قاسم يدعو لتوحيد "قنوات الوساطة" بملف عسكريي عرسال وحصر التفاوض بالحكومة
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حمّل نائب أمين عام حزب الله الشيخ نعيم القاسم مجلس الوزراء مسؤولية الافراج عن عسكريي عرسال المختطفين لدى الجماعات الارهابية، داعياً "الى توحيد قنوات الوساطة" والى "السرية الكاملة" في هذا الملف.
وقال قاسم اثر لقائه مع اهالي العسكريين، الثلاثاء، ان حزب الله "يحمّل مجلس الوزراء مجتمعاً المسؤولية الكاملة للافراج عن المخطوفين".
ودعا قاسم الى "توحيد قنوات الوساطة"، معتبراً أن الحكومة من حقها ان "تستعين بالوسطاء والوسائل المناسبة لاعطاء الحلول المناسبة في هذا الملف".
وبعد ان سحبت قطر وساطتها في الملف، دعا الاهالي الى تكليف هئية العلماء المسلمين بالوساطة الا انها طالبت الحكومة بتكليف رسمي منها. بعدها ظهر الشيخ وسام المصري الذي قال الخميس الفائت أنه زار المخطوفين وأنهم بصحة جيدة إلا أن اثنين منهم يعانيان من التهابات. أما احمد فليطي فأعلن الأحد أنه مكلف من وزير صحة وائل أبو فاعور.
إلى ذلك، دعا قاسم الأهالي الى "وضع الخطوات المناسبة لحث المسؤولين باتخاذ الخطوات اللازمة "، واعداً بقيام الحزب "بما يمكن فعله لأننا معنيون بهذا الملف وفرحتنا الكبرى هي في الافراج عن العسكريين".
وفي الإطار نفسه، طالب القاسم ان يخرج هذا الملف من مسألة "البزار الاعلامي والسياسي " مشدداً على أن "التفاوض علناً يساعد المخطوفين".
بناءً على ذلك، دعا الى "السرية الكاملة" موضحاً ان "حزب الله مع التفاوض ومع الثمن المدفوع ولكن حدوده وضوابطه تقرره الجهات المكلفة متابعة الملف.
وقام "داعش" مع جبهة "النصرة" باعدام عدد من الجنود وعناصر الامن بعد أن خطفوهم من عرسال في معارك الثاني من آب الفائت، علما ان عدد المخطوفين المتبقين لدى الخاطفين 25، هم 16 لدى "الجبهة" وتسعة لدى "الدولة".
وقدمت "جبهة النصرة" ثلاثة مقترحات من أجل التفاوض على العسكريين المحتجزين لديها. وهي: إطلاق سراح 10 معتقلين من السجون اللبنانية في مقابل كل محتجز، أو إطلاق سراح 7 معتقلين من السجون اللبنانية مع 30 معتقلة من السجون السورية في مقابل كل محتجز، أو إطلاق سراح 5 معتقلين من السجون اللبنانية مع 50 معتقلة من السجون السورية في مقابل كل محتجز.
في حين طالب "داعش"، وفق المعلومات الصحافية، بالافراج عن 5 سجناء في السجون اللبنانية مقابل كل عسكري محتجز لديها.

bless anyone person, entity, brigade, organization or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its supporters, followers, and members wherever they maybe.

lol, keep handing out your blessings to da3esh and israel, like they are worth anything.
i picture you walking around like a zombie, repeating that weak mantra like it somehow compensates the fact that you are a sore loser, a frustrated hateful nobody.

Joe, you are really starting to annoy our freinds here! Sensitive feelings towards our brothers are shown by letters of sympathy. From Da3esh and Nusra asking The Hizbos if there's anything they can do to calm the situation. Since your comments are aimed at all of them, they are thinking of stopping their fights and looking to ask you jointly to take it in your heart to stop and forgive ib these merry times, Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and happy khamibai joy day.

In another word, Hizbcocaine is given you the green light to negotiate

As long he is equally annoying all of them, I guess it is fair. Brothers who support of these factions are diagnosed with High blood preasure .. or maybe ... while it seems no one is able to stop joebustani, who is having good times, his case can be called, "High Blood Pleasure".

i can assure you on the tomb of my son hadi and on the integrity of zeynib and the conscience of imamu ali that we are here to protect lebanon and not the shias.

She can't drive in Saudia Arabia, a driver called Azim drive her to the mall, shame shame, well look at Zeynab in the streets of Tehran, mmmm , The basadran can't take their eyes from her .. behind the wheel, she look appealing .... yet will be taken for few months of questioning. ... ahh don't say it this have nothing to do with driving, that is all fine in Islamic Rep Public of Iran.

Problem is, M14 does not want to cooperate with the Resistance, in freeing those prisoners.

Not true, M14 were very fast to find a negotiator, first the Qatari mediator, then some salafi cleric, now someone else. They never asked the M8 to help out.
Now the Resistance extend their hand, I wonder if M14 will accept it at all.
We see your attitude, and same goes for the rest of the M14 politicians, you would rather see these LAF soldiers remain prisoners, than accepting help from us.

strange, but there is a government crisis cell with the sectarian ibrahim in it and includes representatives from both M14 and M8.

" it was Aoun and Hezb who refused and banned any exchange " according to... m14! lol
how easily they make up lies and then start to believe them themselves.
hey slashfish, remember when nasrallah said we must negotiate from a position of strength?
forget about the position of strength, you're obviously accustomed to another type of position and wouldn't know what that means, but what does "we must negotiate" mean to you?

funny how M8er quickly forget that aoun and hezbis said no to negotiations with daesh a one cannot negociate with terrorists...
their brain is sooo easy to manipulate according to what their leaders say.

I nominate Mr. Mowaten and Mr. Mystic to negotiate on our behalf from a position of strength.
Mr. Qassem, which state are you alluding to? The one you literally killed? The one that has no president? The one you wish to give a lame duck rubber stamper lunatic like Aoun to head a whole nation? Which state ya Mr. Qassem? The one you got involved in one war or the other, wars that never concerned us in the first place? Mr. Qassem, not only is Hezbollah bleeding profusely in Syria, but your businesses too are suffering like never before, be they here in Lebanon or abroad, your cash inflow is in dire trouble. Stop your arrogance including your party's, the day is fast closing on you when you will be on your own, stop harming your fellow Lebanese, stop frustrating them, your missiles and guns can never make them bow to you, but you instead, you will bow when the sentiments of the people blow out of proportion.