العاهل السعودي يؤكد دعم المملكة لأمن واستقرار لبنان
Read this story in Englishأكد العاهل السعودي الملك عبد الله بن عبد العزيز دعم المملكة العربية السعودية لأمن لبنان و وحدته وعروبته واستقراره.
وقال عبد الله في رسالة مكتوبة وجهها لأعمال السنة الثالثة من الدورة الخامسة لمجلس الشورى السعودي: "لا تخفى عليكم المساعي الحثيثة التي تبذلها دائما المملكة العربية السعودية على مستوى المصالحة العربية – العربية من باب توحيد الصف العربي وتعزيز وخدمة للمصالح العربية".
وأشار الى أن "ما جولاتنا وزياراتنا لبعض العواصم العربية في العام المنصرم ،إلا لتنقية الأجواء وإصلاح ذات البين ودعم قضاياها"، مشددا على أن "جهود المملكة كانت تنصب في تحقيق السلم الأهلي في لبنان، وما زلنا ندعم أمنه ووحدته وعروبته واستقراره".
وكانت وساطة سعودية سورية لحل الأزمة في لبنان عرفت بالـ "س- س" حول ملف المحكمة الدولية، قد فشلت في التوصل الى تسوية.
وكان قد زار عبدلله بيروت برفقة الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد في 2010 محاولة لحث الأفرقاء اللبنانيين للتوصل الى اتفاق للحد من التوتر السياسي القائم حينها.
وكشف رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري فحوى المبادرة السعودية - السورية (سين سين) التي كانت تهدف لحل الأزمة اللبنانية موضحا أنها "كانت قائمة على فكرة واحدة ألا وهي الموافقة على المشاركة في مؤتمر مصالحة وطنية يتصالح ويتسامح فيه كل اللبنانيين، يعقد في الرياض برعاية خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبد الله بن عبد العزيز، وبحضور رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان والرئيس السوري بشار الأسد، وعدد من الرؤساء العرب وقادتهم وبحضور الجامعة العربية يؤدي إلى مسامحة شاملة لكل الماضي، ومصالحة الجميع دون استثناء لكي تصبح بعدها تداعيات القرار الاتهامي مسؤولية وطنية جامعة".
وبعد فشل "السين سين" انسحب وزراء حزب الله وحلفائه من الحكومة ما أدى الى سقوط حكومة الحريري.
Ha Ha Ha , you must be joking your Highness ! You said the same thing for Syria 6 months ago ! In your dreams taal emrak , in your dreams , you will never have your Belad el Sham as a Hariristan with your hariri as the emir of the Sunni Salafi emara .
why don't you remind the readers that harriri wanted to accept that initiative and than usa says "you can't do that", and harriri says "yes i can't!!!!"
Dear "Le Phenicien",
Hope u get free of your paranoia soon.
Have u ever wondered if KSA wanted to do in Lebanon an "Emara", it would have started with UAE, Qatar & Bahrain instead? These r Sunni "Salafi" places too. KSA is trying to get liberated itself, why should it turn other countries to Emaras? Hariri & Mustaqbal r the moderate Sunnis in Lebanon and u are tryin 2 destroy them. I really wish they r weakened, so u experience the real Salafis in action.
I think talking to u is a waste of time - u only follow what ur orange lunatic leader says. One of his earlier qoutes after arriving to Leb "we agree on 95% of Al Mustaqbal view for Lebanon future" :) what happened to that? If he was mistaken, u should punish him for misleading the public.
Enjoy the Iranian shador in Da7yeh, "Le Phenicien", and never think of passing by Verdun or Hamra, cz the Salafi's will kill you.
1 more thing, pheniciens lived in a time era b4 arabs.So you can be both.Btw they were black. r u?
Saudi emir or Syrian dictators or iranian actors, all want to subordinate this country to their proper sect. They have a common ennemy: The democracy placed by the christians 60 years ago which made Lebanon different from its neighbours.
The main purpose of the war was to destroy it in order to transform the country into a controlled land. Hariri and Hezbollah are the products of this war and its main income. Both aim to destroy the country financially and physically. Both have fake ideologies built-up from circonstances, without any history. Both try to make their followers beleive their cause. Both try to erase history or to transform it.
Before being so keen on our security and unity, you'd better watch out when women will regain their status of "human beings" in Saudi Arabia and the choc will be hard to absorb! Welcome to the 19th Century...
Free Lebanese. The pheonicians were black?? So I guess that means Jesus black as well? LoL. It's very sad that most Lebanese and the world know very little about pheonicians and their culture.
ado, jesus was israelite, not phoenician. Stop claiming everything to be phoenician and stop thinking lebanese are phoenician. Some of our ancestors were PART phoenician. Most lebanese dont have any phoenician blood in them and those who do only have some phoenician blood, its not 100 % or even 50 % phoenician blood. Please understand that the entire levant was the melting pot of the world, many diffirent civilizations came here and settled. We dont have a phoenician culture, nor language nor anything so stop being ignorant. Its silly to claim to be phoenicians.Nobody even did this before the french colonializers tried to turn lebanon in to a maronite state and used the phoenician card to try to get them to seperate from the rest of syrians. And the phoenicians had blacks among them in case you didnt know this. Phoenicians lived in parts of the levant, egypt, tunisia and as far as ethiopia. I have seen a black egyptian who had phoenician heritage so enough of this madness.
it is normal to see farsis upset by the king of Arabs when he speaks :)
as a reminder we are an arab country and there is no place for farsis here, so hizbullah and their followers go back where you belong, go back to iran, and let us live in peace in our country.
hizbullah stop the invasion of our country.