مقتل 9 بينهم 6 مواطنين في تفجير حافلة للزوار بدمشق وحزب الله يدين من "يخدمون الكيان الصهيوني"

Read this story in English W460

قتل تسعة بينهم ستة مواطنين الأحد في تفجير حافلة للزوار الشيعة تابعة لحملة "عشاق الحسين" في وسط دمشق، في حين استنكر حزب الله من قاموا بهذا العمل لأنهم يخدمون مشروع إسرائيل "لتفتيت المنطقة".

ومساء الأحد وصل الناجون على دفعتين إلى الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت وعددم 18 بحسب قناة "المنار" في حين بقي جريحان في العاصمة السورية لتلقي العلاج.

وفي تفاصيل الإعتداء، افادت "الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام"، بعد ظهر الاحد، ان "انفجاراً وقع في داخل حافلة في منطقة الكلاسة في وسط دمشق".

واشارت الى ان زنة "العبوة الناسفة تقدر زنتها بـ 5 كلغ من المتفجرات" لافتةً الى انه تم وضها "فى مقدمة الحافلة التي تحمل لوحة لبنانية وتقل زوارا شيعة".

واشارت الى ان الانفجار ادى الى مقتل " 6 اشخاص واصابة عشرة بجروح"، في حين لفت المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان الى ان "عدد الذين لقوا مصرعهم ارتفع الى 9 قتلى و20 جريحا". وأضاف "اما الثلاثة الاخرون فهم مجهولو الهوية".

الى ذلك، اوضح مدير المرصد رامي عبد الرحمن "ان الحافلة تحمل لوحة لبنانية وكانت تقل "اشخاصا في زيارة لمقامات دينية".

وتبين أن الحافلة تعود الى "حملة عشاق الحسين لزيارة العتبات المقدسة"، ومقرها في منطقة المشرفية في الضاحية.

ونعت الحملة في بيان لها مساء الأحد "ستة لبنانيين استشهدوا في تفجير الباص في العاصمة السورية دمشق".

وهم بحسب فادي خير الدين أحد مسؤولي الحملة: علي عباس بلوق، محمد أحمد المقداد، الشيخ مهدي يوسف المقداد، قاسم حاطوم، شادي حوماني ومحمد حسن أيوب.ووصلت مساء دفعتين من الناجين الجرحى.

ولفت خير الدين إلى أن جريحين "هما رمزي حمزة وحسن سلامة أبقيا في دمشق حيث يخضعان لعمليات جراحية، وان وضعهما مستقر".

كما أشار إلى أن "جميع ركاب الحافلة كانوا من اللبنانيين"، مشيرا الى انها تتسع ل52 زائرا، بالاضافة الى شخصين من الحملة هما السائق ومدير الحملة علي ماضي" الذي اصيب في الانفجار.

وانطلقت الرحلة من بيروت الساعة الخامسة والنصف من فجر الأحد، وتوجهت الى مقام السيدة رقية، و"كانت تستعد للانطلاق الى مقام السيدة زينب" عندما وقع الانفجار، بحسب خير الدين.

واكد خير الدين ان الحملة لم توقف رحلات الزيارة الى دمشق، على الرغم من الوضع الامني في سوريا، وهي تنظم هذه الرحلة اسبوعيا الى مقامي السيدة رقية والسيدة زينب "كل أحد، ونسلك الطريق نفسه، ونقوم بالبرنامج نفسه، ونعود في النهار نفسه الى لبنان".

من جهته رأى حزب الله في بيان رسمي في التفجير الآثم "دليلا على مدى الهمجية التي تعتمل في نفوس هؤلاء الإرهابيين الذين يخدمون في أعمالهم الإجرامية الكيان الصهيوني ويحققون مشروعه التفتيتي لأمتنا وشعوبها".

وتابع: "إن ما يقوم به هؤلاء المجرمون في أنحاء العالم من تفجيرات وقطع للرؤوس وتدمير للمقدسات وانتهاك للحرمات، يجب أن يكون حافزا لجميع القوى العاقلة والحية في الأمة وفي العالم لتركيز الجهود على محاربتهم والقضاء عليهم، بعدما اصبحوا اداة اجرامية في يد الكيان الصهيوني".

