القيادي الموقوف في كتائب العزام "متورط في جريمة اغتيال شطح"

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تبين أن القيادي الموقوف في كتائب "عبدالله عزام" محمود أحمد أبو عباس متورط في جريمة اغتيال الوزير محمد شطح، إلى جانب نقل انتحاريين للقيام بهجمات ادت إلى مقتل العشرات وجرائم أخرى.

فبحسب ما كشفت قناة "الميادين" مساء الخميس إن أبو عباس "أوقف في مجدل عنجر ونقل فوراً إلى مبنى وزارة الدفاع وهو متورط في جريمة اغتيال الوزير محمد شطح".

وقالت مصادر عسكرية مطلعة على التحقيق للقناة أن "السيارة المستخدمة في اغتيال شطح خرجت من مخيم عين الحلوة"، مشيرة إلى أنه "بعد 4 أيام من عملية الإغتيال ألقي القبض على ماجد الماجد".

والماجد كان قائد الكتائب المذكورة وهو من خطط للهجوم الإنتحاري المزدوج على السفارة الإيرانية في 19 تشرين الثاني الفائت.و أعلن الجيش اللبناني وفاة الماجد في الرابع من كانون الثاني الفائت، في المستشفى العسكري المركزي، وذلك نتيجة تدهور وضعه الصحي، بعد الإعلان عن توقيفه في 26 كانون الاول.

وكانت قد كشفت صحيفة "الأخبار" في عددها الصادر الخميس أن عباس أوقف "منذ أسبوع في كمين محكم"، واصفة إياه بـ"الصيد الثمين".

ونقلت الصحيفة عن مصادر أمنية أنه هو اعترف بأنه ناقل الانتحاريين في تفجيري ضهر البيدر والطيونة في حزيران الماضي.

ومساء الخميس أوضحت قناة "المنار" هذه النقطة فقالت أن ابو عباس "نقل أكثر من سيارة مففخة من جرود عرسال" إلى لبنان. في 20 حزيران الفائت "نقل سيارة كانت وجهتها الضاحية لكن خللا ما مع الإنتحاري أدى إلى تفجيرها في ضهر البيدر".

أما تفجير الطيونة في 23 حزيران الفائت "أقر أبو عباس أنها كنت تستهدف مقهى أبو عساف أثناء حضور مباريات المونديال".

الى ذلك، أضافت مصادر "الأخبار" انه "كان الذراع اليمنى للمتحدث باسم كتائب عبدالله عزام الشيخ سراج الدين زريقات، وإنه كان يتولى توفير السكن لسجى الدليمي (طليقة زعيم تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" ابي بكر البغدادي)".

ولفتت الى ان أقرّ بأنه كان ينقل مقاتلين بين مجدل عنجر وعرسال وطرابلس وشبعا، وقد سلّم اموالاً طائلة للمطلوب شادي المولوي.


التعليقات 31
Default-user-icon puppet (ضيف) 09:24 ,2014 كانون الأول 18

I respect Mr. Zureiqat, Mr. Flamethrower, Mr. Mowaten, and Mr. Nasrallah equally

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:41 ,2014 كانون الأول 18

Thank you. And in return, I believe I can speak for all when I say we all value your opinion equally.

Default-user-icon Negotiator (ضيف) 09:26 ,2014 كانون الأول 18

Arrest as many as you want including women and children. They will all just be added to the list of our demands. You will release them all in no time if you are serious about your soldiers being freed.

Missing ysurais 11:29 ,2014 كانون الأول 18

Bravo Army..hope to catch all z terrorits..
PLS re-introduce the guillotine as baghdadi, jomaa, zuriqat, hujeiri, mawlawi ect.. only understand that specific language..
thank u all

Default-user-icon yasouri (ضيف) 11:59 ,2014 كانون الأول 18

well said z souri

Thumb freedomarch 23:28 ,2014 كانون الأول 18

YSURAIS, the victim is M14 and you always says that they support takfiris, so if you don't mind not to call M14 takfiris any more . right?

Missing peace 23:59 ,2014 كانون الأول 18

it is well known that for hezbis and M8ers, M14 love to kill each other by car bombings...

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:29 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

shatah was a moderate, like rafic hariri he did not fall in line with the wahhabi/takfiri plots.

Missing peace 20:06 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

wahahahaha! what a lame excuse once more: so now we have moderate M14 and takfiri M14 and zionist M14! i guess it depends on the propaganda of the day or as you have no solid argument to try and get yourself out of your stupidity....

