جيرو يطرح مواصفات رئيس جديد للبنان "على قياس غانم"
Read this story in Englishاستكمل مدير شؤون الشرق الأدنى وشمال افريقيا الفرنسي جان فرنسوا جيرو لقاءاته مع القيادات السياسية وقد أوحت تصريحاته بأنه يرشح النائب روبير غانم لرئاسة الجمهورية "بأسلوب غير مباشر"، بحسب مصادر.
وقال مصدران منفصلان لصحيفة "الأخبار" الثلاثاء، ان جيرو وخلال زيارته لهما، "طرح مواصفات للرئيس كما تراه فرنسا على قياس غانم".
واعتبر الموفد الفرنسي بحسب المصادر أن "انعدام فرص رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية "سمير جعجع ورئيس التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون تعني البحث عن اسم آخر".
ورأى ان هذا الاسم يجب" ألا يحتاج تعديلاً دستورياً و ان يكون مقبولاً نسبياً من الجميع كقائد الجيش أو حاكم مصرف لبنان".
وكان جيرو قد التقى العديد من القيادات السياسية في يومه الاول من زيارته الى لبنان الاثنين، حيث تركزت جولته في شكل أساسي على الاستحقاق الرئاسي.
ويوم الثلاثاء، وقبل ان يغادر بيروت،اجتمع جيرو مع الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان الذي اكد أن "انتخاب رئيس الجمهورية هو مفتاح الحلّ للخروج من الأزمة" معتبراً أن أي حوار ينتهي بالنزول إلى المجلس وانتخاب الرئيس هو "حوار ضروري ومرحَّب به".
وضمن سلسلة اللقاءات، التقى جيرو رئيس حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية" امين الجميل في الصيفي، وقد صرح الأخير أن الطرفين لم يبحثا "بمسالة الاسماء بل كان التركيز على خطورة الوضع في لبنان والخوف على المؤسسات اللبنانية".
وتابع الجميل: "حبذا لو يستوعب المسؤولون اهمية الدعم الدولي لانتخاب رئيس باسرع وقت" مشيراً إلى أن "الابواب ليست مغلقة".
وأوضح رئيس "الكتائب" أن "هناك افق ايجابية واذا لم نقم بواجبنا في الداخل وتوحدنا لنصل الى نتيحة، فإن كل المساعي لا تنفع".
وفي وقتٍ لاحق، زار الموفد الفرنسي رئيس "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون في الرابية ثم غادر من دون ان يدلِ بأي تصريح.
كذلك التقى جيرو مسؤول العلاقات الدولية في "حزب الله" عمار الموسوي وتم خلال اللقاء التداول في الأوضاع والمستجدات المحلية وآخر التطورات في المنطقة.
وما زال مركز الرئاسة الأولى شاغرا منذ 25 أيار الفائت تاريخ انتهاء ولاية الرئيس ميشال سليمان. ولم يستطع مجلس النواب في خمسة عشر جلسة من انتخاب خلف له بسبب عدم تأمين نصاب الجلسة.
This shows once again that the French imperialism never left Lebanon in fact it has returned with different guises.
All vested parties whether domestic or foreign are striving at the moment to preserve the existing failed political status quo in Lebanon.
What French imperialism? They can barely manage their country.
You could talk about Iranian, Syrian, Turkish and Saudi attempt at imperialism.
Unfortunately these new imperalist wannabe did not build any schools, institutions, hospitals or industries but instead added and developped our potential to destroy and steal.
Vive la France..at least under French colonial, Lebanon had electricty, water, laws, regulations, peace, security, ect ...u name it.. until now Lebanese have not been able to govern themselves properly and with respect..
bonne nouvelle (liberte egalite fraternite), so let MP ghanem replace francois hollande
Lebanon is for Lebanese
god bless democracy
Who cares what the french, americans, saudis, iranians or anyone wants.
Who has the most Christian representation and Lebanese representation should be President.
And who do the french back "directly"? This country has become a joke in the world community.
Although Ghanem is far from a favorite, but at least one country like France has had the kindness of opening up for us a way out of this impasse. Geagea and Aoun clearly are not for this job, Ghanem at least is clean from the war sludge, so let's have us a new president before the year ends and let Lebanon breathe a little. I am still one of those voices who still says, let's return back under French rule, 70 years on have amply proven that we Lebanese are completely unfit to rule ourselves, all that's been happening is a bunch of crooks who took over power from independence and ruled over the masses. personally I don't see it as imperialism of any kind, but rather Delivrance in the form of DeliFrance. God bless France, it still is a true friend.
PB, you see, if Geagea became president, it won't be so bad, because we can always go and visit that museum he built expressly to revive his years in dungeon prison, at least we can feel how he lived for 11 years in complete confinement whereas the old man Aoun lived in sheer comfort if not opulence with his other stooge general deserters. If Aoun ever became president, what museum would we have to visit? That of the kitchen in Baabda he swore he will defend to the last kitchen knife? Or that APC he fled leaving behind wife and men?
"Aoun, who has announced his candidacy for the top executive post, refused to join the majority's campaign, saying Lahoud's successor should be named first. He has said he would not back any other contender than himself for the presidency."
Michel Aoun April 2006....
