توغل سوري في عرسال و"اعتداء" على منازل لمواطنين من آل "الجباوي"

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دخلت مجنزرتين سوريتين من نوع "btr" ترافقهما سيارة من نوع بيك أب تحمل أفرادا من الجيش السوري عبرت أمس الثلثاء الجبهة الشرقية للحدود وتوغلت في الرابعة عصرا ( استنادا الى شاهد عيان من البلدة يدعى ح.س.) نحو محلة "أم الجماعة" في منطقة "خربة داود" التابعة عارقيا لبلدة عرسال اللبنانية في البقاع الشمالي والتي تبعد 10 كيلومترات عن محلة نبع "عين عرب" السورية الحدودية.

وأفادت صحيفة "النهار" أن المنجزرتين اعتديتا على منازل يملكها المواطنان الشقيقان زهري وعبد العزيز الجباوي من بلدة عرسال"، موضحة "إذ أطلق الجنود عيارات نارية عشوائية من أسلحة رشاشة قبل أن ينسحبوا عائدين الى الموقع الذي أتوا منه."

وقالت الصحيفة: " باب المنزل المؤلف من ثلاث غرف تعرض للخلع بواسطة عيارات نارية استقر بعضها في الجدران وفي تلفاز، اضافة الى العبث بمحتوياته. وتم اقتحام باحة مجاورة تستخدم حظيرة للماشية صيفا واحياناً لتجميع بطاريات مستعملة لاحراقها من أجل استخراج مادة القصدير".

وأكد زهري فقدان بعض المحتويات، منها جهاز "ستلايت" ومولدان للطاقة الكهربائية وشراقتان لسحب الزيت من الخزانات، ملقيا مسؤولية ما حدث ودائما بحسب "النهار" على مواطنين سوريين من بلدة قارة السورية على خلفية خلاف على ملكية الارض بينهم وبين الجباوي.

كذلك اقتحم أفراد الجيش السوري منزل شقيقه المجاور على مسافة 100 متر واكتفوا بخلع ابوابه. على ما أشارت إليه الصحيفة عينها.

كما كشفت "النهار" أن دورية أمنية أولى برئاسة رئيس مخفر البلدة المعاون ماجد عون يرافقه المختار محمد علولي وصلت لتفقد المكان.

وكانت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام قد أفادت أن "دبابات سورية دخلت الى المنطقة الفاصلة بين الحدود اللبنانية - السورية في منطقة عرسال في البقاع وأطلقت النار باتجاه معمل مهجور لصناعة البطاريات ظنا منها أن بداخله مسلحين".

وشهد عدد من القرى الواقعة على الحدود مع سوريا، وتحديداَ منطقة عكار، إطلاق نار كثيف من الداخل السوري في 24 أيلول الماضي.

وكانت قد تعرضت قوة من المشاة في الجيش اللبناني قرب الحدود اللبنانية – السورية الى الجهة الشمالية الشرقية أيلول الماضي إلى رشقات نارية من العناصر السورية.

التعليقات 14
Thumb shab 09:41 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

WTF ? Who will help us against the Syrians? Iran? Israel ? The filthy non-islamic militia?

Thumb geha 09:52 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

this is going beyong what is acceptable, and our government can be called only as a government of traitors for failing even to talk about this.
this is truly unacceptable!

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 10:59 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

Where are the coward resistance, who claims victory against invadors, where they are hiding and not commenting on this volation to Lebanese sovernty. Hezboshaitan is nothing but a resistance againt the Lebanese people only not against invadors like the Syrians.

Default-user-icon Pong Lenis (ضيف) 12:58 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

Our ennemy is Israel.

If Syrians invade some villages and make small destructions it is not a big deal.
They are providing weapons to the Resistance; they are our allies.
In the past they used to destroy Lebanon beside the Resistance; evenmore they are our allies.

Default-user-icon eli (ضيف) 14:50 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

If the Lebanese were united and patriotic,and i mean all of the Lebanese,Syria would not dare enter one Fu..... inch into lebanon, in small L.None of you know the meaning of patriotism. Brothers aginst brothers following tribal lords, hiding behind relegions.Sick tribal mentality.Lebanon is doomed with shaab like us.Little heaven on earth will never rise.How could you not feel so outraged when Syria step one millimeter into Lebanon.Last time it did some of you said the syrians soldiers were lost because the borders were not marked. Do you believe now that the Syrians know what they are doing. Do you believe that they can do this because we are DEVIDED.

