واشنطن "تعترض على شراء الجيش دبابات من روسيا"
Read this story in Englishأبدت الولايات المتحدة الاميركية، معارضتها لأن يقوم لبنان بشراء أسلحة من لدى روسيا، من ضمن هبة المليار دولار السعودية، وسط رغبة رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري بتنويع مصادر الاسلحة، وفق ما أفادت المعلومات الصحافية.
فقد نقلت صحيفة "السفير"، السبت، عن مصادر سياسية واسعة الاطلاع، أن واشنطن "احتجت رسمياً لدى الحكومة اللبنانية، وخصوصاً لدى قيادة الجيش اللبناني، على محاولة إبرام صفقة دبابات "تي 72" مع الحكومة الروسية".
الى ذلك، لفتت المصادر الى ان الجانب الأميركي "استغرب إصرار الحريري على تنويع مصادر الأسلحة"، لافتة الى ان الدبابات الروسية "مُستعملة" في حين ان الاميركية "خارجة من المصنع".
بدورها، أفادت مصادر اللبنانية، الصحيفة عينها، ان "الأميركيين قدموا للجانب اللبناني معلومات موثقة حول الوسطاء اللبنانيين والروس الذين سينالون عمولات توازي سعر الصفقة برمتها".
يُذكر انه في مطلع شهر آب الفائت، أعلن الحريري خلال زيارة مفاجئة الى لبنان عن تقديم السعودية هبة بقيمة مليار دولار إلى الجيش والقوى الأمنية لغرض "مواجهة الإرهاب". وكان قد سبق هذه الهبة، هبة أخرى سعودية بقيمة ثلاث مليارات دولار على ان يتم شراء الاسلحة والاعتدة من فرنسا.
وكشفت المصادر اللبنانية عبر "السفير" عن أن كوريا الجنوبية عبَّرت أيضاً عن "رغبتها بالانضمام الى لائحة الدول المشاركة في التسليح، وعرضت على قيادة الجيش شمولها بشراء معدات عسكرية كورية، على أن تبادر الى تقديم هبة عبارة عن فرقاطة حربية حديثة".
كذلك "عرضت الحكومة الصينية بيع أسلحة بأسعار مخفضة"، وأشارت الصحيفة الى ان وفداً عسكرياً لبنانياً أُرسل الى بكين لهذه الغاية.
ولفتت الصحيفة الى ان رئيس الاركان الاردني اتصل بقيادة الجيش اللبناني وعرض تقديم هبة عسكرية، على أن ترسل وفداً عسكرياً الى عمان لتحديدها.
Another credible report by As Safir, the beacon of truth in professional journalism.
The Abrams M1A2 is far superior than any tank existed till today. The T-90 is nothing more than an upgraded T-72, renamed after the mauling the 72 received in Desert Storm. It is wholly inferior to the Abrams (and the Leo, Challenger, Merkava) in armor protection, firepower, electronics, and speed/acceleration.
oh geha, because according to you, only Al Arabiya CNN and Al Jazeera speaks the truth.
Geha, Iranian outlets and sub media outlets are the most credible,. and honest and we should listen, and serve without any question or Dark side Pasadran - Rev. Guards will make an instant visit to straighten things up!!! In Their world media is for giving you instructions how to obey the supreme Ayatollah rather than giving any real facts.
actually it is written ASSafir,,, f you don't mind!!! Plus yes ... The deal with Russia is upsetting Iran, Assad and Assafir more than any one else, if it was true to begin with. I doubt that there was any indication that The Lebanese army was going to get such a tank, and What is more urgent is to stop the deal of land to air missiles with Assad.
who cares where they are purchased.... many of Uncle Sam's allies purchase military hardware fro the Russians... why complain here...?
"Widely informed sources", greeeeat! I bet those are better than the "unnamed informed sources" or "anonymous informed sources" they and alakhbar unusually quote when HA want to convey a piece of wild disinformation.
when you get offers of free arms from satan itself you take them
but since we have puppets or agents instead of statesman this is the result orders comes and slaves bow
make a referendum and ask all lebaneses citizens about the way to arm their sons in the army and take this democratic result and shove it in the face of the biggest democracy
god bless democracy and especially democracy in the gulf countries now
I guess we need to buy merkavas. I will be easier to get them serviced across the border.
I won't trust any weapons that come from USA or France as they would be disabled with a push of a button middle battle at the behest of Israel.
(1). The US in itself has been a remarkable failure in world diplomacy. One look at how the Israeli/Palestinian conflict among others has been handled is proof enough of US policy failures. Whatever that seems to worry one US administration after the other over the LAF should now dissipate as the LAF has proven well beyond all doubt that it is fully cohesive, united and capable. Now when the LAF seems to be knocking its head against a hard US wall of outdated thinking, then one is left with no choice but opt for other option as to where we can buy weapons. In plain simple English, the LAF does not aim to invade Israel, nor would its weapons and logistics fall to Hezbollah, in plain simple English, the LAF is doing its best to keep Lebanon from falling to bits and pieces and God knows it is doing a great job with the little it has
(2). Some years ago, during the battle of Nahr Al Bared, the LAF could have shortened the war and its losses by leveling that nest of terrorists within a week or two at most, yet the LAF behaved as the best army in the world would, in the folding hours of that long drawn out war, soldiers of the Lebanese Army were seen carrying Palestinian children and helping women, the elderly out of the camp and into relief facilities. If today the US wants to float its myopia and stupidity once more and at the expense of Lebanon's security, then yes, let's go and buy Russian Weapons, Brazilian, Taiwanese, South African, Iranian, Indian, wlak the world is awash with the weapons industry. $4BN could buy us a lot, why wait for uncle Sam to make up his slow mind?!
"stick them where they could be useful!!!!"
The only appropriate place is your ASSad.
The LAF should seek the best weapons for the best price regardless of the source. Ignore any and all pressures, just make sure the deals are the best we can secure.
This looks like jewish infested website. I wonder if you get money from israHell as from saudi roaches?