البرلمان يقر التمديد حتى حزيران 2017 … والحراك المدني يعتصم بوسط بيروت

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أقر مجلس النواب تمديد ولايته للمرة الثانية، الاربعاء، لمدة عامين ونصف، تفادياً للوقوع في فراغ نيابية في ظل الفراغ في سدة الرئاسة الاولى الذي يعيشه لبنان منذ ايار الفائت.

فقد صوت 95 نائباً الى جانب التمديد النيابي حتى 20 حزيران من العام 2017، وسط مقاطعة نواب "التغيير والاصلاح" و"الكتائب"، وتصويت من قبل نائبي "حزب الطاشناق" ضد التمديد.

واثر الجلسة أعلنت كتلة "القوات اللبنانية" السير بالتمديد لمجلس النواب "منعاً للفراغ واهتزاز المؤسسات"، وأضافت من خلال النائبة ستريدا جعجع، "نؤمن باحترام المواعيد الدستورية غير أن تعطيل الاستحقاق الرئاسي الذي يسبق النيابي هو من أوصلنا الى التمديد منعا للفراغ".

اما رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" فلفت الى ان "قرار التمديد اتخذته القوى السياسية لتفادي الفراغ النيابي".

وتزامناً مع جلسة التمديد عقد "التيار الوطني الحر" اجتماعاً استثنائياً في الرابية، أعلن اثره وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل، ان ما حصل هو "عملية سطو" على المجلس النيابي من خلال التمديد .

واعتبر ان "استسهال مسألة التمديد هو تعبير عن "استلشاء" بالظروف في لبنان" وبطريقة ما هو الغاء الديمقراطية في لبنان ومبدأ تداول السلطات.

واذ أكد ان وزارة الخارجية كانت قد قامت بكل ما يلزم من أجل اجراء الانتخابات النيابية في موعدها، لفت الى ان "عدم اجراء الانتخابات سببه قرار سياسي واضح من الفريق الآخر".

وبالتزامن مع الجلسة النيابية نفذ الحراك المدني اعتصاماً في وسط بيروت وكان قد حاول منع النواب من الوصول الى البرلمان، من خلال رشقهم بالبندورة والبيض، الامر الذي ادى الى وقوع اشكال بين شبان الحراك والقوى الامنية.

وعمد شبان الحراك الى نصب خيمة وسط الاعتصام امام جريدة "النهار"، وقطعوا الطريق المؤدية الى مجلس النواب.

والثلاثاء أعلن حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية"، مقاطعته الجلسة، لأنها "تخرج عن صلاحيات المجلس المفترض به ان ينتخب رئيس للجمهورية حصراً".

يُذكر ان مجلس النواب كان قد أقر في 31 ايار 2013 التمديد لنفسه 17 شهرا تنتهي في 20 تشرين الثاني 2014، في جلسة حضرها 97 نائبا، صوتوا جميعهم للتمديد، وقاطعها نواب "التيار الوطني الحر"، بعد أن فشلت جميع الأطراف السياسية بالوصول إلى قانون انتخاب في أربع سنوات منصرمة.


التعليقات 22
Default-user-icon + oua nabka+ (ضيف) 10:11 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

why since 2005 we do not have an electoral law ??
the people who hindered and blocked the opportunity to have a decent based on proportionality electoral law (stipulated in taef accord )
are the culprit and should be hangeg for treason
god bless democracy

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:12 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

damn those MPs, of course they are going to "re-elect" themselves forever if we dont stop them.

Missing humble 13:43 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

No to the chaos wanted by HA and his servants of the Tayyar

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:03 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

nice one humble, letting the people vote is now "chaos"

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:04 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

i dont know team6, by voicing our rejection, protests, civil disobedience..?

Thumb -phoenix1 14:14 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

We can stop them Mowaten, of course you do know how much power is in the hands of the people. But in our case in Lebanon, because we talk superficially, our power will remain superficial. Take this for example. If people decide to take the reins of power into their hands, at the beginning we will all walk as Lebanese, a few hundred meters down the street, the Christians will become divided as usual into LF/FPM and Marada. Then the Sunnis will branch off as usual following their respective parties, and as for the Shiites, Hezbollah and Amal will take their lot. Result? The streets will empty, people will get entrenched again and our politicians will win the day as usual. Let us not kind ourselves, people power exists outside our borders, and very far too. We can talk, of for sure, but this is it, let nothing touch the party or its leader. So long.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:50 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

The problem in Lebanon is not the parliament. It is the Hezb that holds the whole country as hostage to its own agenda.

