امير النصرة في القلمون: انفجار وسط دمشق رسالة واضحة لمن يتعدى على المسلمين

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اعتبر امير "جبهة النصرة" في القلمون أبو مالك الشامي ان انفجار وسط دمشق هو "رسالة واضحة لكل من يتعدى على المسلمين".

ونشر الشامي على صفحته على موقع فايسبوك، الثلاثاء، كلمةً قال فيها: "إن ما قام به الأخ أبو العز الأنصاري في وسط دمشق هو رسالة واضحة لكل من سولت له نفسه أن يتعدى على حرمات المسلمين من أهل السنة".

ووقع انفجار ظهر الاحد في حافلة لبنانية "تقل زوار شيعيين" في وسط دمشق، ما ادى الى مقتل 7 اشخاص واصابة 20 آخرين بجروح، كما تم تفكيك عبوة ثانية تبلغ زنتها 5 كلغ من المتفجرات.

واعتبر أن "حزب الله كان له الدور الأكبر في مناصرة النظام النصيري المجرم في استباحته لدماء وأعراض أهل السنة في الشام، فكان لا بد من أن يكون الرد قاسياً".

وأبدى الشامي استغرابه "من الذين يكيلون بمكيالين، عندما يصفون هذا العمل بالإرهاب".

واضاف: " هؤلاء يغضون الطرف عن إجرام حزب الله الايراني ضد أهل السنة في الشام، بل إنهم يساندونهم بالتضييق على الذين هُجرّوا من ديارهم في الداخل اللبناني وخارجه".

يشار الى ان حزب الله يشارك في الحرب الدائرة في سوريا منذ آذار 2011، الى جانب قوات النظام، ضد الجماعات الارهابية ومن بينها "النصرة" و"داعش".


التعليقات 17
Thumb joebustani 09:49 ,2015 شباط 03

bless anyone person, entity, brigade, organization or country that inflicts extreme pain, suffering, death or destruction upon the terrorist sectarian iranian militia and its supporters wherever they maybe

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:00 ,2015 شباط 03

the message was indeed crystal clear, it read as follows:
"We are worthless cavemen and cowards who can't help killing civilians because we wet our pants when faced with real soldiers. Please come and put us out of our misery and end this disgrace to humanity"

Default-user-icon nice turban! (ضيف) 11:34 ,2015 شباط 03

Worthless cavemen, worthless sewermen mere semantics, otherwise same speech same stone age i jihadi deology, hell they even begin their speeches the exact same way, in the name of god the merciful... two sides of the same coin, brothers from another mother.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:49 ,2015 شباط 03

Only seems the same to total ignorants or lying hypocrites with an agenda.

Two "soldiers" in two different armies do not serve the same causes because they are both called "soldiers", same goes for "jihadis", which is only another word for fighter.

As for the way they begin their speeches, would it also be the same speech if they both started with "hello"? What special kind of retard are you to make comparisons based on the greetings they use instead of the content of their speeches, and more importantly, actions?

Thumb barrymore 16:38 ,2015 شباط 03

all the dead were wrapped in HA flags and not Lebanese flags!!! What does that tell you?

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:17 ,2015 شباط 03

It tells me that when you attack and massacre people they gather around those they see as the best suited to defend them.

Thumb EagleDawn 18:39 ,2015 شباط 03

the people were dead and did not choose, the party of terror chose to claim them as martyrs and drape them with their yellow flags because they were not civilians as you claim but terrorists criminals who got what they deserved.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:44 ,2015 شباط 03

The people as a whole has chosen eaglyawn, all those under attack by you and your friends, whether israelis or takfiris, have gathered around the resistance.
I know this enrages you, your bosses thought blackmail and murder would make them distance themselves from hezbollah, but got the opposite reaction. Instead of weakening hezbollah it grows stronger with each attack.

Missing humble 10:08 ,2015 شباط 03

Ebola, Nusra, ISIS same evilness.

Default-user-icon was not now (ضيف) 10:59 ,2015 شباط 03

Nusra don't need to accuse the alleged pilgrims of being hezb fighters, the hezb flag draped coffins at all but two funerals of the bus bomb victims confirm that fact. One note, hezb fighters call each others hajj, akin to the communists calling each others comrade, hajj translates to pilgrim.

Default-user-icon alias (ضيف) 11:51 ,2015 شباط 03

Aka loopy!

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:50 ,2015 شباط 03

Yes Nusra are massing up in the Golan because they are preparing the liberation of Palestine, right after their slaughter some more Arabs of course.

Default-user-icon bonjour (ضيف) 13:59 ,2015 شباط 03

Are you ladies together, a couple? You always come and go together.

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:43 ,2015 شباط 03

typical cockroaches of this site, when they have nothing to say they just spam. can't believe naharnet moderator still approves these kind of posts.

Default-user-icon bonjourein (ضيف) 14:56 ,2015 شباط 03

there you girls are again, well timed about twenty to minutes apart up and down the site cockroach would be an evolution for your species mo

Thumb -phoenix1 15:51 ,2015 شباط 03

Emir, what a joke. I hope the day will come soon when we shall see such emirs hanging from our poles.

Missing peace 19:10 ,2015 شباط 03

funny how hezbi lovers are never so active like they are here when assad kills dozens more innocent civilians in syria by bombing them and leaving them no chances....never do they talk about assad's massacres... poor things they are.