الأسد لأوغلو: سأطلب مساعدة حزب الله إذا ما تعرضت سوريا لهجوم

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أعلن الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد متوجها الى وزير الخارجية التركي أحمد داوود أوغلو أنه لا يحتاج لأكثر من ست ساعات حتى يشعل الشرق الأوسط ويسقط الأنظمة القائمة فيها. لافتا في الوقت عينه الى أنه سيطلب من حزب الله إطلاق صواريخه اتجاه اسرائيل إذا تعرضت سريا لهجوم.

ونقلت وكالة "فارس" الايرانية للأنباء عن مصدر عربي مطلع إشارته الى أن الرئيس السوري قال لأوغلو في أثناء زيارة قام بها الى دمشق إنه "لا يحتاج لأكثر من ست ساعات حتى يشعل الشرق الأوسط ويسقط الأنظمة القائمة فيها إذا ما أطلق أحد أي صاروخ على سوريا".

وشدد على أنه "بعد ست ساعات من سقوط أول صاروخ على دمشق سيحترق الشرق الاوسط وستسقط الانظمة"، معتبرا أنه "لهذا السبب تتردد الدول الغربية من القيام بحملة ضد سوريا كما فعلت في ليبيا".

وأشارت وكالة "فارس" الى أن "أوغلو نقل للأسد رسالة بأنه سيواجه حرباً على الطريقة الليبية إذا إستمر بقمع شعبه"، وهذا الأمر أجاب عليه الأسد بعصبية وغضب صدمت أوغلو.

وسأل أوغلو الأسد فيما اذا يرغب في نقل رسالته التهديدية الى أنقرة، فأجابه الاسد قائلا "اذا أحد ما تصرف بجنون وهاجم سوريا لن احتاج لاكثر من ست ساعات لتحريك مئات الصواريخ باتجاه هضبة الجولان وأطلاقها نحو تل أبيب".

وأضاف الأسد بحسب الوكالة عينها: "سأطلب من حزب الله اطلاق صواريخه باتجاه اسرائيل، وستكون بكميات لم تتوقعها أجهزة المخابرات وكل هذا سيحدث خلال الساعات الثلاثة الاولى. أما في الساعات الثلاثة التالية ستهاجم ايران السفن الحربية الاميركية في الخليج".

التعليقات 43
Thumb thepatriot 10:09 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

The dog that barks does not bite.

Assad shows more signs of weakness and despair everyday...

As for hezbollah, what's the deal here? Do they accept to be remotecontroled by Assad? I want to hear from them on this one...

Thumb thepatriot 10:11 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

PS: Why should hezbollah launch rockets on Israel? Can't he do it himself?? Or are we supposed to take the hit back while assad is sipping Pinia Colladas??

Thumb canaanite 10:13 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

Should Hezbollah drag us into another war, we might just take this chance to attack them from the north to disarm them...

Thumb canaanite 10:16 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

Proof Hezbollah remain bootlickers of these criminal overlords and Persian rugmakers...

We dare them to do as threatened....

Thumb Chupachups 10:23 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

if this time hezbollah does cause a war, it should be the mother of all wars, where we CLEAN lebanon from alllllllllllllllll its filth, and it shouldnt stop until it is CLEAN AGAIN

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 10:54 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

Crack down on Syrian people and invading Lebanese land at the same time, while the coward resistance of Hezboshaitan remain silent. Punch of war criminals and terrorists against their own people only. They will last few hours against any foreign forces.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 11:20 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

I wish What this criminal is saying turns out to be true! They'll soon be searchin He and Ahmedinajad, for binladen on the bottom of the sea!

Default-user-icon hanna (ضيف) 12:11 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

you think iran scares nato...lol, god some people are smoking some good stuff

Default-user-icon fadi (ضيف) 12:39 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

how can you call yourself the patriot? lol. you've probably mispelled ur nickname, should have been a parrot who just mumbles and talks trash with no common sense. as for you canaanite, you want to attack from the north? hahahahaha.....i'm sure you would sitting underground crying with fear when you hear these rockets launched. anyway, yes Assad did threaten and yes Assad can do it. I wish it happens so that you can all be quiet once and for all. nothing works with you guys but a strong fist. nu'ff said.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 13:07 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

if he really said that, it would be his kiss of death, his regime of old times(b4 march 2011) is finished,he is surviving day by day at the cost of 40/50 lives everyday.

Default-user-icon True Leb (ضيف) 13:33 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

Bring it on, BABY!
your talking in a corner..

