نصرالله زار مقاتلي الحزب "بالزي العسكري" وحذّر من "مؤامرة تستهدف المقاومة"
Read this story in Englishفاجأ الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله، مقاتلي الحزب في السلسلة الشرقية لجبال لبنان بزيارتهم مرتدياً الزي العسكري، منبّهاً اياهم من ان "هناك مؤامرة كبيرة تستهدف المقاومة".
ونقلت صحيفة "اللواء"، الجمعة، عن مقاتلي الحزب انهم فوجئوا، مطلع الاسبوع، بـ"السيد نصر الله مرتدياً الزي العسكري ومعه مجموعة من المرافقين حين وصل إلى المواقع التي نتواجد فيها".
ولفتت الصحيفة الى ان هذه الزيارة اتت "بعد أن قدم واجب العزاء لبعض العائلات البقاعية التي سقط بها أبناء في المعارك بين مسلحي الحزب ومسلحي التنظيمات السورية المتطرفة في السلسلة الشرقية.
ونقل المقاتلون لـ"اللواء" تحذيرات نصرالله لهم من ان هناك "مؤامرة كبيرة تستهدف المقاومة، وان المقاومة ستقاتل في أي منطقة للدفاع عن نفسها".
وشدد نصرالله على ان الحزب على جهوزية كاملة لـ"مواجهة مغامرات التكفيريين والاسرائيليين"، متوقعاً أن "تستمر الحرب الدائرة في سوريا ثلاث سنوات، داعياً إلى الصبر، لكن النصر سيكون حليف المقاومة".
وفي لقاء خاص عقده في مطلع الاسبوع الجاري مع عدد من كوادر "حزب الله" في البقاع، ونقلت حديثه صحيفتي "السفير" و"الاخبار"، الثلاثاء، أكد نصرالله ان "النصر سيكون حليف المجاهدين في معركتهم ضد المجموعات التكفيرية والإرهابية".
يُذكر ان ثمانية عناصر من حزب الله وعشرات المسلحين قتلوا في اشتباكات وقعت في الخامس من الشهر الحالي بين الحزب ومجموعات مسلحة قدمت من منطقة القلمون السورية وهاجمت مواقع للحزب في جرود بريتال، ما استدعى تعزيزات إضافية لمقاتليه و"استنفار" من الجيش.
Naharnet keeps insisting of simplifying the regions war as a Sunni-Shia War. Simpletons.
The real war is between those who want to destroy the resistance to Israel (Iran,Syria, Hezbollah), and the ones who are Pro-US/Israel (Saudi, Qatar, Turkey).
Lets not simplify it to wondering if Shiism is a more profound sect than Sunnism or vice versa. This is not a theological war. There is no philosophy of ethics here.
wow! so when your resistance slaughters people in Syria to the tunes of Ya Hussain or Ya Zainab, it is all about the resistance versus the anti-resistance axis. Your alias fits you like a glove by the way.
A show of pure weakness, disorientation, and panic. Why is a "moderate", "tolerant", and "non-takfiri" RELIGIOUS man dressed up in military fatigues?!
Eagle law bterte7 3a wad3ak,w7alel be she tene la2an ma shaklak khasak be hal ishya,foot nem 7abibi
lol 100%
and if showing up on the battlefront is weakness and panic, what is hiding in riyadh? lol what a pathetic person you are eagleyawn
@kahlail or @mowaten or......
The ones in Riyagh and Me3rab do not have a militia and never promised to liberate Jeruslaem from Lebanon. But, excellent and meaningful comment relevant to the article.
yes eagleyawn, absolutely. but if showing up on the battlefront is weakness and panic, what is hiding in riyadh?
Spoken like a true biased sectarian. Killing in the name of religion is wrong be the killers Sunni, Shia or Christians.
Besides, why drag Sunni tribes I to your tirade? And please, a true Lebanese you are not whoever you are.
confessing what ex-fpm? that we are several? that we each have a username? i thought even you would have known that by now... didnt realize you were THAT slow.
Nasrallah in Military Fatigues during Visit to Party Fighters on Border with Syria
Very smart and motivating move for the fighters!
whether someone is with him or against him, one has to admit that he's a true leader !
same thing applies to Bashir Gemayel (so that my comment doesn't get as sided with one party)
Bashir defended his country and did not invade other countries! Stop comparing someone who defended his existence to someone eradicating the existence of others.
there is not and never was any resistance. It is a nightmare that you and your likes see as a fairytale. Bunch of sectarian killers!
dont be an idiot slash, i'm sure you know Hadi was killed in battle.
he died fighting the israeli navi commando that tried to enter the south from the sea. in this battle hezbollah killed 13 israeli commandos.
ISIS makes HA seem like a good choice? Is that all you got to hang your hat on? Myopia of the soul ailment.
Wow hassan having to go there in person it's true what he said he'll even go there himself if he's needed and with all the mujahideens he's losing while performing their jihadist duties he's probably is. On top of that the moral must be very low with unfortunate resevists who are finding themselves having to face the crazies when they thought they'd be just enjoying the fresh mountain air while taking great picture in full Rambo gear to empress the young hajjeats on Facebook.
What we have here...HB is for some resistance while for the other AN is the resistance....I guess everybody is allowed to have resistance,no double standards.Life has ups and downs,like the waves at the sea.If you use the seeds of evil,the evil will grow in your garden at your home.
We get it flame thrower you hate gays they are evil. Thank God they don't exist in Iran to quote ex-president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. This means that if you stay put you can rest assured you will ever never meet one.
Yes, a Jedi’s strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan’s apprentice.
Clearly he feels the need to boost moral. Attrition is taking it's toll on these terrorists.
Sayed Hassan, I am never against your militia fighting to defend Lebanon, but against them fighting in Syria. Then let nothing be done at the expense of Lebanon or of its people. Just be kind enough to spare us them long speeches.
I'm really curious if there are any pictures of this... what does Sayyed Hassan look like in uniform? Would he still wear a turban?? How long is the hair on his head?