حزب الله اوقف عميلا لاسرائيل في صفوفه "افشل عمليات امنية" له في الخارج
Read this story in Englishاوقف حزب الله قبل ثلاثة اشهر احد مسؤوليه بتهمة العمالة لاسرائيل، بحسب ما افاد مصدر مطلع على التحقيق معه، مشيرا الى ان الموقوف افشل "عمليات امنية" خارجية للحزب ضد مصالح اسرائيلية.
واوضح المصدر لوكالة "فرانس برس" ان "جهاز الامن في حزب الله اوقف قبل ثلاثة اشهر عميلا ضمن صفوفه يدعى محمد شوربة" ينحدر من بلدة محرونة الجنوبية، مضيفا ان "التحقيقات مع شوربة بينت انه بدأ التواصل مع الموساد الاسرائيلي في العام 2007".
واشار المصدر الى ان شوربة "يتولى مسؤولية التنسيق في وحدة العمليات الخارجية المرتبطة بالامن العسكري للمقاومة، والتي تعرف بالوحدة 910"، وهي المسؤولة عن "العمليات الامنية" التي ينفذها حزب الله في الخارج.
وقال ان شوربة "كان يعيش في لبنان، لكنه كان يسافر كثيرا، وقد تم تجنيده في الخارج"، بينما ذكر شخص مقرب من عائلته لفرانس برس ان "عائلته متدينة جدا وموالية لحزب الله"، وانه "نادرا ما يزور قريته وقد عمل على نقل اوراقه الثبوتية الى بيروت قبل نحو 15 سنة".
ولفت المصدر المطلع على التحقيق الى ان شوربة "افشل نحو خمس عمليات امنية كان يخطط الحزب لتنفيذها في الخارج ضد اهداف مرتبطة بإسرائيل للثأر لمقتل قائده العسكري عماد مغنية" الذي قتل في دمشق العام 2008 في عملية اغتيال اتهم الحزب اسرائيل بالوقوف خلفها.
وهدد الامين العام لحزب الله حسن نصرالله في اكثر من مناسبة بالثار لمغنية.
وجاء توقيف شوربة وهو في اواخر العقد الرابع من عمره "اثر التحقيقات التي تلت عملية بورغاس (...) حيث كانت هذه العملية رأس الخيط الذي اوصل الى كشف ارتباط المشتبه فيه بجهاز الموساد الاسرائيلي".
واوضحت المصادر ان "التحقيقات عمدت الى عزل الخلايا بعضها عن بعض لتحديد التسريب المحتمل، فاكتشف الخرق، لا سيما وان التحقيقات جاءت بعد سلسلة اخفاقات غير مفهومة".
وفي 18 تموز 2012، اوقع تفجير انتحاري استهدف حافلة تقل سياحا اسرائيليين ونسبته بلغاريا الى حزب الله، ستة قتلى في بورغاس هم خمسة سياح اسرائيليين وسائق الحافلة البلغاري، فضلا عن مقتل الانتحاري. كما ادى الهجوم الى سقوط 35 جريحا.
ونادرا ما يكشف حزب الله الذي يملك جهازا خاصا بمكافحة التجسس ويرفض التعليق على توقيف شوربة، عن تعرضه للخرق من قبل جهاز استخباراتي اجنبي.
وفي حزيران 2011 كشف نصرالله ان جهاز مكافحة التجسس في حزبه تمكن من كشف حالتي تعامل على الاقل داخل الحزب مع وكالة الاستخبارات المركزية الاميركية، وحالة تعامل ثالثة مع جهة استخباراتية لم يحددها.
كما اعلنت مصادر في حزب الله لفرانس برس انه جرى قبل عامين توقيف مسؤول في "الوحدة الصاروخية" يدعى ابو تراب، وان هذا المسؤول قدم معلومات الى اسرائيل حول مواقع صواريخ للحزب في جنوب لبنان خلال حرب العام 2006 بين الجانبين.
hizbushaitan is infested from within :)
they are worth nothing and will be destroyed from within.
by the way, according to serious info, this guy was for a long while in charge of the security of nasrallah.
what is of interest here and in other similar incidents is that HA never hands over these traitors to the Lebanese government and institutions for trial. A state within a state with its own military, financial, and judicial apparatuses. But, they support the state, the army, and justice.