Default-user-icon freeman (ضيف) 13:47 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

that idiot is giving the ok to israel . israel now is not going to sit they will attack lebanon. he is in cahoot with the jews . they will attack lebanon so he can keep killing his people while the world watches lebanon being bombed. Israel now has a reason to attack. its a bad sign. there we go again. if he wanted to fire rockets on tel aviv he whould have done it long time ago. he would not pull all his army from the border to move them inside syria. The jews and bashar are working together. they do not want the sunnis to take over syria. it looks like the zero hour has started.

Missing youssefhaddad 13:58 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

Should we subject lebanon again to the hell of war for the sake of a despot? This is why it is not acceptable to have weapons in the hands of a militia who has allegiances and obligations to Iran and Syria.
The lebanese people, especially the Shias should stop Hezbollah members from doing anything this foolish.

Default-user-icon ALI (ضيف) 14:18 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

ألأسد بيبقى اسد يا دكتور بشار عشت وعاشت سوريا ألأسد
والخزي والعار للمرتزقة الذين يريدون اضعافك

Default-user-icon Rami (ضيف) 14:30 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

What a great strategist and forward planner! This is the type of idiots we need to run countries. He can't even break a powerless revolt with tanks, and now he wants to fight the whole world! its probably the other way around, Israel and NATO doesn't need more than an hour to get rid of losers like him. As to the Hezb, as fast as he's gone, they will be with him.

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 14:31 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

So what will change the Syrian and Iranuian Regimes have been doing what this criminal ASSad was saying since day, they have been doing it under all sorts of Guises at least now the criminal has come out in the open and admitted to the exitence of such terror "infrastructure" controlled by his regime and the Iranian filthy regime. Nothing has changed and I bet ASSad is thinking he would scare everyone, well I got news for you the Threashold of Pain has just been elevated from the freeworld and the peoples of the region's side, while your side will be wiped off the map. TERROR WILL NOT STAND!!! Glad to see that the crimnal regime is finally saying out loud what it has been doing in the ME for the past four decades of bloody regin in Syria, I think these words need to be recorded as they will be admissable in court when time comes... The Criminal ASSad Genocidal regime has just driven in the last nail in its coffin.

Missing jabaleh 14:57 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

This guy have no self respect ( Assad) his people wants him to leave and he don't !! what a man!! oops Assad!

Default-user-icon makroot (ضيف) 15:03 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

where is jabal amel...on this one!
they will nuke syria, iran and hezballa at the same time,

Thumb thepatriot 15:05 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

Did Ahmadinejad say that Syria was the door of Teheran...?? I don't know, maybe.
I know that he said "that he treats Lebanon like "an Iranian base on the Mediterranean." ;-)


Default-user-icon george dubeouf (ضيف) 16:01 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

OH.. The world is scared. Here comes Hizballahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. With rockets toooooooooooooo.

Thumb geha 16:03 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

hopefully this scenario will happen, and I promise you guys: it will be the end of hizbushaitan (at least) here in Lebanon :)

Thumb jabalamel 16:05 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05


why do you fall into the trap of discussing things with zionist information war department?

first of all, when there is a "source", screw "source", it's not even worth of commenting.
when you see "source" just say you will not comment on "sources", because we all know who uses "sources" in their nazi style propaganda.

secondly, by engaging is discussion with zionist information war department you give the legitimacy. they do not have that legitimacy no matter how many nicknames they use, how many posts they make, or whatever they claim. it's just a bunch of garbage, good only for exposing how mossad (and other secret service) propaganda works.

Thumb jabalamel 16:09 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

secondly, i have seen some people from the "north" claiming that they will engage on our glorious resistance on the side of filthy zionist militia in the next war.

let's presume that canaanite is not from zionist information war department but he really is lebanese, from anti-lebanese forces or some other idiotic group filled with sectarian hatred.

In that case we have announcement of treason here. This is now the case for authorities and not for discussion.

Thumb thepatriot 16:10 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

My bad! He probabely didn't say either that he viewed south Lebanon as "Iran's border with Israel" did he??

Default-user-icon Rima Hanna (ضيف) 16:28 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

Assad still ignoring Lebanon as a state , Nothing changed his an SOB .

Thumb kato 16:34 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

What a news flash! As if we didn't know the Hizzies are already assisting Syria in slaughtering innocents. Talk about stating the bleeding obvious.

Thumb kato 16:36 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

What a news flash! As if we didn't know the Hizzies are already assisting Syria in slaughtering innocents. Talk about stating the bleeding obvious.

Thumb geha 16:38 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

all the masks are unveilled:
- hizbushaitan is not a resistance, it is a tools for the syro/iranian goons
- our president and its government are traitors for being silent against these acts.
- Aoun and other hizbushaitan followers are traitors.
they should be judged for high traison.

