واشنطن تتطلع إلى قيادة الراعي للمسيحيين بعيدا عن الاختيار الخاطئ بين الأنظمة الديكتاتوية والمتطرفين

Read this story in English W460

شدد مصدر ديبلوماسي غربي في بيروت على أن الولايات المتحدة الأميركية تنظر الى ما تشهده سوريا وعدد من الدول العربية من تحركات شعبية على أنها تعبير عن طموحات شعوب هذه الدول وتطلعاتها المستقبلية الى الحرية والديمقراطية وتمسكها بحقوقها السياسية والمدنية كافة.

وأوضح المصدر في حديث أدلى به لموقع "نهارنت" الإلكتروني أن الإدارة الأميركية تعتبر أن من حق البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي أن يتحرك للتعبير عن هموم طائفته وتطلعاتها في هذه المرحلة، لكنها تتطلع الى معرفة رؤيته ورؤية من يمثل لمعالجة هذه الهموم على قاعدة نظرة مستقبلية وشراكة في الرؤية مع كل المعنيين محليا وخارجيا في مساعدة شعوب المنطقة على الوصول الى الحرية والديمقراطية والإستقرار والإزدهار.

وقال: "إنطلاقا من هذه المقاربة، ترحب الإدارة الأميركية بالزيارة الراعوية التي سيقوم بها البطريرك الراعي الى الموارنة في الولايات المتحدة الأميركية، وتتطلع لأن تكون هذه الزيارة راعوية في المقام الاول ومناسبة ينضم فيها البطريرك الراعي الى حوار بناء حول كيفية السير الى الأمام في دعم تطلعات شعوب المنطقة، ويؤكد في خلالها على اهتمامه بهذه الأهداف المشروعة".

وأضاف المصدر الديبلوماسي الغربي:"على المسيحيين وممثليهم الخروج من حالة القلق على المستقبل والمصير من خلال المساهمة في بذل الجهود للوصول الى حرية التعبير والديمقراطية. فالولايات المتحدة الأميركية ترى بأن وصول الشعوب العربية الى حقوقها المشروعة يتضمن ضمان الحرية الدينية وحرية الأقليات في المجالات كافة. لقد سبق للبطريرك الراعي أن شدد خلال الأسابيع الماضية وفي أكثر من مناسبة على حق المسيحيين في الوجود في هذه المنطقة، ونحن نوافقه الرأي ونؤيده ليس فقط بالنسبة الى المسيحيين وإنما بالنسبة الى كل الطوائف. ولكن ما نتمنى سماعه من البطريرك الراعي هو رأيه في كيف يمكن للمسيحيين أن يلعبوا دورا إيجابيا في الوصول الى الحرية وضمان الوجود".

وأوضح المصدر:"عندما نتحدث عن حرية التعبير وحرية المعتقد، فإن الترجمة العملية لهذه الحريات يفترض أن تكون من خلال رؤية تتوصل إليها شعوب المنطقة نفسها، لا من خلال رؤى تفرض عليهم من الخارج. من هنا فإن على المسيحيين أن يطرحوا وجهة نظرهم وتصورهم للوسيلة التي يمكن من خلالها أن يحافظوا على وجودهم وحريتهم".

وشدد على أن الولايات المتحدة الأميركية ترى بأن "الإستقرار الحقيقي والحريات على المستويات كافة لا يؤمنها نظام قمعي يدعي حماية الأقليات، وإنما تؤمنها الشعوب بمكوناتها كافة من خلال عمل مشترك في ما بينها، ومن خلال تفاهمها في ما بينها على نظام سياسي مبني على الحرية والديمقراطية".

وتابع المصدر:"لقد سبق للبطريرك الراعي أن أعلن في أكثر من مناسبة على مدى الأيام الماضية بأن التصريحات التي أدلى بها في باريس عن الوضع في سوريا أسيء فهمها. ولذلك فإن الإدارة الأميركية تتطلع لأن تكون زيارته المقبلة الى الولايات المتحدة مناسبة له لكي ينضم الى العاملين على لعب دور إيجابي في رسم مستقبل المنطقة ودولها يشارك فيه المسيحيون بدور فاعل بعيدا عن الاختيار الخاطئ بين الأنظمة الديكتاتوية والمتطرفين. إن الخيارات الخاطئة لا تخدم مصالح المسيحيين والأقليات في سوريا وغيرها من دول المنطقة".

