"سانا": ضبط أسلحة مهربة من لبنان إلى سوريا عبر معبر جديدة يابوس

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ضبطت الجهات المختصة في معبر جديدة يابوس أمس الخميس كميات من الأسلحة والذخيرة لدى محاولة تهريبها إلى سورية في سيارة براد شاحنة قادمة من لبنان تحمل اللوحة العراقية رقم 9073.

وأوضحت وكالة الأنباء السورية "سانا" أنه " لدى القيام بتفتيش السيارة التي كانت محملة بالفواكه وتفريغها عثر بداخلها على مخبأ سري هيدروليك متوضع على كامل أرضية البراد وبداخله 125 بارودة بمبكشن اوتوماتيك، وكميات من الطلقات الخاصة بالمسدسات يتجاوز عددها 30 ألف طلقة من عيارات مختلفة".

ولفتت الى أن " السلطات المختصة في محافظة حمص كانت قد ضبطت خلال الشهر الحالي كمية كبيرة من الذخائر والأسلحة محملة بسيارة شاحنة تحمل لوحة لبنانية أثناء محاولة تهريبها إلى سوريا في معبر الدبوسية على الحدود السورية اللبنانية".

التعليقات 6
Thumb jabalamel 12:13 ,2011 أيلول 30

every day there is more proof that some people in lebanon meddle in syria situation in more direct and vicious manner that syria meddled in lebanon since the end of civil war.

those people work for saudi extremist, mossad and cia and if lebanese and syrian inteligence find evidence who is it, they should be put in prison for good (yes march 14, everybody know it's you)

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 12:21 ,2011 أيلول 30

Just returning the unsold to the original supplier!

Default-user-icon Tarek H (ضيف) 12:44 ,2011 أيلول 30

What syria did in lebanon is despicable, over so many years. Please check the facts of history. Theres evidence there. Match 14 or cia, mossad, smuggling weapons has no evidence and therefore statements that are baseless. With all due respect, have sympathy to the defenseless victims of syrian protestors. They are humans just like you and me.

Thumb jabalamel 13:08 ,2011 أيلول 30

therefore, syria here is our own national mistake.

Thumb jabalamel 13:17 ,2011 أيلول 30

i'm not justifying syrian actions in lebanon, but let's not forget that lebanese politicians are those (and guess who: now march 14) who invited them, gave them reason to enter and after all, it was our domestic failure to stop fighting that allowed them to be final arbiters in ending the civil war.

while nobody invited zionist entity in 1948, 1967, 1978 and other smaller invasions in 70-is and what bashir did was treason anyway.

Default-user-icon Banana Republic (ضيف) 17:20 ,2011 أيلول 30

@jabalamel I thought you guys were experts with guns. If you take a close look at the "confiscated" weapons, you can see that these are shotguns. Let us be clear, if you want to engage in attacks on an army in a street set up, a shotgun will do you no good.

Let us think back to the 8th of may when Amal, the SSNP, and Hezbollah invaded Beirut, what type of weaponry did they use? Assault rifles.

Finally: SERIOUSLY? SANA?? Who on Earth believes a dictatorship-owned news channel? The same guys who have been trying to make us believe that it is a CIA/Mossad conspiracy, and that nothing was going on in Syria?