نصرالله يؤكد امتلاك صواريخ "فاتح 110" تطال كل إسرائيل: المسؤول المخترق "لا علاقة له بكل بنيتنا العسكرية"
Read this story in English
أعلن الامين العام لحزب الله حسن نصرالله الخميس ان الحزب يمتلك منذ العام 2006 صواريخ ايرانية من طراز فاتح-110 التي يمكن ان تطال كل مناطق اسرائيل، كاشفا أن العميل محمد شوربة هو مسؤول "جندته المخابرات الأميركية ثم الإسرائيلية" ولكن لا علاقة له بـ"بنية المقاومة العسكرية".
وقال نصرالله في مقابلة مسجلة بثّتها قناة "الميادين" كاملة مساء الخميس ردا على سؤال عما اذا كان حزبه يمتلك صواريخ فاتح-110 التي يمكن ان يصل مداها الى 300 كلم "نحن نملك صاروخ "فاتح 110" منذ عام 2006 وهو طراز قديم مقارنة بما لدينا".
وشدد على أن "ما تملكه المقاومة يؤهلها لأن تكون قادرة على أي موجهة تخطر في بال الإسرائيلي".
وفي السياق عينه أعلن ان "القصف المتكرر الذي حصل على اهداف متنوعة في سوريا هو خرق كبير، ونحن نعتبر ان ضرب اي اهداف في سوريا هو استهداف لكل محور المقاومة، وليس فقط استهدافا لسوريا".
الرد على إسرائيل "قد يحصل في اي وقت"
وردا على سؤال عما اذا كان "محور المقاومة" المؤلف من ايران وسوريا وحزب الله، "يمكنه ان يتخذ قرارا بالرد"، قال "نعم، قد يأخذ قرارا من هذا النوع. (...) يمكن لهذا المحور ان يرد. هذا امر مفتوح وقد يحصل في اي وقت".
وشدد على ان "احدا لم يقدم التزاما بان الاعتداءات على سوريا ستبقى من دون رد، هذا حق محور المقاومة وليس حق سوريا فقط". وتابع "لكن متى يمارس هذا الحق؟ هذا خاضع لمعايير معينة ستؤخذ بالاعتبار".
ونفذ الجيش الاسرائيلي غارات جوية عدة على مواقع في سوريا منذ بداية الازمة في آذار 2011، لم تعترف بها كلها اسرائيل، وكان آخرها في كانون الاول قرب دمشق، واستهدفت، بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان، مخازن اسلحة. واستهدف سلاح الجو الاسرائيلي خصوصا اسلحة موجهة الى حزب الله في مواقع مختلفة من سوريا.
وقال نصرالله في المقابلة التلفزيونية "اذا كانت حسابات الاسرائيلي تقوم على ان المقاومة اصابها وهن او ضعف او انها مستنزفة او انه تم المس بقدراتها وجهوزيتها وامكاناتها وعزمها (نتيجة الحرب في سوريا)، فهو مشتبه تماما وسيكتشف انه لو بنى على هذه الحسابات، يرتكب حماقة وليس خطا كبيرا".
الا انه راى ان الاسرائيليين غير قادرين في الوقت الحالي على احراز نصر "حاسم وواضح" في حرب محتملة على لبنان.
واكد انه لا يريد حربا "ولا يبحث عنها"، لكن "الجهوزية" مطلوبة وقائمة. وقال "كل ما يمكن ان نضطر اليه في اي حرب مقبلة، (...) كل ما يحتاجه الانتصار في الحرب المقبلة، علينا ان نكون مستعدين وجاهزين له. الجهات العسكرية في المقاومة عليها ان تكون جاهزة".
واضاف "عندما نقول قد نضطر او قد تطلب منكم (من عناصر الحزب) قيادة المقاومة ان تدخلوا الى الجليل، يعني ان على المقاومة ان تكون جاهزة لتدخل الى الجليل، بل الى ما بعد الجليل" في شمال اسرائيل.
وتابع "نحن الآن اقوى من اي وقت مضى كمقاومة، وان شاء الله سنصبح اقوى مما نحن عليه الآن".
وشدد على أن "لدى المقاومة في لبنان كل أنواع الأسلحة وما يخطر أو لا يخطر على بال العدو"، قائلاً: "لدينا كل ما يخطر على البال من أنواع الأسلحة".
وأضاف "كل ما يجعل المقاومة اقوى وأقدر على صنع انتصار كبير في ما لو حصل لا سمح الله عدوان جديد على لبنان، نعمل على توفيره، وهو بنسبة كبيرة متوفر، وان شاء الله الى الامام وأفضل".
وردا على سؤال شرح أن "ما يستدعي ردا من المقاومة أمر مفتوح ونترك الأمر بداية للدولة اللبنانية ولكن من حق المقاومة أن ترد دائما حتى على الخروقات الجوية"، وذلك لأن "المقاومة لم تقدم التزاما بعدم الرد على الخرق الجوي وهذا الأمر قد يحصل".
لا علاقة لشوربة ببنية الحزب العسكرية
من جهة أخرى أكد نصرالله التقارير عن توقيف العميل محمد شوربة في صفوف الحزب "منذ خمسة أشهر" وهو الذي ينحدر من بلدة محرونة الجنوبية.
وقال نصرالله "تم إكتشاف شخص مسؤول في الحزب جندته المخابرات الأميركية ثم الإسرائيلية لكن تم تناول الموضوع بمبالغات كبيرة فمثلا لم يكن يوما مسؤول حمايتي وهو مثلا لم يقترب أساسا من أي وحدة من الوحدات الصاروخية في الحزب ولا صلة له بكل البنية العسكرية للمقاومة".