في سوريا بث تلفزيون "الاخبارية السورية" صورا لعدد من الجرحى الذين نقلوا الى المستشفيات وبينهم نساء، وقد بدت آثار الدماء في اماكن مختلفة من اجسادهم.

كما بثت صورا من مكان الانفجار الذي منعت القوى الامنية السورية الصحافيين من الاقتراب منه. وبدت الحافلة مدمرة تماما، مع بقايا طعام وامتعة كان عناصر من الجيش يقومون بجمعها، وبرك دماء داخلها وبقربها على الطريق.

وذكرت وكالة الانباء الرسمية السورية "سانا" ان الإنفجار نتج عن عبوة ناسفة. لكن المرصد قال ان احدى الجثث تناثرت اشلاء، "ما أوحى بوجود انتحاري من دون ان يتأكد هذا الاحتمال بعد".

وتبنت جبهة النصرة في بيان نشرته على احد حساباتها الرسمية على موقع "تويتر" العملية. وجاء في البيان "في عملية بطولية، تمكن أحد أبطال جبهة النصرة من الانغماس بحافلة تقل عددا كبيرا من الروافض القادمين من الضاحية الجنوبية في لبنان".

وتابع ان الانتحاري "قام بتفجير حزامه الناسف وسط جموعهم، وذلك ثأرا لاخواننا أهل السنة في كل من سوريا ولبنان".

واضاف "ليعلم حزب ايران ان اعتداءاته على اهلنا لن تمر من دون حساب".

وقالت حسابات أخرى أن الإنتحاري يدعى "أبو العز الأنصاري". ولا يمكن التأكد من صحة هذه المعلومات.


التعليقات 74
Missing greatpierro 14:37 ,2015 شباط 01

why would we gloat when innocent civilians are targeted?

Missing coolmec 14:48 ,2015 شباط 01

there is no reason to gloat when innocent civilians lose their lives. May they RIP

Default-user-icon Visitor (ضيف) 15:07 ,2015 شباط 01

southern you are so stupid .

Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 15:18 ,2015 شباط 01

May you be resting in pieces and tranquility dear flamethrower.... RIP Shia Hero

Default-user-icon megabemoss (ضيف) 15:23 ,2015 شباط 01

well said mega.ado.karim

Thumb kanaandian 15:31 ,2015 شباط 01

who in the right mind goes to syria to begin with?

Thumb cityboy 16:20 ,2015 شباط 01

Through out Lebanon's civil war, people still travelled there. Life still goes on.

Thumb shab 19:31 ,2015 شباط 01

Pilgrims ? What a pity, nobody told them there's a war going on.

Thumb _mowaten_ 01:35 ,2015 شباط 02

this is not "war", it is cowardly terrorism and deliberate killing of civilians. the same who did this in damacus did it before in lebanon, it has nothing to do with "where" you are, it can happen anywhere.

Default-user-icon Liban (ضيف) 15:33 ,2015 شباط 01

You are an Idiot.
Stop enticing hatefulness and being narrow sighted.
Wake up.Regardless of any political or religious affiliations of those violently murdered Lebanese.
They are innocent people and killed in a barbaric act.
May all RIP.

Default-user-icon Sorry (ضيف) 15:50 ,2015 شباط 01

We are the only country that allows its citizens to travel to a WAR Zone. Any decent respectable country would've issues warnings and prevented its citizens from travelling to such places...

Thumb Machia 16:03 ,2015 شباط 01

What a horrible crime! Inhumane!
Extremism is a terrible murderous psychological disease.
May the victims of such a barbarous act rest in peace.

Default-user-icon darwin (ضيف) 16:09 ,2015 شباط 01

I am sorry to report that evolution missed your kind completely.

Thumb cityboy 16:14 ,2015 شباط 01

So Israel decides to not escalate on the battlefield, instead they order their proxies in syria to attack innocent Lebanese.

Default-user-icon _mowaten_ (ضيف) 16:20 ,2015 شباط 01

Exactly Exactly Exactly! I was thinking the same thing @cityboy, the same!

