امانة 14 آذار تدعو للوقوف وراء الحكومة: من غير الجائز ان يتحكم حزب الله بمصالحنا
Read this story in Englishدعت الامانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار اللبنانيين الى وحدة الوقوف وراء الحكومة، كما نددت بعملية حزب الله في مزارع شبعا المحتلة، معتبرةً ان الحزب "هو من يمسك بقرار السلم والحرب وكأننا غير موجودين".
وعقب اجتماعٍ استثنائي عقدته الخميس في مقرها في الاشرفية، اصدرت الامانة بياناً دعت فيه اللبنانيين الى "الوقوف وقفة واحدة خلف حكومتهم ومطالبتها بالدفاع عنهم والإمساك بمصالحهم وبقرار الحرب والسلم".
واعتبرت انه من غير الجائز " أن يتحكّم حزب الله بأرزاقنا ومصالحنا وكأننا غير موجودين في لبنان".
وظهر الاربعاء تبنى "حزب الله" عملية استهداف آلية عسكرية اسرائيلية بصاروخ، لافتاً الى ان الموكب "مؤلف من عدة آليات ويضم عددا من الضباط والجنود بالاسلحة الصاروخية المناسبة". وقتل في العملية عسكريين اسرائيليين اثنين وسقط 7 مصابين.
وأتى ذلك، للرد على غارة اسرائيلية في القنيطرة الاحد 18 الجاري، وكان قد اعلن حزب الله عن مقتل ستة من عناصره بينهم مسؤول عسكري ينشط في سوريا والعراق، اضافة الى نجل القائد العسكري للحزب عماد مغنية الذي اغتيل في العام 2008. كما أعلنت ايران عن مقتل احد جنرالاتها في الغارة.
الا ان مسؤولاً في "حزب الله" كان قد أفاد وكالة "فرانس برس" عن مقتل ستة مسؤولين ايرانيين الى جانب قتلى الحزب في الغارة الاسرائيلية.
عليه، أكّدت امانة 14 آذار في بيانها ان "لبنان لا يحكم من خلال موازين قوى تفرضها دوائر القرار الإقليمية والسلاح غير الشرعي، إنما يحكم بالقانون والدستور والمؤسسات الشرعية" مضيفةً ان "عكس ذلك لن يكون لبنان".
وفي السياق، وحول الجدل القانوني حول أحقيّة أو عدم أحقية حزب الله في القتال داخل أراضي مزارع شبعا المتنازع عليها،
ذكرت الامانة في بيانها بالقرار 1701 "الذي ينصّ بوضوح أنه لن تكون هناك أسلحة أو سلطة في لبنان غير اسلحة الدولة اللبنانية وسلطتها".
وتساءلت امانة 14 آذار: "من يقرر السلم والحرب في لبنان؟ وهل حصرية الدولة للسلطة والسلاح هي ضرورية أم لا؟ وهل مصلحة اللبنانيين وأرزاقهم واقتصادهم وأمنهم مرهونة بحسابات إيران وإسرائيل وسوريا؟"
وكان رئيس مجلس الوزراء تمام سلام قد دان التصعيد العسكري الاسرائيلي في الجنوب، معربا عن قلقه من "النيات العدوانية التي عبر عنها المسؤولون الاسرائيليون وما يمكن ان تسفر عنه من تدهور للأوضاع في لبنان والمنطقة".
من جهتها إستنكرت وزارة الخارجية والمغتربين القصف الذي تعرض له لبنان من إسرائيل "ردا على العملية التي انطلقت من مزارع شبعا اللبنانية المحتلة من خارج الخط الأزرق، واستهدفت قافلة عسكرية إسرائيلية موجودة في الأراضي اللبنانية المحتلة خارج الخط الأزرق".
The Jews will never leave Israel & no one will be able to.
Get that scenario out of your head...
If it came to that, the world will unite behind the Jews, myself included.
Let the rich Arab nations who call the Palestinians their brothers & sisters & have vast lands take them.
Then peace will come to the ME.
