الجيش يوقف لبنانياً وفلسطينيا خلال عملية دهم في طريق المطار
Read this story in Englishتمكنت قوى الجيش من توقيف شخصين مطلوبين بجرم إطلاق نار خلال مداهمة نفذتها، فجر الجمعة، في طريق المطار.
وأفاد بيان صادر عن الجيش، ظهر الجمعة، انه في إطار ملاحقة المطلوبين ومكافحة الجرائم، نفذت قوة من الجيش عمليات دهم واسعة في محلة طريق المطار ومحيطه لمنازل مطلوبين.
ولفت الى انه تم توقيف كلاً من: اللبناني هشام منذر والفلسطيني حسن أزموز، المطلوب توقيفهما بجرم إطلاق نار في المحلة في وقت سابق والقيام بأعمال شغب.
وأضاف البيان انه تم ضبط أسلحة وذخائر ومناظير وأجهزة تسديد وأعتدة عسكرية.
وقد جرى تسليم الموقوفان مع المضبوطات إلى المرجع المختص، في حين تستمر قوى الجيش بملاحقة المطلوبين الفارين لتوقيفهم وإحالتهم على القضاء المختص.
Didn't someone here say, that the Army isn't allowed to enter Dahiyeh?
Well, is this your example?
The Army's allowed to enter Dahiyeh but after getting the authorization from the government there, but you already knew that
yes, there are dozens of examples, but there are none so blind as those that will not see
hashem salman was killed by an embassy guard, after his friend pulled a gun out and opened fire. enough using his death for your propaganda purposes like he's some lemon you want to juice out to the last drop.
However yes indeed, the army is not being allowed to do its job in certain places, that's why fadel shaker, assir, mawlawi, and dozens of others are still cosy hiding in camps.
mowaten you takfiri terrorists are still going with this to explain attacking and the murder of unarmed demonstrators? You tried to pass it as fact before still not going to fly. It makes the Aoun al Mamar Photoshopped picture of a Hezbollah terrorist made to appear like an armed LF guy aiming at demonstrators look like a Pulitzer prize winning piece of photo journalism.
I bet you would be still be repeating that Samer Hanna was murdered by infiltrators working on for Israel like that idiot Abdul Amir Qabalan was told to say, lucky Hanna's co-pilot survived.
"hajjradwan" nice blabla but facts are facts. the "unarmed protesters" opened fire, and that was reported by several news channels at the time, including m14 media.
but of course, you m14ers dont need facts, slander and empty accusations are your specialties.
i dont know who they are but it is irrelvant anyway. first your claim that the people in the picture killed him is unsubstantiated, they have sticks not guns.
and second this does not change the fact that hashem salman's friend had a gun, pulled it out and opened fire, as reported by the media (including m14) at the time. the only thing you "confirmed" is how lightly you make false statements and random accusations.
"mowaten" not even any M8 media claimed his friend pulled a gun. The Iranian ambassador Roken Abadi even denied that the embassy or it's guards had anything to do with the bloodthirstily murderers, besides it's guards have uniforms. Hezbollah tried to pretend that the takfiri Hezbollah thugs who attacked the unarmed demonstrators and murdered Salman were "local residents offended by the demonstrators", it just happened that is that neighborhood black t-shirts were on sale that week, everyone got one and decided to wear it that day. BTW "mowaten" are you related to the imbecile who insists Imad Ayyad is a civilian engineer.
Could the tide be shifting? We shall see said the blind man. But I know my dear friend Mystic will accuse me again of being pro-American. Lol.
Phoenix, this proofs that what I told you was right. The LAF has checkpoints in all the southern suburbs. You should take a trip, come here and see for yourself.
This is nothing new at all.
I agree with you Mystic, I've seen them checkpoints there since I do visit Dahyeh, so I've no argument whereas it comes to this.
Well if you think about it, a chunk of their revolutionary guard fighters are off killing in Syria in their continuous revenge, so of course they'll use the Army at their convenience, unlike numerous times before when the Army wanted to enter in various areas because of "explosions" but were not allowed by HA fighters....hmmm who is more valued here.