وشدد على أن "الموقوف" ولم يسمه أو يقول عنه عميل "اعترف بكل ما أعطى الإسرائيليين من معلومات وحجم المساهمة بينه وبينهم". ورأى أن "الإختراق جزء من الحرب بيننا وبين إسرائيل وهذه من خسائر المعركة ويجب ان نتوقع أمورا من هذا النوع".
في السياق عينه كشف ان "أشخاصا يعملون مع مخابرات عربية حاولوا الإقتراب من مسؤولين في الحزب وتم إكتشافهم". وأضاف "تبين خلال حرب 2006 أن بعض الأجهزة الأمنية العربية حصلت على معلومات عن الحزب وقدمتها للإسرائيلي".
لا حلّ من دون الأسد
في الشأن الإقليمي لم يخف نصرالله أن "تركيا تقف وراء داعش والنصرة وهي تفتح الحدود أمامهما ولها معهما علاقة عملية وميدانية".
وعليه شدد على أنه "لم تعد هناك قدرة لأحد على إسقاط النظام في سوريا أو السيطرة على البلد"، مذكّرا أن "مقولة إسقاط النظام السوري ميدانيا انتهت وأي حل في سوريا بمعزل عن الرئيس (السوري بشار) الأسد غير ممكن".
لكنه اعترف في الوقت عينه "اننا لسنا أمام حل سياسي للأزمة السورية في الأشهر المقبلة لكننا أمام خطوات باتجاه هذا الحل".
وإذ رأى أن "ما خططت له السعودية والغرب انقلب عليهم وبقي للسعودية في سوريا الفصائل الأقل تأثيراً في الميدان"، استدرك قائلا "لا يمكن إغفال دور السعودية في الحل السياسي للأزمة" في الوقت عينه.
في العراق، رأى أن تنظيم "الدولة الإسلامية" بدأ "يفقد حاضنته الشعبية بعد أن قتل حتى من أبناء الطائفة السنية الكريمة"، كاشفا أن "ما يملكه الجيش العراقي أو الحشد الشعبي من ذخائر أو سلاح هو من إيران".
في العلاقة مع حركة "المقاومة الإسلامية" قال "نحن لم نبتعد عن حماس بل هي التي ابتعدت عنا". وأردف "نريد علاقة استراتيجية مع كل حركات المقاومة الفلسطينية في مقدمها حماس والجهاد الإسلامي".
وإذ كشف أن "لدى حماس ارادة جدية لاعادة ترتيب العلاقة مع ايران وحزب الله"، كشف عن تباين بين حزب الله وبين النظام السوري الذي "يجد صعوبة في اعادة ترتيب العلاقة مع حماس".
هذا ونفى الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" أي علاقة للحزب بأنصار الله في اليمن، أو مع "الإخوان المسلمين" في مصر وغيرها، قائلا "الإخوان المسلمون هم الذين امتنعوا عن التواصل الذي سعينا له".
وحول البحرين كشف "أننا لم نترك باباً لإقناع السلطة في البحرين بالحوار ولجأنا إلى إيران في ذلك لكنها هوجمت بتهمة التدخل".
وتابع "هناك دول سعت للحوار في البحرين لكنها لم تتوصل إلى حل لأن السلطة رفضت".
إحتمال "اتفاق مكتوب" مع "المستقبل"
في الشأن الداخلي تطرق نصرالله في مقابلته الى الحوار القائم مع "تيار المستقبل"، لافتاً الى "الايجابية البالغة فيه"، وسجل لرئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري انه ذهب الى الحوار برغم اعتراضات بعض الصقور في تياره.
وأشار الى ان من بين ثمرات الحوار "تخفيف التوترات الميدانية والمذهبية، وهذا ما تبين من خلال طريقة التعامل مع جريمة الاعتداء على جبل محسن، حيث أظهرت جميع الاطراف قدرا عاليا من ضبط النفس".
ورأى انه "لو لم يكن هناك حوار، لكان رد الفعل قد اختلف".
وقال "أنا متفائل جداً حيال الحوار مع تيار المستقبل في ظل وجود الإرادة لدى الجانبين (..) نحن والمستقبل قادرون على التفاهم حيال العديد من المسائل وقد نصل إلى اتفاق مكتوب".
وبدأ اللقاء الأول بين تيار "المستقبل" و"حزب الله" في عين التينة في 23 كانون الاول الفائت برعاية بري، اما الجلسة الثانية فتم عقدها في 5 الشهر الجاري لتنفيس "الاحتقان السني الشيعي"، ومن المرتقب ان تنعقد الجلسة الثالثة منه في عين التينة ايضاً الجمعة.
وأضاف نصرالله في مقابلته "اللقاء مع الرئيس سعد الحريري ممكن في حال تم التوصل إلى تفاهم بيننا وبين المستقبل".
أما في الشأن الرئاسي فقال "لا يوجد نقاش حول ملف الرئاسة حالياً والمعني بالنقاش فيه هو العماد ميشال عون"، رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح".
وفي الوقت عينه أيد "جلوس أي طرفين في لبنان على طاولة حوار وخصوصاً بين الأطراف المسيحية لحل الرئاسة"، في إشارة إلى الحوار الجاري بين التيار "الوطني الحر" وحزب "القوات اللبنانية".
ويعيش لبنان فراغاً رئاسياً منذ 25 أيار الفائت، موعد انتهاء ولاية الرئيس ميشال سليمان. وفشل مجلس النواب في انتخاب رئيس جديد في 17 جلسة.
هذا وختم أمين عام "المقاومة الإسلامية في لبنان" مقابلته المطولة قائلا "لا أفكر نهائياً في أن أكون خارج حزب الله بل شرف لي أن أكون عضواً في مسيرته".