"Lebanese Should Ask Government to Have Decision of War and Peace"
is that a joke? what government? the one that spends years frozen and unable to make even the smallest decisions? the one that paralyzes the army when it needs to act against extremist nest because they have shady political alliances? the one that has been unable to organize elections for years now? is that the government we should trust with our lives? get serious.
instead of whining all day and asking us to trust them blindly while they rip us off and sit in their villas from riyadh to paris, they should work on making this government credible and efficacious. actions, results or get out of our faces you useless bunch of crooks.
thank you for confirming thatyou do not believe in the lebanese gvt but prefer a militia over it....
thank you for confirming that if the gvt is not to your taste it does not matter to disobey it... you have summed up all what hezbollah is about = spitting and ignoring that Lebanon is a country rled by institutions...
you just confirmed what a traitor you are....
of course i do not believe in THIS government, what sane person could? as i said, the pressure is on THEM to make us the people trust and respect them, they need to start figuring out how to work, make decisions and act, before we give them blind trust. nobody builts a state by uncritically following notoriously incompetent and corrupt leaders.
as for you calling me a traitor, it must be the joke of the day. go find yourself an israeli boot or a saudi flipflop to kiss, and zahhet
hey mooowaten souri....
THIS government like it or not IS the lebanese government... so as such YOU should respect it for what it stands!
you do not obey as you do a government only because you like them but because it is the government!
3al lakin anybody can just disobey the government pretending it does not suit him...
TFEH on you traitors... yes traitors as you obey the state when it pleases you... if not you just claim that being outlaw is patriotism... you are a shame to this country...
see how you hezbis spit on the state if it is not in your interests? how can you dare come here and pretend to be lebanese and pretend to act in its interests... it is just pure hypocrisy as the only state you obey is iran....
there is a difference between Lebanon, the state, and the government. one can love the country and despise the crooks that rule it, but i dont expect a hypocrite like you to understand it. just keep obeying everyone that comes your way, US ambassadors, israeli soldiers, saudi oily sheikhs, and i'll keep obeying my conscience.
The jews can stay in palestine if they wish, like they always did before, but israel will be destroyed, that you can be sure of.
You say the egg came first, I say the chicken came first.
Now lets be practical & engage in reality instead of these fantasies everyone on these forums enjoy.
who called it Palestine? it was part of Jordan before 1948.
Why do you have a problem with the Palestinians living in KSA, Kuwait etc? they have the land & the wealth.
The world is at peace & everyone lives happily ever after!
why do you want wars forever?
roar with this reasoning one could occupy florida and kick out the people after slaughtering them saying hey why dont they go live in their 49 other states? after all, it wasnt called florida before the europeans colonized it!
you have to know that this is what zionists kept saying to justify their occupation, trying to make it seem like its nothing to uproot an entire people who has been living for centuries and milleniums in that place. it's their cities, their history, their world, that they're being asked to abandon. and for what? to satisfy a bunch of fanatical foreigners coming from all over the world to accomplish some biblical prophesies?
You still haven't answered a very simple question.
Why do you have a problem with rich Arabs who have vast lands & wealth taking in their own kind?
It will solve all the problems & everyone lives happily ever after.
but you want to try & remove the Jews which will not happen unless the world ends & that includes all the stubborn Arabs you insist on taking back that land that was useless until the Jews came home & made something of it.
Southern, You know I respect HA for their brave resistance.
But I don't support Lebanon or HA acting on behalf of the Palestinians when the Lebanese are starving themselves...
Time all you Lebanese removed all refugees & pressed their Arab ilk to take them....make peace with Israel & live in peace.
Let the Arabs worry about the Palestinians..
I am the_roar: I am a regular poster on naharnet. I have 20 fake accounts and I live on this forum 24/7. I make fake accounts and insult people when I have no argument or debate. I am a Shia from Dahieh who pretends not to speak Arabic and claims to live in Australia. I know every street in Lebanon and every MP's name despite my claim that I am 3rd generation Australian and having never been to Lebanon. I lie and lie and lie and think people believe me.
Southy... Seriously?
Who cares what happens in the Golan!
Besides, a few days ago that "Hezbollah Secretary General said that the party does not deploy military units on Golan Heights" LOL
"naharnetjunkies" > i despise these people at least as much as you do, but please do not fall to their level. they are the ones who use insults and hate because they have no dignity or arguments, let them be the ones to shame themselves, and let's remain above this kind of undignified behavior.
