يعالون عن حادثة شبعا: حزب الله لم يتجاوز الخطوط الحمر و"اكتسب ثقة بالنفس"
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رأى وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي موشي يعالون ان حزب الله "لم يتجاوز الخطوط الحمراء" في حادثة مزارع شبعا، معتبراً ان الحزب اكتسب "ثقة بالنفس" من هذه العملية.
وفي حديث الى الصحف الاسرائيلية، لفت يعالون الى ان تل أبيب "فهمت جيداً رسالة عملية حزب الله الاخيرة في مزارع شبعا". واعتبر ان "حزب الله"، "يحتمل ان يكون راكم ثقة بالنفس أكثر مما نسبنا له".
وأوضح ان الحزب "لم يتجاوز الخطوط الحمراء"، مضيفاً انه لا يرى أن "حزب الله يسير نحو التصعيد"، معتبراً انه "ليس صدفة أن الحزب اختار مزارع شبعا، البعيدة عن السكان المدنيين، كمكان لتنفيذ العمليات الأخيرة".
الا انه أكد في الوقت عينه استعداد اسرائيل في حال حدوث اي تصعيد وعلى مختلف الجبهات، مردفاً "في حال صعّد حزب الله فإنه سيدفع ثمناً باهظاً، لبنان سيدفع ثمناً باهظاً".
وكان قد أصيب جنديان إسرائيليان مطلع الشهر الجاري بجروح في انفجار عبوة ناسفة عند الحدود الجنوبية مقابل شبعا ما لبث أن تبعه إنفجار ثان لم يسقط إصابات، في حين تبنى حزب الله العملية ورد الجيش الإسرائيلي بإطلاق "عشرات" القذائف.

Israel and the terrorist sectarian militia are allies. Israel gives HA a reason to exist and HA gives Israel a reason to get more funding.

Both wants a war : israel to win the war and the hezb to lose the war.

as hassan nasralla said if hezballah gets israeli praise we must be doing something wrong, yes ya hassan you are but until you actually realize this and more importantly get the iranian green light to correct it we'll all have to wait

it looks much better the second time around _Southern_. Bravo!

" ISrael is an enemy state," yes
"it's trying to create confusion." no, just in the hezbi propaganda...
israel is very happy to see its two enemies, isis and hezb fighting each other! on the contrary, israel prefers assad to stay in power, with him golan is secured as bashar never fought to take it back and never fired a bullet in 40 years towards israel...

sure southern, but since 1973? not a single fire!! why? they agreed to keep it calm in exchange for the assad regime to rule...
and sure extremist islamists are allies to israel, whereas they bomb hamas...
and sure isis has taken over the golan....
be logic a bit and take off your hezbi blinkers...

sure revisionist FT making up history to suit the hezbi propaganda...
twist it as you wish, facts are here for evryone to see, except you blinded by your stupidity.....

and you both are talking about 1973... but since then? NOTHING to free the golan by your "fake" resistant assad...
so go back and play with your dolls baby FT....

Hezbollah recruiting slogan (according to TaqiyaThrower):
"We have more casualties against Israel than anyone else!!!"
Join up now!

"more revisionism from peace. syria lost dozens of planes in skirmishes against israel. it knows that against a israeli threat it can do nothing except lose and badly, especially since no help will come from other arab countries like jordan or egypt. who can claim such casualties to the infinitely superior israel, among arab countries? NONE except lebanon. who can claim to have fought israel other than syria, egypt and lebanon? again, NO arab country. now go back to sleep, funny guy peace."
Hahahahahahahahahhaahhaha Mr Orange with the checkmark on his forehead. Lebanon confronted Israel in 1948 with what, 1,000 men?? In 1967 Lebanon sent what, 2 combat aircrafts??? And Lebanon did what during the Yom Kippur War??? You sure we weren't occupied with all the Palestinians in the country???

Are you sure Lebanon considered itself an Arab country in the years after??? Wasn't there a civil war for 15 years over the country's identity?? Didn't the Ta'ef say Lebanon had to accept its Arab identity??? Aren't there Lebanese until this day who say they're not Arab???

Besides random cross-border incidents over digging trees...the LAF did what to Israel between 1982-2000??? And in 2006??? Don't Israeli jets fly over Lebanon everyday without Lebanese retaliation???

Sorry the LAF wasn't even in the south until 2006 so there couldn't have been tree-diggning incidents between the LAF and IDF. At least I correct my own jokes hahahahah

Did you know North Korea and Pakistan supplied fighter pilots in the Yom Kippur War??? Lebanon just allowed Palestinians to attack Israel from Lebanese territory. Perhaps to make it look like a contribution to the war, Lebanon supplied radars to the Syrian air defence forces hahahahhahahahahha

The one and only Mr Orange aka taqiyya thrower aka binary simpleton aka Roar's lover trying to make the LAF look like it fought Israel hahahahahahahahahaha so funny Flamey hahahahahahahahahaha I just choked on water your Aouneh revisions are getting funnier and funnier