i can assure you on the tomb of my son hadi and on the integrity of zeynib and the conscience of imamu ali that we are here to protect lebanon and not the shias.
free Bahrain
free Yemen
free Syria
free Iraq
free Egypt
free Lebanon
free Thailand
free Argentine
free Bulgaria
free Peru
free Nigeria
free West Beirut

Hassoun, did ASSad give you a Syrian citizenship?
Your ASSad belong in the zoo.

He knows well what will happen to lebanon... it will cease to exist and turn into a flat parking lot...

May all your life savings and valuables be in Russian Ruble and Vietnamese Dong dear flamethrower. May you be resting in pieces and tranquility at your final destination.

Please don't mention anything about Vietnam. My best freinds at work are originally from Vietnam. ;)

The day this criminal is dead is the day we celebrate our independence.

I wish one day Hassan Nasrallah comes out on TV and speaks about economic and social development, about the need to have a more robust scientific program in school or the need for a public transportation network. He can also talk about Hezbollah organizing a business trip for Lebanese businessmen to Iran in order to help them get trade and infrastructure deals that would benefit Lebanon.
I wish he would come up and discuss the need to have green spaces in Beirut or a natural park in the South of Lebanon. Or that Hezbollah has in its possession the best agricultural technology that would help Lebanese farmers to export their produce globally.
Instead all he talks about is related to violence, insecurity and religion.

