جعجع يؤكد ان البحث في قانون انتخابي "جدّي"

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شدد رئيس "حوب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع على ان اللجنة النيابية المكلفة بحص قانون الانتخابات "جادة" في عملها هذه المرة، والدليل على ذلك، هو تحديد مهلة شهر لبت قانون انتخابي.

وفي حديث الى صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الاثنين، قال جعجع ان "التئام اللجنة هذه المرة ليس مجرد بحث للبحث، والدليل تحديد مهلة شهر للتوافق، وإلّا الذهاب إلى الهيئة العامة التي ستناقش وتقترع لمشروع من هذه المشاريع".

ولفت الى ان اللجنة وضعت خريطة طريق "واضحة جداً ومحددة في المواعيد"، لافتاً الى انها "لا بد من أن تنتهي بقانون انتخاب جديد، الأمر الذي يعتبر انجازاً وطنياً، نظراً لمحورية قانون الانتخاب وأهميته في عملية إنتاج السلطة".

واعتبر ان انجاز القانون الانتخابي "يحلّ كثيراً من نقاط الخلاف بين جميع الأفرقاء، سواء كانوا حلفاء أم خصوماً".

من هنا، أشار جعجع الى ان كتل "القوات" و"المستقبل" و"الاشتراكي" ستكون" الأكثر ارتياحاً، لأنها نجحت في تقديم اقتراح قانون مختلط بكل تفاصيله، وهو موجود في الأمانة العامة لمجلس النواب، وسنطرح رأينا بكلّ وضوح".

وأضاف انه "حتى لو انطلق رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري من مشروع مختلط آخر، إلّا أن الهيكلية العامة ستكون نفسها، وبالتالي سيحصل النقاش بين مشروعنا والمشروع الآخر".

وعن صحة التمثيل التي يؤمنها القانون المختلط، أكد جعجع عبر "الجمهورية" ان هذا القانون "يعطي أقصى تمثيل مسيحي ممكن في إطار الصيغة اللبنانية الحالية، وفي حال السعي نحو التمثيل الكامل يقتضي الذهاب نحو صيغة جديدة، ونحن كـ»قوات» في غير هذا الوارد".

بدورها أفادت صحيفة "النهار"، أن "المستقبل" و"حزب القوات اللبنانية" و"الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" اتفقت على دخول "المناقشات في اللجنة المكلفة وضع قانون الانتخاب على قاعدة أنها ستصوّت إذا تعذر التفاهم خلال مهلة الشهر على مشروع قانون لمصلحة القانون المختلط الجامع بين النظامين الأكثري والنسبي".

يُشار الى ان مجلس النواب مدد مطلع الجاري ولايته للمرة الثانية، تنتهي في حزيران 2017، بعد فشلهم في التوصل الى قانون انتخابي (والبقاء على قانون الستين حيث يعتمد القضاء كدائرة انتخابية)، في المرة الاولى، وفشلهم ثانية في انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية بعد رفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته التي انتهت في ايار الفائت.


التعليقات 27
Default-user-icon True Lebaese (ضيف) 08:50 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

You claim you proposed the Orthodox Gathering. The Joint Parliamentary Committee voted in favor of it.

Than you claimed if Amal and Hizballa agree with it you will vote for it. They did.

You got to the doors of Parliament and changed your mind.

You are a liar and destroyer of Christians.

You bombed Baabda the Presidential Palace in 1990 in coordination with Syrian jets.

Missing humble 11:39 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

The only destroyer of the Christians is the caporal of rabiyeh who is accepting the Mutelateh....

Thumb -phoenix1 14:45 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

@Humble, the old man of Rabieh still believes that he will be president. What is even funnier is that Sayed Hassan's eyes see no other than his love for Aoun whom he wishes to see president. Of course, all that he will be is an official rubber-stamper for Hezbollah. Well, too bad for them both, Aoun will end his life never to see that much coveted seat, and Sayed Hassan will continue to live underground indefinitely. This is when dreams die a natural death. We shall have our president and definitely, it won't be the old senile of Rabieh, definitely Not.

Thumb Mystic 16:20 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

Phoenix, old pal. It will definitely not be Geagea neither. So on that note, we will just have to wait for year 2017, then we can continue on the subject.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:03 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

Of course not Mystic, thank God it won't be Geagea either, but more like someone who is neither General nor Doctor. Then it won't be 2017 either, we're talking a lot closer, a lot closer. keep watching this space.

Thumb Mystic 17:14 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

Time will tell phoenix, the way things are now, I wouldn't get my hopes up. We will see Lebanon without a President for quite some time, everybody disagrees. You guys want a pro western anti Hezbollah President, the rest of us, wants the opposite.

You see where we are going?

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 11:59 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

electoral law discussions are serioue this time
The meeting of the committee this time is not just aimed at holding discussions
thank you ya MR geagea now we know how you tackled these issues before
or shall we say now we know that your just a muppet that moves when they pull youe strings

Thumb Mystic 13:49 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

The extension will hold, until 2017. If you guys don't find a more reliable candidate. Forget about Geagea, if you want elections.

If you can't forget about him, then don't whine every single day about M8 blocking anything.
It is you stubborn people, that blocks the elections by allowing this child killer to stand as a candidate.

Thumb thepatriot 15:35 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

Ya Mystic... Geagea offered to withdraw his candidacy if Aoun would deconsider his... he also offered to sit with him and come up with a name suitable for both... Aoun refused... so please... spare us your BS...

