الشيشاني يدعو "الجهاديين للتحرك الى لبنان": الحكومة تابعة لـ"حزب الله"
Read this story in Englishاعتبر القيادي المتطرف أنس جركس الملقب بـ"أبو علي الشيشاني"، ان الحكومة اللبنانية "لا تصلح للقيادة" وانها "تابعة لحزب الله"، داعياً من جهة أخرى "المجاهدين للتحرك إلى لبنان لكسر شوكة الحزب".
وفي حديث كانت قد أجرته صحيفة "الاخبار" معه قبل شهرين ونشرته في عددها الاربعاء، تطرق الى عمله في لبنان والتحاقه بـ"الجهاد" ومشروعه الرامي الى "إقامة الخلافة على منهاج النبوّة".
وسئل الشيشاني عن موقفه من "حزب الله"، فأجاب: "اسأل الله ان يأخذه أخذ عزيزٍ مقتدر"، وأضاف "هذا الحزب اتّخذ إيران إلهة له، ودخل الى سوريا ليقتل رجالها ويتطاول على نسائها”.
أما عن الحكومة اللبنانية، فقال: "اذا أحسنّا الظنّ بها فإنها لا تصلح للقيادة، وإن أسأنا الظنّ بها فهي تابعة لحزب الله".
وعما اذا كان لديه نية للتدخل في لبنان فرد الشيشاني بالقول لـ"الاخبار": "ان شاء الله وبإذنه، وانا أدعو جميع المجاهدين للتحرك إلى لبنان لكسر شوكة حزب الله لأنه يقاتل هنا",
وأردف "إن أردنا النجاح فعلينا أن نقاتل في لبنان. نقاتل أهل الذي يقاتل عندنا (في اشارة الى "حزب الله")”.
وفي حديثه الى صحيفة "الاخبار"، عرّفه الشيشاني عن نفسه بالقول انه قائد مجموعة من المقاتلين تدعى "كتيبة الشيشاني"، ويبلغ عدد عناصرها نحو 30 عنصرا يتمركزون في مزرعة في الجرود بالقرب من منطقة تعرف باسم وادي ميرا.
وتابع انه "من سكان مدينة القصير قبل أن يُسيطر عليها الكفّار والروافض. أفتخر بأنني سوري شيشاني الأصل"، كاشفاً عن انه كان "معلّم معجنات" في لبنان الذي غادره من اجل البدء بالـ"جهاد" في سوريا.
وأكد ان هدفه هو "تحكيم شرع الله، ولن نحيد عن هذا حتى نهلك دونه أو نحكم شرع الله في البلاد ونقيم خلافة إسلامية على منهاج النبوّة".
الى ذلك، اعلن الشيشاني انه "على مسافة واحدة من الفتنة الدائرة بين الإخوة في الشمال بين الدولة (داعش) وجبهة النصرة، قائلاً "ان طلبوا في الدولة روحي اعطيتهم اياها، وان طلبوا دمي اعطيتهم اياه من دون مقابل لأنهم أهل راية. وإن طلبت جبهة النصرة دمي وروحي لفعلت أيضاً". وتابع "جسدي وروحي اقدمهما هدية للطرفين لكي يتصالحا ونتحد تحت راية الاسلام. وأسأل الله أن يرفع هذه الفتنة".
يُشار الى ان آخر تسجيل مصور للشيشاني، كان غداة الاعلان عن خبر توقيف زوجته علا العقيلي منذ شهرين بعد تعقّبها من قبل القوى الامنية اللبنانية في زغرتا، هدد فيه لبنان وعناصر الجيش و"نساء الروافض وأطفالهم"، قائلاً "لن تغمض لي عين ولن يرتاح لي بال قبل أن تخرج زوجتي وأطفالي ونساء المسلمين من سجون أهل الكفر".
والثلاثاء، أعلن وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق أن طليقة زعيم تنظيم "الدولة الإسلامية" سجى الدليمي ما زالت موقوفة لدى القضاء فيما أحيلت زوجة الشيشاني علا العقيلي إلى الأمن العام.
Funny how you agree with an ISIS takfiri saudijack.
Only one reply to the takfiris, the Army & Resistance will triumph, and you will all bite the dust soon enough inshallah.
Funny that u consider those takfiri terrorist while our local shiite milicia have all ir blessing fighting in syria irak yemen... Funny how u agree with a party with it leadder verry democratic secular and progresist ayatollah al khomayini spreading shit all over the area... By the way do u know where ISIS khorasan brigades came from...
All bunch of retarded, hezbos da3ech....hyprocrites supporters willing to give all lebanon to this sectarian millicia (even ziad al rahbani was fed up with them, now he to became an instrument of world imperialistic domination?..
Mystic go have ur morning chupachups da3ech hezbollah zionist all as fanatic as the other, all product of sectarian hate and imbecility all living on the existance of eachother... All bunch of retards...
Hezb is not Resistance!!!! It is the Iranian occupation army in Lebanon. The army and the state should triumph over all militias - no matter who they are.
Lebanon shouldn't have fell for Hizbolshaitan and irans trap...They got us in another war... They bring no positive to our nation! We have a Army the Lebanese Army!!
@mystic Please with all Respect tell me how "the resistance" has prevailed in anyway in the past 3 years?? Their weapons depots keep getting destroyed by Israel, Loosing men to isis and nusra! will battle heavily against the Fsa soon!
and known as a terrorist militia to almost every nation... and hated by many Lebanese.
