باسيل: لعدم تحميل اللبنانيين مسؤولية كلام نصرالله او معاقبتهم لدى الدول الشقيقة
Read this story in Englishشدد وزير الخارجية والمغتربين جبران باسيل على عدم تحميل اللبنانيين مسؤولية كلام الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله حول البحرين او معاقبة المغتربين المقيمين لدى الدول الشقيقة.
وقال باسيل في حوارٍ الى "الشرق الاوسط" صباح الاحد، اننا " لا نريد أن يلاحق المغتربون في الخارج، فهم من يدفع الثمن وتكفيهم هجرتهم من لبنان بسبب السياسات المتبعة".
واعتبر انه " يجب على الدول الشقيقة والصديقة أن لا تعاقب اللبنانيين الذين يحبونها ويساهمون في نهضتها."
ويأتي كلام باسيل بعد ان نصر الله الاسبوع الفائت ما يحصل في البحرين من عمليات تجنيس بـ"المشروع الشبيه بالمشروع الصهيوني"، ما اثار عدداً من الاستنكارات من قبل دول الخليج وجامعة الدولة العربية، التي وصفت التصريحات بـ"العدائية".
الى ذلك، رأى باسيل عبر الصحيفة عينها "انه يجب أن لا نحمل لبنان أكثر مما يحتمل، كما يجب أن لا نحمل كل اللبنانيين مسؤولية ما تقوم به - أو تقوله - فئة من اللبنانيين".
واذ شدد على أنه "ما من دولة سلمت من حرية التعبير في لبنان التي هي سلاح ذو حدين"، أمل أن تكون هذه الحادثة "سببا لتفهم الجميع ضرورة عدم التدخل بشؤون الدول الأخرى، وهذا مبدأ يجب أن يحترم من جميع الدول والأطراف".
واضاف: "منذ اللحظة الأولى قمنا بواجبنا كوزراة للخارجية والحكومة بتأكيدنا أن ما صدر لا يعبر بأي شكل من الأشكال عن الموقف الرسمي اللبناني، وافرقاء سياسيين كثيرين يعبرون عن مواقفهم الخاصة التي لا تلزم الحكومة ولا تعبر عن موقفها.
وفي السياق، اعلن باسيل تزامن هذه الحادثة مع "قيام مجلس الوزراء بالموافقة على اعتماد سفير جديد لدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة لدى لبنان، وذلك بالتعاون مع معالي وزير خارجية الإمارات حرصا على إعادة تثبيت العلاقات الثنائية ورفع مستواها."
ومن الجدير بالذكر، ان الحكومة مجتمعة تتولى صلاحيات رئيس الجمهورية وذلك وسط الفراغ الرئاسي الذي يعيشه لبنان منذ ايار الفائت، بسبب رفضه للتمديد لنفسه ولاية ثانية وفشل النواب بانتخاب رئيس للمرة الصابعة عشر.
يشار الى ان رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام قد اعلن الجمعة أن الكلام الذي يصدر عن "أي جهة سياسية" حول البحرين وغيرها، لا يعبر عن موقف الحكومة الرسمي حتى لو كانت هذه الجهة مشاركة فيها، في حين دعا وزير العدل أشرف ريفي إلى اعتذار رسمي من الحكومة مجتمعة.
too little, too late!
who is nasrallah to allow himself such comments?
he should be prosecuted to the extreme extent of the law. this is not freedom of speech, rather this is instigation against an Arab country, and it is forbidden by law.
this Iranian traitor in chief is jeoparding the relations of Lebanon with its Arab entourage.
this is the ultimate target of iran: to estrange Lebanon from its Arab origins.
Most Lebanese consider themselves to be Arabs. Lebanon is a founding member of the Arab League. Therefore, Lebanon is an. Arab country. This is no longer controversial to the overwhelming majority of Lebanese.
Shab - you are a bigot. A jarab is a person like you who identifies hundred of millions of people as such.
Furthermore, he attributed the recent uproar over Nasrallah's statements to freedom of expression in Lebanon.
What a lame excuse to justify nasrallah's interference in Syria, Bahrain, Iraq, Yemen etc. Freedom of speech works only when this incompetent person wants it to work. Sending terrorist fighters to kill innocent native inhabitants in neighboring countries, referring to Bahrain as a Zionist regime, and arming the opposition in Bahrain is freedom of Speech.... Uffff. Why when a person in Lebanon carries a flag of Nusra he is arrested and jailed. Shouldn't freedom of speech apply equally to both terrorist organizations.... I guess not.
Disassociation policy, why Hajj Mouhammad Raad is boiling it and havihg it in lieu of Tea.
Not that I like or respect Bassil, but this is a good statement and I am surprised that he made it.
When someone in power acts in the interest of the citizens of Lebanon he should be applauded because it is such a rare occurence.
Moreover, free expression in Lebanon is sacred. Any citizen has the right to give his opinion on any issue. Lebanon does not lack politicians criticizing Assad's bloody rule, so why should we deny Nasrallah his right, as long as it is an opinion and not some unilateral action that could be deemed illegal, (like Hezbollah's armed presence in Syria).
We should be consistent when it comes with freedom of speech.
Moreover, the GCC is giving too much weight to Nasrallah's opinions. He really is not important anymore. He is protecting alleged murderers of Rafic Hariri and alleged Assassins of Boutros Harb and protecting the bloody Syrian regime.
Machia; we are not talking about free expression here. Nassrallah heads a terrorist organization that sends its killers to foreign land and commits massacres. Had Nassrallah been the head of a political party he can express his opinion surely.
Ebola is a killer disease, killing our institutions, our economy, tourism, security, sabotaging justice, dividing people and creating hatred.
Because free speech in the Islamic Republic of Iran and in Baathist republic of Syria is sacred of course!
Lebanon a free country??? You must be kidding !!!It is under occupation by Ebola the Iranian disease.
Yes southern - let us talk about how retarded the situation in Lebanon where a militia has put itself above the law and has ruined the country.
Indeed southern as there is something deeply troubling is our society where a foreign armed militia does as it wishes, is above the law and above the constitution.
Yes southern - let us talk about how retarded the situation in Lebanon where a militia has put itself above the law and has ruined the country.
No Iran is not better than anyone else in the Middle East. The presidential candidates are chosen and dismissed to suit The Supreme Leader, Khamanei.
And if they do not comply, they are arrested.
As for the GCC and Bahrain in particular, Nasrallah can say whatever he wants, (as long as he does not act) and I can criticize him and say that if he cares so much about Bahraini freedoms, he should have cared even more about Syrians'freedoms because it is next door.
But it is not about freedoms but about power. What Nasrallah is saying is we are with bloody oppressors and murderers, (286,455 deaths in Syria) that are allied with us but we are against those (Bahrain deaths: 122) that are not with us.
yes you are right there. but please also critisez the regimes in syrian and iran; they are no more democratical, but actually they are tyrannical ; remember that over 20 000 prisones in iran have been executed without judgements since the start of the iranian islamic shiite revolution.
actually iran and syria are no better than those arab regimes but far worse; the outright persecution of opposition and massacres that happened in those two countries has no equal in any of the arab countries
veridisquo, you really know how to make a point the Islamic Republic sort of way!
Your language reminds me of the good old days of the Syrian occupation:
Insults and car bombs. The height of free speech!