توقيف خلية في البقاع الغربي تخطف معارضي النظام السوري "ليصار الى تصفيتهم"

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أصيب أحد عناصر المجموعة تابعة لحزب "البعث" التي تخطف المعارضين السوريين "ليصار إلى تصفيتهم" خلال عمليات دهم قامت بها قوى الامن الداخلي في عدد من مناطق البقاع الغربي، وفقاً لمعلومات صحافية.

فقد أفادت إذاعة "صوت لبنان 93,3" الجمعة، أن " شعبة المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي تعرضت لاطلاق نار خلال مداهمة احد أفراد مجموعة الخطف في البقاع الغربي ما أدى ﻹصابة أحدهم وتم القبض على مطلق النار".

وكانت صحيفة "المستقبل" قد نقلت عن مصادر أمنية الجمعة، أنّ " شعبة المعلومات تمكنت أمس (الخميس) من تفكيك إحدى خلايا النظام السوري في البقاع الغربي وتوقيف معظم عناصرها بعد مداهمة أماكن تواجدهم ".

وأوضحت ان "عمليات الدهم جاءت بشكل مباغت ومتزامن في عدد من مناطق البقاع".

وتضم الخلية، وفقاً للمصادر، مجموعة من عناصر "حزب البعث" برئاسة مسؤول الحزب في البقاع الغربي ماجد منصور، كانت تقوم بعمليات خطف منظّمة لمواطنين سوريين معارضين لنظام الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد".

وبعد ذلك، يتم " تهريب المعارضين إلى سوريا وتسليمهم إلى النظام حيث يصار إلى تصفيتهم."

وفي التفاصيل شرحت المصادر ان منصور تمكن من الفرار قبل الإطباق على منزله، غير أن قوى الامن استطاعت توقيف "إخوته خالد وعلم ومنصور محمد منصور، بالإضافة إلى السوري محمود حسن الملقّب بـ"محمود صبحة"، فضلاً عن ضبط أسلحة حربية في المنزل".

واشارت مصادر "المستقبل" إلى أنّ آخر ضحايا هذه الخلية "كان السوري محمد أحمد النعماني الذي جرى خطفه منذ نحو خمسة أيام من إحدى مناطق البقاع الغربي ومن ثم تمّ تهريبه وتسليمه إلى أحد ضباط المخابرات في دمشق".

الى ذلك، لفتت الى أنّ الخلية استطاعت "في الآونة الأخيرة من خطف وتهريب نحو 4 سوريين معارضين إلى سوريا"، مشيرةً إلى أنها استطاعت "توقيف 7 عناصر حتى الساعة، فيما تقوم الوحدات الأمنية بتعقب وملاحقة 3 آخرين لا يزالون فارين".

يشار إلى أنه منذ اندلاع الحرب في سوريا منذ آذار 2011، انقسم السوريون بين مؤيدين للقوات النظامية ومعارضين لها، وقد توجه عددٌ منهم الى المناطق اللبنانية ومن بينها البقاع الغربي الموجود على الحدود اللبنانية السورية.



التعليقات 47
Thumb Mystic 08:59 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

The ISF, themselves are corrupt. They are well known, for their hidden agendas in aiding the Nusra and Da3esh across Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Mystic.be.moss (ضيف) 09:26 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

well said Mystic!!!

Missing peace 11:17 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

you are just an idiot....

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:18 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

why arrest those good samaritans? they're cleaning up lebanon from the takfiri scum

Missing peace 11:23 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

and here comes the second idiot proud to support the butcher regime ...
oh! yes, they thanked it for all the good things they brought to Lebanon...( destruction of villages, torture, kidnappings, killings, corruption, theft...) M8ers are the same low breed as the assad regime proud of its deeds in lebanon...

Thumb -phoenix1 12:09 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

No denying your words Mystic, the ISF is or was corrupt, but this kind of work now shows clearly that a new trend is shaping up, and that the LAF is beginning to emancipate itself from the grips of the political parties and their leaders. Like it or not, that includes Hezbollah too, whom we know is no shiny example to anyone who wishes to bring up his kids in the conscientious ways.

