شيخ الأزهر ينتقد تصريح الراعي: لا تفرقة بين مسلم ومسيحي في الشرق

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انتقد شيخ الأزهر إنتقد شيخ الأزهر أحمد الطيب تصريحات البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الرعي مؤكدا أن "لا تفرقة بين مسلم ومسيحي في الشرق".

وقال الأزهر خلال لقائه سفير لبنان لدى القاهرة خالد زيادة بحسب ما أفادت وكالة "يونايتد برس انترناشونال" قال:"المسيحيين في المشرق العربي هم جزء من النسيج الوطني داخل دوله حيث لا تفرقة بين مسلم ومسيحي لأن هناك حالة من التسامح والتعايش بين الجانبين".

وكان قد تخوف الراعي خلال زيارة له إلى الجمهورية الفرنسية من وصول أنظمة متشددة إلى الدول العربية بعد الحركات الإحتجاجية التي تحصل فيها قائلا:" برزنا مخاوفنا من ثلاثة أمور ايضا هي الانتقال من الانظمة القائمة التي تتصف بالديكتاتورية الى أنظمة متشددة (...) وتاليا فإن الخوف هو من الاختيار بين السيئ والأسوأ".

كما أضاف الراعي الذي قال فيما بعد أن مواقفه "اجتزأت" : "لا يمكن ان ننسى احتمالات التقسيم الى دويلات مذهبية يذهب ضحيتها المسيحيون ايضا".

التعليقات 8
Default-user-icon knight templar (ضيف) 24 أيلول 2011, 19:33

well said sheikh & we really know that from above it will look like everyone have there hearts on the christians but let's look at Iraq the sheikhs there were daily condeming the terrorist acts that were being practiced on christians but did that help?? well no the thing is we will know whats underneath & that's what everybody is talking about

Default-user-icon Troy (ضيف) 24 أيلول 2011, 19:52

And how come every other day a coptic christian is dead ?

Default-user-icon Sigamondo (ضيف) 25 أيلول 2011, 01:29

How about this filthy Sunni crazy wash himself 25 times per day? 5 times apparently are not enough. I am not sure that washing 25 times will make much of a difference. But at least he can start and then we shall see.

Default-user-icon fuziyad (ضيف) 25 أيلول 2011, 02:05

Even this guy who is not known to be great intlectual and refereance of open mindness is centuries ahead bcahara el rai.....ya batral el jdid, u've been against this regime when it was strong and now that it's falling u support it ???
It's too late, the videos will circulate whatever u do....shame shame shame

Default-user-icon marie (ضيف) 25 أيلول 2011, 05:56

the usual shit from the muslim Arabs, no thanks just leave us alone

Default-user-icon Joe (ضيف) 25 أيلول 2011, 06:59

Where do you see condemnation in his words? enlighten me? because I see nothing that points to condemnation. In your effort to discredit the Patriarch, you are leaning towards losing your credibility. This is all we need, someone to condemn our Patriarch from Egypt, where Christians can't take Government posts, nor serve in its parliament. You must be joking with this idiotic article

Default-user-icon Joe (ضيف) 25 أيلول 2011, 07:08

Where do you see condemnation in his words? enlighten me? because I see nothing that points to condemnation. In your effort to discredit the Patriarch, you are leaning towards losing your credibility. This is all we need, someone to condemn our Patriarch from Egypt, where Christians can't take Government posts, nor serve in its parliament. You must be joking with this idiotic article

Thumb sasi 25 أيلول 2011, 17:45

Our beloved batrak has opened the Pandora's box! We are a minority and we are emigrating because of these religious freaks in power. If they only pray to go our batrak and the beloved sheikh and quit meddling in politics and people's lives we would be in such a better shape in the middle east but what a bunch both of them and their followers. Ignorance rules!