@Patriot, Aoun now should have one mission, to go to madame Tussaud in London and be part of the horror gallery, at least he still has a job description fit for him.
his imaginary saudi-based clients told him. Why do you need links? It is flamethrower you are talking too. His words are taken as the bible.
I posted when geagea became M14's candidate...that if M14 were serious about Pres elections they would have put forward Robert Ghanem as their candidate as he was by far their best hope.
Many disagreed. including some who posted today giving their full blessing for Ghanem to be a serious choice.
Some on Naharnet seem to be slow off the mark.
You're starting to behave like your friend al fineque etc.
Most relevant as usual & always there like a shadow.
He fooled everyone, Russian....A wolf in sheep clothing you may say.
Or to simplify it....a born Liar !
Roar, calm down, Russian, no bullying, just relaxed and taking my time to answer nicely and politely your friend the Aussie. Gosh, if this is bullying, then I wonder what bullying is? Then ya Russian, if I am answering Roar, why is that seen as bullying? haven't you seen him do a lot worse? I am just not prepared to let him off this time, that's all, simple no?
I'm most calm, in fact I'm having a great laugh at your expense.
you went from crying about bani-al..to becoming his bestest friend.
No more skeleteon stories for us , phoenix? just saying.
No Roar, you're accusing people as usual and that's not nice of you. Look, I've an idea, a brilliant idea, since you claim to live down under, how about if we sent you Aoun and you keep him there, this way you will spare us his daily marshmallow. The forum is usually peaceful and civilized till you barge in, angry as ever, judgmental and perfectly biased. For God's sake, you're boring everyone who wishes to engage in meaningful discussions, tsk, so typical of Aounists, one way traffic as always. Mature ya man, you need to ASAP.
no accusations but hard hitting facts...something you abhor.
either refute facts or zip it.
Roar the Roar, fait toi bete et vote, what did you expect of Aoun? You are not stating facts, but as always blaring random accusations. Why can't you just post your mind without having to take jabs at people? I care less what your Russian friend says, won't change a nickel, just look at your posts, almost all inflammatory, no wonder why you get seriously lambasted by almost all. Then if you wish, anyone can dig out your posts until quite recent in fact, when you were full of praise for me, The Example to follow, walaw ya Roar, such a short mind as always? Sad part though, like all Aounists, you'll never see beyind the tip of your nose, or rather, Aoun's nose. Either you're an eyelash or a nose hair in Aoun.
You lost the respect of many including me the day you decided its best you succumb to your friends Bani-al finique etc & attack those who always stood with you....but hey his off your back now, so all good.
The scary thing is though, he really did have an effect on you as you are now behaving exactly as he did towards you.
move along, phoenix..your relevance has expired.
No Roar, the respect you're talking about, it's you that long since lost it, but of course, from you one can expect anything even the most sordid. Al Finique you know, he is a nice guy, he enjoys duplicating my posts of previous, I believe I gave him enough responses, but at least he is not like you, harmless. You dear Roar, you are a Aouny, do you know what is said of Aounists? Don't argue with a Aounist, you'll go nowhere and worst of all, you will lose his friendship, just like your behavior here. If you look at my posts, compared to yours, you will realize the difference, I am not always angry like you, neither rancorous, you ya Roar, always shouting, angry, accusing, anyway, enough of you, this post is not of you but of the confirmation that your little stooge Aoun will finally never be president. It's OK, don't lose your temper, and it's late down under, your neighborhood must have slept since a while.
you follow me , yet its me who is the antagonist? really?
wow...sorry dude, I never knew you were so lacking.
oh well may you get well soon & GL on your brown nosing with your new found bestest friend al fineque-Bani.
By the way, do you know what the picture of this beautiful girl is all about? Fait toi bete et vote. Ask around.
Thanks ruffian...but its become clear what type of person he is.
no need for me to prove his lies on a continued basis.
I rather post & ignore irrelevant peeps..problem is, he stalks with lies
I am a fellow poster like you ya Russian, the mods here are doing the censoring, not me. Then the LF don't have that FPM problem, call it grey, blue or red, it matters not. Ahhh, look at Roar, now beginning to get nasty. You know ya Russian, I've been that path before with Roar, but I always kept it cool when the Roar kept losing it. Ma3leysh...as an Lfer, we understand these things.
Because your ears are too big for your brain ?
stop hearing things, mental patients do that.
Guys seriously why do we need a President of the Republic?
Why do we need a parliament, a constitution, an army, courts, police or a government?
The Lebanese government is like the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank or like the Hamas government in Gaza. The real power in the West Bank and Gaza strip is Israel. Those territories are really still under occupation and under the mercy of Israel.
In Lebanon it is the same thing. We are occupied by an Iranian proxy army, Hezbollah. We are under their mercy.
They decide on war and peace, on who is a criminal or a thief or not, they allegedly kill politicians that they estimate are a threat, (exactly like Israel).
Just calling things as they are. Lebanon is an anarchical society and the bearded bullies rule.
I look at this picture and I see a French diplomat sitting next to Michel Suleiman, the very best Lebanese president after Sheikh Bachir Gemayel. Today Mr. Suleiman you are no longer our president, sadly, but you will remain forever a great man, a man of great integrity, respect, honesty, and decency. God bless the good leaders of our country.