محاولة خطف عضو في تبار المستقبل

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اقتحم سبعة مسلحين ملثمين منزل عضو في تيار "المستقبل" عامر المحمد في بلدة العماير في وادي خالد، بغية اختطافه.

ولكن الجناة لم يجدوه داخل المنزل أو في محيطه، فقرروا التراجع. ولدى انسحابهم تجمع عدد من سكان البلدة لكنهم نجحوا في الفرار باتجاه الأحراج المجاورة.

وقد تسبب الأمر بتوتر في البلدة وخوف بين الاهالي.

التعليقات 18
Thumb canaanite 12:47 ,2011 أيلول 30

was probably mowaten, bigdig and the lovely jabalamel...

Thumb geha 12:50 ,2011 أيلول 30

the syro/iranian failed job :)

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 12:56 ,2011 أيلول 30

It's funny how there are never armed men breaking into a hezbollah member home!

Thumb jabalamel 13:07 ,2011 أيلول 30

of course it didn't take long for zionist information war department to blame it on iran and syria and even implicate people who are posting on an nahar????

like i said: obsessive compulsion disorder (iran syria iran syria iran syria iran syria iran syria iran syria....)

Thumb canaanite 13:09 ,2011 أيلول 30

no jabalamel.. youre the one with obsessive complusive disorder (zionist information war department zionist information war department zionist information war department zionist information war department zionist information war department zionist information war department zionist information war department ....)

Thumb jabalamel 13:11 ,2011 أيلول 30

yes but i'm pointing to the truth which is the duty of every decent man and patriotic lebanese

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 13:13 ,2011 أيلول 30

why the picture of the army with this information????i wonder why?

Thumb jabalamel 13:18 ,2011 أيلول 30

and i didn't blame you personally for anything

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 14:41 ,2011 أيلول 30

looking from some documents maybe ??!!!!!!!! future will tell

Thumb ado.australia 14:56 ,2011 أيلول 30

Army intellegiance raid after Mustaqbul MP Khaled's attack on the army few weeks ago.... My guess.

Thumb geha 16:40 ,2011 أيلول 30

why look outside the obvious: this is a failed murder attempt by the syro/iranians, even if it turns out to be the army (which I doubt) they will be under the orders of hizbushaitan.

Thumb geha 17:30 ,2011 أيلول 30

@mowaten: it is clear you are a mowaten of iran, so why are you commenting on Lebanese affairs? just go home where you belong...

Default-user-icon Pong Lenis (ضيف) 18:05 ,2011 أيلول 30

It cannot be the Resistance since they are armed.

These are US conspiracies aimed to harm the image of the glorious resistance.

Don't you understand filthy zionists??????

Thumb jabalamel 19:30 ,2011 أيلول 30

here they go again...iran iran iran iran....

Thumb Bandoul 22:44 ,2011 أيلول 30

jabal habal sid ni3ak w rou7 l3ab barra. mowaten IRANI grab your kid brother habal, change his diapers and then both of u pick up ur IRANI school books and do ur homework.

Default-user-icon Lebnani (ضيف) 06:12 ,2011 تشرين الأول 01

This guy is bring chased by arm dealers and smugglers for failure to make payment.

Thumb jabalamel 12:01 ,2011 تشرين الأول 01

the filthy zionist information war department cannot change it's propaganda habits even after they are exposed

Default-user-icon Franky Blue (ضيف) 19:05 ,2011 تشرين الأول 01

Liquidations have begun. So hang on tight, Sunni crazies. You will not even live to curse cheikh Imbecile for the mess he put you in while he is hiding in his villas abroad and you get your necks cut. But you cannot really blame him if you were the ones who decided to follow an Imbecile and an idiot.