Missing peace 12:19 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

oh! little mooowaten the wati is angry because ISF arrested those against his master bashar...
poor you, a hard day for the antilebanese likes of you....

Thumb Mystic 12:20 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

peace, I didn't expect else from a Saudi wahabi lover such as yourself.

Phoenix, you can't compare the ISF with the LAF. It is two different units and forces. The ISF are controlled by Rifi, the LAF is independent.

Missing peace 12:27 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

hey miss tic... you thanked syria for all its evil upon Lebanon, not me...
facts are against you, you complain the police arrested bashar's agents operating on the lebanese soil (do you complain when israelis do the same and get arrested? double standards as usual!)
and you still are proud to support a butcher, brave little syrian patriot...

Thumb barrymore 12:29 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

Having a brain is a blessing right Mystic?

Thumb Mystic 12:30 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

It's no secret, I do support Syria in their war against the takfiris 100%. By the way, I wasen't the one that begged the Syrians to intervene in the Lebanese civil war, you should ask our friend Phoenix, on that subject.

Missing peace 12:32 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

"By the way, I wasen't the one that begged the Syrians to intervene in the Lebanese civil war"

changing subject i see... let us remind you that YOU thanked syria to have "intervened" in Lebanon! You thnaked them for all the horrors! not M14 LOL

Thumb EagleDawn 12:35 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

the paid mouthpiece was cheering yesterday the ISF when he thought this gang was anti HA

"_mowaten_ Yesterday
wondering if mustahbal is going to hold a meeting over this and make a big 20 pages declaration with sad faces and slapsticks and all, like last time"

Thumb freedomarch 12:35 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

My stick, the clear Iranian regyme lover, look at yourself really, are your aligence to Lebanese government to begin with, or to Khaminai, and imamul zanan, qadas sirroh, abd to Hassan Nasrollah, the leader of the HizEbola? If compared, of course the ISF are NUSRA and Da3ish. God, what more clear statement of how far brains are being washed from main strean Lebanese interests these people are!

Thumb Mystic 12:37 ,2014 كانون الأول 19


My gift to you, takfiri and Israeli minions, enjoy.

Default-user-icon jaafar ibn iblees (ضيف) 12:42 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

is that a khomeini jihadist in your avatar?

Missing greatpierro 12:43 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

we mean you accept that the ISF lets foreign networks kidnap people on the Lebanese soil?

Missing greatpierro 12:44 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

@mystic, those samaritan have kidnapped and killed thousands of lebanese of whom many are still in syrian jails

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:13 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

la3younak bashar! ;) watch them foam now mystic

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:15 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

hopefully you'll soon be reunited with them greatpierro. syrian prisons are overcrowded now but i'm sure they cant find you a little place

Thumb ex-fpm 17:25 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

good samaritans would have handed them over to the lebanese authorities....

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:35 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

so rifi can release them? yea right lol

Missing peace 11:36 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

we do not expect less from hezbi bootlickers to spit on lebanese institutions when it goes against their interests....

Thumb -phoenix1 12:11 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

So long for those who used to say that the Lebanese Armed Forces are impartial. This latest of actions is now proof that the LAF is moving away from both left and right, and anchoring to the place is best suited, Center.

Thumb barrymore 12:30 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

You call allowing a militia to cross the border freely and go fight in another country a "center" position...lol.

Thumb megahabib 12:43 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

Great idea, this will only make Lebanon unsafer...

Default-user-icon mega.be.moss (ضيف) 12:49 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

well said megahabib

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 15:36 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

our isf should arrest both the regime and the terrorists

Default-user-icon Jaafar ibn iblees (ضيف) 16:04 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

_mowaten, is this your attempt at civilized debate or were you raised up that way? Do you like rewriting history?

Default-user-icon Rami Mansour (ضيف) 16:08 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

Thank you mowaten for explaining to me the dynamics behind the Syrian war. As a Lebanese expatriate in Sweden trying to earn a living, I was of the opinion that HA went to Syria to defend shia villages, support the regime, and under direct orders from the ayatollah. I firmly believed that HA was not acting in the interest of Lebanon or the Lebanese people. There were moments when I thought that HA was a murderous killing instrument. Reading your posts made me think and rethink. Now, I am convinced of your point of view that HA is a resistance, 100% Lebanese, and has Lebanon's best interests at heart. Thank you mowaten

Default-user-icon remember samaha! (ضيف) 16:40 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

baathist kidnapping networks, say it ain't so!

