"الوطني الحر" يرى أن المجلس الدستوري "سقط": هناك أساليب أقوى من الاستقالة
Read this story in Englishاثر رد المجلس الدستوري الطعن الذي تقدم به "التيار الوطني الحر" بقرار التمديد للمجلس النيابي لولاية ثانية، رأى أن أعلى سلطة قضائية سقطت، رافضا استقالة نوابه ووزراؤه باعتبار ان هناك " اساليب اقوى وافضل من ذلك".
و قالت مصادر بارزة في "لتيار الوطني الحر" لصحيفة "الجمهورية" السبت أنها "فوجئت بتوقيت ردّ الطعن"، موضحة ان "المجلس الدستوري كان سيرفض التمديد في المرة الماضية، لكنه فضّل التهرّب من الرفض من خلال عدم اكتمال النصاب أمّا هذه المرة فقد شرّع التمديد".
عليه، اعتبرت المصادر أن "أعلى سلطة قضائية دستورية تشرّع اليوم امراً غير شرعي".
وفيما جزمت ان "لا استقالة لوزراء لتيار ونوابه"، أشارت المصادر للصحيفة عينها أن "هناك اساليب أخرى أقوى وأفضل من الاستقالة".
وأضافت "مع احترامنا للمجلس الدستوري نعتبر انّ أعلى مؤسسة قضائية سقطت، إذ انّ حيثيات القرار كانت كلها لصالح الطعن باستثناء القرار، ولسنا مقتنعين بأنّ رفض الطعن جاء للحيلولة دون التمادي في حدوث الفراغ في المؤسسات الدستورية".
وخلصت المصادر الى القول ان "تعبئة هذا الفراغ يكون من خلال إجراء انتخابات نيابية في مواعيدها واحترام الدستور".
وأمس الجمعة قرر المجلس الدستوري قبول المراجعة شكلا ورد الطعن الذي قدمه "الوطني الحر"، للحيلولة دون التمديد بالفراغ في المؤسسات الدستورية
ونُقل عن زوار رئيس تكتل التغيير والاصلاح النائب ميشال عون قوله ان "قرار المجلس الدستوري خاطئ وحجة فراغ المؤسسات غير مبررة".
والشهر الجاري أقر مجلس النواب تمديد ولايته للمرة الثانية على التوالي حتى 20 حزيران من العام 2017، وسط تصويت نائبي "الطاشناق" ضد التمديد وفي ظل مقاطعة نواب "الكتائب" و"الوطني الحر".
وفي 31 ايار 2013 أقر البرلمان تمديد ولايته للمرة الاولى انتهت في 20 تشرين الثاني 2014 في جلسة حضرها 97 نائبا، صوتوا جميعهم للتمديد، وقاطعها نواب "التيار الوطني الحر"، بعد أن فشلت جميع الأطراف السياسية بالوصول إلى قانون انتخاب في أربع سنوات منصرمة.
there comes a time in someone's life where he has to own up to his mishaps and take ownership of their blunders. Something the fpm will never learn how to do.
The FPM, (Flame Powered Moaners) remain the one single worst impediment to the Lebanon returning back to its senses. They wills ell anyone and anything just to obtain all the favors needed to make of their sick old man Aon president of the republic. They will invent, concoct, fabricate, photoshop and deform anything just to hit you under the belly. Some FPMers who are too dependent on the money they make by being in the FPM, or those now too brain dead to change are doomed. Fortunately a big number have left this sick organization, maybe not necessarily shifting to other parties but left a party that is only here to distort and damage the brains of unsuspecting people. Look at the elections that are taking place in the country, the FPM is barely wining one of them, surest signs of a deceitful party in serious decline. No amount of NIETS here can change this fact.
Baroud is free to speak his mind, but in stark contrast, Baroud is a free man like most of us are as totally opposed and in total contrast to members of the FPM, they are brain dead and tied up by God knows what. You see the difference ya FT? Figure it out ya FT, evidence is here literally begging you to use it.
I am simply against your ways at mocking people, you referred to Eagle and Humble as paid propagandists, if they are, then you ya FT, what are you? Just let's focus on the issues, not the people who post, that degrades the very value of your argument.
Yeah you two, quit flaunting your riches and success around like that! You are making flamethrower jealous. He can only dream of getting paid 5$/hour, approx. He yearns for such exorbitantly high salary that goes with the higher IQs he lacks. Even thought the one plain mam2ousheh or plain ka3keh he gets for his 15/16 hour shifts here puts him head and shoulders above anyone in his clan, he's the success. In his Dahieh neighborhood he's known as Mr one percenter. He's the guy with the snazzy irregular secondhand 1987 Paul Jardin suit with two mismatched pants and polyester necktie (neckties are illegal there but I mention it just to showcase his successes).
“The ministers and lawmakers of the FPM will not resign from their posts”
Nov 9 2014 - Al-Rahi: The boycotting MPs should show their protest to the extension by announcing their resignations.
Who's making fun of FPM for challenging an illegal extension.
Oct 28 2014 - Suleiman Franjieh: The postponement of the parliamentary polls will inevitably take place. Some sides dare to say that they support the extension, while others hide behind political calculations.
Actually to be more precise Franjieh was not making fun of them, he was all but calling them hypocrites. So please everyone stop making fun of of FPM for challenging an illegal extension, call them what everyone knows they exactly are, hypocrites.
poor FT ... pityful as always.... if you do not want to follow the lebanese institutions and respect their say then just take up arms and make a coup! take the power, what are you hypocrites waiting for? and you keep whining that all the institutions are corrupted and useless...
but you prefer to block the country so that you hezbi friends do whatever they want in this country , spitting on it and disobeying it...
assume rather than crying like virgins you are.....
Hezbollah keeps saying Aoun is their candidate. Okay so if he is, why can't we go to Parliament and vote? Because of Henri Helou??? Loool whenever Hezbollah wants to make political gains they do it. They led the protests in 2006-08, then overran West Beirut just to keep their telecoms and stooge in the airport. They got a compromise president with a blocking third. Then they took down Hariri's cabinet by forcing Jumblatt to quit it
Yet here we are... still no president. We all know Berri and Jumblatt hate Aoun, hell everyone hates Aoun. He's just a pawn on Hezbollah's chessboard thinking he can get all the way to the end
I dunno if I already asked, but if M14 and M8 each have their candidate, why can't we go to Parliament... Aoun wants all of Helou's votes from the first round so he'll be assured victory, that's why
the principal trait of idiocy is believing that everyone else is idiot but you... that is how weak minded idiots think.... reminds me of FT by the way....