جعجع: الحكومة نسيت أن للبنان ثلاثة حدود وعليها ترسيمها
Read this story in Englishأكد رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع على ضرورة "الاسراع في ترسيم كل الحدود البحرية لتصبح منطقتنا الاقتصادية واضحة المعالم".
وأشار جعجع بعد لقاء مع كتلة نواب زحلة الخميس إلى أن "الحكومة اللبنانية نسيت أن للبنان ثلاثة حدود ليس فقط مع اسرائيل بل مع قبرص وسوريا التي تحتاج الحدود معهما الى ترسيم أيضاً" رغم أنها "تقوم بكلّ ما يلزم لجهة الحدود البحرية اللبنانية-الاسرائيلية".
وأضاف أنه "على الحكومة اللبنانية أن تحافظ على مصالح الشعب اللبناني بشكل كامل".
وتقول السلطات اللبنانية أن الخارطة التي قدمتها الى الأمم المتحدة تتوافق مع اتفاقية الهدنة الموقعة بين الدولتين في 1949 ولا يمكن بالتالي لاسرائيل أن تطعن بها، كما تعتبر أن الاتفاق الذي وقعته اسرائيل مع قبرص في 2010 لترسيم حدودهما البحرية يخالف الاتفاق الموقع بين لبنان وقبرص في 2007.
The Israli governments of Fouad Saniora and cheikh Imbecile are to blame. They were in power from 2005 and until 2011. Can you count? I give you a hint: it is whole number that is between 5 and 7. yalla ya chatrin, 7ekko raskon el fadeh. As to this fart Geagea, he needs someone to scratch his dumbbell for him cause he thinks it is the blob sitting between his shoulders when in fact it is sitting below his lower back.
3 other borders... Mmmmmmhhhh.... Is that Geagea or Naharnet who does not know how to count??
From the quote i would say that Geagea knows...
So my question goes to the editorial team in Naharnet: are you counting the internal borders? After all, you need a laissez-passer in order certain areas of greater Beirut and some in the Bekaa...
if there is something in which i can agree with lady gaga it's this.
however, no one kidnaps lebanese shepperds and beats them on syrian border, no do we have regular overflights of airplanes and drones, nor do they steal our oil and gas nor do the threaten to bomb whole lebanon.
nor do we need un to calm things down.
if there is some small security incident on that border it's quickly solved.
therefore, most important things first.
but we do have:
a syrian incvasion that lasted tens of years.
a syro/iranian murdering our leaders.
just yesterday they kidnapped 2 persons from the north in Lebanese territory.
and so on....
how can you be so blind? or you want to be so blind?
First, thank you for not disagreeing with Geagea simply because he is Geagea. But I must say, when you call him names like "Lady Gaga" you only make yourself seem less intelligent and less capable of intelligent discussion. I disagree with you though. Our border has been violated just as much by Syria as it has by Israel. In fact, I might suggest even more. Important things first? I want politicians that can multitask. That can solve multiple problems at the same time. Not politicians that spend a year discussing the same one issue while other issues grow into big problems.
u were in the goverment since 05 dr jeajea , what did u do about the matter u mentioned ? show the new goverment where u reached so they can continue
aragon..am not taking sides here but by posting such childish and uninformant comments you sound more of a bahle than any other ppl on this comment page. Educate yourself in the art of counter debate and stop sounding like an AHBAL not just hableh.
@ bdia, please ask ur friend jabal imbecile to stop calling everyone who disagrees with him "ZIONISTS" and I will be the first to apologize to him and debate him and any misguided soul like him, on the facts and just the facts. Until then, if you are going to preach etiquette or art of debate to aragon make sure you preach to jabbal, mowaten, bigdig and mrbrain manners and respect. Calling a fellow lebanese a zionist implies treason. 3eib to call those you don't agree with guilty of treason maheik?
I don't find this last episode of Geagea Almost-Daily Comedy Show funny. Actually I never found his lame show funny. Someone should advise him to try tragedy as this has been his history all along, nothing but an ongoing tragedy. Poor audience.
only zionist information war department can suggest that:
1. we have more violations on syrian border than with occupied palestine
2. someone who is sunni cannot be on the side of glorious resistance
3. someone who is pro-resistance is automaticaly syrian puppet
4. lebanon needs separation from the party that get the relative majority of lebanese people (learn what is relative majority before saying anything on this regard)
Each sect has its own perception of the border demarcation in particular and the Syrian political role, in general. For Christians, the Syrian regime with his old allies Arafat destroyed their hegemony on the political and managerial system they used to control till the eighties. To acheive this, the Syrians and their palestinian squads used violence, murders and terror. It began with the murder of the Phalangist leaders, passing by Kamal Jumblat, then Gemayel, Rene Moawad, etc. Their main objective was to build a separate Shiite group controlled by them and strong enough to harm the country. So regarding the Shiite sect, the syrians are their salvators, who transformed them from farmers in the Bekaa to an armed milita granted with important positions in the security system of the country.
So based on this, all arguings are meaningless either you are Christian or Muslim. The inial roots diverge and all what is around are consequences.