Thumb justin 17:09 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

HA was in Syria from the very first day of the revolution and nothing you or your masters can say to change that.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:23 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

no i know the dates very well freedomarch, what you got confused is the anti-HA propaganda and reality.
from the start they did claim that HA was there, and a plethora of propaganda vids were made, each more ridiculous than the other. like the one you mentioned with bearded men driving tanks and being labelled HA by rebels. like seriously, HA doesnt never had a single tank but the SAA (who has thousands of highly trained tank teams) would ask THEM to drive the tanks? LOL

i kept telling you bunch that the day HA gets involved you will know it, loud and clear. and that's exactly what happened in quseyr. HA does not need to hide what it does, they do not bother themselves with the squealings of rats, they just do what needs to be done.

Thumb ex-fpm 17:24 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

uffff.... even in Portugal people know this information!!!

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:25 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

and by the way what's with all the WE-iR-d zBelling aNd AlL? that might have been cool 20 years ago on msn but not anymore.

Thumb freedomarch 17:40 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

So the videos were fake? And what Nasroolh said was wrong too? So you say Ghizbollah did fight along with the ASSad forces? Wow? And you are saying that Qassir " in your Example" is not Syrian enough or you ? and even if it happened later, wiping the entire city from it's inhabitants is "OK" "fine" and "Normal" "with no" problem, can happen any where and "who cares maybe" .. degrading the significance of what happened in that city and other places as if we should agree with what happen by the GhizEbola Inter National terror militia .. funded aided and well trained in tehran and lebanon by your non-lebanese sectarian Revolutionary guards of the Islamic Rep Public of Iran.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:30 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

slow down freedomarch, take your pills and try to make a sensible logical connection between points.
many videos were fakes yes, for instance here you see rebels wearing yellow ribbons in a bid to appear as HA http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=2c4_1384744814

in others the videos were all sorts of random scenes, where nothing (but the title) indicated it was hezbollah men.

as for quseyr (if that's what you meant by "Qassir") who said it is not syrian enough? i'm saying that is when HA finally entered the syrian battlefield.
and that was august 2013, two years after the start of the terror campaign against syria. and no there were no inhabitants left when HA attacked, they had all fled months before, when the takfiris took over. all that was left was 10,000 terrorists crammed in a tiny town

Thumb freedomarch 20:18 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

Please of the captagon like you are masters of the pills, One video or 2 that are fake does not mean your filthy Inter National Iranian Backed Militia was not helping slaughter vilages one by one and qassir was one.

Thumb Tony.Farris 18:00 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

@Mystic, Couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.

Thumb Tony.Farris 18:02 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

_MOWATY_ I'm guessing you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:20 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

seeing the level of your answers, there is no need for me to guess to know you arent burdened with an overabundance of arguments.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:25 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

you're insulting your own intelligence with such an "analysis"

Missing peace 20:02 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

he is rather summarizing your empty head and binary way of thinking... mooowaten.

Missing peace 20:04 ,2014 كانون الأول 19

bravo M11er, you summed it all up!
depending on the M8 antilebanese propaganada of the day: if you are against hezbollah then you are either zionist, takfiri, pro nusra, or saudi...
it proves only one thing: M8ers have a binary mind, the same they criticized georges bush of having! LOL

Thumb nickjames 02:53 ,2014 كانون الأول 20

Good stuff M11

Thumb freedomarch 03:36 ,2014 كانون الأول 20

I second you Nick ;) I really feel proud that Lebanese issues are not passing that lightly any more, transparency and clear information for everyone to verify prevent blinding tactics that used by tyrants and dictators. God bless you all ;)

Default-user-icon Robbie (ضيف) 23:19 ,2015 كانون الثاني 05

Leave it to the Lebanese. You cant agree on anything. The ISF represents Lebanon. Its your last hope against all becoming a big Tripoli.