Like all extremists throughout history, whether religious or secular, Hassan Nasrallah is the prisoner of an ideology that thrives on hate and violence.
Without hate and violence, Hezbollah has no "raison-d'etre." same as Al Qaeda, ISIS and Zionism.

Machia: Thank you for sharing our thoughts exactly. You represent the lebanese majority in a great way. It seems like Hezbollah is content with receiving some money from Iran, and the rest of the people will have to manage with whatever they got. Education, prosperity and equal rights will mean that more of their herd will open their eyes and see the ugly truth about Nasrallahs "visions".

katter khayrak ya hassan for showing self-restraint...others have been showing self restraint for over 30 years...w awwalon el Leb Christians who die by hands of "same same, but different" suicide bombers.

This is scandalous. Self restraint? You mean had there been no dialogue your followers would have sparked back violently. Primitive man.

Self restraint is an insult to all other Lebanese people. The shame is really in your ISTIKBAR onto others.

As a follower of Khomeini I will forgive & pray for those who insult my Lord, Sayyed Hassan Nassrallah.
Well ya Sayed Hassan, it seems that now just like those Arab countries, some EU countries and Turkey, you are now obliged with no choice but clean up the mess that you partook in creating some years ago. We all hope ya Sayed that you have finally come to understand that by hook or by crook, your day of reckoning is fast approaching, no matter what you may have tried, you and Hezbollah just cannot swim against the current of the people of Lebanon. For your own sake, and for the sake of the entire Lebanese nation, let the dialog continue, for the mutual benefit of all the Lebanese. This time however try not to back-stab those who have yet again accepted to sit with you at the same table, your arm-twisting habit of old has now lost all its dividends, no matter what, your only viable future is by being honest and accept that nothing can replace the state. Your militia's days are now being counted, by the day.

I really do hope most Lebanese in general come back to their senses. It always goes back to this simple term and root problem "Lebanese can't accept other peoples opinions"
from what i have noticed from this piece of news is that: Sayed to Harriri...Good you accepted to talk to HA, if not, i would of let them retaliate against your sunnis, im in control
Thanks @khallas_ba2a, real good analysis. Couldn't agree more with you.

"ex-PM Saad Hariri gave the green light to the dialogue between his movement's representatives and Hizbullah despite the objection of several al-Mustaqbal officials"
lol as if they have a say .

and hizbollaat is the model for democracy and voicing of opinions? lol maaa maaa maaa whatever nasrallaat says the sheep do.

who claimed HA is a model for democracy etc? its you making this claim mohamad.....but I will tell you what HA is.
HA are Lebanon's resistance.... learn the basics people.

splashy the tea server showing how tough he is on the net
shame it can't refute like a normal human being.

god bless your iran where if i appear in pharell williams' happy video clip I get jailed for life.

Anyone who thinks this clown represents anything other than iran is a bigger fool than him

Israel still believes they can do what they want, next war will be beyond Israels borders. Not only on Lebanese soil, who do you guys think teached Hamas to dig those underground tunnels?
Prepare for the next heroic battle, against the zionist state.

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.

You hot heads, seems to behave exactly as Israel did in 2006.
They invaded with a tough appearence, they left with cold broken feet.
Zionists can't handle IDF casualties, pure fact.
The Resistance on the other hand, are ready to sacrifice their children and themselves for any war.