واعتبر المصدر أن "زيارة البطريرك الراعي الى الولايات المتحدة تختلف عن زيارته الى فرنسا. فزيارة فرنسا كانت زيارة بدعوة رسمية من السلطات الفرنسية. في حين أن زيارته الى الولايات المتحدة الأميركية هي زيارة راعوية ترحب بها الإدارة الأميركية".

وردا على سؤال عما إذا كانت الإدارة الأميركية ستخصص برنامجا رسميا للزيارة وعما إذا كان الرئيس أوباما أو وزيرة الخارجية هيلاري كلينتون أو غيرهما من كبار المسؤولين سيستقبلون البطريرك الراعي، قال المصدر الديبلوماسي الغربي في بيروت: "الولايات المتحدة الأميركية تتطلع لحوار بناء مع البطريرك الراعي، لكن لغاية الآن لا شيء مؤكدا".

وهل تنتظر واشنطن من البطريرك الراعي موقفا محددا قبل الزيارة، أجاب المصدر: "من الطبيعي أن تكون زيارته المقبلة الى جنوب لبنان موقع متابعة، وهو أمضى وقتا طويلا خلال الايام الماضية في التأكيد على أن كلامه أسيء فهمه. الإدارة الأميركية لا تربط برنامج الزيارة بما سيقوله ويوضحه البطريرك الراعي في الأيام المقبلة لكنها تنتظر منه الإنخراط في حوار جدي حول دور المسيحيين ومستقبلهم. لقد أسهب البطريرك الراعي في التعبير عن هموم طائفته ومخاوفها ونتطلع الى كيفية قيادته لطائفته لمواكبة هذه المتغيرات".

التعليقات 34
Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 18:25 ,2011 أيلول 23

we need a tribunal to see who created and supported those regimes because who supported them is responsible of all their crimes

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 18:47 ,2011 أيلول 23

entering this arena is far beyond the capacities of rahi:"protection of all sects ,including the jews...."monseigneur is not realizing how america is infiltrated by sionism???????.
god protect bilad el arz from evil

Default-user-icon Christopher Rushlau (ضيف) 18:47 ,2011 أيلول 23

This is a reminder to Israel that protecting a minority sect need not come at the price of extremism and dictatorship.
The US ambassador realizes, I think, that when the "standard of the international community" is clearly stated, Israel is the salient exception to the rule. So in the past the US has not clearly spelled out the standard. So in turn rights and welfare in the US have suffered.
Democracy, like God, requires faith, but it must be a rational faith, for God is not stupid, nor are God's creatures.

Thumb canaanite 18:59 ,2011 أيلول 23

Our Christan existence is in God's hands..

Claiming our Chrisitan existence is in the hands of a dictator places that dictator above God,..

And that is the fallacy of Rahi's theory... Bashar is no god..

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 19:35 ,2011 أيلول 23

Lies and more lies to the American people and the entire world, the only thing the American politicians care about is the Arab oil and Zionist strategy, every thing else is not interesting, if they realy care about the christians, they should protcted their christian state Lebanon, like they did with the Jews. Look what happened for the Iraqi christians and Lebanese christians, thousand were killed by the hand of terrorists under the CIA watch, while the Jews are untouched and protected, so it is easy to tell that this politician is full of lies, tell him to resign.

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 19:47 ,2011 أيلول 23

If it was true that the American care about the christian, why they deport the US born children from Lebanese christian parent in violation to the US constitution.
Dude your lies are over and your time is up for resigning, you are not lying to Lebanese, but you are also lying to the Americans andtheir national interes, because your only god is the oil only. American people should wake up and start checking on their Embassies and consulates if they are realy representing the American people interest?

Thumb ado.australia 19:59 ,2011 أيلول 23

How does the U.S. Have any intregretie when in comes to protecting the Christians of the middle east? How dare they question the batrack? He is the patriarch of antioch. He is the leader of all Maronites in lebanon and Syria. This is his responsibility. The u.s. Doesn't care about christains, just as they didn't care about them in Iraq as they were slaughtered. Just as they don't care that they have went from a population of 39% to 8% in palestian. The batrak is our voice and representative, not the zionist controlled, U.S of .A!

Thumb ado.australia 20:00 ,2011 أيلول 23

Any attempt to undermine the batrack, will end in a lebanese revolt. This will be very negative to any president hopeful who wishes to win Ohio. Which is more important? The Jew vote or Ohio Lebanese vote?

