جعجع يؤكد جدية الحوار مع عون: هدفه تخفيف الاحتقان
Read this story in Englishشدد رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع على ان الحوار مع رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون "جدّي" وهو بهدف "ترطيب الاجواء".
وفي تصريح له الاربعاء، اكد ان "الفرقاء الذين يقومون بتعطيل استحقاق رئاسة الجمهورية اللبنانية لن يتمكنوا من الاستمرار في التعطيل الى ما لا نهاية".
وأشار الى ان الحوار مع عون "جدّي ولا يقتصر فقط على موضوع الرئاسة بل يتعداه الى موضوعات أخرى".
وأضاف انه "يهدف الى ترطيب الأجواء وتخفيف الاحتقان والتشنج السياسي في البلد على غرار الحوار بين تيار المستقبل وحزب الله".
من المتوقع ان ينعقد هذا حوار عون-جعجع في "الرابية" ويحتمل أن يكون موعده ما بين 2 و3 كانون الثاني المقبل بحسب ما اشارت اليه معلومات صحافية، وذلك لمناقشة ملف الشغور الرئاسي المستمر منذ ايار الفائت.
وبدأ اللقاء الأول بين المستقبل وحزب الله برعاية رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، في 23 كانون الاول في عين التينة، في محاولة لوضع "خارطة طريق" و"آلية" للجلسات المقبلة التي ستبحث كيفية "تنظيم الخلاف" بين الطرفين وتخفيف "الاحتقان السني - الشيعي".
Sorry Mr Geagea, but my problem with the caporal is independent from you and him. I consider the Caporal as the enemy from within and the destroyer of the Christians.
I hope you have read all the comments...I do not expect that you may recover from your blindness in 2015 or later...
Independently from everything else, the Caporal (failed his entrance exam at 7arbiyeh Military School) is corrupt, liar, megalomaniac, mentally ill, agent to Ebola, traitor to Syria and Iran, disloyal to his best friends (General Fayez Karam, General Nadim Lteif, etc.), deserter, cheater (took all the donations and put them under an account in his wife's name?), uses - contrary to what he says - nepotism, feodalism and anti-democratic principles. How can anyone follow another Hitler?
Farty is brainwashed. 1) A brainwashed doesn't realize he is brainwashed; 2) A brainwashed see conspiracies everywhere; 3) There is no hope for a brainwashed to be cured.
Now, to answer how do I know? Nothing in this country can remain a secret.The son of the General (who then was Colonel and Director of 7arbiyeh) told me.
If the Director of 7arbiyeh did not let the Caporal retake the exam (a very helpful Wasta), the whole destiny of this so called Caporal would have been different and the country would not have been destroyed as it is.
Think about: all other attributes are true (even being corrupt: when someone take all the donations and put them into an account in his wife's name, what is it if not stealing?); so if all other attributes are true, how can any sane person follow this madman?
Any Christian following a traitor, is a traitor himself.
tensions are solved between sunni and shiia
as for you hakim just execute orders you got when you were at your bosses kingdom
fal yahkom el ekhwan you lost your bet hakim
and the best thing you do is to go where these thugs are ruling so move either to turkey or saoudieh
Happy New Year to you dear Flamethrower as you rest in peace in your final destination
Wlak ya 7akim, halla2 hal khetyar bi jeblak il tension min tenye matra7. If he doesn't sit on that seat, he will create tensions for everyone, starting from you ya Hakim. Anyway, good luck, it's never a bad thing to try, but then, try with whom, the old decrepit man?
Shame on you General for lowering your standards and meeting with such low life's who does not have any weight on the political scene. But then again 7aram make him feel important.
FT, in typical Aouny style, a debate turns personal and of rather uncouth personal language. For all intents and purposes, most have abstained from the personal stuff, focusing principally like I did on levying criticism on the old man himself, in other words, on Aoun. Why ya FT do you direct instead your attacks on those who criticize Aoun or anyone you seem to support? Anyway dear FT, Happy New year 2015, may it finally unite us all Lebanese, all of us living under the same and one law, as equals, no more, no less.