Somalian mercenaries.
Total B.S....complete B.S...most irrelevant and inept ....an insult to intelligence...
Arafat also said that the road to Palestine goes thru jounieh. It seems the Romanian girls have made a great effect in Kassem and Arafat minds
Hezbollah want a caliphate in Lebanon of their own, they're no better than ISIS. Stop using Lebanon for your own selfish gains.
Qassem Says Hizbullah Prevented IS from 'Erecting Checkpoints in Jounieh,
Does it mean we will have to pay our taxes to Qassem and Hezbullah for protecting us!
His speech is addressed to retards or what? The propaganda level is comparable to the speeches of the rulers of the Banana Republics of the 70's...
we know your plans you and bashar is to force isis to enter akkar so that you will invade the region like you have always dreamt....
during the civil War Lebanese forces defended the Christaians from the Syrians, Palestinians, Amal, PSP, Hezbelshaitan, Mourabitoun & the list goes on... so shut up Qassem Christians don't need you to protect them.
We got Weaker thanks to Aoun the cloun but when needed believe it or not will be there to repell any IS Nusra or whoever might be.
You are a true Christian back stabber big john I don"t know where you are from but LF protected Zahle LF protected Beirut until Aoun the deserter tried to eliminate them. What mountain war are you talking aboutt? Just admit that they protected Christianity. Or you are too coward to admit ?
qawmibigjohn qawmibigjohn qawmibigjohn qawmibigjohn yeah the american trained and equipped Lebanese army is useless we need the syrian arab army to come and take back what's rightfully theirs, hail greater syria