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 20:21 ,2011 أيلول 23

The whole world does not care about the Christians in the middle east. The batrack came back from paris upset because of sarkozis harsh statements.
Sarkozi told the batrak that the christians in the middle east should leave to Europe or the US because the islamist may take over and massacre them . batrak asked him about the palestinians . sarkozzi said they should stay where they are . a jewish american european plot to give the whole palestine to the jews and give the christians land to the palestinians. while the christians will be ferried by boats to the west. Thats why the batrak got upeset and made his statement. on his retour to lebanon. the batrak should have opened up to the christians and told them why instead of keeping it hush hush. If we go back in history and check kessingers books. Thats was exactly his plan years and years ago. The jews killed Jesus and now they are continuing by scattering his followers. so yes the batrak is right . May God help all the lebanes

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 20:21 ,2011 أيلول 23

The whole world does not care about the Christians in the middle east. The batrack came back from paris upset because of sarkozis harsh statements.
Sarkozi told the batrak that the christians in the middle east should leave to Europe or the US because the islamist may take over and massacre them . batrak asked him about the palestinians . sarkozzi said they should stay where they are . a jewish american european plot to give the whole palestine to the jews and give the christians land to the palestinians. while the christians will be ferried by boats to the west. Thats why the batrak got upeset and made his statement. on his retour to lebanon. the batrak should have opened up to the christians and told them why instead of keeping it hush hush. If we go back in history and check kessingers books. Thats was exactly his plan years and years ago. The jews killed Jesus and now they are continuing by scattering his followers. so yes the batrak is right . May God help all the lebanes

Default-user-icon John from koura (ضيف) 20:57 ,2011 أيلول 23

The blood thirsty American imperialists are not interested in Peace, freedom, or independence. They only support Zionist colonial aggression and their oppressive Arab puppets. They support divide and conquer, which we have seen in Lebanon, and throughout the middle east the people have paid a terrible price. I can not wait for the day when the American empire is destroyed and isolated and the NAZI state of Israel is isolated and destroyed like the way Apartheid South Africa was destroyed.

Default-user-icon mohammad_ca (ضيف) 22:24 ,2011 أيلول 23

If the Patriarch is (incorrectly) claiming that the fall of the Syrian regime is going to put Christians in danger...is he then saying that Christian lives are more valuable then Muslim lives because the current regime is killing Muslims every day!

Missing startrip 22:39 ,2011 أيلول 23

When I read the words Imperialist, Zionist, colonial aggression in a post, I automatically presume the poster is a ditto head parroting what he/she heard from Manar/SANA and other non-credible outlets. No fresh ideas. No catching up with the new century. Just being stuck in old talking points.

I am optimistic, however, that with the Arab Spring breaking out, these slackers will rid themselves of their mental lethargy.

Missing youssefhaddad 23:38 ,2011 أيلول 23

Those who are mislead or misinformed keep accusing the US for the calamities of the Christians in iraq. Those who killed the Christians in Iraq as well as a lot more Muslims are the terrorists that were fed and bred in Syria and financed by Iran.
Even moqtada Al sader, iran's man, is accusing iran of harboring the terrorists who contributed in igniting the sectarian conflicts in Iraq.
The US have liberated the iraqis and without the current Syrian regime Iraq and Lebanon will have no more major hurdles to becoming stable and democratic.
Without the US the Syrian army would have been still occupying lebanon, without the US Saddam would have been still butchering his people, The US is the natural ally of every freedom loving lebanese.

Default-user-icon Hanna (ضيف) 00:54 ,2011 أيلول 24

Who is this source in the US administration and what is so secret in the revelations it is making that Naharnet cannot say who it is?
Or is it just your editorial board making up stories to fit the political agenda you have been pushing?

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 01:07 ,2011 أيلول 24

The days of this century when the racist white man (those of European heritage) dominates the world are coming to an end In several decades. The people of color will become a majority in the US, Canada, and many parts of Europe. In Palestine, even without the right of return, the Majority Native Palestinians will become a majority in Israel/Palestine in less than a decade. The west is declining, and the rest of the world are catching up after centuries of western imperialism. The white man who represents a small fraction of the world population will no longer have power to dictate and rule, but will be ruled by persons of color (I hope the white man does not get treated like the way he has treated persons of color throughout the world in the last 5 centuries).