With all the people killed by Israel, many Lebanese included means there will never be peace with Israel, no matter how much you people try.
Some of us, have lost family because of Israel, or takfiris. That will never be forgotten, takfiris and zionists are fighting for the one and same goal, to accept peace with Israel, is the same to accept the takfiris to cut our throats.
Never surrender.
pijama: i didnt thumb roar down (nor up), but solidarity does not mean pretending to agree when we dont. roar is entitled to his opinions, though i do not agree on this for the reasons explained above.
roar: i dont mind if rich arabs want to give some land to palestinians, if they offered and paletinians agreed, who would i be to say no? but my issue is with the millions who were displaced by force, the tens of thousands killed, maimed and torture... the injustice of it all. and above all, no one should be expelled from his land under the pretext that some other people, somewhere, are of the same race/nation/religion and have lands that some people decided they should give them
it's like coming to someone's house and kicking him out of it saying hey you have a rich uncle, why doesnt he give you another house?
Sorry mystic, but you contradicted yourself there.
If all Lebanese support your theory, then Lebanon should forever be at war with Syria also.
is this rational thinking?
No mystic, once an enemy leaves your country & peace is signed...friendly ties should begin.
as i said above, jews can stay in palestine, as long as they accept to live with palestinians, not taking their place and oppressing them. but with your reasoning we should kick them out, and say hey americans love you so much, they are extremely wealthy and have a lot of land, so why dont you go there?
fine, mowaten ..go ahead & battle for the Palestinian cause.
just remember this...you will never see peace.
also remember this..Palestinians showed Lebanon how appreciative they were when Lebanon housed them by killing & raping Lebanese.
You are fighting for whom? the people that started a civil war for you? I don;t get it.
roar, you are beginning to sound like your nemnesis phoenix, so who is the one contradicting?
Where does that weakness come from? Israel and the takfiris are working side by side, to destroy Lebanon, and you simply want to knee infront of the zionists and surrender.
If you support M8, then you will never seek peace with Israel, clear and simple.
yes roar, some of them did us some wrong, but they paid it dearly. the battle is not just for them, but for the sake of all of us in the region. in the end, if we dont stick together who will stick with us? we are seeing the middle east being destroyed, one country after the other, and the only thing making it possible is our division...
also, in my opinion it is the israelis who started the civil war, because first they are the reason why palestinians ended up here, and second they armed groups in lebanon and instigated them against each other...
and mystic & roar, let's all take it easy, let's not bicker among us for a difference of views. we agree on the essentials, we dont need to agree on every single thing :) peace mates
Can you point out my contradiction, mystic?
HA has a right to defend Lebanon & I support that.
But I will never support HA or Lebanon for that fact if they want to battle Israel in support of Palestinians.
Feed & look after your own people first..if your defending your land, no probs..you have my support...but to defend Palestinians?
sorry mystic can;t help you there.
To battle Israel, is not only to support the palestinians, but to the whole world. Israel is the main sponsor of ISIS/Nusra alongside USA and Saudi Arabia.
I might add, that I was among the first to critisize Hamas, for supporting Qatar against the Resistance.
Now they are turning around, because they know the only ones standing for real Resistance are Iran, Syria and Lebanon.
Regarding your contradictions, read your friend phoenix comments, and analyze your own above.
If you feel I am not worthy of supporting m8 or your resistance, then thats fine by me mystic.
I'm only posting my opinions & nothing more,
You proved to be as intolerable as your m14 friends on here.
gl with your views & from now, I kindly ask you not to address me.
That is the problem with you roar, you are too sensible. We are simply pointing out facts, why there will be no peace with Israel.
You also take things too personal, if my own son said such nonsense about peace with israel, then I would directly slap him on the head.
isn't it up to the lebanese army to decide of peace or war after the green light from the gvt or is it up to a party?
that is the question ... now if it is up to hezbollah to decide , it only means that M8ers prefer a party to govern rather than the government... that they place the fate of the country in the sole hands of a political party... thus they do not believe in a country called Lebanon....
The goal of Ebola is to create an Islamic Republic in lieu of Lebanon. As a Christian I totally oppose the destruction of my country.
But on this blog you have traitors who wish this Islamic Republic.
Others are supporters of the Caporal who went to kiss Hariri in Riyadh and beg him to become president.