Default-user-icon serii (ضيف) 18:22 ,2015 شباط 01

well boy, how did you know michel samaha's agents were involved in this

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 16:46 ,2015 شباط 01

Some more pilgrims adding to the thousands who have flocked to Syria and tied up with the Shabiha and the basij!

Thumb ice-man 17:18 ,2015 شباط 01

How Sad..... This is unacceptable and regrettable. What is it that they did or did not do to deserve such brutal fate! My Sunday is now ruined......

Thumb geha 17:29 ,2015 شباط 01

extremist terrorists from whichever side are just that: extremist terrorists.
they are all one and the same: they kill innocent people.

Missing canadianadam 17:39 ,2015 شباط 01

Iam not m14 or m8, but I have observed a marked difference In the humanity between supporters of each movement on this forum. I am glad to see the humanity. Perhaps the hezbo terrorists can pick some of this up.

Thumb Elemental 22:25 ,2015 شباط 01

Fingers crossed.

Thumb geha 17:50 ,2015 شباط 01

extremist terrorists are extremist terrorists. what is there to expect from them other than the culture of death?

Missing humble 18:19 ,2015 شباط 01

What do you expect from mononeurons? They will never answer you directly.
If you tell them that Ebola is an Iranian army, they will answer that the Zionists are the cause of everything.
If you tell them that Ebola is acting like terrorists, they will answer that Saudi Arabia is financing Al Nusra.
If you tell them that Ebola has stolen the state decision of war or peace, they will answer you that the Army is unable to clean Arsal.
If you tell them that Ebola is doing wrong in Syria, they will answer that they have to fight the Israeli-American Empire.
There is no use to lower your intelligence to their level of incompetence.

Default-user-icon Zorro (ضيف) 18:43 ,2015 شباط 01

When it comes to occupation there is no innocent occupiers. All are targeted. Shiite HA's sillyness and crimes in Syria against Syrians should prevent those people (Shia) from touring (!!) in a country theirs occupy and destroy. Or else they shall be considered as occupying forces and treated as such.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:50 ,2015 شباط 02

this "no innocents" sounds very much like zionist mentality: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/1,7340,L-3283720,00.html

but the only "occupiers" in the region are the zionists, shall we apply your philosophy to them?

Default-user-icon Zorro (ضيف) 18:43 ,2015 شباط 01

When it comes to occupation there is no innocent occupiers. All are targeted. Shiite HA's sillyness and crimes in Syria against Syrians should prevent those people (Shia) from touring (!!) in a country theirs occupy and destroy. Or else they shall be considered as occupying forces and treated as such.

Thumb cityboy 18:55 ,2015 شباط 01

ever thought of asking what was a saudi national in syria on a suicide bombing adventure. What's the matter, no targets in the land of freedom to hit, saudi arabia. Also why didnt he think about going to israel, oh wait, they probably supplied him with the bomb.

Thumb liberty 19:24 ,2015 شباط 01

oh wait where is mowaten?!

Thumb cityboy 21:25 ,2015 شباط 01

oh wow, you are so smart endlesstexas, that's it, I didnt know saudi arabia had a terror list. That is so formal of them. But a question for you mr smart one, shouldnt that be all the more reason for these saudi freaks to bomb targets inside saudi arabia instead of say sryia, iraq or lebanon

Thumb EagleDawn 19:29 ,2015 شباط 01

"that's because he anticipated ...."
But the incredible credible flamethrower said not long ago:

i dont claim to know what's in the heart of people, texasusa. this is a gift that unlike you, i do not have."

Thumb nickjames 19:30 ,2015 شباط 01

"The majority of the travelers hail from southern Lebanon, it added."

Such hilarious reporting. So if they're Lebanese Shiites, and they hail from southern Lebanon, how do we not know they're Hezbollah terrorists? Just like how the Sunni women and children in Halab are all takfiri and subjected to barrel bombs...

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 20:15 ,2015 شباط 01

half of the bus were Moqdads and of course they are known to be religious.

Missing canadianadam 00:09 ,2015 شباط 02

Wernt the Meqdads forming their own armed militia and kidnapping not that long ago?!

Now they re pilgrims???

Thumb EagleDawn 19:41 ,2015 شباط 01

must be trick.portugal !

