خليل: تم ضبط مواد سامة ومشعة في مرفأ ومطار بيروت

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كشف وزير المال علي حسن خليل انه تم ضبط عمليات تهريب لمواد غذائية وحبوب مخدرة ومعدات صناعية تحتوي على اشعاعات سامة مشيراً الى ان الشركات التي استوردت هذه البضاعة ستخضع الى المحاسبة.

وكشف خليل في مؤتمر صحافي عقده في مرفأ بيروت ظهر الاثنين انه " زار المرفأ ثلاث مرات لمعاينة الاوضاع ولقد تم ضبط مواد غذائية ومخدرات ومعدات صناعية".

وأشار الى ان المعدات الصناعية تحتوي على اشعاعات خطرة على الصحة العامة وسامة".

كما أوضح أن " الإشعاعات الخطيرة تبقى لمدة 85 عامًا" مشدداً على ان "لا محميات سياسية لأحد لا بالمرفأ ولا في المطار".

وفي السياق، أشار وزير المال الى ان بعض المواد استقدمت من الهند لافتاً الى انه "لا يحق للتجار أن يشتروا مواداً رخيصة تتجاوز مصلحة المواطنين وتمس بسلامتهم واستقرارهم".

وبناءً على ذلك، اكد خليل ان الشركات التي استوردت الأدوات المشعّة ستخضع الى المساءلة طالباً منها اعادة تصدير " هذه البضاعة لأنه لا يمكن ان تطمر في لبنان".

وتأتي هذه الخطوة ضمن حملة مكافحة الفساد التي انطق بها وزير الصحة وائل ابو فاعور منذ تشرين الثاني الفائت، والتي طالت معظم الشركات المخالفة لشروط الصحة العالمية واحالتها الى القضاء المختص، ومن بينها مرفأ بيروت الذي زاره ابو فاعور في 30 كانون الاول الفائت للكشف عن اهراءات القمح فيه.



التعليقات 21
Thumb EagleDawn 13:17 ,2015 كانون الثاني 05

He also denied that certain people had the backing of politicians at the airport and Beirut Port.

“There is no political support to any broker or forwarding agent,” he said.

The Statement of the Century.... LOL. Even a porter at the airport knows better than that.

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:18 ,2015 كانون الثاني 05

“It is prohibited to turn Lebanon into a dump for poisonous and radioactive waste.”

yet geagea did this during the war, to finance his war crimes.

Thumb EagleDawn 14:51 ,2015 كانون الثاني 05

lol gotta love your powerful arguments, you really must be a smart one.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:44 ,2015 كانون الثاني 05

eagleyawn i see the year changed but you remained the same. still copy pasting the comments of your betters

Default-user-icon Tchad (ضيف) 16:19 ,2015 كانون الثاني 05

Mowaten forget about Geagea and leave the past its past.... Ask ureself the question : Who controls the airport today? You will find the right answer.

Don't have to be a genious, have a nice day.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:16 ,2015 كانون الثاني 06

why leave the past to the past? geagea is still present in the political landscape, still trying to become the president of this country, and the mountains and waters of lebanon are still polluted with the toxic & radioactive materials he buried for a few $$$. why should we forget about that? i can understand it is convenient for him and his supporters, and that's the only reason why you people like to "forget" his crimes.

as for the airport, you tell me Tchad, who controls it? as far as i know it is controlled by the goumrok, amn el dekhel & amn el am. maybe you have some other theory to share, besides your vague suggestions?

and since they are the ones who seized the radioactive materials, what does it say? that they are doing their job. maybe now you should wonder about who tried to smuggle it in, or maybe it would be more convenient for you to "forget" about that too?

Thumb -phoenix1 14:56 ,2015 كانون الثاني 06

Mowaten, the moment I saw the tread, I knew that people like you will barge onto the scene with this stereotypical and accuse Geagea and the LF. Now about those toxic wastes, during the war, it wasn't the LF nor Geagea who let them in but a group of Christian, Shiite, Sunni and Palestinian businessmen aided by Syrian security to make a big amount of cash. What you my dear Mowaten still fails to understand is this: That you and me don't matter to anyone leader who mafia businessman. During the war they shared the proceeds, indeed and check around you, and now they are still doing the same. But in as far as the toxic waste of the war years is concerned, you got it wrong as do many like you. Just for refreshers, who was trying to get the stuff again this time? Ehft wloh!!