Default-user-icon flamethrower (ضيف) 14:58 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

how weird.. You remind me of myself when I used to post on naharnet before I got banned for abuse and bad taste

Default-user-icon Sebouh80 (ضيف) 10:34 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

Dear Naharnet Staff,

I strongly urge the Naharnet staff to officially denounce the extension of the 128 deputies, and also more importantly not to recognize their self extended mandate. The political elites in Lebanon have to be stopped before it is too late.

Kind Regards.

Default-user-icon CFTC-Sebouh80 (ضيف) 15:00 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

Please Sebouh80 (Guest), may I ask you politely not to use my private registered guest name. I mean from all the names in the world like Abbas Madrass or Jaafar 3antar, why mine????

Thumb ironically 14:02 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

Suleiman Franjieh 28 October 2014 “The postponement of the parliamentary polls will inevitably take place. Some sides dare to say that they support the extension, while others hide behind political calculations. Lebanon cannot support holding the elections even though we wish otherwise were true. We are faced with vacuum or the extension. We must be realistic and honest with the people.”

Thumb freedomarch 14:07 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

If these groups mean what they are saying, simple Resign. ... or you know what you will be called...

Default-user-icon ML (ضيف) 14:15 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

Hard to see how this is a solution for vacuum when the extension is for nearly 3 years. If it was for a few months until they figure out a solution to the problems at hand, one would give them the benefit of the doubt but to extend the term, not once, but twice and for such a duration... that's just unacceptable.

The excuse being used for not holding elections is ridiculous. The situation is rarely stable in Lebanon. If security concerns are the cause of the extension, our dear politicians will make sure that these security problems linger for as long as possible.

Missing humble 14:18 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

When will you understand that HA and its servants are working for a Mutelateh?

Missing Ghazanfar 15:10 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

The MPs who boycotted or voted against the extension should resign and trigger local by-elections; they will simply join the by-election that is going ahead soon to replace Jezzine MP Michel Helou who sadly passed away last June. This way if they win reelection their continued tenure in Parliament becomes legitimate at least in the eyes of the voters and their opposition to the extension genuine. It will also gives them valid barging rights against the ones who endorsed the extension. But if they continue with their extended term without by-elections, as some of them did the last time the term was extended, their opposition to extension is nothing but a cynical, dishonest, insincere stunt designed to mislead the people.

Default-user-icon Name (ضيف) 17:22 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

funny that when hezballah pressured the shiites members of the constitutional council into boycotting the sessions to study president suleiman's filed challenge to the extension aoun did not say anything.. biting the hand that feeds you and all that.

Missing humble 15:25 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

When will you understand that HA and its servants are working for a Mutelateh?

Missing ysurais 16:03 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

Lebanon has witnessed today the worst democracy of it's modern time.
Z downward spiral goes on
Politicians keeping z momentum of emptying z country of it's institutions & laws.
Congratulation, well done job dear Leb lawmakers.

Default-user-icon Sam (ضيف) 16:06 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

Tomatoes and eggs are not enough for those corrupt MPs. Should have pelted them with watermelons also

Missing peace 16:51 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

waw! even frangie and hezbollah are under the influence of saudis? how strong are they?!!! LOL

Default-user-icon António Variações (ضيف) 17:16 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

paparazzo 3 hours ago 51

Suleiman Franjieh 28 October 2014 “The postponement of the parliamentary polls will inevitably take place.

Some sides dare to say that they support the extension, while others hide behind political calculations.

Lebanon cannot support holding the elections even though we wish otherwise were true.

We are faced with vacuum or the extension.

We must be realistic and honest with the people.”

Frangieh was refuting every single lie Aoun said yesterday

Missing peace 17:41 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 05

yes for sure! they all share the same cake and give themselves rights and shares in different public services making money instead of satisfying the needs of citizens...
any MP denouncing the theft of the country? none as they all have interests... they view Lebanon as a company not a country!