Thumb ex-fpm 19:43 ,2015 شباط 01

rofl rofl rofl @eagle!!!!!

Thumb marcus 19:55 ,2015 شباط 01

I read your comments and wanted to ask you if you were from planet earth?:) Seriously man!

Thumb nickjames 21:47 ,2015 شباط 01

If Big Qawmi lived in the Middle East, he would be praising the Zionist Arab oil kings, he'd blindly defend them the same way the Shia defend Hezbollah lol.

Thumb popeye 19:58 ,2015 شباط 01

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, ...flamethrower-- , but alas!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:08 ,2015 شباط 01

Rip... but seriously who is the idiot who would travel into a war zone knowing full well he is despised by large sectors of the population!!! The organizers should be sued! The government should perform its duties and prevent travel to Syria.

Thumb ParvizAmir 20:21 ,2015 شباط 01

The Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemns this barbaric act of terrorism against innocent Shia pilgrims performing their religious duties. The Islamic Republic stands by the resistance in Lebanon and stands ready to offer any help whatsoever to the brothers and sisters who were injured. The Republic considers those that perished today as martyrs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and will grant them Iranian citizenship to honor them.

Thumb nickjames 21:47 ,2015 شباط 01

The Islamic Republic of Iran can be extracted from Earth and placed on Mars.

Thumb Machia 20:54 ,2015 شباط 01

Who is this Veritas1? Is it a Mossad or Shabak operation? They used to send text messages to Lebanese mobiles and now they use forums like this one.
Naharnet please block this profile.

Thumb Machia 20:58 ,2015 شباط 01

Basically what you are saying bigjohn is that Israel and Oil were a curse to our region.
Well you are correct but we have to get over it, move on and try to build societies that actually work and economies that actually produce and stop wallowing in the past.

Thumb cityboy 21:33 ,2015 شباط 01

american economy is based on making weapons, very little else is produced, the rest of the economy is based on endless borrowing. Real value of property and peoples wealth can easily tumble like a stack of cards. if the zionist were to pull the rug underneath western economies, you will find there is not much there to support the economies.

Thumb barrymore 21:57 ,2015 شباط 01

you should educate yourself before making a statement such as "american economy is based on making weapons, very little else is produced". I am not going to do your homework for you. Oil Production, heavy manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, high tech, car industries; food industries; agricultural manufacturing; civil aviation, etc etc.

Thumb liberty 05:20 ,2015 شباط 02


@cityboy aka @_mowaten_ does not need to educate himself. He is paid to distort and lie and make himself look stupid.

Thumb Machia 20:59 ,2015 شباط 01

Basically what you are saying bigjohn is that Israel and Oil were a curse to our region.
Well you are correct but we have to get over it, move on and try to build societies that actually work and economies that actually produce and stop wallowing in the past.

Thumb Binar 21:13 ,2015 شباط 01

Who in their right mind go on periglimage in a war torn country?.The inevitable hapenned.

Default-user-icon truly for sure. (ضيف) 21:45 ,2015 شباط 01

Sure, pilgrims just like the guy that hezballah exchanged for two nusra captives was an engineer. Anyone who believes this crap call me I got some premium swampland in an earthquake corridor for sale prime location for a highrise first come first served but act fast, limited quantity available. Also available a nice metal tower with a panoramic view and a restaurant located in central Paris for sale by "owner", myself.

Thumb Elemental 22:22 ,2015 شباط 01

Got your ego boost I see today.

Thumb Elemental 22:30 ,2015 شباط 01

Ok let's see: WHY would regular "civilians" from the south enter a warzone?

Thumb cityboy 23:29 ,2015 شباط 01

min-canada, can you give your stupidity a rest.

Thumb megahabib 01:26 ,2015 شباط 02

^And there we have the gloating, just as I predicted.

Thumb _mowaten_ 03:23 ,2015 شباط 02

yea, just as realistic as calling lebanese people "houthis". you're not realistic, you're just lowlife sectarian hater who can't see farther than his hatred

Thumb _mowaten_ 01:30 ,2015 شباط 02

nobody distributed sweets anonyme, you're deliberately lying and making up stories once more to serve your hate agenda.

this is how dahiyeh reacted to the tripoli bombings, quite different from your lies & propaganda.