How could zionist Naharnet remove my gift to them? I send it again to you moderators & Admins.
A gift to Naharnet -
(1). Mystic, dakhil ismak ya Allah, please start thinking straight. Your post is truly short of any responsibility, ya 3ammeh, you don't see ahead? Look, when you are facing an implacable, ruthless and merciless enemy, an enemy who has a lot lot more resources than you do, an enemy that is umbilically tied to the US and the EU, an enemy who can get all the logistical, financial and all other resources available at the push of a button, you believe that you can fight him? OK, Hezbollah has advanced weaponry, but what you still cannot see, and here I honestly don't know if you are doing it intentionally or not, but that's besides the point, if you raise the ante, would the collateral be a lot higher on us too?
(2) Mystic. Whether we provoke Israel or not, the media is on its side, period. Look at Charlie Hebdo, despite our many protests, has it mattered an iota with the West? So when you raise Hezbollah's defensive or offensive capabilities, you are at the same time raise up sharply their response plus their excuses for using lethal and once again disproportionate force. Who will again suffer the consequences, Sayed Hassan, Hezbollah's top cadres? Hell no, as usual they are protected and pampered like pink toddlers all the way down in their bunkers and underground network. If things go from bad to worse, Sayed Hassan will be whisked away from harm's way in no time at all.
(3). Mystic. Wou se3ita Il ta3tirr byeb2a 3al sha3b wou bass, wou mitlil 3adeh ya bou s3adeh. When Israel begins to feel that Hezbollah is hitting harder and more precise than ever, Israel too will hit but with deadly and devastating force this time. It will even obliterate you and us all in no time, the more Israelis Hezbollah kills, the better the pretexts for Israel. Ya Mystic, your Hezbollah is branded and blacklisted as a terrorist organization in many countries, once the news media begin to show Israeli citizens' corpses on the ground, the gates of hell will open up on us Lebanese. Who cares, we are after all thrown in the same black bag as yours, just a bunch of terrorists who've never made any sense anyway.
(4). Mystic. Have you forgotten how the West used to call us before? PLO, so nothing will change. As a result, Lebanon will be devastated, the army that took so much blood, tears and sweat to rebuild will be destroyed, our people killed by the masses, our infrastructure gone with the wind and your beloved Sayed Hassan may come back to declare another idiotic celestial victory destined only for the brain dead consumption. Most likely, Israel could be tempted this time to re-enter and occupy it, taking away as much natural resources as we have, who knows? You do?!
(5). Mystic. This is a time my dear friend when I am truly and honestly asking you to start moving away from your kindergarten level of calculations, sorry to put it this way for you, truly childish, truly bombastic almost North-Korean style of talking from you. Call me by whatever names you wish, I care less, there indeed comes the time when we need to be straight with each other. The only solution is for Hezbollah to surrender its weapons to the LAF, period. All this security triangulation that Hezbollah wishes to deceive us with are a pack of lies. Only the state can protect us, and here the state must be left top act as a state, not a militia.
(6). Mystic. All these weapons that come to Hezbollah, are they coming into the state of Lebanon, or the state of Hezbollah? You know the answer, so you people have no excuses, hand over your weapons, disband your militia, stay as a political party and let Lebanon live in peace. We are no bigger than Egypt, or Jordan or for that matter any other Arab country, and by consequence we are no ore powerful than anyone of them either. Everyone is telling Hezbollah and Sayed Hassan to follow the normal path, yet so far Hezbollah sees otherwise. Trust me, even a child, of course that is not brainwashed will tell you, use common sense, the Israelis next time will flatten you and flatten us all maybe from day one. Now please, spare me the rants if you don't want me to see as another over-decorated North Korean civil servant. Please ya Mystic kafenah tijlit ba2a wou khassatan tisnif.

Phoenix ya 7abibi albi. You are right about one thing, Israel will be able to do alot of damage on Lebanon, and they will when the war happens.
They will release their full airforce and destroy much, but mark my words those jets will not have any airbases to land on in return, only scorched earth wasteland.
When it comes to firepower and damage, yes Israel will do more. When it comes to endurance, on that note Israel will loose.
That's what happend in 2006, thats what happend to them in Gaza last summer, as little as 60+ dead IDF, made them go to the dialogue table.

Phoenix, it will be no surprise when the next war happens, it is inevitable. The martyrs of 2006 and onwards has to be avenged, that is what has been prepared for since the last war.
When such a war happens my friend, you should stand by the LAF and Resistance if you have any love for Lebanon, because they will be fighting side by side.

It is not entirely up the Resistance, a war can't be prevented Phoenix. The Zionists want it aswell, that is the result of their recent aggressions on Syria.
You must accept the fact, that Lebanon is still at war with Israel. There wil not be any peace, that land has to be freed.

