علي حسن خليل يكشف أن الجنديين اللذين خطفهما حزب الله قتلا بالقصف والجيش الإسرائيلي ينفي
Read this story in Englishنقل وزير الصحة ومستشار رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري على حسن خليل عن مسؤول في حزب الله أن الجنديين الاسرائيليين اللذين خطفهما الحزب في تموز 2006 ، قتلا خلال قصف جوي اسرائيلي على لبنان، الشيء الذي نفاه الجيش الإسرائيلي نفيا قاطعا واصفا إياه بـ"الإدعاء الكاذب".
ونقلت الإذاعة الإسرائيلية عن الناطق بلسان جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي يوءاف موردخاي قوله ان ما نشر هو" ادعاء كاذب يندرج في اطار الحرب النفسية".
وأكد الناطق ان "منظمة حزب الله هي التي قامت باختطاف الجنديين ولذلك فان هي المسؤولة عن النتيجة المأسوية المتمثلة في مقتلهما".
وجاء ذلك في وثيقة نشرتها صحيفة السفير الاربعاء ضمن رواية على حلقات على لسان الوزير علي حسن خليل حول مجريات حرب صيف 2006.
وكشف علي حسن خليل أن المعاون السياسي للامين العام لحزب الله حسن نصرالله، أبلغ رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري في الثالث من آب 2006، أن "هناك موضوع آخر لا يعرفه إلا عدد محدود جداً من الاخوة المعنيين مباشرة ولن يعرفه أحد لاحقاً سوانا، لقد أدى القصف الاسرائيلي خلال الايام الماضية الى مقتل الأسيرين الإسرائيليين جراء غارة على أحد الاماكن".
ونقل مسؤول حزب الله حسين الخليل قوله لبري ومعاونيه: " لقد كان الاخوة ( عناصر حزب الله) حذرين جداً ومتنبهين لكي لا يحصل هذا، لكن توسيع عمليات القصف واستخدام صواريخ كبيرة وعدم تحييد أي مكان أدى الى هذا الامر".
وتابع "انها المفارقة... اسرائيل تقتل أسيريها التي أعلنت الحرب لاجلهما".
وأشار الخاج خليل حسب ما نقل مستشار بري الى أن " الشباب عملوا بكل طاقاتهم تحت الخطر من أجل أن يحافظوا على الجثتين وينقلوهما، إنها المفارقة.. إسرائيل تقتل أسيريها التي أعلنت الحرب لأجلهما، من جهتنا كمقاومة، سنكمل معركة التفاوض وكأن شيئاً لم يحصل".
وخطف حزب الله في 12 تموز جنديين اسرائيليين على الحدود اللبنانية الاسرائيلية.
وتلى ذلك هجوم واسع للجيش الاسرائيلي تحول الى حرب مدمرة تسببت بمقتل اكثر من 1200 شخص في الجانب اللبناني معظمهم من المدنيين، و160 شخصا في الجانب الاسرائيليين معظمهم من الجنود.
ولم يدل حزب الله طيلة أيام الحرب والسنتين اللتين تلتا بأي معلومات حول الجنديين.
وفي 16 تموز 2008، حصل تبادل أسرى ورفات بين الحزب واسرائيل ،تسلمت خلاله الدولة العبرية جثتي الجنديين مقابل تسليمها خمسة لبنانيين كانوا معتقلين لديها ورفات 199 مقاتلا فلسطينيا ولبنانيا.
Your filthy non-islamic militia have brought sufferings to Lebanon and your days are numbered.
down with hezbollah, down with aoun, down with zionist, down with assad, down with ahmedinejad, down with obama, down with netanyahu, down with all corrupt politicians in lebanon
whatta big secret wow... losers with no commendable agenda for Lebanon's future... they are the last of the political dinosaurs of Lebanon they will be extinct soon
There is something wrong here, go to the media archives and you will see that Nasrallah himself admits that while trying to kidnap the soldiers caused their death.. to put it in his own words he said in lebanese slang " KENU 2EDEIN EL SHABEB MEL7A 3ALA LIJNOOD" ..