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:51 ,2014 كانون الأول 21


Thumb freedomarch 23:28 ,2014 كانون الأول 18

Actually that is very true open safe roads fir them, then corner them bit by bit to arsal... nit innocent at all.

Default-user-icon hassan (ضيف) 23:29 ,2014 كانون الأول 18

If it wasn't for Hizb you wouldn't be talking right now . Lebanon would have been gone , for all you Hizb haters out there your nothing but gronks.

Thumb freedomarch 23:41 ,2014 كانون الأول 18

The only dogs are you and Aoun, payrolls come from Tehran, MulatIran bank, Master is the commander if the Revolutionary Guard. God bles Saudi arabia fir ther welcome support to the lebanese legitimate institutions and the army for all lebanon unlike yoyr madters ... dogy... coush.

Thumb freedomarch 23:42 ,2014 كانون الأول 18

Masters *

Missing peace 23:58 ,2014 كانون الأول 18

al-Manar television announced
al-Akhbar newspaper said
Sources said

funny how hezbi media spread their propaganda... any official investigations and judgements to say anything? or just pro hezbi media do it?

Missing Ghazanfar 00:35 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

Yet another report in the protracted disinformation campaign by the usual suspects to divert attention from the real culprits.

This is a small reminder

the very first post in the comments section by one of the usual suspect were all know well says it all.. and the protracted disinformation campaign goes on.

Thumb Mystic 05:20 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

Ops, didn't "someone" here blame Hezbollah thousands of times?

Good to see, when finally some evidence is shown. That the whole M14's accusations were pure lies, as usual.

Missing helicopter 05:59 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

The resistance brigades were formed to do deeds like this one. Do the dirty work for HA without implicating the Iranian resistance.

Thumb Mystic 06:45 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

Yet helicopter, your accusation doesn't add up to the facts. Abdullah Azzam Militants, are the ones that sworn to destroy the Resistance in Lebanon. Why would they kill Shatah? Mainly to create secterian strife.

Just like all the others.

Default-user-icon mystic.the.engineer (ضيف) 08:29 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

well said @full.disclosure.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:19 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

You know Mystic and this is true: I know someone who has spent a lifetime lying, then as he grew older, one fine day he decided to start being truthful. Good move it was from him, but then, no one would believe him anymore. Sadly for Hezbollah, it now finds itself in the same predicament, in such a case, who can believe it anymore? You see Mystic, when someone lives inside the shoes of his master, life will never be comfortable, and it will always be a bumpy ride. On a last note, haven't people like you noticed how people like me gradually lost all respects to Hezbollah? The time has now dawned for reflection instead of procrastination, the red carpet is now too littered for and by HA's partisans.

Missing Ghazanfar 23:32 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

Mystic I'm glad you are keeping the tradition of embarrassing himself alive.

remember what you said here

Ops, finally some evidence showing you are nothing but a fool!

Thumb Mystic 05:23 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

It didn't take the damned STL, to find that out. Our beloved LAF took care of the job, and it didn't take millions of tax payers money neither.

Missing peace 11:18 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

just biased reports from elmanar and al akhbar... are they conducting the investigations? poor miss tic.

Thumb megahabib 11:33 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

Just like Hariri, Sunni extremists love killing Sunni moderates.

Missing peace 12:21 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

and M8 dogs still barking...

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:16 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

what a relevant comment peace. and so witty it almost makes us forget you have nothing to say.

Default-user-icon remember samaha! (ضيف) 12:04 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

Sunday. “The [Syrian] regime has come to an end,” he added.

The recent statement by the al-Qaeda-linked Abdullah al-Azzam said that the brigade had received an offer by Hezbollah and the Syrian regime to “assassinate Druze leader MP Walid Jumblatt in return for the release of a number of jihadists in Syrian jails.”

Default-user-icon this that (ضيف) 15:13 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

Hizb busy fighting ISIS .. Hahahahahahaha .. hass1978 Naharnet's comic relief!

Thumb nickjames 20:56 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

Looooooooooooooooooooooooooool at the sources, al-Akhbar and al-Manar right... All a bunch of Hezbo propaganda, just like the Free Sunnis of Baalbek operated by a Hezbo... This country has become such a joke, all because it's being held hostage by a group of terrorists who have attracted more terrorists to our country. Where is the government? Where is the army? Why aren't all terrorists outlawed? From the groups in Tripoli, to the groups in Beqaa, to the group responsible for countless assassinations of politicians, embassy bombings, Khobar towers bombing, bus bombings...

Default-user-icon hassan (ضيف) 23:57 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

There is no government or army .. wake up man .. Lebanon is run by Hizb . Hizb busy saving you from ISIS ..