Impressive how he uses al alkhbar of all things to spew his hate filled rants, what better platform is there for such a thing. After all they've spent years honing the craft, and sharkas was surly made to feel at home. He walks on the footsteps of omar bakri who mr nasrallah pulled all the strings to keep out of jail so his considerable talents for the gift of gab could be showcased on otv, almanar and aljadeed et al, sectarian hate speech means ratings let along an effective propaganda tool.
that was the purpose of the disassociation policy so that the fanatics do not use Lebanon as their war field...
but M8 disagreed with it, now Lebanon is threatened by chia and sunni extremists... i bet M8ers are proud at the prospect of war in Lebanon...
What is really irritating to see everyday are these "scums of the earth" coming up and threatening the neighboring people of Lebanon.
What is really irritating I have asked you repeatedly not to use my registered and private guest name, yet you ignore all my requests!
hahaha! you have an uncanny ability to expose them like no other. You are witty, fashionable, youtube friendly and above all a master at debate. Somesing Anazar flamesrower, completely anazar
just come we are waiting for you bring all your takfiries and most of all bring your funders and Lebanon will be your graveyard
god bless democracy
(1). Ya Ibliss Sharka, first thing you must know, that whatever we Lebanese have to wash, we will wash it right here at home, in our backyard, in our sitting rooms, wherever, we Lebanese will sort out our common problems between us and within us. Yes, we Lebanese have problems of our own, like does every single nation, but we shall not do our laundry except inside our own house. So if you want to bring your filthy war here in Lebanon, even if we Lebanese still have problems between us, we shall meet you head on as ONE people. We shall give you the experience of your lifetime and if you remain alive, you will tell your people and for generations to come, that the Lebanese are as solid as the rock of their mountains.
phoenix, too bad you don't share that same kind of sentiment when it comes to our other enemy, isreal.
City, surely you've been reading my posts for a long time, right? If yes, then you know that what you posted is unfair on me. Now if you are alluding to the criticism I am levying on Hezbollah recently, then you most of all should understand why. I no longer need to repeat what I am but it might help that I am above everything Lebanese. Whatever helps to preserve my country, its independence and sovereignty, to bring peace, stability and prosperity to me fellows Lebanese citizen, in a state of laws, in a strong Lebanon enjoying strong constitutional institutions is my holy grail.
No Phoenix, I was not alluding to your recent criticism of HA, I know you have never been a fan of HA. That is your right, and i never had problem with that, its your opinion. I was referring more to every time Israel threatens Lebanon, you seem to find justification in Israels threats, as like Israel has some kind of valid reasons, hence we Lebanese are doing something wrong, especially because we as a country choose to benefit from having a strong resistence in the form of HA.
(2). Ibliss Sharka. The Turks have tried all they could against us Lebanese, literally no one could differ between Christian, Shiite, Druze or Sunni, now you vermin want to try? Try, let us show you what wood we heat ourselves with. Just remember, we are not Iraqis and no Syrians either, we are Lebanese. Now do bring your war to us, we will dearly love prove our point to you, to all Takfiris, to all Jihadists, to all Qaeda, to all Al Nusra, to all ISIL and all the evil terrorists, that we do not bow, but You, you will bow and suck our toes.
snif snif snif... poor FT ... sure you mix insulting people with giving your opinion... no wonder you get deleted. but deleting nothing is not very important...
try elmanar or tayyar i am sure they accept the criticisms there and never delete those against M8, ma hek?
Ya Sharkas nchallah you move your battle to jhanam el 7amra yalli tekhdak w'ma triddak ya rab. Filthy terrorist thug.
Ooooh some terrorist loving coward thumbed me down...Show yourself coward! Oh I forgot, cowards don't have the courage to admit their true allegiances.
You're 100% right here bandoul, but may I suggest you ignore the absurd thumbing on here...many vote on auto pilot.
I wear the thumbs down as a badge of honor..it means they couldn't refute it but are crying about it.....exactly what you did to this thumber down here...
that is the plan of hezbollah to force the LAF to join the syrian army thus bye bye disassociation policy!
sure a very good plan for those who want lebanon to suffer like syria... some are still stuck in the civil war and wish it again to settle old scores out of frustration... pityful.
no southern: seems you also spit on the Baabda declaration... just like hezbis...
think a bit further than the tip of your nose of the consequences it would bring upon Lebanon... but as i said, you like M8ers dream of another civil war in Lebanon as hezbollah only thrives on chaos...
he hasn't any point but for the traitors of Lebanon. you accuse hezbollah followers of taking orders from iran, but people like you that agree with these freaks are the worst example of Lebanon. God help this country, because it looks like Lebanon is facing insurmountable disintegration of it's true national fabric!
why give this rat a medium? he should be poisoned, along with his ilk and their followers. No room for them in our country.
Ya Gabby 14!! U compare hezzbollah to those monsters?? Snap out ot it, even Obama can tell the difference ya habibi.. and the very intelligent Hollande..it took him some time, but he tells the difference now..
Without Hezbollah fighting in Syria, you would have been wearing a bourka now in Jounieh, and Sassine square used to lynch and behead people.. Who are u trying to fool?
Kahwaji must hold the problem of hostages in his hands , after all these are his fellows, take over the roumieh prison , and head the negotiations with the terrorists.
Kahwaji must hold the problem of hostages in his hands , after all these are his fellows, take over the roumieh prison , and head the negotiations with the terrorists.
You said it, not much you can do, considering Shias are the majority of the Lebanese people.