The white man is very scared throughout the world, and their puppets are even more scared. The idea is unity and resistance (ANC, Vietgong, ETC), The enemy ONLY comes to the defense of NAZI Israel and AmeriKKKa (and puppets)

Default-user-icon Selim (ضيف) 01:45 ,2011 أيلول 24

"yousef Haddad"...It was the Lebanese people who pushed the Syrians out of Lebanon, not the US who supported their entry into Lebanon in 1976. The US invaded Iraq for Israel and oil ONLY. Otherwise, they would have intervened to stop genocides in Rwanda and Congo. You Americans are so dumb and you think we Lebanese are dumber.

Default-user-icon As'ad (ضيف) 02:19 ,2011 أيلول 24

"startrip". This article is about American involvement in the middle east. It has a lot to do with "Zionism"...Israeli Lobby in the US, Colonialism...the reason why Israel was implanted in the middle east, and Imperialism... Why America is able to invade nations and protect Israeli, yes, aggression. The issues we face today are same issues we faced in the last century. You are very ignorant and naive if you do not realize it.

Default-user-icon As'ad (ضيف) 05:09 ,2011 أيلول 24

To the Zionist idiot Yousef Netanyahu Haddad, the Christians are not leaving the middle east. The Jews have democracy in Israel, the same way the whites had democracy in South Africa. But, the way they rule Palestinians, it is an Apartheid regime. At least the whites in South Africa did not expel the majority blacks and made a minority out of a majority like the criminal Jews did in Palestine to both Muslims and CHRISTIANS. I always suspected that "Yousef Haddad" was a Zionist. Now, he proves that to all of us. Now, Startrip is next to be exposed.

Default-user-icon Danny B (ضيف) 08:16 ,2011 أيلول 24

To: John from koura, Israel is a Nazi state with apartheid , hmmm, lets see, Among the Jews in Israel there is a minority 1.2 million Arabs with Israeli citizenship, full social rights, electing to the Knesset, being elected, with same civil rights as Jews, living in a democratic state, hundreds of times more than they can get in all Arab states around. You should ask the local Arabs of Israel how many of them would prefer living under a Palestinian authority ? almost 80 % would refuse , wonder why? While in Israel we have also Arabs, the Palestinian leaders already declared that they will not accept a single Jew in the new state. So who is the apartheid state? How many Jews live in KSA? What civil rights getting the Palestinian living in Lebanon for over than 65 years, can they elect ? do they get social benefits? can they keep real estate, can they be elected , what rights did they get in Jordan by king Hussein who killed in 70's more Palestinian than Israel over 65 years.

Default-user-icon Salsa Hamra (ضيف) 09:19 ,2011 أيلول 24

It took the Christians of Lebanon centuries of struggle to declare freedom from tyranny and self-sufficiency in matters of safety and protection. Those centuries of struggle were wiped out by very confused and confusing statements from a new patriarch eager to prove to the world that he was his own man. That a Christian of Lebanon would accept these statements and encourage the patriarch to make similar ones is mind-boggling.

As a Christian, born and raised in Lebanon, I refuse to be told that I need the protection of anyone when I have proved time and again that I could stand against the worst assaults of those who were intent on wiping out Christian presence in Lebanon. The Christians don't need the protection of anyone, especially not the protection of a regime that tried its best to destroy Christian power for more than a couple of decades. We are here to stay and we shall prove to the world - once again - that we are masters of our destiny.

Missing anerares 12:30 ,2011 أيلول 24

Typical State Dept BS, mush hayk?

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 12:56 ,2011 أيلول 24

"startrip" ...because of the "Arab Spring" the Saudi puppet regime is threatening to expel hundreds of thousands of Egyptian workers from KSA if Egyptian foreign policy change, the US and other western countries are threatening the Egyptian people with cut off of aid and tourism if they end its relations with Israel. The "Arab Spring" does not solve or end the struggle against Zionism, Aggression, Colonialism, and Imperialism the words you do not like. It intensify the same struggle we have had for the last century (at least in the short term).

Yousef Haddad, the US committed thousands of war crimes in Iraq without any prosecution, leveled Faluga, and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of civilians. Next time the US and NATO wants to liberate a country (also Libya) try to pick a country that does not have a large supply of oil.

Default-user-icon Rami (ضيف) 16:05 ,2011 أيلول 24

Can we fire the guy?