Ex-FPM spot on. They are a state within a state. They have their own military, their own police and moukhabarat and their own prisons (like in the basement of the airport).
By spying for Mossad, he is collaborating with an enemy state (Lebanon and Israel have technically been in a state of war since 1948) yet the government does not get to apprehend him...
this proves two things:
1) Hizbollah is a terrorist organization that has a specialized unit for terrorist foreign intervention; the Bulgarian terrorist attack on Israeli travellers
2) Hizbollah is an organization that cannibalize the Lebanese state by deciding on war, terrorist attacks, and last but not least by detaining lebanese citizens in goal.
What shocks me the most is that we find "liberty and justice loving" people on this forum who support strongly these Hizbollah actions just because they hate Israel, KSA, the sunnis in general, or for some other reason.
bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.
This is an old story. The spy has been detained, it is a major blow to Israel & USA intel.
you blinded people always seem to have the ability to put a spin on things to make them look rosy. So, his arrest is a major blow to the USA and Israel and not to your hizb. All the valuable information he provided to Israel over the course of 8 years or so was a blow to Israel, yes!
The lack of any new intel/information from their spy, is a big blow to them yes. They've relied heavily on that spy for years. The Israeli eyes and ears has been cut off big time.
mystic, does your terrorist hizb share intelligence information with the Lebanese state or Iranian state?
flamethrower; Israel and the United States are best friends too; but they also have spies working against each other. Please, sit
Even more amusing, is the M14s cowardly way of insulting using copied account names and photos.
i can assure you on the tomb of my son hadi and on the integrity of zeynib and the conscience of imamu ali that we are here to protect lebanon and not the shias.
Mystic, the Hezbollah/Israeli spy is just the tip of the iceberg, your malaise is hard for you to hide, honestly. Look, for every spy caught, usually there are many more and they need not know each other either. You know as we all know, that our Shiite brothers do big business with Jews, in Amreeka, Canada, Europe, ah Brussels, the Diamond center. It all looks normal, you know, Hezbollah financed people doing business even if need be with the devil, but you see, here's the catch, how can you manage that thin line that divides between normal business and abnormal business?
Israel spied on the US, its best friend. The major problem here is the following: what role did this guy play in the death of lebanese civilians, he should be tried under Lebanese law. And therein lies the problem of a state within a state that hizbollaat poses.
What is important is not ignoring your fellow lebanese partners and using funds from I ran to build your own enemies from within! When lebanese are pushed to be against hizbola, mist of the time, it is because other lebanese are scared abd seeking protection from the Devils, although wrong, it was somewhat justified. As for this guy, different story, it shows even hizbola has bad apples aming it's ranks.
This saint has bought vast swathes of land in the south. He owns two huge villas and several cars. He received not less than 2 million USD for his services.
why so? Dont you think that this spy has rendered good service to humanity by foiling terrorist attacks on innocent civilians?
he is indeed a saint having helped foiling terrorist attempt on innocent civilians. He has rendered Lebanon a good service as if those terrorist attacks had happened Lebanon would have been finger pointed by the international community as a terrorist exporting country.
He should be hailed as a saint indeed provided all the information he supplied Israel with was related to hezbollah and not to the Lebanese state.
hahaha! My boss just messaged me on whatsapp and asked me to read your comment quickly before it gets deleted. You never miss a beat, never miss a Christmas, never miss an ashoura! Always ready for a witty answer. Somesing Anazar Flamesrower!
Strange how people can support Ebola which is clearly destroying the Lebanese institutions, its economy, its juridical system, its telecom network, its stability and security....
...very strange...
These killers, these criminals, these sectarians accuse everybody who opposes them of being a traitor. In reality they are the authentic and genuine traitors to Lebanon.
Was there any evidence of Hezbollah involvement in the Bulgarian attack? None was presented and it was only under heavy US pressure that Bulgaria re-issued the charges that it couldn't support with evidence. Did these "accomplices" ever exist? Were the ID's ever traced to be living beings? Do not think so. This article is innuendo based on hearsay. How they caught the collaborator probably had nothing to do with what is stated here.PS Why did the EU recently remove Hezbollah from it's list of terror organizations if the Bulgarian charges were supportable.
why do you talk about your friend every day? besides using it as a pretext for you to express your sectarian incitement, is there any reason you keep talking about her every day and on every article?