توقيف شبكة لبنانية سورية متورطة بترويج أفلام خلاعية
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أوقف الامن العام اللبناني شبكة لبنانية - سورية متورطة بترويج افلام خلاعية منسوخة على اقراص مدمجة في مناطق لبنانية مختلفة ولاسيما في منطقة جبيل حيث تم توقيفهم.
وذكرت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" أن الموقوفين الاربعة هم السوريون: ش. م. ش، ي. ف .ح، م. ح. ش. واللبناني م. ه. ا.
قد سلموا جميعا الى المراجع القضائية المختصة بغية كشف باقي افراد العصابة والشبكة التي يستخدمونها في توزيع هذه الافلام.

Who the hell cares?
You can get all the porn you want for free
off the internet.
Is Lebanon that backwards?

Who the hell cares?
You can get all the porn you want for free
off the internet.
Is Lebanon that backwards?

poor idiots, they are so 90's, paying for porn is way outdated....

Mike, those are sold to the syrian workers on the construction sites, to entertain them during those cold winter nights and hot summer evenings.

if Rifi and the rest of ISF would stop wasting their time on such stupidities, they woulsd be more effective in dealing with serious crimes.

Stupid backward theocratic government! I don't know who entrusted a bunch of government employees with safeguarding the moral values of society.
The only valid reason for seizing these DVDs and arresting the sellers is if these DVDs are pirated and the ISF are enforcing Intellectual Property Rights. But given that there are no laws protecting IPRs in Lebanon (again, backward country), that must not have been it.

to jabalamel - you are aware that they are talking about the General Security, which is headed by Hezbollah-affiliated Abbas Ibrahim...

LOL. It's funny where the focus of the security forces is. Porn is the first problem we need to tackle in Lebanon. funny.

How hypocrit, knowing that so many of Beirut-roaming call girls come straight from Dahyeh...