What is this guy trying to say through his precious memoirs? Is he trying to clear Hizballah's name .. Till when such politicians will continue to lie and underestimate our intelligence.. Plus who is AMAL ? please define what does this party do except being scared from Hizaballah .. what is their Agenda why they continue to justify their existence... Why doesnt Amal merge under Hizballah 's command so we can have one less useless political party out of many useless parties that we have in Lebanon.
guys, this arguement should not be posted on this page because the subject here is the Lebanese - Esraeli war.. so no conflict should be there..
if you want to discuss the other issues that you are mentioning make it on a less critical page where speaking about it doesn't make you Esraeli defenders.
Down with Israel AND Down with Hizbollah...we don't need either of them in Lebanon, we have an army that they can join if they want to defend Lebanon.
Nobody is defending the israelis.
But since they are giving up secrets, a Hezb operative that I know told me at the time that the hezb suffered the lost of over 700 men...well...that's just small talk since hezb is not the greatest communicator regarding its failures...
I'm just curious...
Was 2006 episode necessary to destroy Lebanon and free a Children criminal in exchange for 2 Israeli bodies....
We talk resistance.
I say resist them by competing with them in technology...in education and in Public relation....then you can beat them....
What is the Resistance doing.....destroying Lebanon....
meantime look at them and what they accomplish...
""Israel's Daniel Shechtman wins 2011 Nobel Prize in chemistry""
What did we accomplish......nothing
the filthy zionist information war department is spreading lies while on the other hand hiding it's real number of casualties.
700 ? hahahahahahaha.---yeah you counting children below the age of 6 there also?
while we know how zionists reduce the number of their death with factor 5 to 10.
yes geha all masks are unveiled.
you are from zionist information war department and you laid your plan for lebanon.
Geha. And Elias murr providing maps to the u.s. Embassy, for where Israel should bomb next time is not treason? When mustaqbul party and their rulers, the Saudi government, where blaming a Lebanese side as being responsible for the Israeli bombardment and destruction of a whole nation in retaliation for the kidnapping of 2 Israelis soldiers. When over 1000 civilians were killed in less than a month by Israel, were they calling for sanctions against Israel?Less than 2500 people have been killed in Syria over the past 6 months, with over 1000 dead being police and soldiers.But the u.s. wants sanctions? When 1600 gazain civilians were killed in 2008, with in 30 days.Were the concerned American, French and british calling for sanctions against Israel?
Don't we see a problem with hyprocracy here?The son of the mufti in Syria was killed. Why?Because he is close to Assad?We need to decide whether we are on the side of peace or anarchy?History will tell & hizb ut tahir will decide our fate!
no hypocrisy here.
plainly hizbushaitan and his followers are the real traitors to this country. yes in 2006, Lebanon was destroyed and hizbushaitan leader said later "if we knew then they would retaliate this way..."
there actions caused this retaliation, so they are responsible for all the destruction.
furthermore, all patriot Lebanese do not accept these thugs to take us Lebanese as hostages anymore, and yes if we have to deal with whoever to help us get rid of these thugs, then why not? they are allied to the syro/iranians, and we do not forget what these two have done to Lebanon and still doing.
we do not forget all the assasinations they did and continue doing.
so please take your friends and leave us in peace.
ado do not compare what is not comparable please,
the killing and systematic murder of your own people (syrian regime vs the people of syria) can not be compared to a war between nations...!
if you support the syrian regime it simply means you support murder as a rule of state and that is to vomit....
is that what you wish for lebanon? you deny a people to decide what kind of regime they want?
no wonder you are with the hizb who decides for you... go and live in syria then if that regime makes you dream!
lebanon must be freed from an illegal party who stays above all the laws of lebanon thanks to their uncontrolled weaponry!
unless you do not believe in the laws and constitution of a state.... which seems to be the case: the law of the jungle is that it?
No one believes a M8 mouth anymore. The Hezz killed them and came up with the Israel story. Who ares if a Hezz or Israeli speaks or gets killed.
They are in business together. The Hezz bankrupt Lebanon, and Lebanon borrows from Zionist controlled banks.
@mowaten.. here you go this is one video archive from LBC.. I couldnt find the one Nassralh was commenting on the operation. if you dont want to watch it all listen to it from 7:30 onwards