Thumb Mystic 15:51 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

You guys keep having the same attitudes, and whine about everything. Then I have to repeat, wait for 2017, then we can talk on the matter again.

Until then, stop whining about elections.

Thumb kesrweneh 16:33 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

Geagea managed to get 48 votes against 60 white bulletin, he has 7 deputies while aoun has 28, he has a maximum of 12-15% of christians on his side while aoun has about 52%. this is not a deal this is a joke. the christians have the right to have for once their primary leader representing them. If geagea doesn't trust the election result anymore let us go for one of the 3 option FPM proposed:
1- new elections
2- direct presidential election from the people
3- Christian sensus supervised by Bkerke
But will geagea dare refer to the people? of course not since he knows his popularity is down to earth after allying with Ekhwan and assir and daesh and...

Thumb -phoenix1 16:26 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

(1). Mystic, what's bothering you with people asking for a president? Geagea has been quite clear since day one, he is only a candidate, if he gets the votes, so be it. But then, where are the other candidates? Was Aoun forthright from the beginning? No he wasn't? Was Sayed Hassan either? No he wasn't. All this procrastination is easy to understand, Aoun is dying for the seat, Sayed Hassan knows this and whom better than a lackey than Aoun to do whatever Hezbollah asks for? President Suleiman was loathed because he stood on the way of Hezbollah, now HA is doing all it can to have another NIET presidency for them. Then Geagea, for God's sake, is he the only guy with blood on the hands? Mystic, where is your conscience, every warlord has blood on the hands, and sorry to say this, even Sayed Hassan has.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:27 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

** Not to have another NIET....**

Thumb Mystic 16:42 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

Phoenix, nothing is bothering me, I am fine the way things are now. Rather have no president, than some pro American zionist, that you guys are so eager to get into power. Sulaiman, were also about to go that awful way, but his term expired, and here we are.

No president, and you guys keeps begging for one everyday. Well mate, prepare for more. Aslong as serving Israel and the West remains you guys priority, then you will have to stand in line with the rest of the M14, and complain until 2017.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:02 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

Mystic, for once, can we work and live out of that old Israeli ranting shadow? Suleiman was no Israeli, Geagea too and that certainly beats being an Iranian or Syrian puppet. Your move bro.

Thumb Mystic 17:16 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

To say Geagea and Sulaiman, isn't Israeli puppets, is hair-shirted nonsense. There is nothing to move on phoenix, we disagree deeply on this issue.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:26 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

(2). Mystic. With Geagea your worry is that he won't be a rubber stamper, that's all, and this is very true, so just be straight with the issue rather than turning round the issue. By most accounts, before the end of this year, and contrary to your views, God willing, there will be a new president and it won't be Aoun.

Thumb kesrweneh 13:50 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

"He stressed that the LF will not back off from its proposal, which guarantees the best representation possible for Christians" no Mr.Geagea the best law is the orthodox law you back stapped! actually wasn't it you deputy Me Adwan who said the LF accepted the christian loss of 10 deputies for the sake of "national peace" ? so please stop the lies and say it straight forward for once: U are a traitor abiding by the Saoudi orders. for that you are getting paid and you have the luxury of residing in 100's of million dollars worth palace...

Thumb kesrweneh 14:55 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

Slash I wonder how what you said is linked to this article. But i will answer you maybe you'll feel a bit more knowledgeable by the end of this.
Fled in his pyjamas: he left for the embassy to sign an armistice wearing his military clothes, a priest clothing, Santa’s cloth red cloak… how on earth did anybody know what he was wearing? He asked his soldiers to surrender in order to preserve their lives long before he left the Baabda presidential palace, unfortunately communications were off and the few soldiers who didn’t receive the message died defending a country Geagea sold to the Syrian/Saudi/Israeli coalition for promises of power and wealth .

Thumb kesrweneh 16:28 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

aiiiii that hurts!

Thumb kesrweneh 15:03 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

peacelover thank you for your very deep and enlighting comment you are trully a typical elite owatje

Missing karim- 16:15 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

Cardinal Al-Rai reveling Aounist ongoing lies about the Orthodox law


Thumb kesrweneh 16:41 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

I read the article Karim and it's just patriarch expressing his opinion. This opinion was later proved wong by Kataeb, Marada and FPM sticking to Bkerke agreement while Geagea as usual committed treason by backstabbing the Christian unanimous decision

Missing karim- 17:13 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

And the lie goes on, actually look at the date this was not Al Rai's personal opinion he was expressing what the Christian leaders had agreed to in Bkirki under his advisory. This was the last meeting in Bkirki of the repsi of the "big four" and after everyone accepted that the Orthodox law was a non starter. Berri himself put the death nail in it when he confirmed that he will not convene a Parliament that violates the National Pact.

"The Free Patriotic Movement, the Lebanese Forces, the Phalange party and the Marada movement representatives agreed during a meeting held under al-Rahi in Bkirki last week to suspend the Orthodox proposal. They also pledged not to run for elections under the 1960 law."

Missing peace 18:18 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

go and play with your dolls with your 128 other friends... it is all you MPs and pseudo leaders know....

Missing karim- 21:12 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

the vision of the Patriarch of Lebanon


Missing karim- 22:07 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 17

boycotted? what boycott?

Aoun, Gemayel, Franjieh Meet in Bkirki amid Geagea's Absence - Naharnet 28 March 2014

Rai, who had earlier Thursday met with Geagea in Bkirki - DailyStar May 9, 2014

Geagea after Meeting al-Rahi: There is a 'War of Elimination' on Presidency - Naharnet 24 June 2014