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:26 ,2015 كانون الثاني 06

geagea got paid for allowing it phoenix, we all know it, i'm sure you do too. so take it easy on the ehft's and the wloh's.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:19 ,2015 كانون الثاني 06

Mowaten, the euft and wloh is to abbreviate my reaction to stereotypical posts like yours. Before insinuating any further that Geagea got paid, please, surf all the web and bring me proofs. And before you point to the speck of dust in thy brother's eye, look at the log that is in yours, point for you to ponder with Hezbollah.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:45 ,2015 كانون الثاني 06

there you go phoenix, and if you open that link below you will find an interesting read. might make you remember who that guy is and not jump to defend him

1986-1987 - Geagea's militia buried nuclear and chemical wastes in self-controlled region in exchange for millions of dollars. The Lebanese army worked later on removing the wastes and exporting them. "Jelly Wax, an Italian company, had been paying the Christian militia led by Geagea to store the toxics in Lebanon, including in a quarry near Beirut that once held 16,000 barrels and 20 containers of heavy metals, toxic pesticides, and other deadly chemicals. The Italian chemical barrels began to bubble over and explode, so the Lebanese Forces [militia] asked Mr. Pierre Malychef, one of Lebanon's most respected environmental scientists, to test them. He alerted the public that the barrels contain toxic chemicals, and he discovered other dumping sites scattered around the country.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:45 ,2015 كانون الثاني 06


The Lebanese Forces [militia] were angered as their pollution kickback was threatened. The government jailed Malychef for a week for allegedly giving false testimony during an investigation of the dumping, but the charges were dropped. Months later, thugs paid by the Lebanese Forces militia severely beat him. By 1986, companies from Germany, Canada, and Belgium, secretly delivered toxic chemicals to other parts of Lebanon. Today, Lebanon is paying the price. According to a World Bank study, toxic dumping, along with Lebanon's own sewage and toxic waste problems, has led to contamination of 70% of the country's drinking water." (Living on Earth)

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:56 ,2015 كانون الثاني 06

another if you like:


The now disbanded right-wing militia "Lebanese Forces"
allowed the transaction and supervised it. [...]
When the criminal deal became known, a public outrcy in
Lebanon and internationally forced the Italian government to
promise, in 1988, to return all the toxics involved back to
Italy. Greenpeace learnt of four ships which had been sent to
pick up the waste and return it to Italy.

But according to Greenpeace research, only the toxic contents
of 5,500 barrels were loaded in 9,500 new barrels aboard the
ships at Beirut Port in 1988. More than 10,000 barrels and
the contents of many containers remained in Lebanon, dumped
in the Kisrwan mountains or along its shores."

Thumb canadianpaul 13:36 ,2015 كانون الثاني 05

Wasn't his brother convicted of importing and distributing "dirty" medications? LOL.

Default-user-icon Toufic (ضيف) 13:52 ,2015 كانون الثاني 05

Exactly, what does that tell you smarty? No political cover.
Lebanese need to stop being secterians M8, M11, M14...khalsona minkon ba'a. haram this beautiful country..

Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 14:56 ,2015 كانون الثاني 05

I often think about you flamethrower and wonder what you are doing as you lay down in pieces and tranquility at your final destination

Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 14:03 ,2015 كانون الثاني 05

May you be enjoying peace and tranquility at your final destination... RIP dear Flamethrowr

Thumb joebustani 19:18 ,2015 كانون الثاني 05

Judicial and intelligence sources confirmed to CNN toxic traces and waste were detected at Beirut airport and port. The importers of said material are affiliated with the Iranian Sectarian Terrorist militia which runs many businesses and trading companies to cover up its terror network. Judicial sources revealed to OTV that Abu Zaynab, a hezbollah politburo member, is the mastermind behind importing the hazardous material into the tiny mediterranean enclave.

Hezbollah has seen its revenues dwindle as a result of economic downturn and its heavy military involvement in the neighboring war torn Syria. While Iran continues to heavily support President Assad of Syria both financially and militarily, its direct funding of the iranian terrorist sectarian militia has largely decreased in recent months due to plummeting oil revenues.

Source: Associated Press

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:17 ,2015 كانون الثاني 06

"Source: Associated Press" LOOOL you mean the da3esh version of AP, right?

Thumb kanaanljdid 20:57 ,2015 كانون الثاني 05

On this point I think you are right Flamethrower

Thumb kanaanljdid 20:59 ,2015 كانون الثاني 05

On this point I think you are right Flamethrower

Default-user-icon joseph arbajian (ضيف) 14:00 ,2015 كانون الثاني 08

نشكر معالي الوزير على اهتمامه بتصريف النفايات الخطرة الى الخارج ومن حيث اتت ....المهمة صعبة جدا" جدا" .....يوجد داخل شركة عربجيان نفايات الاسبستوس او الاميانط وهي احدى النفايات السرطانية المدرجة على لائحة المواد الخطرة في القانون 64\88 ......تم استيرادها عبر عقد توزيع تجاري حصري ...والشركة التي صدرتها الى لبنان توفر تعويض صحي عالمي على الضرر الناجم عن التعرض لها اينما ثبت توزيعها في العالم ........لسوء الحظ لبنان محروم من حقه ان كان بالزام الشركة الاجنبية بموجب تصريفها الى الخارج وان كان بالزامها توفير في لبنان التعويض الصحي الضخم الذي توفره عالميا" وميزانيته تفوق التسعة بليار دولار ......ان كان يمنحني فرصة حضرة الوزير الكريم سأضع بين يديه العقد الذي يلزم هذه الشركة بتنفيذ موجباتها في لبنان وكل التفاصيل عن من هربها من تنفيذ هذا الموجب .....جوزيف عربجيان 03304187