Missing peace 17:38 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

those who praise for a dictatorship seem to never have suffered from it. just a bunch of kids trying to bark loud on a website....

those who wish that lebanon was involved through their terrorist militia seem to hate their country which has suffered enough from syria and atrocities of war!

it seems that the price of lebanese people is nothing to those hateful commentators who see nothing but their little priviliges and want to appear like men even if they have nothing to justify it....

if you assume your words, tell us what good would another war bring to lebanon? you wish to see your mothers fathers or sisters dead that s it?

i pity you poor brainless people...

Thumb canaanite 18:14 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

@jabalamel... If you agree to move all your fighters, troops and supporters to the south and away from ordinary civilians like me and my family, then we have no issue as the war will be diverted away from us.

But instead, you insist on camouflaging yourselves in the cities and amongst us, using civilians as human shields so that Israel does not know where to attack.

Using the rest of Lebanese as human shields is cowardly and we are prepared to defend ourselves against your tactics if you do not move your team directly to the south.

Thumb canaanite 18:20 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05


If you start a war on the orders of a foreign army, the only person liable for treason is yourself...

Thumb canaanite 18:25 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

@jabalamel.. you must understand the risks you play with.

If you want to start a war on behalf of Assad, its not going to be a small war.
The whole region will be engulfed and the honest Lebanese who have been almost begging you to hand in your arms will not take it lightly that you started another war.


Missing peace 18:35 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

i thought that turbanman always said that his "resistance" was to defend lebanon and "free" the land?
how come he work for the sake of a foreign country which is denying its people freedom?
i d like to hear the supporters of this so called resistance tell us how can they support a foreign dictator who has harmed lebanon more than israel did?
how can they morally accept to do the war for a country which has never fired a bullet against israel and always involved lebanon to do the dirty work?thus killing innocent lebanese... it seems that for them lebanese people is worth nothing!
so calling the others traitors, i think you d better think of yourselves before saying that because you share more the definition of a traitor than those you accuse....

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 18:54 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

This is the purest form of unadulterated b.s. from this b.s. merchant. This conduct is like a small child, who responds to discipline by threatening to hold his breath until he turns blue. If Assad sets a fire, the only people who will be burned will be the Syrians, the Iranians and of course the Lebanese due to the involvement of Hezbollah.
Assuming the decrepid military of Syria could move missiles into position on the Golan, and that Hezbollah would participate in its own demise, Israel would leap at the provocation to do severe damage to Assad's Syria and to Hezbollah.
Iran, likewise, which is attempting to become nuclear, by launching attacks on the 5th Fleet would be giving the US an open invitation to end the Iranian nuclear program by military means.
The nonsense of this statement is underscored only by the sheer panic under which the Assad Regime is under and which panic prompted the idle threat.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 19:29 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

so hassoun , assad will ask for ur help? will u attack israel or do another may 7? the sons and daughters of those killed in 7th may are already more than eager to....plse dont repeat the farsi story of adou el sahyuni.....u are not the kind of people who can be forgiven....forgetting? i dont think so..

Default-user-icon the canadian (ضيف) 22:31 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

Iran will attack US warships in the gulf ? In your dreams.

Missing realist 22:36 ,2011 تشرين الأول 05

An idiot is hallucinating (so did sadam and qazafe).

Iran will not committ suicide for Assad's blue eyes nor will HIzb nasralah.

An Iranian attack on the US is simply a suicide attempt as the US would destroy all the iranian military forces in "3 hours".

As for the Hizzie attack on Israel: the lessons of 2006 are still fresh and the "law kuntu a3alm" as well and spare me tha bla bla bla victory, who is gona welcome 1 million southern lebanese in their homes??

dream on Assad.. but dont you worry.. Israel wants you to stay.

Default-user-icon Uswarship (ضيف) 02:21 ,2011 تشرين الأول 06

Read and learn from history, you hit us and we will bury you in the bottom of the ocean or hang you even after 10yrs. Yes assad WAS a zionist but his role is over and the begining of his end has started.

Thumb jabalamel 12:27 ,2011 تشرين الأول 06

the zionist information war department and domestic traitors got their blood pressure 180/100, their pulse 100 and their cholesterol on 12,9.

they couldn't relax until they posted zillions of useless words.

and, finaly, if caananite is from north lebanon and really intend to join the filthy zionist militia in next war my message is: come and try.

all 5 of you.

Default-user-icon JJ (ضيف) 18:23 ,2012 شباط 12

Nato & the US out again to start another of their illegal, dirty wars to profit their elite!! And their people are left in the dark with corporate media disinformation!! Welcome to the beginning of the Orwellian Nightmare Society!!

Default-user-icon Lashonda (ضيف) 22:14 ,2012 أيار 31

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