مقتل عسكري واصابة اثنين أثناء تفكيك عبوة في جرود عرسال
Read this story in Englishقتل عسكري وأصيب آخرين الأربعاء أثناء تفكيك عبوة ناسفة في وادي عطا في جرود بلدة عرسال.
وقالت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام أن "شهيدا سقط للجيش وجرح اثنان ثناء تفكيك عبوة ناسفة بين وادي عطا ووادي الرعيان في جرود عرسال".
وهي المرة الثالثة التي يستهدف بوضع متفجرات في هذه المنطقة.
لاحقا، أعلن الجيش في بيان صادر عنه عن "استشهاد عسكري وإصابة اثنين بجروح أثناء تنفيذ مهمة في جرود عرسال".
ويتعرض الجيش لاعتداءات متفرقة في الشمال والبقاع تزايدت وتيرتها بعد اندلاع معركة عرسال شهر آب الفائت بينه وبين تنظيمات ارهابية من "داعش" و"النصرة" اقتحمت البلدة حينها وتتمركز حاليا في الجرود، محاولة التسلل الى داخل عرسال.
و يتعرض الجيش لكمائن أيضا ينصبها له مسلحون، فأمس الثلاثاء قتل ستة عسكريين وجرح آخر في كمين نفّده مسلحون على دورية للجيش في جرود بلدة رأس بعلبك الحدودية، فردّ الجيش بقصف مواقعهم منعا لأي عملية تسلل وتمكن من سحب جثامين عناصره.
وهجوم الأمس وقع بعد ساعات قليلة من اعلان مصادر عسكرية ان الجيش اعتقل قبل نحو عشرة ايام احدى زوجات زعيم تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية المتطرف ابو بكر البغدادي سجى الدليمي ونجلهما وتوقيف زوجة المسؤول في "النصرة" انس شركس وشقيقها في زغرتا.
Now flame and co. will come and say if hezbos werent there ISIS would hv been in jounieh.... U know we hv been telling them for years dont go there u'll bring shit all over, but because of oukab saker and the blankets they had to go to syria irak yemen... And now that shit is all over they wants us to thank them..
You know like the divine victory of "lawou kountou a3lam" in 2006....
yea, it's also because of hezbollah that ISIS attacked kobbane, invaded iraq and crucifed people in maaloula.
only the deliberately blind cannot see that those are like mad dogs, who can only be stopped by an iron fist.
but i think even you know that, the thing is you're just too spiteful because you were hoping ISIS would overcome H and things didnt quite turn out that way
maaloula, kobbani, mossul and dozens of other towns are demonstrations of ISIS behavior, which is extremely agressive with or without the Hezbollah pretext.
but it doesnt matter if you dont get it M11+3er, most of everybody else did.
"if I punch you in the face. what should I expect as a reaction from you?"
okay, then you tell me: if I am a known bully, who has been attacking everyone in the neighborhood and cutting their throats open with my big knife, and you see me coming towards your door, looking through the window (quseyr) getting a foot inside (arsal), and you're holding a gun, what do you do? do you shoot? or do you wait until i'm in your kids bedroom, because you're hoping i'll suddenly turn all warm and fuzzy when i see them?
can anyone explain why my comment was censored? there it is:
"if I punch you in the face. what should I expect as a reaction from you?"
okay, then you tell me: if I am a known bully, who has been attacking everyone in the neighborhood and cutting their throats open with my big knife, and you see me coming towards your door, looking through the window (quseyr) getting a foot inside (arsal), and you're holding a gun, what do you do? do you shoot? or do you wait until i'm in your kids bedroom, because you're hoping i'll suddenly turn all warm and fuzzy when i see them?
and m11 you dont seem to want to understand, the examples of mossul, maaloula, kobbane and many others prove that the bully doesnt need any "inciting" to attack and massacre. all they need is for you to not share their extremist views.
and shooting him down before he enters is not really what would be called an "invitation". giving them political cover, finance, moral support and blocking the army from slamming them is far closer in that sense to an "invitation"
By openly helping, aiding, and assisting the terror party in its war on the Syrian people, army command opened up the LAF to all kinds of retaliatory attacks. This is not our war, not our cause, not our prerogative but that of iran and its sectarian terror regime. RIP to our soldiers who are being thrown into a war they never asked for.
The army is currently doung his job protecting lebanese frontiers, securing tripoli, saida...
I only wish it also does its job stopping hezbollah fighters engaging in their retarded holly war in syria, irak, yemen... And all because off oukkab sakr blankets...
This said i salut the work donne by our brave soldiers, i only wish their comands will take more global decisions...
Welcome back comrad, i missed the old jingle of world imperialism coming to ruin lebanon as if donnot have anything to fo with it, and u forgot to praise the very democratic, secular, progressist islamic republic of iran for its help again satanist west...
Ok bravo man, u did it again...
Now go chant some labayka ya nosrollah and enjoy some chupachups please...
As for geagea rifi and co. yes nusra ISIS are not functional network in lebanon but if hezbos continu acting like this and meddling in yemen irak syria of course shit is gonna hit lebanon, what do u think, it would be a safe haven???
Man chupachups, bi charafak
REST in peace our beloved soldiers. Let all parties show solidarity with an army that needs all our help.
sure if you are against the iranian miltia and supporter of the state institutions and laws you are labeled a traitor by M8ers....
In a war by terrorists let us unite ... never the army is such need. Lets drop the nagging and adot our Army.