Thumb thepatriot 15:26 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05


syria can do this because our dear government does not object to it. we will always be divided, all the Lebanese people don't have the same agenda. Some want clear frontiers with our neighbouring countries, peace, no weapon, and economical prosperity, others want to free palestine and be an Iranian/syrian pressure tool for they have no other means to exist. I am affraid that this will not change...

Thumb jabalamel 15:42 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

the filthy zionist information war department tries to use insignificant incursions in lebanon, (that were probably made with the knowing and consent of our army), to equal syrian actions with their evil deeds.

Thumb geha 15:55 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

in a way your comments are correct, but to unite you need at least some common groun!
for hizbushaitan and his followers, who have a primary agenda of controlling Lebanon for their masters the iranians, anything is fair: murdering of the best of us, having military zones everywhere in Lebanon from its south to its north including in ouyoun el simane and jbeil, ...
for us patriotic Lebanese, this is beyond of the acceptable, as we need a country not depending on others, a stable country where we can find jobs, and where all its citizens are under the same law...

Thumb geha 16:11 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

all the masks are unveilled:
- hizbushaitan is not a resistance, it is a tools for the syro/iranian goons
- our president and its government are traitors for being silent against these acts.
- Aoun and other hizbushaitan followers are traitors.
they should be judged for high traison.

Default-user-icon Banana Republic (ضيف) 16:13 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

@mowaten So from what I understand you guys are a resistance that only defends Lebanon from Israel, and fails at doing so in any shape or form (i.e. the divine loss in 2006). From your comments, it is also safe to assume that you would totally be fine with the idea of being invaded by Syria.

You see what you do not realize, is that when we were armed with words ONLY it took us 2 months and 13 days to kick the Syrian army out.

Also what you do not realize is that Mahmoud Abbas' U.N. bid did far more harm to Israel than any of your or Hamas' less-accurate-than-angry-birds missiles.

This is what your resistance is about: resistance to development, resistance to prosperity, resistance to unity, resistance to security, and resistance to community living.

Signed by the "zionist information war department" (whatever that means you iranian propagandist revolutionary guard)

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 17:29 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

Eli...where were you and other M14 losers when Israel was occupying Lebanon? You were busy helping the Israeli enemy and killing follow Lebanese and anyone who is not an Israeli. As a leftist, I am also opposed to the Syrian and Iranian Regimes, but you are the lowest of the low (I understand some of the comments are made by filthy Zionists to stir more divisions in Lebanon, but I believe some are Lebanese who have not learned any lessons)

Thumb geha 20:22 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

the lessons we have learned are as follows:
- hizbushaitan is responsible for the 2006 war and the destruction
- hizbushaitan is responsible for killing our leader
- hizbushaitan is holding us Lebanese hostages
- hizbushaitan is creating a sectarian rift among the Lebanese through their invasion of Beirut and their continuous threats, as well as their israeli tactic to purchase land from others to consider those areas as resistance controlled areas.
- ....
is it enough for you to learn your lesson?

Default-user-icon Banana Republic (ضيف) 20:56 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

Actually ya John from Koura when the Israelis were in the South we were feeding and sheltering "mowaten, jabalamel, lephenicien" and their cousins. Something you took for granted.

Next time the Israelis invade you, we are not going to open our doors for you, let the heroes you keep on voting for figure it out for you.

Missing peace 21:37 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

@john from koura, try to be honest in what you declare... you know what you are saying is untrue but you say just for the sake of your propaganda...

@ Banana republic what you said is 100% correct!! ! hezbollah is not a resistance, it is just a resistance to the establishement of a prosper and democratic country....
which is NOT in their interest otherwise that would mean to DISARM...
so they prefer to keep lebanaon as a middle age state just for their interests.. they are so happy that israel exists because they live from it!!!
this "resistance" is nothing but a mafia supported by blinded people...

(just like the nazi regime or any other totalitarian regime... see and you ll discover they are using the SAME techniques of propaganda and brainwashing if you take time to really analyze it...)