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 16:12 ,2011 أيلول 24

To NAHARNET: I had a reply to "startrip" dumb criticism, which you refused to print. this is not the first time. If Naharnet going to censure comments made by persons who are not M14 supporters than we will boycott your web site. Just mention to the public that you mostly print pro-American comments and you censure the rest.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 19:38 ,2011 أيلول 24

to the Zionist liar Israel is the only country in the world where you have separate laws for Jews and non-Jews. Israel is the ONLY country where any person of the Jewish faith can come to Israel and be given citizenship at the airport. The Palestinian Natives are the only nation on earth where the majority of its people are not allowed to go back to their homeland ONLY because they are of the wrong religion (Palestinians are Christians and Jews). The 1.2 million Palestinians in Israel are discriminated more than blacks did during Apartheid. The fact that they are allowed to vote is worthless. The 8.8 million Palestinians living in Exile and occupation are not allowed to vote. The difference between Israel and Apartheid South Africa is that the white racists did not expel the black majority and turn them into a minority. The Jewish settlers who have come to Palestine want to live in a Jewish racist state. They have no interest to live with Arabs.

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 20:44 ,2011 أيلول 24

@youssefhaddad. I wish you understand the jewel of having a lebanese citizenship. You do not wanted just drop it and leave . If you are not faithful to your own homelanud you will never be faithful to your new homeland. our roots are in lebanon and no one will be able to uproot us. The us and israel are our ennemies and we will conquer them both. its our identity our mother land. all sects in lebanon are brothers and sisters. we will unite and we are uniting against one ennemie . the jews. the cause of our misery and the misery of the arab world. that is the cancer that needs to be uprooted from the middle east . We are proud to be lebanese.

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 21:21 ,2011 أيلول 24

us choices in mid east alliances has been disgusting

Default-user-icon Trueself (ضيف) 21:59 ,2011 أيلول 24

Reality dictates that the weak should confide and follow the strong and this is what's really happening here: the Patrak is following the strong and even bwoing to their demands indirectly by going through such a move of visiting the south at the wrong time. I am a person who hates mixing religion and politics. I also hate politicians because they are corrupt and irrational. I also hate politicians in lebanon specifically because they preach what they don't do and do what they don't believe in simply because they want to be perpetually staying in power along side their offsprings; simply like the situation in Syria. Is their anything you and I could do to change this reality? maybe not, other than venting out through writing about the anomalies of this small country Lebanon. Would I have bothered if I were not born in this country? Certainly not. But since I am one of the Lebanese i simply ake for this perpetuating unhealthy situation of religious leaders playing politics.

Default-user-icon Trueself (ضيف) 21:59 ,2011 أيلول 24

Like Gebran (the wirter), i am Christian but hate the ones (Hypocrites) who are leading us. They have chnaged the our faith and the message of Jesus to suit them. How on earth can one explain the condoning of killing innocent people in Syria by the Patrak simply because he happens to believe that the debuckle of the regime there would not be in favor of the Christians. If Christianity is like this, I don't really need it. I may as well be an atheist. If Islam means that a Muslim shoudl kill his fellow muslim, I really don't need it and prefer to be without religion. I am really fed up from mixing religion with politics. Isn't time for us to be like the western world where religion stays in the places of warship and has no say in running the country. isn't it time for us to wake up and build a real country as gebran tweini said. The man who sacrificed his life for this cause.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 22:45 ,2011 أيلول 24

To "Startrip". is that your intelligent response with "new ideas"? A parrot is a lot more intelligent than you. What a waste it was responding to you.

Default-user-icon Roy (ضيف) 01:07 ,2011 أيلول 25

NAHARNET. In the last month I sent 6 comments, you posted 2. would I get a explanation or should I move on?

Missing youssefhaddad 02:42 ,2011 أيلول 25

Someone is posting under my name by changing the spelling. Youseffhaddad is an imposter. please make sure to read my correct name before responding Youssefhaddad

Thumb geha 08:55 ,2011 أيلول 25

to sunni: first off, you are definately not a sunni as denoted by your comments. so please do have the courage to show your true colors.
second, who are you to shame others? go and enjoy Iran where you belong. try living there, and stay there as the likes of you are not welcome in our Lebanon.
Oue Lebanon is a democratic one, open to every peace loving person, and not the followers of the death wishers of iran.