You are wrong about Sayed Hassan, he never leaves Lebanon when there is a war, he stays in the command headquarters instructing the Resistance fighters.
Mystic, I've read your response, but I wish, wallahi I wish I could agree on any point. War is not new to me, my youngest and best years were spent in war, do you at any stage believe that Israel will hesitate to use masalan Depleted Uranium? can you imagine the devastation this would have on us and for generations to come? Did you forget that Israel has underground bunkers and strips for its planes? My only wish as a Lebanese, is for me to live in my country safely and without any more wars, and with equal parties under the name of functional democracy and all of us protected by functional constitutional institutions, starting with the LF. I wish no harm to anyone.

Yes Phoenix, Israel might use nuclear weaponry, then there will be total armageddon, which we are all prepared for.
If Israel decides to use nukes, then they will hit themselves with the radioactive wastes aswell, so if they decides to do that, then it will not only be the end for us, but the whole Middle East.

Nasrallah: The axis of resistance might retaliate against the Israeli raids, and this is something open that might happen at any given time.
and who are you to speak on behalf of Lebanon and the Lebanese.... So your claim you are a resistance defending Lebanon from Israeli aggression now includes Syria. In essence, you are iranian and syrian resistance based in Lebanon. Criminal and murderer that is all what you are. You destroyed what was once a beautiful country. Your arrogance will be your achilles heel.

He can hardly keep onto Brital let alone conquer the Gallilee and beyond:))

Mystic, the Lebanese don't want a war with Israel. The Lebanese do not want to see their country destroyed again. We do not want to see our tourism sector collapse again. We do not want to see our infrastructure reduced to rubble, we do not want to flee for our lives and abandon our homes for the sake of your fake 30-day war with Israel.

All we want is Lebanon to be free of conflict. We do not want another 7areb Tammouz or 7 Ayyar, we do not want Lebanese factions fighting in other countries and attracting terrorists to our country. 10,452 is all we got, why can't the LAF have jurisdiction over all of it? There is no more civil war, all militias should be disbanded.

M11, it was never about liberating Palestine lmao. The liberation of Palestine is the biggest farce in international relations. Fatah was the only group who really fought to liberate their land but that was 40 years ago. Hamas and Hezbollah are just two fanatical groups who only care about controlling the people where they reside.

you must be a new poster and from your style and comments I can confirm this is your first post.

just take the rug from underneath hizb feet and give our army the most sophisticated defensive weapons and were done

How many times have we heard this? 2006 "Hezb days are numbered" 2008 "Hezb days are numbered".
Not very likely.

so in your eyes HA and the LAF are equal as far as enforcing the law is concerned!!!

When the west finally looses their grip on Lebanon, and M14 finally realizes they were wrong all along. Then Iran can fund the LAF, so we can have a total different army, stronger and powerful as the Resistance.
If you want a stronger LAF, then stop waiting for a false Saudi/French deal. It will never happen

The LAF & Resistance are the edge of the same sword. Proof is the fact, that they are cooperating, and will also cooperate against Israel.

Veritas, it is a civilised state because it has terrorised and subdued the Arabs around them. And what happened in Ghaza last year was inhumane. The entire Middle East is a disgrace. The world would be better off if the Middle East was extracted from Earth and placed on Mars.

Humm, is entering Galilee anything like going to Syria so the terrorists don"t come here? Because that one didn't work at all, I mean at all.

what more evidence do you need to show that neither him nor his group have anything to do with lebanon or it's people - for him like all the other islamic jihadi groups operating around the world it's all jihad, all the time and borders do not exist.

Crap!! Not again! Not another maba3da 7ayfa! Get ready to another laou kountou a3lam, might as well blow up my own damn house myself.
Note to self: Get a contraption for the roof of the Datsun that could hold a couple of mattresses, a carpet and grandma in place for a three or four hour trip north. And an inflatable raft in case the bridges become missing again.

Stock up on canned tuna people, freeze some bread and count the rockets that fall onto, or from, Haifa.

Nasrallah is obviously a fan of the Chuck Norris jokes except he replaced Chuck Norris with The Resistance.

Hassan Nasrallah has to talk the I-will-take-over-Israeli talk cause his walk in Syria is nothing to be "ashraf al nass" about.
Let him take Jroud Arsal and Qalamoun before taking Galile.

GOD bless the vatican and the Castodian of the Two Holly Mosques and The Baba of Eygpt and the Head of the Maronite Church and all the good people of Lebanon aand above all the Heros of the Lebanese Army. :)

All those who applaud to war must be first to go to war...and spare us their blablabla.