Thumb _mowaten_ 01:33 ,2015 شباط 02

what a lowlife you make arabdemocrat, calling the victims "idiots" for travelling to syria.
i take it you also believe the foreign journalists who got beheaded by isis had only themselves to blame?

Thumb _mowaten_ 01:38 ,2015 شباط 02

the mosque bombing in tripoli was done by the same people who did all the other bombings. it was just a way for them to cause anger and facilitate recruitment.
if you think these people care about the lives of anyone, think again.

Thumb _mowaten_ 01:42 ,2015 شباط 02

how is that related? unless like geha you believe in killing innocent civilians to hurt your enemies?

Thumb Elemental 03:39 ,2015 شباط 02

Have you looked in the mirror?

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:52 ,2015 شباط 02

are you trying to say something headbanger?

Thumb _mowaten_ 03:13 ,2015 شباط 02

This terror attack has nothing to do with the war, it could have happened just the same in beirut or tripoli or anywhere in lebanon, as it happened dozens of times in the last year. How about you stick to denouncing the terrorists instead of trying to twist this in a way to blame the victims?

Thumb _mowaten_ 03:15 ,2015 شباط 02

See how you completely dodged the fact I gave you that shows you were wrong and lying? A decent person would have admitted being wrong, but you childishly jump to divert to some other rubbish. That is why i always call you a waste of time.

Thumb _mowaten_ 03:18 ,2015 شباط 02

The warrants are based on suspicions, they are not a verdict. Furthermore the suspicions against eid were based on a testimony by his driver extracted under torture.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 03:18 ,2015 شباط 02

Mowaten - What would you call someone traveling into a war zone. As for journalists, this is their job and part of the risk. The problem is that a simpleton like you cannot distinguish between the two. As for a lowlife, you support a genocidal killer !!!! I suspect that makes you even worse than a lowlife.

Thumb _mowaten_ 03:19 ,2015 شباط 02

by the way, you sound like an idiot using the word "taqqiah" in the wrong context.

Thumb _mowaten_ 03:21 ,2015 شباط 02

and nice how you ignore the confessions from the tunisian rebel, made freely on a tunisian TV show (which are usualy anti-assad and would not have coerced him to say what he said)

Thumb _mowaten_ 03:28 ,2015 شباط 02

many areas in damascus are safe, millions of people live there. these people did not get killed in -battle- they got killed by a terror attack that could have happened just the same in lebanon (again, as it did so many times these last years).
as for genocidal maniac, that's empty rhetoric and anti-bashar propaganda. the genocidal maniacs are the likes of nusra, isis, and the hundreds of other groups, united in their hatred of everyone but themselves. bashar is fighting these animals and we're all lucky that he does. doesnt take divination skills to figure out what the area would look like if he had fallen.

Thumb freedomarch 04:27 ,2015 شباط 02

RIP. Nothing is worth to die for. May God give them what they deserve, hopefully Heaven. Wished they new better how dangerous Syria had become. Please no time for sectarian words here.

Thumb freedomarch 14:28 ,2015 شباط 02

Just in case I was not clear, I condem beyond question attacks on civilians let alone Religious and sectarian reasons. No matter what it is beyond believe to see a human being accepting these acts. If you want this to happen to you then keep cheering.

God help their families.

Thumb liberty 05:14 ,2015 شباط 02

we are watching the Super Bowl here but what are you doing at 4 in the morning posting?! What a troll

Thumb liberty 05:18 ,2015 شباط 02

"The warrants are based on suspicions, they are not a verdict. "
Then that applies to all warrants issued by the Lebanese authorities coz you cannot simply pick and choose. I am sure you can prove Eid's drivers were tortured and the CCTV that caught them on tape were fabricated. Did they have to wake you up to post their propaganda at 4 in the morning?

Missing maroun 09:34 ,2015 شباط 02

interesting observation from the article.
State news agency SANA said officials had found and defused a second bomb that had been placed inside the bus before it detonated.

who got to the bus and where? to place the device .

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:46 ,2015 شباط 02

i dont care what you were doing "liberty"

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:47 ,2015 شباط 02

dude, seriously take some pills, your paranoiac delusions are getting out of control.