كرامي نقلا عن الأسد: القصة انتهت و بالنا ليس مشغولا
Read this story in Englishأكد رئيس الحكومة السابق عمر كرامي أن " الصورة التي وضعه في أجوائها الرئيس السوري بشار الأ سد تختلف كليا عن المعلومات التي تصل الى لبنان والعالم حول حقيقة الأحداث في سوريا".
ونقل كرامي ونجله فيصل اللذان التقيا الأسد الأربعاء في دمشق، من الرئيس السوري عبارة أن "القصة انتهت، وأننا مرتاحون الى طي صفحة هذه الأحداث، وهي تحت السيطرة". على ما أشارت إليه صحيفة "النهار".
وأطلق الأسد أمام ضيفيه أيضاً ودائما بحسب الصحيفة عينها عبارة "بالنا ليس مشغولاً"، في اشارة الى قدرة الأجهزة الأمنية والسياسية في سوريا على ضبط الامور، وخصوصاً في الايام الاخيرة.
كذلك أبلغ الأسد كرامي أن علاقات سوريا لا تزال ثابتة ومطمئنة مع دول عدة مؤثرة في العالم.
وكان كرامي أعرب بعد لقائه الأسد عن ثقته "بقدرة الشعب والقيادة السورية على تجاوز هذه الظروف"، داعياً إلى "التنبه من محاولات تفتيت المنطقة".
وكان رئيس الحكومة السابق سليم الحص قد زار دمشق الثلاثاء حيث التقى الأسد أيضا.
وشدد بحسب بيان صادر عن المكتب الإعلامي له على أن "السلطة في سوريا تسهر على الوضع وتوليه اهتماما بالغا حفاظا على سلامة الشعب العربي السوري وهنائه".
ويتقاطع كلام الرئيس الاسد أمام الرئيسين كرامي والحص مع معلومات تصل تباعاً الى أركان في صفوف قوى 8 آذار، فضلاً عن شخصيات دينية اسلامية ومسيحية تقول "ان الأجهزة تبسط سيطرتها على مجمل مساحة التراب السوري، وهي قادرة في نهاية المطاف على استيعاب حركة التظاهرات التي ارتفعت سخونتها أخيراً في الرستن". على ما ذكرنه "النهار".
ويردد مرجع لبناني للصحيفة عينها أن خشيته لا تعود الى الاوضاع الأمنية في سوريا، انما الى التضييق الاقتصادي الذي ستمارسه الولايات المتحدة والاتحاد الاوروبي وعدد من البلدان العربية على دمشق. موضحا أن " هذه الدول تسعى الى تحويل سوريا دولة تشبه أحوالها أحوال كوريا الشمالية من خلال تطبيق عزلة دولية على النظام السوري".
Of course Assad is not worried , for he is a criminal delusional insomniac . A truck of Xanax could not put him to sleep . But he'll sleep soon 6 ft under .
Hahahaha really this is the saddest headline I have read - i bet the rabbit on the golan is shivering in his boots right about now!!!
the filthy zionist information war department is in disbelief because events in syria didn't go as they planned.
JabalCamel.... Sooner or later the Baathist regime will fall... No worries about that. If I were you, I would be worried about the Shiites in Lebanon. You won't have a place to hide. The Zionist war department knows exactly where the rats are hiding.
how can naharnet post this comment by elielebnan? shiites are rats? how disgusting the people commenting are on this site. racists
It is not obvious that US and Israel want Assad to fall. The Israeli regime does not have interest in loosing Assad governement and substituting it by another that may cause them trouble in Golan. Yet the Baasist party gave up Golan in return of the control of the state. And since 30 years this deal is working well since not a single gun shot occured in Golan.
The real "resistance" of Syria concists on some speeches and promises, not more than words.
Israel cannot dream of a more lovely neighbour.
When the filthy Iranian Hez.zbelleh militia falls, then Amel, the only true party of the real Lebanese Shiite will rise to it's glory.
Lebanon can only be complete with it's Shiites
Oh man, the zionists found Mughneih, so the question is where are you going to hide when the regime falls, throwing eggs at the US envoys is going to expedite this falling... You will be faced with the water is in front of us and the enemy is behind us and your people will be squeezed in the middle and no way to go.
When the filthy Iranian Hez.zbelleh militia falls, then Amel, the only true party of the real Lebanese Shiite will rise to it's glory.
Lebanon can only be complete with it's Shiites
This karami is really nothing. How could he disown his own religious sex in Syria for the sake of enhancing his own clout with the Syrian regime. Al Hass as well whom i thoyght is somehow an educated person, has fallen in the same trap or has plunged himself knowingly in this unfair war in Syria. After all, there's no dignity left in anyone. Anyone can sell his father for a penny. I really pitty myself for listening to these people in the past. Now I could say without hesitation they're carbage and the lowest of the low.
I am not aginst the Syrian regime but I am against holding a whole nation hostage for the sake of a family. syia's 22 million people are not supposed to be dominated by one family forever. They should be liberated and given freedom to build their country democratically and freely. The family of the regime could take all the billions they made and go live in another country. Look at Refat al asad, he took the millions and is now enjoying his life in Europe.
Riiight...is it him or you that is not worried? Remember when we kicked you out? And afterwards we kicked out the Assad army? Guess what....we're baaaack!
sooner or later assad regime falls, but no sooner than we get rid of zionist threat and regain all our territories.
than assad can go to hell.
and as for "zionist information war department knows exactly where rats are hiding", well you proved in 2006 that you don't know shit.
since than you got several invitations to come back but all you did is practicing jews to run for the shelters.
and testing that iron dome halucination. It intercepted a rocket from ghaza!!! wow...one rocket...keep on dreaming suckers.
as long as shiites are multiplying the zionist threat will remain.
as sayyed hassan explained the zionist infested iranian terrorists so called islamic resistance in lebanon's community is al bee2a al 7adina lil 3oumala2.
... and in a related story President Assad has just announced his new media spokesperson Mohammed Saïd al-Sahaf AKA Comical Ali, Mr al-Sahaf experience will be invaluable and will be as important serving the Syrian Baath regime as it was serving the Iraqi Baath regime.
We know exactly where that rat in the hole is hiding..., Tracked with stink sensing satellites
Jabal Amel was expecting a more Lebanese comment from you. Instead you keep repating your Zionist slogans. It's all clear now
Not worried about the fact that the Syrian military takes several days to occupy a small town in Homs?
Not worried about the fact that the revolution has been going for like 7 months and the massive amount of arrests, killing, raids and torture still haven't broken the back of the people?
Not worried that Syrian oil export industry is dead?
Not worried about the fact that the rich will turn on the government if the economy gets bad enough?
Not worried about the fact that he's ruined whatever ties he had built with Europe and he's had his second biggest ally (Turkey) turn on him?
I'm sure he's not worried about anything at all.
@ The Truth
Correct! They are sooo deep in the s--t that they banned all imports in order to preserve their lasting foreign currencies...
They're heading straight for an iron wall...it is the beggining of the END!