ذوو عسكريي عرسال يهددون بالتصعيد ويناشدون نصرالله "التدخل"
Read this story in Englishحذر أهالي عسكريي عرسال المحتجزين لدى الجماعات الارهابية من التصعيد بدءا من يوم الجمعة المقبل، واقفال الطرقات ومداخل بيروت. وطلبوا من "حزب الله" التدخل في الملف بعد ان نجح بالافراج عن احد اسراه لدى الجماعات المتطرفة في سوريا.
وفي تصريح لهم من ساحة رياض الصلح، أعلن الاهالي عن قرارهم بالتصعيد، لافتين الى انهم لم يلمسوا اي ايجابيات من الاجتماعات مع المسؤولين اللبنانيين.
وأكدوا ان الطريق التي ستقفل لن يُعاد فتحها، الا بحل الملف، وأضافوا انه سيتم نصب الخيم على الطرق.
واثر اشتباكات عنيفة بين الجيش اللبناني ومسلحين ارهابيين في بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية مع سوريا، مطلع شهر آب الفائت، تمكن داعش و"جبهة النصرة" من أسر عدد من العسكريين.
وناشد الاهالي، الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله العمل على اطلاق سراحه أبنائهم كما نجح في الافراج عن اسيره عماد عياد الذي كانت تحتجزه مجموعات المعارضة السورية في جرود القلمون.
واعتبر احد الاهالي ان "حزب الله ليس اقوى من الدولة اللبنانية وهو استطاع تحرير احد اسراه".
يُذكر ان حزب الله اعلن الثلاثاء عن تحرير عنصر تابع له كان أسيرا لدى مجموعات المعارضة السورية في جرود القلمون حيث كانت تخاض معارك شرسة بين الجهتين، وذلك بعد مفاوضات استمرت لأشهر، وأكد في بيان له أن الفرحة لا تكتمل إلا "بعودة العسكريين المخطوفين" لدي الجماعات المتطرفة.
وقد قدمت "النصرة" ثلاث اقتراحات للدولة اللبنانية بغية الافراج عن العسكريين لديها، وهي: إطلاق سراح 10 معتقلين من السجون اللبنانية في مقابل كل محتجز، أو إطلاق سراح 7 معتقلين من السجون اللبنانية مع 30 معتقلة من السجون السورية في مقابل كل محتجز، أو إطلاق سراح 5 معتقلين من السجون اللبنانية مع 50 معتقلة من السجون السورية في مقابل كل محتجز.
في حين طالبت "داعش" بالافراج عن 5 سجناء مقابل كل عسكري محتجز لديها، وفق ما أفادته المعلومات الصحافية الاربعاء.
every day these filth terrorists do not release our soldiers send 50 000 Syrian refugees back to Syria
I am sure HA negotiated from position of strength, LOL. It released Nusra captives and Nusra released HA captive. However, nasrallah wants the government to negotiate with Nusra from a position of strength by refusing their demands in their totality and saying we don't negotiate with terrorists.
Yes, HA did negotiate from a position of strength, they captured fighters to make that exchange.
I dont see why naharnet or the captives families would link these cases together, they are completely different. First Ayyad was not in nusra or IS custody, he was captured by a group belonging to the FSA. That group didnt behave like nusra/ISIS, didnt behead people, and didnt make unacceptable request like freeing convicted terrorists from lebanese prisons (+syrian prisons to make the whole deal even more complicated)
another important point is the father's reaction when they called him 2 days after the kidnapping to blackmail him. he said "my son died two days ago" and hung up. denying them any leverage on him. in comparison, all the agitation that the relatives of the hostages are doing is very harmful, it gives more value to the hostages and makes da3esh/nusra cling on them even more.
LOL mooowaten.... when it suits you FSA or al nusra are the same.... but here it is different! FSA are no more terrorists! LOL
you do not need to justify hezbi actions as they are the champs in double standards... the gvt cannot negociate with terrorists but hezbollah can.... bravo ya patriot anta!
The captured Soldiers are being represented by a Qatari from Doha. The Prime Minister doesn't want the resistance in the negotiations.
Mystic, be honest and admit that there is an enormous contradiction here when Nasrallah said that the government should only negotiate from a position of strength and not accept swapping prisoners.
2 fighters against 1 fighter is a very good deal. the kind of deal you get when you are in a position of strength.
Actors: Islamic State, Islamic Republic, Hezbollah, Daesh, Nusrah.
Movie Titles: (
Horror: Night of Living Fanatics
Love Story: Gone With The Beards
Comedy: Monty Python's Lives of Hassan and Abu Bakr
Science Fiction: Planet of the Apes: King Hassan against Abu Bakr Al Godzilla
Documentary: Believes and Hallucinations of the Mental Fanatics
you beat me to it mowaten!!!! I was thinking exactly the same thing that he is trying to be funny! We always think alike on all issues and I just hope readers don't think we are the same poster.
Drama: Barbarians In The House
Documentary: Rise of the Neanderthals
Cartoon: Despicable Us
Love Story: When Hassan met Abu Bakr
you got to speak with these scum terrorists with their own language
if they kill 1 soldiers the family should kill 10 000 Syrians
if they do not release them in a fixed date the families with our so called government should send back to Syria 50 000 refugees every week till they release them
and now with sub zero temps these scum will take anydeal or they will freeze to death
The best swap is for these fanatics is to keep killing each other until dooms day - then and only then we will be able to live a normal life.
Actually going from swap unacceptable to allegedly two for one is far from a position of power, the position of power from nasralla coming after months of screams of swap unacceptable and after some of his fighters were captured.
This article adds more weight as to why Lebanon needs a military coup.
HA have shown how to make an exchange without all the hoopla the so called Gov of Lebanon goes through each & every time it needs to make serious decisions.
Why does the Lebanese Gov , require Qatar, Ksa, Turkey or anyone else to bargain on their behalf? simple because Lebanon is weak, always has been weak & will forever be weak....HA clearly showed this by doing what needed to be done.
Military Rule & ASAP !
whyask, Just go back a short time in history & you will see Lebanon has always been weak & never takes a stand in the best interest of its people.
In the early 70's the leaders were split on how to tackle the Palestinian problem until they became too powerful for the Lebanese & was too late.
Sects split along with the army.....If decisions are made by powerful leaders immediately, the threat stops before it manifests.
Lebanon's leaders are clearly split & more worried who to please than making the right decision there & now.
Time for a coup & let the LAF rule with an iron fist, then tell me if these scum will dare mess with LAF etc.
"In the early 70's the leaders were split on how to tackle the Palestinian problem until they became too powerful for the Lebanese & was too late."
LOL and he defends hezbollah? LOL hezbollah are the same thing as the palestinians: they became too powerful and it is too late! LOL
but hezbollah being stronger than the state and not respecting it like the palestinians did is ok.... pityful boy
For fifteen years the case of the Lebanese detainees in Syria was article one on every Aounist agenda complete with clear and concise accusations of the Syrian regime, but since 2005 after Aoun accepted to defect to the Syrian side when Pakradoni and Lahoud Jr's visited him in Paris with Bashar's lucrative deal, nothing, except a few words here and there around the 13th of October.